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w słowach kluczowych:  zarządzanie operacjami
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Purpose: This paper aims to provide insight into currently available corporate operation and control management approaches through the examined articles, focusing on bottlenecks and closely related theories. Design/methodology/approach: The reviewed publications, which focus on the theory of constraints, different approaches, the concept of bottlenecks, and the presentation of related methods, bring us closer to understanding the changes that have taken place in the past decades. Findings: The immense impact of digitization and changes in demand affect the requests placed on companies; the way consumer needs are met has changed and accelerated, to which companies must adapt. In the case of services and products, the primary goal of manufacturers and service providers is to generate revenue and profit by satisfying consumer needs. For this, creating and maintaining an efficient operating system that does not contain restrictive elements is necessary. This publication provides a comprehensive overview of how the approach to the unified concept of the bottleneck is an effective tool for companies to improve their processes. Research limitations/implications: The current study analyzed some of the most relevant publications in the ScienceDirect database based on the keywords. This approach certainly serves as a beginning point for the understanding that to focus on the researched problem space, a systematic literature review is required. Originality/value: This study provides insight and supports the importance of a unified approach to identifying constraints for effective operational processes.
Supply chain activity control is an essential part of Supply Chain Management (SCM), ensuring compliance with customer requirements. This paper presents a case study into the control of SCM activities. The study analysed two areas involving two different SC links associated with order picking, and outsourced truck freights, respectively. The studied company had problems with these links. An approach based on developing a KPI (Key Performance Indicator) was proposed to address the issues. Consequently, different affected processes were analysed and characterised, considering the relevant data for defining a KPI. Then, strategies and methods were devised for data collection and processing regarding the system’s current state. Finally, tools were designed to facilitate the interpretation of the system’s current state and thus, pave the way for the decision-making process on corrective measures.
The main aim of the article is to improve the website development process by using the Agile Development Toolkit: Lean Software Development which is developed from the combination of Lean and Agile principles and the theory of waste elimination from the Toyota Production System. This article explains the definitions of the kinds of wastes that are generated during the website development process within an IT Company and generally in SMEs in India and by taking preventive steps, improving the process by eliminating generated waste. The main aim of the research is to use Lean Software Development, a toolkit of Agile Development, that can be implemented within IT SMEs to overcome wastes. This article focuses on finding root causes of problems within the website development process and applying principles of Lean Software Development to remove those problems and accelerate the website development process. Another analysis was performed to show which principles of Lean Development and Agile Development can be correlated if a website/software is developed using any of these two development methodologies, and not specifically Lean Software Development.
Głównym celem artykułu jest usprawnienie procesu tworzenia stron internetowych za pomocą zestawu narzędzi programistycznych Agile: Lean Software Development, który został opracowany przez Toyota Production System na podstawie powiązań Lean i Agile oraz teorii eliminacji strat. Wyjaśniono w nim definicje rodzajów strat generowanych w procesie tworzenia strony internetowej w firmie informatycznej i ogólnie w małych i średnich przedsiębiorstwach w Indiach, jak również podjęto kroki zapobiegawcze, ulepszając proces i eliminując straty. Głównym celem badań jest wykorzystanie Lean Software Development - zestawu narzędzi Agile Development, które można wdrożyć w małych i średnich przedsiębiorstwach IT w celu wyeliminowania strat. W artykule przedstawiono sposób usunięcia omawianych problemów i przyspieszenia procesu tworzenia strony internetowej przez wykrycie przyczyn tych problemów i z zastosowaniem zasady Lean Software Development. Kolejną analizę przeprowadzono, aby wskazać, które zasady Lean Development i Agile Development mogą być skorelowane, jeśli strona internetowa / oprogramowanie są rozwijane z użyciem którejkolwiek z tych dwóch metod.
Background: The concept of supply chain management is to coordinate and collaborate among supply chain players in order to achieve system efficiency. Supply chain coordination and collaborations deal with the connection of operations throughout the chain with material and information flowing smoothly across these supply chain operations in achieving efficiency. Healthcare supply chain is one of such complex systems involving many stakeholders in the supply chain. Coordinating a single platform for these stakeholders is a challenge by achieving smooth flow of operations on this platform. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to explore the operations in this healthcare supply chain materials and information flows across the players at two levels, macro and micro perspective. Methods: The supply chain infrastructure enabling efficiency is investigated in the hospital environment. Multiple case studies have been conducted at 13 hospitals which include secondary hospitals and primary hospitals. Triangulation techniques, including interviews, site visiting and document analysis, are employed for data collection so as to enhance reliability and validity of the study. Results and conclusions: The study found that the healthcare supply chain efficiency could be achieved at 2 levels, namely supply chain level and firm level. The main concerns of the organizations of both levels are process efficiency and patient safety.
Wstęp: Zarządzanie łańcuchem dostaw to koordynacja i kooperacja pomiędzy różnymi podmiotami, będącymi członkami tego łańcucha w celu osiągnięcia jak najwyższej efektywności działania. Koordynacja i kooperacja łączy się nieodzownie z tworzeniem połączeń pomiędzy operacjami w obrębie łańcucha dostaw, przepływów materiałowych i informacyjnych. Łańcuch dostaw służby zdrowia jest skomplikowanym systemem włączających wielu udziałowych do łańcucha dostaw. Koordynacja pojedynczej platformy dla tych współudziałowców w celu osiągnięcia płynnego przepływu operacji jest dużym wyzwaniem. Celem tej pracy jest rozpracowanie operacji w obrębie łańcucha dostaw służby zdrowia, obejmującego przepływu materiałowe jak i informacyjne na dwóch poziomach: makro oraz mikro. Metody: Analizie została poddana infrastruktura łańcucha dostaw szpitali umożliwiająca osiągnięcie efektywności operacji. Badania te zostały wykonane w 13 szpitalach dwóch szczebli organizacyjnych. Techniki trójkątne, obejmujące wywiady, wizyty w poszczególnych obiektach oraz analizę dokumentacji zostały użyte w celu zebrania danych o wymaganym stopniu rzetelności. Wyniki i wnioski: Efektywność łańcucha dostaw służby zdrowia można uzyskać na dwóch poziomach, a mianowicie na poziomie całego łańcucha dostaw jak i na poziomie poszczególnej firmy. Najistotniejszym czynnikiem determinujących sposób organizacji na obu poziomach jest efektywność oraz bezpieczeństwo pacjentów.
This study aims, on the one hand, to prove that financial management is a component of tactical management and, secondly, to rebuild, to reconfigure conceptual profile of financial management as an element of tactical management, outside the strategic management and operational management. Our research starts from the observation that in these first decades of the XXI century, along with traditional components of management (strategic management and operations-operational management) takes shape and recognizable profile tactical management. In this frame is analyzed financial management. The method used is a mix between rational observation method, comparative method and meta-analytical method. Investigative approach leads to the conclusion that financial management is today the main component of tactical management and not a component of operational management, as it was conceived prior. Finally, it defines the functional elements that define the new profile of financial management as a science (as an academic discipline), as a practical activity and as the fundamental staff’s attribution of any organizational entity.
Badanie to ma na celu, z jednej strony, udowodnić, że zarządzanie finansami jest elementem zarządzania taktycznego, a po drugie, odbudować, ponownie skonfigurować koncepcyjny profil zarządzania finansowego, jako element zarządzania taktycznego, poza zarządzaniem strategicznym i zarządzaniem operacyjnym. Nasze badanie rozpoczyna się od obserwacji, że w pierwszych dekadach XXI wieku, wraz z tradycyjnymi elementami zarządzania (zarządzanie strategiczne i operacyjne zarządzanie operacjami) zarządzanie taktyczne nabiera kształtu i rozpoznawalnego profilu. W tym ujęciu analizowane jest zarządzanie finansami. Stosowaną metodą jest połączenie metody racjonalnej obserwacji, metody porównawczej oraz metody meta-analitycznej. Badawcze podejście prowadzi do wniosku, że zarządzanie finansami jest dzisiaj głównym elementem zarządzania taktycznego a nie elementem zarządzania operacyjnego, jak to zostało określone wcześniej. Wreszcie określa elementy funkcjonalne, które definiują nowy profil zarządzania finansami, jako nauki, (jako dyscypliny akademickiej), jako praktyczną działalność i jako fundamentalną kompetencję pracownika dowolnej jednostki organizacyjnej.
The conflicts, linked to the contradictory interests, are intensified in the management of operations. Once they are identified, they become an intervention privileged base for logistics. (JEL: J53, D30, Q01).
Konflikty, w połączeniu ze sprzecznymi interesami, nasilają się w przypadku zarządzania operacjami. Kiedy zostaną jednak zidentyfikowane, stają się podstawą uprzywilejowanych interwencji dla logistyki. Logistyka ingeruje w te podstawowe działania, aby wstępnie zapobiegać potencjalnym konfliktom, oraz aby prowadzić arbitraż w celu osiągnięcia rozwiązania, które w przypadku codziennego zastosowania, zapewni najlepszą obsługę przy najniższych cenach. Obszary i przyczyny konfliktów są nieograniczone. Aby osiągnąć maksymalną wydajność, osoba odpowiedzialna za działania logistyczne podejmuje ingerencję względem działań określonych przez logistykę przedsiębiorstwa.
Content available remote Required buffer capacities in assembly systems
Purpose: The aim of the realised analysis is the determination of the set of conditions. The fulfilment of those conditions enables the synchronisation of the assembly system work into the steady state. It is necessary to specify the rules controlling the assembly system work. Rhythmic concurrent production with wide assortment in the considered assembly system is realised. Design/methodology/approach: The theoretical roots of the considerations presented in that paper include theory of constraints. The presented approach is consistent with the authority method called Requirements and Possibilities Balance Method (RPBM). Findings: Two kinds of system buffers: the entrance buffers and the inter-resources buffers are considered in that paper. The number of buffers elements needed for production during first steady state of the given system has been determined. Mathematical formulas specifying the minimal capacity of the buffers allocated in the assembly system have been outworked. Research limitations/implications: The formulas specifying the minimal buffer capacity constitute the first step towards formulation of the automatic method. That method is designed for the automatic construction of rules controlling the system work during transient phases between two different steady states. The process enables automation of the introduction filling of the system buffers. Practical implications: The presented formulas can become an integrated part of existing authority software. The developed computer system aids the decision-making process connected with production planning and ensures effective utilisation of production resources. Moreover, the formulas correctness during computer simulations has been verified. Originality/value: To develop the formulas specifying the minimal capacity of the system buffers is the main achievement of the given paper. The presented approach permits to solve the problem concerning the synchronisation of the assembly system work into the steady state.
Content available remote Modelling methodology for development of Virtual Organisation's supporting systems
Purpose: of this paper is to introduce modelling methodology that would be usable for building of virtual organisations. Nowadays this concept is widely accepted both in academic and industry community. However, slow implementation in practise causes inability to reach expected advantages. One of the main reasons is the lack of such systems that would support cooperation and integration in accordance with principles of virtual organisation. Design/methodology/approach: Modelling as a research and development method is requirement to creation of adequate supporting systems. Rationale reference models will contribute to mistakes elimination, reduction of implementation time and total costs decreasing during whole lifecycle of the integrated systems. This approach requires unified modelling methodology. Findings: This Frame system is describe in the paper for virtual organisation modelling VO-PLM (Virtual Organisation supported by Product Lifecycle Management). This system describes theoretical starting points, way to formalization, structure, content and terminology of future models. Methodology is based on unified modelling language UML concerning principles of system decomposition, object-oriented modelling and required expandability. Research limitations/implications: There is important to note, that UML as a language provides set of symbols and rules for their notation, but not uniquely determined methods. Consequently, in next solution there is necessary to pay attention to this question. GRAPPLE (Guidelines for Rapid APPLication Engineering) could be used as a source complex methodology. The Frame system VO-PLM will unify modelling methodology which is necessary for research continuity, design, development and implementation of supporting software systems. Originality/value: Paper refers to results of integrated applied research at the Department of Manufacturing Systems STU in Bratislava. Authors have analysed actual outcomes of the important European projects in the field of virtual organisation modelling and business modelling.
Purpose: The main issue of this paper is to present a modern way of determining business strategy with a use of Balanced Scorecard methodology (BSC) integrated with ERP/MRP rank systems for managing manufacturing companies. Design/methodology /approach: The paper presents assumptions, aims and ways of implementation of Balanced Scorecard on a background of classic manufacturing company management. Findings: A present state of software development produced for strategic company management as well as proposals of ways and directions of its development for SME sector was introduced in this paper. Research limitations/implications: Further researches should be concentrated on particularising of so-called scorecard of manufacturing company. Practical implications: The paper presents an example of a needs analyse which is necessary to be performed during a process of choosing one of ERP/MRP rank computer system for manufacturing company service. Originality/value: The paper might be useful for person dealing with modern techniques of manufacturing company management.
Content available remote The selection of the production route in the assembly system
Purpose: The aim of the conducted research is the outworking of the methodology enabling the selection of the fastest production route from the set of the alternative production routes. The presented approach is applied to the assembly system described by the following matrices: the assembly process matrices specified for each assembly process, the processes links matrix specified for the entire system and the alternative routes matrix specified for the entire system. In the considered assembly system rhythmic concurrent production with wide assortment is realised. Design/methodology/approach: The considerations presented in that paper have the theoretical roots in theory of constraints as well as critical path scheduling techniques. Findings: The result of carried out works is the three-step methodology enabling the determination which production route from the set of the alternative production routes enables the fastest customer order realisation. The proposed methodology enables production planning in the way ensuring the satisfaction of the customer needs as soon as possible. Research limitations/implications: The future research will concern the assembly system behaviour in a starting-up phase and a cease phase as well as transient phases. That work boils down to meta-rules determination for the considered class of the system. Practical implications: The proposed three-step methodology can become the integrated part of existing authority software. The outworked computer system aids the decision-making process connected with production planning and ensures effective utilisation of production resources. Originality/value: The main achievement of the given paper is to outwork the three-step methodology permitting to solve the decision problem concerning the selection of the fastest production route from the set of the alternative production routes, which are possible for the realisation in the assembly system.
Purpose: The purpose of the study was to present an original approach to evaluation of the real productive chains, including its utilization as a benchmarking method. Design/methodology/approach: In the paper an analysis of value in the productive chains with account of activities based costs was used. The evaluation of the effectivity was made by econometric coefficients. Findings: The paper presents obtained particular results of the analysis of value in the productive chains indicating effectivity of their solutions’ realization. Research limitations/implications: Limitations of the study are associated with particularity of defining of costs of particular operations. Practical implications: Presented method of evaluation of the productive chains gives possibility to assess effectivity of the realized activities. Originality/value: This method is based on the methodology by L.D.Miles and M.E.Porter.
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