This study aimed to determine the seasonal change of the concentrations of trihalomethanes (THMs) and one of the newly emerging byproducts haloacetonitriles (HANs), the most abundant group of some disinfection by-products (DBPs) forming as a result of chlorination of drinking water supplied from 2 different reservoirs to the city centre of Muş for disinfection purposes and called chlorinated organic halogens. The quantitative determination of these compounds, some of which may have carcinogenic properties, and the evaluation of their possible effects on public health constitute the importance of the study. The results show that although there is not sufficient chlorination in both water networks and total organic carbon (TOC) values are low in underground water, the total THMs some-times exceed the 100 μg/dm3 value applied in Turkey and pose a risk. It was observed that the total HAN values remain below the 2 μg/dm3 concentration in both networks.
W artykule przedstawiono charakterystykę warunków meteorologicznych w północnej części Kaffiøyry (NW Spitsbergen, rys. 1) w sezonach letnich (21 VII – 31 VIII) w okresie 2012-2014 (tab. 1, rys. 2-9). Pomiary i obserwacje meteorologiczne prowadzono w ogródku meteorologicznym zlokalizowanym w pobliżu stacji polarnej UMK na morenie czołowo-bocznej Lodowca Aavatsmarka (φ=78°4’N, λ=11°51’E, h=11,5 m n.p.m.). Wykonywano je 4 razy na dobę, w terminach 00, 06, 12, 18 UTC (01, 07, 13, 19 LMT). W artykule uzyskane wyniki porównano z wieloletnimi wartościami większości elementów meteorologicznych obliczonymi z kilkudziesięciu sezonów letnich, w których zorganizowano Toruńskie Wyprawy Polarne w okresie 1975-2014 (tab. 1). W sezonach letnich 2012-2014 stwierdzono większą prędkość wiatru (5,3 m·s-1 w stosunku do 4,6 m·s-1 w wieloleciu 1975-2014). Przyczyniła się do tego przede wszystkim zwiększona jego prędkość w sezonie letnim 2012 r. (6,1 m·s-1). Świadczy to o wzroście działalności cyklonalnej na obszarze Spitsbergenu. Oprócz wiatru znaczącym zmianom podległy także wszystkie parametry temperatury powietrza (tab. 1). W największym stopniu wzrosła temperatura maksymalna (o 0,8 oC), a w najmniejszym minimalna (tylko o 0.4 oC). Warto też odnotować znaczny wzrost średniej dobowej amplitudy temperatury powietrza, o 0,5 oC. Ociepleniu klimatu w rejonie Kaffiøyry towarzyszy także znaczny wzrost opadów, który w latach 2012-2014 wyniósł nieznacznie powyżej 150% ich wielkości z lat 1975-2014. (tab. 1). Pozostałe elementy wymawiane w artykule nie wykazały większych zmian w porównaniu do danych wieloletnich.
This article provides the characteristics of meteorological conditions in the north of Kaffiøyra (NW Spitsbergen, Fig. 1) in the summer seasons (21 July – 31 August) of 2012-2014 (Table 1, Figs 2-9). The observations and measurements were carried out at a meteorological site located near the NCU Polar Station on the terminal-lateral moraine of the Aavatsmark Glacier (φ=78°4’N, λ=11°51’E, h=11.5 m a.s.l.). The measurements were taken four times per day at 00:00, 06:00, 12:00 and 18:00 UTC (01:00, 07:00, 13:00 and 19:00 LMT). In this article, the obtained results are compared with multi-annual values of most meteorological elements obtained from a few dozen summer seasons, during which Toruń Polar Expeditions were organised in the years 1975-2014 (Table 1). In the summer seasons of 2012-2014, the observed wind speed was greater than in the years 1975-2014 (5.3 m· s-1 vs. 4.6 m·s-1, respectively). This was mainly due to its increased speed in the summer of 2012 (6.1 m·s-1) and it is also an indication of intensified cyclonic activity in the area of Spitsbergen at the time. Besides the wind, all other parameters of air temperature were also subject to considerable changes (Table 1). The maximum temperature of air increased the most (by 0.8 oC), whereas the change in minimum temperature was the smallest (only by 0.4 oC). A substantial increase in the mean diurnal amplitude of air temperature by 0.5 oC is also noteworthy. The warming of the climate of Kaffiøyra is accompanied by greater precipitation, which in the years 2012-2014 slightly exceeded 150% of its respective amount for 1975-2014 (Table 1). The other meteorological elements analysed in this article do not show any major changes as compared with the long-term data.
Analizie statystycznej poddano zawartość azotu amonowego, azotynów, azotanów, ortofosforanów i fosforu ogólnego w wodzie Jeziora Goczałkowickiego w latach 1994-2009. Wyodrębniono grupę punktów pomiarowych usytuowanych przy powierzchni lustra wody oraz grupę punktów pomiarowych usytuowanych na głębokościach 2 m i 6 m. Za pomocą testu równości średnich sprawdzono, że wartości wskaźników jakości wody na różnej głębokości podczas zakwitu okrzemek, sinic lub zielenic różniły się od wartości tych wskaźników w czasie braku zakwitu. W przypadku wody pobranej z powierzchni istotne różnice wartości podczas zakwitu i jego braku wykazały azot amonowy, azotyny i azotany. Stwierdzono, że większość wskaźników jakości wody miała istotne sezonowe zróżnicowanie, a jedynie azot amonowy i azotyny nie wykazywały istotnych zmian ze względu na porę roku. Wykazano również, że zakwit fitoplanktonu wpływał na związki korelacyjne pomiędzy badanymi wskaźnikami jakości wody. W wielu przypadkach nieistotne wartości współczynnika korelacji Spearmena przy braku zakwitu były istotne podczas zakwitu.
Statistical relations between the water quality parameters were determined based on the analysis of ammonia nitrogen, nitrite, nitrate, orthophosphate and total phosphorus concentrations observed in Lake Goczalkowickie (impounding reservoir) over the period of 1994-2009. Measuring stations were divided into two groups: those located on the surface of the lake water and those situated at the depth of 2 m and 6 m. The mean value equality test verified that at either of the two depths the values of the water quality parameters measured during blooms of diatoms, cyanobacteria and green algae were different from the values of these parameters measured over the period with-out blooms. When water samples were taken from the surface of the lake, significant differences in the values measured during blooms and the lack thereof were observed with ammonia nitrogen, nitrites and nitrates. The water quality parameters examined exhibited significant differences in their seasonal patterns, except ammonia nitrogen and nitrites, which did not show any significant seasonal variations. The study revealed that phytoplankton bloom affected the correlation between the water quality parameters tested. In many instances, Spearman correlation coefficient values that were insignificant in the absence of blooms became significant when blooms were present.
In this work the monitoring of 222Rn was carried out in selected houses, located in the district of Krapkowice (it lies to the south of Opole, PL). The passive detectors LR-115 type II films (Kodak, Pathe) have been used in this survey. The measurements were carried out in single-storied residential houses in two time periods: from the end of June to the end of September and from the beginning of November to the beginning of February. The detectors were placed in kitchens, bathrooms and cellars. Our results showed that in all of the rooms examined the Rn activity did not exceed 149 kBq/m3. This value is lower than the European Commission recommendations for existing buildings (Commission recommendation 2001/928/Euratom). Considering all of room types investigated, no statistically significant differences between 222Rn activities in summer and in winter were asserted. But in cellars higher than in other rooms 222Rn activities were confirmed, independently on the season of year. In most of the houses activities of 222Rn were similar, though in two of them they were significantly higher than in the others.
Przedstawiono wyniki badań aktywności 222Rn przeprowadzonych w wybranych budynkach znajdujących się na terenie powiatu krapkowickiego (na południe od Opola, PL). W badaniach wykorzystano pasywne detektory typu LR-115 (Kodak, Pathe). Pomiary przeprowadzono w jednorodzinnych domach mieszkalnych w dwóch okresach: od końca czerwca do końca września i od początku listopada do początku lutego. Detektory zostały umieszczone w kuchniach, łazienkach i piwnicach. Otrzymane wyniki wskazują, że w żadnym z pomieszczeń aktywność 222Rn nie przekroczyła 149 kBq/m3. Wartość ta jest niższa od zalecanej przez Komisję Europejską dla budynków istniejących (zalecenie Komisji 2001/928/Euratom). Biorąc pod uwagę wszystkie rodzaje badanych pomieszczeń, nie stwierdzono statystycznie istotnych różnic między aktywnością 222Rn w okresie letnim i zimowym. W piwnicach stwierdzono wyższą niż w innych pomieszczeniach aktywność 222Rn, niezależnie od pory roku. W większości domów aktywności 222Rn były podobne, choć w dwóch z nich były one znacząco większe niż w pozostałych.
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The surface microlayer is a thin layer found at the contact zone of two environments forming an ecotone at the atmosphere-hydrosphere interface. It is the boundary layer of extreme importance for both environments. In the years 2000-2004 surface water microlayer of an eutrophic, deep lake (577 ha, max. depth 32.2 m, Lake Jasień in Northern Poland) was analyzed (in four seasons each year) in terms of their capacity to accumulate lead, cadmium and manganese. The following surface water layers were collected using the different devices (plate method, net method) and compared: a microlayer of approx. 100 [mu]m in thickness (SM), a microlayer of approx. 240 [mu]m in thickness (PM) and subsurface water (about 20 cm below surface) (SSW). The highest concentrations of analyzed metals were observed in the microlayer of 100 [mu]m, characterized by enrichment factor (EF-ratio of surface to subsurface values) of 2.61 for cadmium, 2.55 for manganese and 1.57 for lead, respectively. Enrichment factors for these metals are much higher than in respective microlayers of brackish lake situated close and studied before. Seasonal changes in concentrations of analyzed elements were correlated with changes in their concentrations in subsurface water. Statistical analysis of results showed that during a year variation in Cd and Mn accumulation in analyzed layers was significant. In contrast, variation in Pb accumulation was statistically non-significant. It means that in the surface microlayer of lake water a seasonal cycle is observed for changes in heavy metal concentrations and this variability in concentrations of analyzed substances is not accidental, but definitely periodical in character. The accumulation of analyzed heavy metals in the surface microlayers of the studied deep eutrophic lake seems to be a regular phenomenon.
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In order to investigate the effect of salinity level on the concentration of cadmium and manganese in the surface microlayer, several samples were collected from an estuarine lake Gardno in a quarterly cycle over the period of four years. Three testing stations were established in locations typical of this lake. In the estuarine lake Gardno, one can distinguish three areas with various levels of salinity, with a sampling site for each of these areas. The volume of water taken as samples varied, depending on the techniques used. During the experiment, surface microlayer samples of ca 0.1 and 0.25 mm were obtained. The subsurface water was obtained at the depth of 15 cm. The collected samples were analysed with an atomic absorption spectrometer in order to determine the concentration of cadmium and manganese. Cadmium accumulation in microlayers of surface waters in Lake Gardno was dependent on the concentration of this metal in the deep waters and varied with water salinity. In turn, counts of heterotrophic bacteria had a significant effect on the concentration of manganese. Concentrations of both metals in analyzed surface water microlayers were higher than in the subsurface layer.
Badając wpływ zasolenia na koncentrację kadmu i manganu w mikrowarstwie powierzchniowej wody, próbki tej mikrowarstwy pobierano z estuariowego jeziora Gardno w cyklu kwartalnym przez okres 4 lat. Na jeziorze usytuowano trzy stanowiska badawcze w jego reprezentatywnych punktach. Jezioro Gardno jest zbiornikiem estuariowym i można w nim wyróżnić trzy zasadnicze strefy o różnym zasoleniu. W zależności od stosowanej techniki pobierania próbek wody zbierano mikrowarstwę powierzchniową wody o grubości około 0,1 mm i około 0,25 mm. Wodę podpowierzchniową pobierano na głębokości 15 cm od lustra wody. W pozyskanych próbkach wyznaczono stężenie kadmu i manganu metodami spektrometrii atomowej. Kumulacja kadmu w mikowarstwach powierzchniowej wody jeziora Gardno była zależna od stężenia tego metalu w toni wodnej i zmieniała się wraz z zasoleniem wody. Natomiast na koncentrację manganu duży wpływ miała liczebność bakterii heterotroficznych. Stężenia obydwu metali w badanych mikrowarstwach powierzchniowych wody były większe niż w warstwie podpowierzchniowej.
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Taxonomic composition, spatial distribution and seasonal changes in abundance of ciliates were investigated in hygroarenal (the zone of the beach adjacent to lake littoral and affected by wave action) of the eutrophic Lake Mikołajskie (area 498 ha, max. depth 26 m, Masurian Lake District, Poland). The choosen beach amounted 10.8 x 1.5 m in size and 30 sampling points were distributed according to regular network 60 x 30 cm. Three sampling points were located in each of 10 sampling stations parallel to water line and at an increasing 0, 30, 60 cm distance from it). The small-scale distribution of ciliates was recognized from the set of 30 samples taken once in June 2003 from all stations and sampling points. The seasonal changes of ciliate density were analysed on the set of 41 samples taken from March to November 2004 from the middle sampling points (about 30 cm from water line) in 3 sampling stations. Ciliate community was characterised by relatively high taxonomic richness (56 ciliate taxa) and numbers (up to 2750 ind. cm[^-3] of sand). The numbers of ciliates varied seasonally from 4.6 to 1630 ind. per 1 cm[^3] of sand, showed three distinct peaks (maximum in summer) and were markedly differentiated among the sampling stations distributed along the 10 m of homogenous beach. Significant correlations between ciliates and the share of largest grain size fraction suggest that grain size of sand may be responsible for the observed spatial heterogeneity of ciliates. Hymenostomes, particularly the omnivorous Pleuronema coronatum Kent, dominated the ciliate assemblages. The statistical analysis showed a significant correlation between ciliate numbers and total phosphorus and total nitrogen concentrations in interstitial water, but there was no correlation with chlorophyll a.
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