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In this paper, a prototype of an autonomous vehicle with an FPGA based computing system is described. It uses an ultrasonic sensor and a camera as sources of information about the surrounding environment. The vehicle is able to track an object selected by the operator (it does not need to be defined a-priori). In the proposed solution, the mean-shift algorithm is used. It has been adapted to operate in a pipeline, real-time vision system. The control unit is built of two PD controllers which determine the PWM ratio for the left and right DC drive. The whole system has been implemented on the Atlys development board with Spartan 6 FPGA device from Xilinx.
Content available remote FPGA Implementation of Multi-scale Pedestrian Detection in Thermal Images
In this paper an embedded vision system for human silhouette detection in thermal images is presented. As the computing platform a reprogrammable device (FPGA – Field Programmable Gate Array) is used. The detection algorithm is based on a sliding window approach, which content is compared with a probabilistic template. Moreover, detection is four scales in supported. On the used test database, the proposed method obtained 97% accuracy, with average one false detection per frame. Due to the used parallelization and pipelining real-time processing for 720 × 480 @ 50 fps and 1280 × 720 @ 50 fps video streams was achieved. The system has been practically verified in a test setup with a thermal camera.
In this paper an FPGA based embedded vision system for face detection is presented. The sliding detection window, HOG+SVM algorithm and multi-scale image processing were used and extensively described. The applied computation parallelizations allowed to obtain real-time processing of a 1280 × 720 @ 50Hz video stream. The presented module has been verified on the Zybo development board with Zynq SoC device from Xilinx. It can be used in a vast number of vision systems, including diver fatigue monitoring.
Content available remote Segmentation of Dishes for Customer Service Automation in a Self-service Canteen
The article describes research on dishes segmentation for the purposes of customer service process automation in a self-service canteen. The project assumptions and a prototype test stand are presented. The developed empty workspace detection and tray position determination algorithms are discussed. Finally, the chosen dishes segmentation algorithm is described and justified.
The article presents a hardware implementation of the foreground object detection algorithm PBAS (Pixel-Based Adaptive Segmenter) with a scene analysis module. A mechanism for static object detection is proposed, which is based on consecutive frame differencing. The method allows to distinguish stopped foreground objects (e.g. a car at the intersection, abandoned luggage) from false detections (so-called ghosts) using edge similarity. The improved algorithm was compared with the original version on popular test sequences from the dataset. The obtained results indicate that the proposed approach allows to improve the performance of the method for sequences with the stopped objects. The algorithm has been implemented and successfully verified on a hardware platform with Virtex 7 FPGA device. The PBAS segmentation, consecutive frame differencing, Sobel edge detection and advanced one-pass connected component analysis modules were designed. The system is capable of processing 50 frames with a resolution of 720×576 pixels per second.
Content available remote Foreground Object Segmentation in Dynamic Background Scenarios
In the paper research on foreground object segmentation in dynamic background scenarios (i.e. flowing water, moving leaves or shrubs) is described. The effectiveness of different algorithms: based on FIFO sample buffer, singlevariant, multi-variant (MOG, Clustering) and recently proposed ViBE and PBAS is evaluated. A post-processing method, that allows false detections reduction is also proposed. The solution was tested on sequences from the dataset. The obtained results indicate usefulness of the proposed approach.
Content available Rekonfgurowalny akcelerator kryptografczny
W artykule omówiono zastosowanie układów rekonfigurowalnych FPGA jako akceleratorów kryptograficznych - urządzeń, które mogą wykonywać operacje szyfrowania lub deszyfrowania danych szybciej i przy mniejszym zużyciu energii niż procesory ogólnego przeznaczenia, oferując jednocześnie dużą elastyczność oraz możliwość rozwoju i modyfikacji rozwiązania. W pierwszej części pracy przedstawiono budowę i zasoby dostępne we współczesnych układach FPGA, a w drugiej zaprezentowano implementację algorytmu kryptograficznego CLEFIA.
This paper discusses the use of FPGA devices as cryptographic accelerators, which are able to perform the encryption or decryption operation faster and using less power than general-purpose processors while offering great flexibility and the ability to further develop and modify the design. In the first part, the structure and resources available in modern FPGAs are presented and in the second the implementation of the cryptographic algorithm CLEFIA is discussed.
W artykule zaprezentowano implementację sprzętową nowatorskiego algorytmu odejmowania tła ViBe (ang. VIsual Background Extractor) w układzie rekonfigurowalnym FPGA. Metoda ta opiera się na odmiennej od dotychczas opisywanych i realizowanych koncepcji modelowania tła. W pracy dokonano oceny możliwości przeniesienia algorytmu na platformę sprzętową, pokazano dwie modyfikacje, które pozwoliły poprawić działanie metody oraz omówiono zrealizowany system sprzętowy. Według wiedzy autorów jest to pierwszy opis implementacji tego algorytmu w układzie FPGA.
This paper presents a hardware implementation in the FPGA reconfigurable device of ViBe - a novel background subtraction algorithm. The method is based on a different, from those previously described and implemented, background modelling concept. It partly uses random numbers, which allowed us to significantly reduce the buffer size in relation to the standard methods like mean or median form a buffer. A detailed description of ViBe can be found in papers [6, 7, 8]. In this paper the role of background generation algorithms in image processing and analysis systems, with particular emphasis on hardware implementations is discussed (Section 1). The ViBe algorithm is described in Section 2. Then an analysis of the possibility of implementing ViBe in FPGA is presented (Section 3). Section 4 describes two proposed modifications: the use of the CIE Lab colour space and the enhanced flashing pixels detection method. Their desirability has been confirmed quantitatively using the "ChangeDetection" database [9]. A detailed description of the designed ViBe hardware module and image processing system is presented in Section 5. The scheme of the ViBe module is shown in Figure 5 and the whole system in Figure 4. Table 3 summarizes the hardware resource utilization. The proposed solution enables the detection of objects using the method ViBe and enables realtime processing of a colour 640 x 480 video stream at 60 frames per second. The obtained results confirm the high usefulness of FPGA in the implementation of advanced image processing and analysis algorithms.
W artykule opisano system umożliwiający odbieranie i przetwarzanie strumienia wideo w technologii 3D transmitowanego w standardzie HDMI (tryb side by side), co pozwala na współpracę z dostępnymi na rynku kamerami 3D. Zaproponowana architektura umożliwia implementację popularnych metod obliczania map dysparycji: m. in. SAD oraz opartych o transformatę Censusa, realizację sprawdzenia symetryczności mapy oraz filtrację medianową poprawiającą jakość wyników. W pracy omówiono budowę każdego z modułów, użycie zasobów FPGA, zużycie mocy, a także przykładowe rezultaty działania na płycie ewaluacyjnej VC707 z układem Virtex 7.
In the paper a system for acquisition and processing of a 3D video stream is presented. It can work with 3D HDMI cameras available on the market. In Section 2 the basic concepts of stereovision systems are described [1]. In Section 3 three distance metrics, SAD [4], ZSAD and Census [5], used for correspondence matching are discussed. Evaluation of the matching process on the Middlebury dataset [2] is also presented. The best results were obtained for the SAD and ZSAD methods and greyscale images. In Table 1 there are shown three best configurations. Figure 1 illustrates the obtained disparity maps. A description of the hardware implementation is given in Section 4. The block diagram of the system is presented in Figure 2. The proposed solution is able to process images transmitted in side by side mode, to compute two disparity maps (left to right and right to left, method from [4]), to use SAD or ZSAD cost function, to check maps consistency and execute median filtering for final image processing. The described module is highly parameterizable: different cost functions, window sizes and disparity range can be used, image size and median filtering size can be adjusted. FPGA resource utilization is presented in Table 2. A picture of the working system is shown in Figure 3 (1280 x 720 @60 fps, real-time video-stream processing). The proposed module can be used for video surveillance, pedestrian collision avoidance systems or in autonomous vehicles.
In this paper a human action recognition algorithm, which uses background generation with shadow elimination, silhouette description based on simple geometrical features and a finite state machine for recognizing particular actions is described. The performed tests indicate that this approach obtains a 81 % correct recognition rate allowing real-time image processing of a 360 X 288 video stream.
Content available remote Hardware-software vision system for moving people counting based on 3D information
The article presents a hardware-software system for people counting based on analysis of 3D information. It consists of a 3D video source (3D camera), an FPGA evaluation board and a PC computer. The computationaly demanding disparity map calculation and median filtering are realized in hardware. The software part is responsible for people segmentation, tracking and counting. The data between system nodes is transferred via Ethernet. In the paper the system architecture, proposed algorithms and obtained results are presented.
W artykule opisano działający w czasie rzeczywistym sprzętowy system do detekcji naruszenia obszarów chronionych oparty o analizę obrazu kolorowego o rozdzielczości 640 x 480 zaimplementowany w zasobach rekonfigurowalnych układu FPGA. Składa się on z szeregu modułów: akwizycji obrazu, konwersji z przestrzeni barw RGB do CIE Lab, generacji tła z uwzględnieniem informacji o krawędziach, odejmowania tła, binaryzacji warunkowej, filtru medianowego, dylatacji morfologicznej, indeksacji jednoprzebiegowej, analizy położenia wykrytych obiektów oraz wizualizacji wyników. W pracy omówiono budowę każdego z modułów, zużycie zasobów FPGA, zużycie mocy, a także przykładowe rezultaty działania.
In the paper a hardware implementation of an algorithm for detection of intrusion into protected areas is presented. The system is composed of several functional modules: colour space conversion from RGB to CIE Lab, Sobel gradient calculation, background generation (running average algorithm), moving object segmentation, median filtering, morphological dilation, connected component labeling integrated with analysis of the detected objects (area and bounding box determination) and visualization of the detection results. The most important features of the proposed solution are: use of the CIE Lab colour space which allows improving segmentation results and reducing the noise introduced by shadows; advanced segmentation which is based on integration of luminance, chrominance and edge information and a thresholding scheme using two thresholds; use of a one-pass connected component labeling and analysis algorithm and its FPGA implementation. The use of a high-end Virtex 6 FPGA device allowed obtaining real-time performance in processing a 640 x 480 colour video stream. The proposed system was tested on several sequences. The obtained results show that it detects correctly the intrusion into protected zones. The module could be used in a smart-camera design, where the image processing and analysis is integrated with the imaging sensor and a surveillance system operator receives only information about intrusion detection.
Content available remote Shadow Removal for Greyscale Video Sequences
The paper presents a shadow detection and elimination algorithm designed for greyscale video sequences. The paper proposes: an automatic method for determining the binarization threshold on the basis of the object edge analysis, division of areas identified as potential shadow using a rectangular grid, analyzing the similarities between the current frame and the background model performed in areas and analyzing the potential shadows areas position relative to the position of areas identified as a true object. The algorithm was designed to eliminate shadows casted by people in video surveillance sequences. The obtained results show the usefulness of the proposed solution.
Celem projektu realizowanego w Katedrze Automatyki jest stworzenie wydajnego narzędzia wspomagającego proces nadzoru przestrzeni i obiektów publicznych, w oparciu o automatyczną analizę obrazów cyfrowych. Przy założeniu szeroko pojętej ogólności zagrożeń, które mają być wykrywane, konstrukcja programu do automatycznego wspomagania nadzoru nie jest zagadnieniem trywialnym, ze względu na nieprzewidywalną wielowariantowość obserwowanych sytuacji. Opracowanie efektywnego systemu wymaga rozwiązania szeregu zagadnień, skomplikowanych od strony koncepcyjnej i trudnych w realizacji algorytmicznej. Zadaniem inteligentnego systemu wspomagania monitoringu jest wskazanie obsłudze systemu sytuacji potencjalnie podejrzanych z punktu widzenia przyjętych kryteriów bezpieczeństwa. W celu przezwyciężenia pojawiających się tu trudności tworzone są algorytmy, których działanie opiera się nie tylko na przetwarzaniu i analizie obrazów, ale także na próbach automatycznego rozumienia znaczenia obserwowanych scen, czyli imitowanych komputerowo elementach ludzkiego postrzegania i toku myślenia, związanego z ocenianym obrazem.
The aim of the project realized in the Department of Automatics is to create an efficient tool to support the process of surveillance of public spaces and buildings based on automated image analysis. Assuming a wide scope of applications of developed tools, the design of the program to automatically support surveillance tasks is not a trivial problem, due to unforeseen circumstances and non-predicted situation. Developing an effective surveillance system requires addressing a number of issues, that are conceptually complex and require research and implementation of advanced algorithms. The goal of an intelligent monitoring system is to identify potentially suspicious circumstances according to assumed safety criteria. In order to overcome arising here difficulties there are created algorithms whose operation is based not only on processing and analyzing images, but also on imitating a human perception and understanding of the analyzed images.
The article presents the concept of real-time implementation computing tasks in video surveillance systems. A pipeline implementation of a multimodal background generation algorithm for colour video stream and a moving objects segmentation based on brightness, colour and textural information in reconfigurable resources of FPGA device is described. System architecture, resource usage and segmentation results are presented.
W artykule zaprezentowano koncepcję implementacji zadań obliczeniowych wykorzystywanych w systemach nadzoru wizyjnego w czasie rzeczywistym. Opisano implementację wielomodalnej metody generacji tła dla sekwencji wideo zarejestrowanych w kolorze oraz segmentację obiektów ruchomych z wykorzystaniem informacji o jasności, kolorze i teksturze w zasobach rekonfigurowalnych układów FPGA. Zaprezentowano architekturę systemu, zużycie zasobów i przykładowe rezultaty segmentacji.
Content available remote Effectiveness analysis of selected attention models
The aim of this study was an empirical verification of five different computer models of exogenous human attention. These models allow to predict the likely fixations on a static image and calculate saliency maps which show how distinctive the image elements are. The basis for the verification of the models was a modified cuing task , originally developed by Posner. Using the algorithms provided by the authors of the models an analysis of selected images was performed. Then the effectiveness of the models was verified in experimental studies: an image was presented to the subject, then on this image a visual stimulus appeared and the reaction time was measured. It was assumed that the emergence of a stimulus at the point where previously an attention attracting element appeared would accelerate the reaction. The study was conducted on a set of over 300 different, emotionally neutral, natural images. Obtained results indicate the potential usefulness of the proposed schema for testing the efficiency and refinement of attention models.
W artykule opisano implementację systemu detekcji obiektów ruchomych składającego się z kamery cyfrowej, układu FPGA Spartan 6 oraz monitora LCD. Zastosowano metodę detekcji obiektów opartą na obrazach różnicowych, stosując następujące algorytmy: generacja tła, odejmowanie tła i usuwanie cieni. Dokonano modyfikacji i adaptacji algorytmów do potrzeb implementacji FPGA. Podstawą działania systemu są moduły zaimplementowane w języku VHDL: wielowariantowej generacji tła oraz segmentacji obiektów ruchomych na podstawie analizy wartości jasności, koloru i tekstury. Dodatkowo opisano budowę, zaimplementowanych w języku Verilog, modułów umożliwiających komunikację z kamerą, wykonanie transformacji Bayera, konwersji przestrzeni barw RGB na CIE Lab oraz szybkiego interfejsu do zewnętrznej pamięci RAM DDR3. Ponadto w pracy zaprezentowano zużycie zasobów FPGA dla poszczególnych modułów oraz wyniki testów wykonanego systemu.
The article describes an implementation of a moving object detection system consisting of a digital camera, a Spartan 6 FPGA device and a LCD monitor. The object detection method is based on differential images. It uses the following algorithms: background generation, background subtraction and shadow removal. The basis of the system are two modules designed in VHDL: advanced background generation and moving objects segmentation based on brightness, colour and texture analysis. In addition the construction of modules allowing communication with the camera, execution of the Bayer transform, RGB to CIE Lab colour space conversion and fast interface to the external DDR3 RAM is described. The paper also presents the usage of FPGA resources and tests results of the proposed system.
W artykule poruszono zagadnienia, które są istotne przy wyborze metody detekcji obiektów ruchomych dla systemu monitoringu przestrzeni publicznej. Przebadano, jak wybór przestrzeni barw wpływa na rezultaty detekcji, oraz zmierzono i zaprezentowano czasy konwersji pomiędzy przestrzeniami barw. Przeanalizowano i przetestowano szereg algorytmów generacji tła, zwracając szczególną uwagę na takie cechy, jak: zdolność do poprawnej inicjalizacji tła, odporność na nagłe zmiany oświetlenia i multimodalność tła. Dodatkowo wyniki eksperymentów wskazują, że wykorzystanie informacji o ruchu, uzyskanej poprzez wyznaczenie przepływu optycznego, może poprawić wyniki segmentacji oraz działanie generacji tła.
This paper deals with important issues when choosing a moving object detection method for a video surveillance system. It was investigated, how the choice of colour space affects the segmentation results. Also conversion times between different colour spaces were measured and presented. Several baekground generation algorithms were analyzed and tested. Particular attention was paid to such features as the ability to correctly initialize the background model, the resilience to sudden changes in lighting and background multimodality. In addition, experimental results indicate that the use of motion information, obtained by calculating optical flow, may enhance the segmentation and performanee of background generation.
Content available remote Parallel implementation of local thresholding in Mitrion-C
Mitrion-C based implementations of three image processing algorithms: a look-up table operation, simple local thresholding and Sauvola's local thresholding are described. Implementation results, performance of the design and FPGA logic utilization are discussed.
W artykule przedstawiono opis budowy wizyjnego eye-trakera wykorzystującego efekt jasnej i ciemnej źrenicy, o częstotliwości próbkowania 50 Hz. Opisano konstrukcję oświetlacza, który pozwala, na kolejnych półobrazach uzyskiwać efekt jasnej i ciemnej źrenicy. Zaprezentowano szczegółowe opisy zastosowanych algorytmów segmentacji i wyznaczania środka źrenicy, które pozwalają na generowanie trajektorii ruchu oka.
This paper presents a video-based eye-tracking device that exploits the dark and bright pupil effect and has a 50 Hz sampling frequency. The design of an infrared illuminator, which allows to obtain the dark and bright pupil effect on the even and odd fields of the video signal. Details considering used segmentation and determination of the center of the pupil algorithms, which allow to generate gaze trajectories, were presented.
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