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The potential of wind energy in Ukraine is examined in this article. Possibilities of its use are analyzed, an analytical assessment of the potential for its use is performed, and prospects for the use of energy resources for the development of the wind energy market is substantiated. Reasons are provided for the advantages and disadvantages of wind energy, which should be combined into the following components. The natural resource potential of Ukraine for the development of wind energy is analyzed. It has been confirmed that the wind energy potential of different territories of Ukraine is characterized by average annual wind speeds at the level of 7.0–8.5 m/s (on the continent – at heights of about 100 m, in water areas – about 50 m), which allows using megawatt-class wind turbines with annual coefficients of capacity utilization at the level of 0.3–0.4, which is quite efficient. The specific energy potential of wind energy in Ukraine is established, according to which, the territories of the country were grouped. It has been specified that the best places for locating wind power plants are areas with strong and constant winds, which can be found on the coast of the seas and in mountainous areas.
W artykule omówiono potencjał energetyki wiatrowej w Ukrainie. Analizuje się możliwości jego wykorzystania, przeprowadza analityczną ocenę wykorzystania tego potencjału oraz uzasadnia perspektywy wykorzystania zasobów energetycznych dla rozwoju rynku energetyki wiatrowej. Ponadto omówiono także zalety i wady energetyki wiatrowej. Analizowany jest potencjał zasobów naturalnych Ukrainy dla rozwoju energetyki wiatrowej. Stwierdzono, że potencjał energetyki wiatrowej różnych terytoriów Ukrainy charakteryzuje się średnimi rocznymi prędkościami wiatru na poziomie 7,0–8,5 m/s (na kontynencie – na wysokości ok. 100 m, a na obszarach wodnych ok. 50 m), co pozwala na zastosowanie dość efektywnych turbin wiatrowych klasy megawatowej o rocznym współczynniku wykorzystania mocy na poziomie 0,3–0,4. Ustalono konkretny potencjał energetyczny energetyki wiatrowej, według którego pogrupowano terytoria kraju. Stwierdzono, że najlepszymi miejscami do lokalizacji elektrowni wiatrowych są tereny o silnych i stałych wiatrach, które występują na wybrzeżach mórz oraz na terenach górskich. Przeanalizowano produkcję energii elektrycznej przed wojną. Przedstawiono zalety rozwoju energetyki wiatrowej, która może się rozwijać, jeśli zostaną poprawione ramy prawne i promocja produkcji sprzętu do eksploatacji elektrowni wiatrowych. Ukazano potencjał rynku energetyki wiatrowej oraz wskazano głównych odbiorców energii wiatrowej w Ukrainie. Rozwój energetyki wiatrowej jest uważany za drogę do niezależności energetycznej gospodarki narodowej kraju.
Because of industrialization and modernization, phenomenal changes have taken place in almost all spheres of life. Consequently, the consumption of energy resources and the cases of environmental hazards have risen to an unprecedentedly high level. A development model with due consideration to nature and an efficient utilization of energy sources has become the need of the hour, in order to ensure a sustainable balance between the environmental and technological needs. Recent studies have identified the suitability of ionic liquids (ILs), often labeled as ‘green solvents’, in the efficient utilization of energy resources and activities such as bio-extraction, pollution control, CO2 capture, waste management etc. in an environmentally friendly manner. The advent of magnetic ionic liquids (MILs) and deep eutectic solvents (DESs) have opened possibilities for a circular economic approach in this filed. This review intends to analyze the environmental and energy wise consumption of a wide variety of ionic liquids and their potential towards future.
The requirements of the fundamental normative documents in Public Joint Stock Company "UKRTRANSGAS", regulating activities in the sphere of energy efficiency, are considered and analyzed. The procedure for implementation of energy saving measures and controlling over their implementation is presented. The analysis of planned and actual indicators of fuel and energy resources saving has been carried out. The ways to improve energy efficiency with the use of renewable energy sources are given.
Content available remote Evaluation of biogas production and usage potential
The aim of the research is the development of theoretical and methodical bases for determining the feasibility of plant raw materials growing for its further bioconversion into energy resources and technological materials to maximize profit from business activities. Monograph, statistics, modelling and abstract logical methods have been used during the research. Directions of biogas usage have been examined. Biogas yields from different crops have been analyzed. It has been determined that high methane yields can be provided from root crops, grain crops, and several green forage plants. So, forage beet and maize can provide more than 5,500 m3 of biogas per hectare. Attention is paid to the use of by-products of biogas plants, especially carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is an important commodity and can increase profitability of biogas plant operating. It can be used for different purposes (food industry, chemical industry, medicine, fumigation, etc). The most important parameters of the biogas upgrading technologies have been analyzed. If output of an upgrade module is more than 500 nm3/h, investment costs of different available technologies are almost equal. According to experts, it is economically feasible to use anaerobic digestion biogas systems to upgrade biomethane provided their performance is equivalent to 3,000 litres of diesel fuel per day. The economic and mathematical models have been suggested to determine the feasibility of growing plant materials to maximize the gross profit. The target function is the maximum gross income from biogas utilization. It has the following limitations: annual production of biogas, consumption of electricity, heat and motor fuels. The mathematical model takes into account both meeting own requirement and selling surplus energy resources and co-products including carbon dioxide. In case of diesel fuel substitution, an ignition dose of diesel fuels has been considered. The algorithm for making a decision on construction of a biogas plant has been offered.
W artykule zaprezentowano charakterystykę pracy kolektorów słonecznych oraz porównanie ilości pozyskiwanego ciepła w warunkach lokalnego potencjału energii promieniowania słonecznego, określonego z dostępnych danych meteorologicznych. Przedstawiono problem zaniżonych uzysków ciepła w instalacji w okresie półrocza letniego. Określono teoretyczną ilość ciepła możliwą do pozyskania przy ewentualnym zintensyfikowaniu odbioru. Stwierdzono konieczność wprowadzenia do instalacji długoterminowego, sezonowego magazynu ciepła.
The article presents the characteristics of solar collectors operation and a comparison of the quantity of received heat in regards to the local potential of solar irradiation, specified from the available meteorological data. The problem of understated heat quantity in the installation during the summer half-year is presented. The theoretical amount of heat that may be acquired in the system, with the possible intensification of heat removal is specified. Introduction of the long-term, seasonal heat storage into the installation is considered as necessary.
The article aims to evaluate the Portuguese building stock energy policies and strategy for energy saving in buildings among the EU members. It was found out the average heat transfer coefficients of the main structural elements of Portuguese Buildings and analyzed the U-values of this elements considering different time periods. The fundamentals of this study were funded by the Agency for Development and Innovation (ADI) and co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) through the Operational Program for Competitiveness Factors (POFC) assigned to the Building Physics and Construction Technology Laboratory with the reference SB Tool SPT_2011_4.
Solar energy systems and heat pumps are two promising means of reducing the consumption of fossil energy resources and the cost of delivered energy for residential heating. The integration of these two installations presents a novel combined heating system, so-called bivalent system, operating more economically. The major objective of this paper was to analyze the possibility of construction and benefits of a bivalent system composed of a heat pump and solar collectors for heating and cooling residential buildings.
The paper presents results of a research project entitled Geological analysis and assessment of thermal water and energy resources of Mesozoic formations in the Szczecin Trough. The Lower Jurassic aquifer is the most prospective Mesozoic aquifer in the Szczecin Through (NW Poland). Lindal’s diagram was analyzed in order to investigate possibilities of Lower Jurassic geothermal resources utilization in that part of the country. It shows potential directions of thermal water application depending on its temperature. Utilization of geothermal resources for heating purposes is determined mainly by water temperatures and discharge of wells. Characterization of these parameters enabled the evaluation of Lower Jurassic disposable geothermal energy resources in Szczecin Through. Deployment and amounts of disposable geothermal energy resources indicate areas where geothermal installations could be constructed. Water temperature and mineralization have the largest impact on usability of thermal water for recreation and balneological purposes. The final results and summary of the study were presented in the form of map indicating optimal areas for development of geothermal resources for heating, recreation and balneological purposes.
Content available remote Use and management of shallow geothermal resources in Switzerland
The shallow geothermal resource – the heat content of the ground right below our feet– represents an immense and ubiquitous energy source. Nevertheless its tapping and use must be done in a controlled and –ideally– in a regulated manner. In Switzerland the utilization of shallow geothermal resources by ground-coupled heat pumps systems (also termed geothermal heat pumps, GHP) develops at remarkably high speed: Presently there is about one GHP installation every 2 km2. Although it is obvious that some regulation is necessary to avoid an overuse of the resource, so far there are no direct means of control by authorities, except from the view-point of groundwater protection. In this paper the present status of shallow resources utilization in Switzerland is summarized, followed by means and ways to manage the resource in a reasonable way, on the basis of special maps. Renewability and sustainability aspects are also covered.
W artykule omówiono wykorzystanie energii geotermalnej na przestrzeni długich dziejów rozwoju ludzkości. Zwrócono uwagę na stopniowe zastępowanie w XIX i XX wieku energii pozyskiwanej z mięśni istot żywych i ze źródeł takich jak Słońce i Ziemia. Wskazano na szkody spowodowane dużym wykorzystaniem kopalin palnych i związane z tym zagrożenia dla klimatu i środowiska przyrodniczego w tym także środowisko człowieka. Omówiono warunki występowania energii geotermalnej w Polsce i wskazano, że nasz kraj posiada jedne z większych zasobów tej energii w Europie i że te zasoby wspólnie z posiadanymi zasobami gazu ziemnego, ropy naftowej i węgla, jak też z zasobami innych odnawialnych nośników energii pozwolą stworzyć samowystarczalność energetyczną naszego kraju. Podano trzy warianty rozwoju geoenergetyki do 2002 roku. Wskazano, że realizacja tych wariantów pozwoliłaby na przejście w drugiej połowie XXI wieku na pokrycie potrzeb energetycznych odnawialnymi zasobami kraju. To dałoby podstawę do pełnego zatrudnienia i do stworzenia znacznie lepszych warunków życia społeczeństwa Polski, jak też zahamowałoby proces pomniejszania się ludności naszego kraju.
In this paper the utilisation of geothermal energy against the long lasting development of mankind had been discussed. The gradual replacing of the energy coming from muscles of creatures and heat sources like the Sun in XIX and XX century had been emphasized. The harms caused by utilisation of fossil fuels are shown as well as climatic and environmental hazards, including environment of human being. The conditions of geothermal energy occurrence in Poland had been discussed. Poland has one of the larges geothermal energy resources in Europe and these resources together with resources of gas, oil and ceal can make our country selt-sufficient with regard to acquiring the energy. Besides, three versions of development of geoenergetics until 2020 year are presented. The realisation of these versions could let to cover of energy demand by energy coming from renewable resources available in Poland in second part of XXI century. It would be the basis for creation of much better conditions of work and lite for Polish society and could stop the decrease of quantity (number) of Polish population.
W artykule omówione są ważniejsze działania Sejmu zmierzające do wykorzystania energii z zasobów odnawialnych, stan realizacji przez Rząd RP rezolucji Sejmu z dnia 8 listopada 1999 roku oraz poglądy i opinie ekspertów sejmowych i innych na temat kierunków wykorzystania energii z zasobów odnawialnych. Znajdują się również propozycje dotyczące kierunków działań rządu, samorządów lokalnych, podmiotów gospodarczych i jednostek badawczych, zmierzające do pełnego wykorzystania rodzimych zasobów energii, poprawienia stanu środowiska przyrodniczego i poziomu życia mieszkańców.
The most important activities of the Seym aiming at the utilisation of energy from the renewables, the state of realisation of the Seym resolution of 8 November 1999 by the Polish Government as well as opinions of Seym and other experts on the directions of energy use from the renewables have been presented in this paper. There are also suggestions on the directions which the Government, local selfgovernments, economic entities and research centres should follow in their activities to fully utilise the Polish energy resources, to improve the state of the environment and improve the life standard.
Celem niniejszego opracowania jest ocena zasobów energii geotermalnej zawartej w zbiornikach mezozoicznych i paleozoicznych oraz sprecyzowanie strategii prawidłowego ich wykorzystania dla rozwoju miasta Ustroń z uwzględnieniem ochrony środowiska przyrodniczego oraz poprawy warunków życia jego mieszkańców.
The aim of this paper is to asses geothermal energy resources accumulated in Mesosoic and Paleosoic reservoirs as well as to find a strategy of utilisation proper to developement of Ustroń town taking into consideration environment protection and improvement of life conditions of Ustroń inhabitants.
Przedstawiono popozycję oceny energetycznej lokalnych zasobów wody geotermalnej za pomocą przewidywanej oszczędności energii,możliwej do uzyskania dzięki wykorzystaniu tejże energii geotermalnej.
The proposal of energy evaluation of local geothermal sources is presented using the possibility of energy sawing due to the use of geothermal energy.
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