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The seasonality and catching of smelt in the Pomeranian Bay were analyzed. The growth rate of this species was analyzed based on the readings of the otoliths from 230 fishes caught during the monitoring catches. The average total length and standard length as well as the weight of smelt were respectively 141.76 mm (±25.18), 120.54 mm (±21.73) and 16.41g (±11.25). Between males and females the small, statistically insignificant differences were noted. Due to the linear correlation between R and TL, the back readings were made in the variant of Rosa–Lee. The obtained empirical datas were used to theoretically increase the length by model: von Bertalanffy, Ford–Walford, polynomial of the 2nd degree and modified power function. Among the mathematical models used in the paper, the growth of the fish most suited to back readings turned out to be a modified power function. The relation between the total lengths and the weights of the smelts from the waters of the Pomeranian Bay is described by the equation for the whole material: y = 0.0015x3.4633.
Przeanalizowano sezonowość i współczesne połowy stynki w Zatoce Pomorskiej. Na tym tle, na podstawie odczytów na otolitach 230 stynek złowionych w czasie połowów monitoringowych, przeanalizowano tempo wzrostu tego gatunku. Średnia długość całkowita i długość ciała oraz masa jednostkowa złowionych stynek wyniosła odpowiednio 141,76 mm (±25,18), 120,54 mm (±21,73) oraz 16,41 g (±11,25). Zanotowano niewielkie, nieistotne statystycznie różnice między samcami a samicami. Z uwagi na prostoliniową zależność między promieniem łuski (R) i całkowitą długością ciała (TL) odczyty wsteczne wykonano w wariancie Rosy–Lee. Uzyskane dane empiryczne wykorzystano do obliczenia teoretycznego wzrostu długości stynki z użyciem matematycznych modeli wzrostu: von Bertalanffy’ego, Forda–Walforda, wielomianu 2. stopnia i zmodyfikowanej funkcji potęgowej. Spośród zastosowanych modeli wzrostu ryb najbardziej dopasowanym do odczytów wstecznych okazała się zmodyfikowana funkcja potęgowa. Zależność między długością całkowitą a masą jednostkową stynki z wód Zatoki Pomorskiej opisuje równanie dla całego materiału: y = 0,0015x3,4633.
Etmopterus spinax is a deep-sea shark species that inhabits the northeast Atlantic and the western Mediterranean Sea. Skagerrak and Kattegat are reported to be part of the distribution of the species, but it has never been noted in the southern Baltic. Lacking any commercial value and commonly discarded in trawl and longline fisheries, E. spinax has been poorly studied. We reported on the first record of one specimen of E. spinax caught in the Pomeranian Bay on October 13, 2016 at a depth of 10 m. It was a female measuring 42.7 cm in total length. The morphological examination of the specimen was supported with COI barcode analysis, whereas species assignment to the population of origin was conducted based on a control region (CR) sequence of mtDNA. COI and CR sequence searches against GeneBank confirmed its identity as E. spinax and revealed that the specimen shared identical haplotypes with fish from populations in the Azores, Rockall Trough, and west of Ireland in the northeast Atlantic. The stomach contents, parasitic fauna, and hepatosomatic index of the individual were also examined. Only one L3 larval Anisakis simplex nematode specimen was collected from the stomach lumen of the shark. The specimen could have arrived in the Pomeranian Bay along with an inflow from the North Sea. In December 2014, a strong Major Baltic Inflow brought large amounts of water into the Baltic Sea, followed by some inflows of moderate intensity.
Ryby oraz produkty rybołówstwa to w ujęciu wartościowym ok. 10% ogólnego eksportu produktów rolnych i 1% światowego handlu towarami. Wprowadzenie systemu RASFF umożliwia skuteczną identyfikację i dystrybucję informacji o zagrożeniach ze strony mikroflory, metali ciężkich bądź zafałszowań produktów. Ta ostatnia grupa ma istotne znaczenie dla ukierunkowania monitoringu i systemów kontroli zdrowotności produktów na wszystkich etapach łańcucha żywnościowego. Z danych RASFF wynika, iż liczba wszystkich typów ostrzeżeń zarejestrowanych w systemie w przypadku ryb oraz produktów rybnych rosła do 2011 r. Następnie w latach 2011-2015 ustabilizowała się na poziomie 300 zgłoszeń na rok, co w 2014 r. stanowiło 12% spośród wszystkich zgłoszeń odnotowanych w RASFF. Analiza powiadomień RASFF wskazuje również na dotychczas nieznane zagrożenia, ujawniające nowe kierunki w obrocie produktami rybołówstwa i akwakultury, które stwarzają nieoszacowane dotychczas zagrożenia dla zdrowia człowieka (alergeny, dodatki funkcjonalne, pozostałości leków, chemikalia środowiskowe).
Fish and fishery products account for 10% of total export of agricultural products and 1% of value of the world trade. Introduction of RASFF provides efficient identification and distribution of information on microbiological, heavy metal and product counterfeiting hazards. The last group is highly important for the selection of appropriate monitoring steps and further assessment of food safety risks along the whole food chain. RASFF data demonstrate that the total number of notifications for fish and their products recorded in system reached its peak in 2011 and then dropped a to a level of approximately 300 records in 2013-2015, what accounted for approximately 12% of all RASFF records submitted in 2014. Analysis of RASFF notifications reveals also other so-far unknown hazards, presenting new trends in fishery and aquaculture trade, which induce new hazards for human health (allergens, food additives, drug residues, environmental chemicals).
Mimo nierównomiernego rozwoju krajów kontynentu produkty rybołówstwa i akwakultury są obecne na rynkach UE. Głównymi producentami ryb z połowów morskich są: Maroko, Senegal i RPA, natomiast z połowów słodkowodnych Tanzania, Uganda, Egipt i Nigeria. Afryka zwiększyła jednak swój wkład w światową produkcję akwakultury z 1,2 do 2,2% w ciągu ostatnich dziesięciu lat, głównie w wyniku szybkiego rozwoju hodowli ryb słodkowodnych w Afryce subsaharyjskiej. Główni producenci to Nigeria, Egipt i Uganda. Oprócz tradycyjnie importowanych, głównie z RPA i Namibii, gatunków morszczuków, na rynku UE mogą pojawić się nowe gatunki zwierząt wodnych – nie tylko ryb. Kilka ostrzeżeń umieszczonych w systemie RASFF wskazuje na wciąż istniejący problem jakości administracji odpowiedzialnej w krajach Afryki za nadzór weterynaryjny i jakość produktów w eksporcie na rynki krajów UE.
In spite of uneven development of the continental countries, fishery and aquaculture products are commonly available on the EU market. The main fish producers with the largest marine landings include Morocco, Senegal and the South Africa, whereas freshwater fishery products come from Tanzania, Uganda, Egypt and Nigeria. Within the recent decade, Africa has increased its share in global aquaculture from 1.2 to 2.2 %, mainly due to a rapid development of freshwater fish production in the sub-Saharan region with Nigeria, Egypt and Uganda, as the main producers. Except for traditionally imported from South Africa and Namibia hakes, the new species are expected to emerge on the EU market in the years to come and they will be not only fish. A few notifications in recently published RASFF portal indicate to the problems with the administration which is responsible for veterinary control and quality of the exported products from the African to the EU countries.
The presence of exotic fish species in the Baltic Sea and its tributaries poses a serious threat for native ichthyofauna, mainly due to the spread of new pathogens. As the accurate identification of species is essential for an effective assessment of changes related to the appearance of non-native species in an aquatic environment, in this paper we tested the usefulness of biometrics and molecular markers in identifying a specimen from the Mugilidae family found in the Odra estuary. The results demonstrated that unambiguous identification of the specimen using biometric features was impossible due to high morphological similarities shared by grey mullets. Unambiguous identification was possible only due to molecular markers, e.g. rhodopsin gene, which helped to identify the collected fish specimen as Liza ramada (Risso, 1827), the first specimen of this species found in the Odra River estuary. The presence of an L. ramada specimen in the Odra River – which could signal the expansion of non-native species into wider ranges – may be linked to climate change or human activity.
The first occurrence of striped red mullet Mullus surmuletus in the Pomeranian Bay (in 2007) and the occurrence of three very rarely noted species (tub gurnard Chelidonichthys lucerna, Atlantic horse mackerel Trachurus trachurus, thicklip grey mullet Chelon labrosus) collected in 2007-2008 in the Pomeranian Bay, Szczecin Lagoon and Lake Dąbie are reported. Their expansion is probably due to increased sea temperatures resulting from climate change, as well as the inflow of saline water. The "visitors" hosted eight pathogens from four taxonomic groups: Protozoa, Nematoda, Acanthocephala and Mollusca. Nematodes, the most numerous ones, were found in three host species. All the parasite species were new for the hosts examined; only the larvae of the acanthocephalan Corynosoma strumosum had already been recorded in one of the hosts (Chelidonichthys lucerna). The stomachs of almost all the fish examined were empty, but the species composition of the parasite fauna found showed that the fish must have ingested some food in the Pomeranian Bay.
We report on the first occurrence of Chelon labrosus in a Polish estuary. One Ch. labrosus was caught with a fyke net in the northern part of Lake Dąbie (Odra estuary) on 14 November 2007. It measured 266.92 mm in overall length and weighed 176.8 g. The fish's metric and meristic characters, age by scale, condition, sex and maturity stage (Maier's scale) were determined.
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