In this paper, after a brief introduction to power systems’ urgent need for a load shedding program, we attempt to optimize the frequency load shedding conventional method. This optimized method intelligently decides to shed appropriate system load proportional to the severity of power system disturbance. It is meant to prevent redundant load cut off by making a variety of choices in each load shedding step, a step that has been used in the conventional scheme up to now. The main idea behind using this intelligent load shedding scheme can be evaluated for applicability in Smart Grids. To prove the results, a few disturbances are simulated for the IEEE standard 9 bus system, and the grid defensive counteractions are analyzed within two situations. In the first situation, when the disturbances happen in the grid utilized with a conventional load shedding program, and the second situation uses the same disturbances with the intelligent load shedding scheme.
Przedstawiono program analizujący zmniejszanie obciążenia w sieci energetycznej w zależności od różnego rodzaju zakłóceń. Główną celem tego inteligentnego algorytmu jest zastosowanie w technologii Smart Grid. Przedstawiono symulacje zakłóceń i porównano proponowany algorytm z metodami konwencjonalnymi.
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