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Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to study how the Sars-Cov-19 pandemic has affected the processes and performance management of medium-sized outpatient clinics in Poland. Given the novelty of the studied area and lack of relevant literature, the case study approach has been employed. Design/methodology/approach: The case study was performed at CortenMedic, a medium 17 sized outpatient clinic located in Poland. We analyzed materials obtained from CortenMedic and interviewed its management board. Following an in-depth restructuring of processes, performance management, and business processes management governance, the CortenMedic adjusted to an environment and has taken advantage of opportunities. Findings: As a result, the CortenMedic recognized outstanding results superior to those before the Sars-Cov-19 period. This study shows that the business processes management and performance management should be dynamic and follow the changes identified inside and outside the companies. The changes through Sars-Cov-19 appear very quickly and are of temporary nature. We postulate the threat of the Sars-Cov-19 pandemic can be converted by the healthcare organizations into an opportunity. Research limitations/implications: Several limitations of our research must be acknowledged. Firstly, we shall note we based our study on only one organization located in Poland. Since we do not compare our results with other Polish and European clinics, obtained in this study results might not be generalizable. Practical implications: The increased role of BPM governance in the pandemic period, as compliance with processes, especially with work safety standards, become of utmost importance, posing a thrill of infection otherwise. In this sense, the postulates of this study might be applicable to other healthcare services providers. Additionally, the results of the paper can provide guidance to a decision-maker or management staff through improving the structure of primary and secondary processes depending on the needs and expectations of a dynamic environment. Social implications: The article’s findings may still offer astute insights to researchers and practitioners who wish to consider more information regarding the importance of the BPM and PM in the healthcare sector through the business process restructuring. Originality/value: The added value of the article is the answer to the question study how the Sars-Cov-19 pandemic has affected the BPM and performance management (PM) of medium 6 sized outpatient clinics in Poland.
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to identify critical areas of primary healthcare services providers and to develop a performance management framework for these organizations. Design/methodology/approach: Firstly, 12 semi-structured interviews with decision makers experienced with management of primary healthcare services providers are being conducted. Next, based on obtained results, holistic conclusions and the performance management system for primary healthcare services providers are being provided. Findings: Performance management of primary healthcare services providers is highly reliant on significant stakeholders, namely: patients, medical doctors, nurses and midwifes, stockholders and National Healthcare Fund. Failure to include any of stated stakeholders would result in considerable underperformance. The proposed framework postulates to focus on the performance management of the following 3 areas: (1) operations management, (2) risk and compliance and (3) development so that stated stakeholders are satisfied and provide, in exchange, their contribution to the organization. Research limitations/implications: The scope of this paper has been limited only to small and medium sized clinics located in Poland. Practical implications: Proposed in this study performance management framework, due to its simplicity, should be a useful tool for practitioners to adapt and apply in their organizations. Originality/value: The first performance management framework for primary healthcare services providers in Poland is being proposed. Since, the proposed framework acknowledges wider society, the developed concept should provide sustainable solutions for organizations willing to implement it.
In the area of business performance and strategic performance measurement system, many studies have been realized which identify the major factors affecting the performance of the company itself. The world of business environments in modern economies has changed dramatically the way of pursuing business and depends nowadays heavily on the performance in generating and utilizing new knowledge, information systems, innovations and management techniques and tools for creating of the higher business performance. From several studies carried out in the management and measurement performance issue, it is evident that performance is affected by many factors. These factors are important for improving business performance. The objective of this paper was to analyze selected management methods and tools that can potentially have an effect on the performance. The results of our empirical scientific study provide interesting and valuable findings that the overall performance of industrial enterprises in Slovakia. Relationship between the use of MIS and overall business performance ROE is a strong statistically significant. The use of the MIS achieved business performance of ROE between 2-10%. Enterprises that use only basic ERP Information System reach under-average business performance most often with negative or very low ROE to maximum 2%.
W kwestii wydajności biznesu i systemu pomiaru wydajności strategicznej przeprowadzono liczne badania, które identyfikują główne czynniki wpływające na wydajność samej firmy. Świat środowisk biznesowych we współczesnych gospodarkach zmienił zdecydowanie sposób prowadzenia działalności gospodarczej i zależy obecnie w dużym stopniu od wydajności w generowaniu i wykorzystywaniu nowej wiedzy, systemów informacyjnych, innowacji i technik zarządzania oraz narzędzi umożliwiających osiągnięcie wyższej wydajności biznesu. Z przeprowadzonych badań dotyczących zarządzania i pomiaru wydajności wynika, że na wydajność ma wpływ wiele czynników. Czynniki te są ważne dla poprawy wyników biznesowych. Celem niniejszego artykułu była analiza wybranych metod i narzędzi zarządzania, które potencjalnie mogą mieć wpływ na wydajność. Wyniki naszych empirycznych badań naukowych dostarczają interesujących i cennych wniosków, dotyczących ogólnej wydajności przedsiębiorstw przemysłowych na Słowacji. Związek pomiędzy korzystaniem z SIZ a ogólną wydajnością biznesową ROE ma silne znaczenie statystyczne. Wykorzystanie SIZ osiągnęło wydajność biznesową na poziomie 2-10%. Przedsiębiorstwa, które korzystają tylko z podstawowego systemu informatycznego ERP osiągają wyniki biznesowe poniżej przeciętnej, najczęściej z ujemnym lub bardzo niskim ROE (do maksimum 2%).
Content available Benchmarking as a performance management method
The paper is devoted to the theoretical ground of benchmarking as a method for performance management. The concept, evolution, typology, a model and some practical aspects of benchmarking are described. Main advantages and problems for applying the benchmarking in performance management are defined. It is proved a variety of benchmarking lies in its types, which allow the improvement of various aspects of the enterprise due to different sources of improvement. Authors conclude that the main objective of performance management is to ensure continuous and sustainable growth of enterprise performance. And the benchmarking, both independently and in combination with other important tools like a motivation, is able to solve this problem.
Niniejszy artykuł poświęcony jest teoretycznemu podłożu benchmarkingu, jako metody zarządzania wydajnością. Opisane zostały: koncepcja, ewolucja, typologia, model oraz niektóre praktyczne aspekty benchmarkingu. Zdefiniowano główne zalety i problemy dotyczące stosowania benchmarkingu w zarządzaniu wydajnością. Udowodniono, że różnorodność benchmarkingu leży w jego rodzajach, co pozwala na poprawę różnych aspektów przedsiębiorstwa ze względu na różne źródła poprawy. Autorzy konkludują, że głównym celem zarządzania wydajnością jest zapewnienie stałego i zrównoważonego wzrostu wydajności przedsiębiorstwa, a benchmarking zarówno samodzielnie, jak i w połączeniu z innymi ważnymi narzędziami, takimi jak motywacja, jest w stanie rozwiązać ten problem.
W artykule dotyczącym wykorzystania narzędzi performance management (Performance Management w zarządzaniu rentownością kursów przewozowych w kontekście krajowych zmian prawnych regulujących publiczny transport zbiorowy. Autobusy 2013, nr 6) autorzy zaprezentowali metodykę wyznaczania przychodów i kosztów, stanowiących podstawę ustalenia rekompensaty za świadczenie usług w publicznym transporcie zborowym. Została ona opracowana w trakcie wdrażania projektu realizowanego w ramach trójstronnych umów stażowych zawartych 1 lipca 2012 r. pomiędzy Staropolską Izbą Przemysłowo-Handlową w Kielcach a PKS w Ostrowcu Św. SA i pracownikami naukowymi dwóch uczelni (Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie i Politechnika Wrocławska). Rezultatem tego projektu jest implementacja instrumentu pozwalającego, przy wykorzystaniu arkusza Excel, na generowanie i prezentację informacji wspomagających podejmowanie decyzji zarządczych w zakresie prowadzonej działalności przewozowej, w tym dotyczących kalkulacji rekompensaty. Niniejszy artykuł jest próbą polemicznego spojrzenia na przyjęte założenia modelu wdrożonego w PKS w Ostrowcu.
Content available Managing enterprise performance in the food industry
The paper is devoted to the development of important elements of the system of enterprise performance management. Author proposes to divide the entire staff of the enterprise into the three categories: main production personnel; subsidiary workers and engineering personnel; managers, clerks and other personnel. The model of personnel motivation and model of internal performance benchmarking are developed. The results of successful introduction of these models on the food enterprises of Ukraine are described.
Artykuł poświęcony jest rozwojowi ważnych elementów systemów zarządzania wydajnością przedsiębiorstwa. Autor proponuje by podzielić cały personel przedsiębiorstwa na trzy kategorie: główny personel produkcyjny, pracowników pomocniczych i kadra inżynierska, menedżerowie, urzędnicy i inni pracownicy. Opracowany został model motywacji personelu i model wewnętrznego porównania skuteczności. Opisane zostały wyniki udanego wprowadzenia tych modeli do przedsiębiorstw przemysłu spożywczego na Ukrainie.
Content available remote Privatization in a nordic country - the case of Iceland
A wave of privatization enclosed the eighties and nineties both in developed and undeveloped countries alike. Since the financial crisis of 2008, many governments have taken over private firms, either in full or partially, hence reactivating the discussion of the effects of privatization. In Iceland a whole banking system collapsed in autumn 2008 leading to an economic crisis where the majority of larger firms became technically bankrupt and state owned banks took over most of them. Whether to privatize all these firms or not has become a debated issue. Future decisions on privatization should rest on understanding past outcomes. This empirical research analyses the changes in operations of Icelandic firms privatized 1992 – 2005 where nearly all potentials for privatization were used. The result suggests that privatization did not lead to significant improvements of the divested state owned firms. Still their operation was efficient, both before and after privatization. On the other hand a control group of private firms improved their performance after privatization.
Fala prywatyzacji przetoczyła się w latach osiemdziesiątych i dziewięćdziesiątych zarówno przez kraje rozwinięte, jak i państwa w niedostatecznej fazie rozwoju. Od czasu kryzysu finansowego z 2008 roku wiele rządów przejęło prywatne firmy zarówno częściowo, jak i całkowicie, stąd też ponownie podjęto dyskusje na temat efektów prywatyzacji. W Islandii cały system bankowy załamał się jesienią 2008 roku, prowadząc do kryzysu gospodarczego, w którym większość dużych firm, technicznie rzecz ujmując, zbankrutowała, a w to, czy prywatyzować te firmy czy też nie, stało się kwestią aktualnej debaty. Przyszłe decyzje prywatyzacyjne powinny opierać się na zrozumieniu przeszłych rezultatów. Przedstawione w niniejszym artykule badania empiryczne stanowią analizę zmian obserwowanych w zakresie działań firm sprywatyzowanych w latach 1992 – 2005, gdzie niemal wszystkie możliwości prywatyzacyjne zostały wykorzystane. Rezultaty wskazują, iż prywatyzacja nie prowadzi do znaczących usprawnień przekształcanych przedsiębiorstw państwowych. Ich praca była skuteczna zarówno przed, jak i po prywatyzacji. Z drugiej strony, grupa kontrolna firm prywatnych poprawiła swoją wydajność po prywatyzacji.
Niniejszą pracę poświęcono rozwojowi i metodologicznym podstawom koncepcji tworzenia mechanizmu zarządzania wydajnością przedsiębiorstwa. Opisuje model wdrażania analizy porównawczej wydajności przedsiębiorstwa, który zawiera sekwencję operacji, co umożliwia połączenie kilku kluczowych funkcji zarządzania i jasno dzieli proces zarządzania wydajnością na kilka kroków. Dostarcza bezpośrednie i zwrotne informacje w celu zapewnienia ciągłości procesu zarządzania wydajnością. Autor proponuje organizacyjny mechanizm redukcji czasu i środków wdrażania procesu zarządzania wydajnością przedsiębiorstwa, który polega na organizacji oddziałów i regionalnych agencji badań porównawczych (BBA i RBA). Systemy BBA i RBA są funkcjonalnie komplementarne i przyczyniają się do przyspieszonego rozwoju różnych gałęzi przemysłu i regionów: RBA podnoszą poziom rozwoju innowacyjności wydajnych przedsiębiorstw; BBA podnoszą do tego poziomu mniej rozwinięte przedsiębiorstwa przemysłu.
This paper is devoted to the development and methodological ground of a conception of making the mechanism of enterprise performance management. It describes a model of implementation of performance benchmarking on the enterprise includes the sequence of operations, which enables to connect together several key management functions, and clearly divide the performance management process into several steps. It provides both direct and feedback to ensure continuity of performance management process. Author proposes an organizational mechanism to reduce the time and resources to implement the process of enterprise performance management that consists in an organization of the branch and regional benchmarking agencies (BBA and RBA). The BBA and RBA systems are functionally complement each other, and contribute to the accelerated development of various industries and regions: RBA increases the level of innovation development of efficient enterprises; BBA raises to this level remaining, less-efficient enterprises of the industry.
Purpose: Analysis the propagation of the variability of polymer processing in production lines is the aim of the article. It is unprofitable occurrence. It contributes to an increase in the time of the production cycle and the volume of work in process. Design/methodology/approach: For the measurement of the variability of polymer processingparameters the time Shewart's card were used. The technique of the timing was applied for the registration of the production cycle time and the volume of stocks. The computer simulation was used for the analysis of the propagation of the variability in the production line at different values of the variability coefficient. Findings: The Shewart’s card permit to control the random variability of processes and eliminate the negative results of this occurrence. The computer simulation allowed to the investigate a lot of screenplays assuming different sizes of the variability. Prediction of the variability of polymer processing parameters gives possibility for the correction of the manufacturing process organization and against wastage. Research limitations/implications: The next step of research will be. Determinations of relation between the variability of polymer processing parameters and coefficient of machines utilization and quality of the final product will be the next stage of the research. The validation simulation models and estimation of their usefulness in undertaking of the decision concerning production process. Practical implications: The analysis of the propagation of variability of polymers processing parameters permits for better are understanding of reasons delays and excessive work in progress materials in the production of a particular article. The inspection of the variability permits better to manage the materials flow in the production system.
Content available remote Parameters influencing innovation, R&D and technology in mechanical industry
Purpose: The objective of the research was to establish the most important factors aimed at achieving optimal business performance in the machinery and equipment manufacturing industry in Slovenia and in so doing, we focused on innovation, technology and R&D processes. Design/methodology/approach: The research was run in five steps. Firstly, we selected a group of variables from statistical and in the second, we added some important variables. In the third step, the variables were grouped in four categories (input, process, output indirect, output direct). In the fourth step, we performed the ordinary statistics and calculated correlations among individual variables. In the last step, we defined mutual correlations among particular variables and focused on the most important ones. At the same time the results of the simple statistics were taken into account. Findings: On the basis of the presented research methodology, we determined the key input and process variables, which clearly indicate the sequence of activities and also particular areas where additional efforts need to be invested as well. Reseach limitations/implications: The research limitations are connected with statistical data which fails to cover all the important topics related to the innovation performance within a company. There are also some misleading questions/definitions in the SURS/Eurostat which partially result in subjective results. Therefore, an improvement of the aforesaid statistical methodology or a separate data collection would advance the research. Practical implications: The findings also represent a set of concrete guidelines in which companies, support environment organisations and also national policy leaders should put their efforts. Originality/value: The way of analysing and interpreting the data deriving from the mechanical industry are new. Besides, the results and conclusion are also original and may be applied by the aforementioned target groups.
Content available remote Implementation of cutting tool management system
Purpose: of this paper is to show the benefits of implementation of management of cutting tools in the company which specializes in metal cutting process, after which the production conditions alows new possibilities for improvement of the tool management. Design/methodology/approach: applied in this paper was identification current state and exploitation conditions of cutting tools on lathes and milling machines and organization of the departments and other services, which are directly involved in the cutting tools management system. Findings: of the controlled testings and analyses in every phase of tool management in departments and other services which are directly involved in the tool management system will help to reduce stock and costs. It is possible to identify which operator makes errors and is responsible for inappropriate use of cutting tool. Some disadvantages have been identified and a few suggestions for the improvement in the tool management system have been given. A result of research is easy to apply in company with developed informatic infrastructure and is mostly interesting for CNC workshops. Small companies and specialized low volume productions have to made additional effort to integrate in clusters. Practical implications: are reduction of cutting tool on stock, reduction of employee, quick access to the necessary cutting tools and data, simplicity in tool order and supply. The most important is possibility to monitor and to identify which cutting tools and employees are weakest parts of chain in tool management system. Management activity should be foreseeable in all its segments, which includes both the appropriate choice and use of cutting tools, and monitoring of unwanted phenomena during the cutting process and usage of these data for further purchase of tools. Originality value: in the paper is turnover methodology applied for determination of management efficacy and formation of employees from different departments in virtual tool management system.
Content available remote IDSS used as a framework for collaborative projects in conglomerate enterprises
Purpose: of this paper is to summarize the application study of the general framework of intelligent decision support system (IDSS) to collaborative projects in conglomerate enterprises. Today's market competition requires project managers to make correct decisions fast. In some situations, even with the knowledge of how to find right information and which decision making methods to apply, people do not have enough time to make right decisions at the right time. In this paper, the frame work of an IDSS system to support real-time collaboration and enable seamless data exchange is presented. The IDSS system is able to support the information flow between internal and external sources. Data are shared, prepared, and streamlined to appropriate analytical tools. A case study of manufacturing projects in a specific European shipbuilding conglomerate is used to illustrate the process and usefullness of IDSS in combination with Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. Design/methodology/approach: A model of internal and external information flows is proposed for enterprise information management. The important roles of facilitation and organization that the IDSS plays are demonstrated. In the case study examples of manufacturing projects analysis are given with the known methods, including Analytical Hierarchy Process and Bayes Rule. Findings: It was found that IDSS is an essential component to enhance decision makings with complex information flows in large conglomerates. Main conclusions is to show what we will achieve through IDSS systems, to show how perform analysis in logical way. Research limitations/implications: The functionality of the developed framework is limited by the willingness of management style and culture changes in companies, as well as the level of interoperability between commercial software components. Practical implications: Project engineers and managers need to adapt to the new IT-based working environment. Intensive use of software tools may become the major challenge for those who cannot absorb information based on the new format of information presentation. Originality/value: The proposed new information management model and the framework of IDSS system enable ease of data sharing and processing by internal and external stakeholders in decision makings. The collaborative decision making consists of different parts: the management of information flow, the preparation of data for decision making, and actual decision making supported by several methods.
Content available remote Application of value analysis in processes of cog-wheels production
Purpose: The analysis of the processes based on the value analysis allows to evaluate of applied technologies of production. In the paper there is presented the value analysis for chosen processes of cog-wheels production as well as correlation of the functions of the product with the costs of operations creating them. An evaluation of applied technologies of production was done. Design/methodology/approach: Application of the method of value analysis with reference to productive chains including results of cost analysis. Findings: The study presents results of performed value analysis for chosen processes in particular with reference to costs of realized processes of cog-wheels. The analysis was done in the productive processes of the same product in two different technologies. Research limitations/implications: Evaluation of costs of operations of the productive processes. Practical implications: Presented in the paper approach and application of the method of value analysis essentially influences evaluation and increasing of efficiency of realized productive processes. Originality/value: Presented method is based on the methodology by L.D. Miles, L.W. Crum.
Purpose: The paper presents an attempt of improving a productivity of the sleeve’s technological process by optimization times of machining operations. Design/methodology/approach: The optimization of times of turning operations was done by using the analytic and graphic method, which belongs to the linear programming. Findings: The optimization of times of turning operations by using the methods of linear programming caused shortening the total manufacturing time of a sleeve by 2%. The changes of times permitted on enlargement the volume of produced lots, what guarantees the growth of production about 5%. The calculated volume of optimum productive lot allows enlargement of the level of total productivity of studied process from 95 to 99%. Research limitations/implications: The methods of optimization such as linear programming depend on degree of complexity of physical and technical relations of the analysed machining processes. Practical implications: The work is an example of an analysis of chosen technological process in aspect of its productivity. It could be helpful to improve a level of total productivity of technological processes by using simple methods of linear programming. Originality/value: The paper presents some results of optimization of machining operations of the sleeve’s technological process, which caused enlargement of the volume of produced fabrications and growth of the level of total productivity.
Omówiono system zarządzania TMN firmy Siemens pod nazwą iXDo-main. Zadaniem systemu iXDomain jest automatyzacja procesów zarządzania sieciami wielodomenowymi oraz zarządzania usługami w takich sieciach. Scharakteryzowano działanie systemu w zakresie zarządzania uszkodzeniami, wydajnością sieci, połączeniami oraz realizacją usług. Przedstawiono architekturę, modularność i funkcje poszczególnych modułów systemu oraz korzyści, które system zapewnia operatorom sieci.
The article describes the Siemens TMN solution - iXDomain, being a new concept of cross-domain management system. The iXDomain applications enable the operator to automate the processes of multi-domain telecom and data networks management as well the service management. The functionality of the system on field of: Fault Management, Performance Management, Connection Management and Service Provisioning is characterized as well the profits that system offers to the network operators.
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