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The purpose of the research wasto examine how factors such as land use and land management affect the quality ofgro- undwater and surface water. These studies werepossible thanks to funding from the IDUB Technetium Talent Management Grantsproject titled“Assessment of Anthropogenic Threat to Groundwater and Surface Water in the Region of the Vistula Lagoon”. The research area included a section of the Vistula Spit, Żuławy Wielkie and the coastal waters of the Vistula Lagoon. Field studies were conducted during three field trips; 15 groundwater points and35 surface water points were examined. During these studies parameters such as temperature, pH, electrical conductivity, and the content of nitrogen, nitrates, phosphates, and sulfates were measured. In the Żuławy area it was found that surface water and groundwater are under the direct influence of the Vistula Lagoon, causing their salinity increase. Locally, man-induced chemical changes are also visible. The inflow of nutrients from fertilization of agricultural fields and uncontrolled discharge of wastes into drainage canals have been observed. The local anthropogenic impact on the water environment was also found in the Vistula Spit area. It was caused by pollutions from tourist facilities.
Groundwater is a vital resource that provides drinking water to over half of the world's population. However, groundwater contamination has become a serious issue due to human activities such as industrialization, agriculture, and improper waste disposal. The impacts of groundwater contamination can be severe, including health risks, environmental damage, and economic losses. A list of unknown groundwater contamination sources has been developed for the Wang-Tien landfill using a groundwater modeling system (GMS). Further, AI-based models have been developed which accurately predict the contamination from the sources at this site. A serious complication with most previous studies using artificial neural networks (ANN) for contamination source identification has been the large size of the neural networks. We have designed the ANN models which use three different ways of presenting inputs that are categorized by hierarchical K-means clustering. Such an implementation reduces the overall complexity of the model along with high accuracy. The predictive capability of developed models was assessed using performance indices and compared with the ANN models. The results show that the hybrid model of hierarchical K-means clustering and ANN model (HCA-ANN) is a highly accurate model for identifying pollution sources in contaminated water.
Seen in the light of increasing anthropogenic impacts on the environment and a growing demand for potable water, pollution of groundwater is a very important issue, especially in large city areas. The present research includes analyses ofthe chemical composition at 109 measuring points in the Wrocław area, and of the spatial distribution of groundwater components with regard to land use, geological structure and hydrogeological conditions. Based on spatial analyses, it has been noted that changes depend mainly on land use and the kind of activity carried out in close proximity of water intake. Shallow groundwater in Wrocław is characterised by a great variability of main components. Factor analysis has made it possible to distinguish these components and determine the degree of their influence on the chemical composition of shallow groundwater in the entire study area. The current research demonstrates the high sensitivity of aquifers to pollution and emphasises the role of human activity in levels of groundwater pollution in urban areas.
This study presents preliminary results of investigation of groundwater chemical composition (major ions, nitrogen and phosphorus compounds) in a coastal multi-aquifer groundwater system in the Puck Municipality. It was found that the groundwater composition is specific for each aquifer and shows some local variation. There is also a clear vertical geochemical inversion within the aquifers, with the highest concentrations of dissolved components in the shallowest aquifer. In general, all of the aquifers represent groundwater quality classes I, II and III, which can be evaluated as good quality according to Polish environmental law. An increase in the concentrations of principal pollution indicators over time has been observed only in the shallow aquifer. Distribution of basic pollution indicators in the groundwater implies a local impact of agriculture, as well as an influence of municipal wastes from households and farms. Poor sanitary conditions of farms, animal husbandry, storage and distribution of organic fertilizers (e.g. manure) can be potential sources of contamination. However, concentrations of contaminants in the coastal zone of aquifers discharging to the Bay of Puck are within the range for quality classes I and II, and generally lower than the concentrations measured in seawater, which suggests limited impact of the terrestrial groundwater discharge on the Bay of Puck contamination.
Przedstawiono wyniki doświadczenia wazonowego i lizymetrycznego z uprawą miscanta olbrzymiego (Miscanthus giganteus L.) w różnych wariantach nawozowych i nawodnieniowych. Okreslono wielkość plonów, bilans składników nawozowych (NUE) oraz wielkość stężeń nutrientów w odciekach lizymetrycznych.
Pot and lysimeter expts. were carried out with Miscanthus giganteus in 3 fertilizing and irrigation variants. The yields, balance of fertilizer components (NUE) and nutrient concns. in lysimeter leachate were detd. The calcd. NUE balances showed significant losses of fertilizer components of 28.5–49.2%, 10.5–32.4% and 35.2–44.0% for N, P and K, resp.
Landfill leachates (LFL) collected from Sfax (Tunisia) discharge area are characterized by high chemical oxygen demand (COD), ammonium and salts contents. They constitute a source of phytotoxicity and pollution for ground water and surface water resources which requires an adequate treatment process. To evaluate the efficiency of the coagulation/flocculation treatment, special attention was paid to the effect of pH, coagulant and flocculant doses. Then, effect of zero valent iron was also studied alone and in combination with coagulation/flocculation pretreatment. Our results indicate high removal efficiencies by coagulation/flocculation (46% COD and 63% turbidity) and Fenton process (48% COD and 76% turbidity). The combined application of coagulation/flocculation and Fenton revealed higher COD removal (62%) and turbidity reduction (90%). These results showed the applicability of this combined treatment method for the degradation of organic compounds and reduction of the treated leachate toxicity.
In the paper, a comparison of the efficiency of riverbank treatments is outlined for the Krajkowo well field, where different methods of water abstraction are used. The water is extracted from 29 vertical wells that are located at a distance of 60–80 m from the channel of the River Warta and from a horizontal well with radial drains located 5 m below the bottom of the river. The results of a two-year water-quality investigation indicate that the water quality in both types of abstraction system is influenced by the quality of river water. The water quality observed in the horizontal well is closely similar to that of the river water, with similar concentrations of sulphates, nitrates and micropollutants, but a reduction in bacteriological contamination and plankton is clearly seen. The reduction in contaminants is mainly the result of physical processes, such as mechanical entrapment of suspended material and colloids as well as bacteria and plankton. In the vertical wells, the influence of contamination from river water is also visible, but the reduction in contamination is more significant, especially in cases of bacteria, plankton, micropollutants and nitrates, and is determined by both physical and chemical processes, such as sorption, dissolution, red-ox processes and denitrification. The present research shows that river water treatment is more effective in the case of vertical wells. The most favourable distance of a well from the channel of the river, from the perspective of water quality, is 150–200 m, which corresponds to a residence time of about six months.
In our study we attempt to demonstrate the effects of uninsulated sewage tanks, which are the most important sources of contamination in settlements without sewage systems, on groundwater quality. We compared the results of measurements carried out before and one and a half years after the construction of the sewage system. We established 3 m deep monitoring wells within a 25 m radius of a sewage tank, which were then sampled, and the level of groundwater was recorded. The 3D model constructed on the basis of the saturated zone shows that the effluent wastewater formed a groundwater level dome with a height of more than 1 m. After the sewage tank was taken out of use the difference between the highest and lowest groundwater levels decreased to a few centimetres. In our study we investigated the spatial distribution of NH4 + (ammonium). Using the 3D model we were able to precisely determine the volume of water bodies with different levels of contamination. In an approximately 25 m3 water body, in the immediate environment of a sewage tank in use we detected NH4 + at a concentration which was characteristic of undiluted wastewater (>90 mg∙dm–3). After the sewage tank was taken out of use, the concentration in its immediate environment decreased by more than 50%, although almost everywhere in the modelled area concentrations were measured above the limit value. Based on the above, we can conclude that the cleaning process has started, but the complete decontamination of the groundwater will take several years.
W pracy podjęto próbę wykazania wpływów nieizolowanych zbiorników ściekowych, które są głównym źródłem zanieczyszczenia w osiedlach pozbawionych kanalizacji, na jakość wód gruntowych. Porównano wyniki pomiarów prowadzonych przed i półtora roku po zbudowaniu systemu kanalizacyjnego. W promieniu 25 m od zbiornika ściekowego zainstalowano studzienki o głębokości 3 m, z których pobierano próbki i mierzono w nich poziom wód gruntowych. Na podstawie trójwymiarowego modelu zbudowanego ze znajomością strefy saturacji stwierdzono, że wypływające ścieki uformowały wypukłe zwierciadło wód gruntowych o wysokości ponad 1 m. Po wyłączeniu zbiornika ścieków z eksploatacji różnica pomiędzy najwyższym i najniższym poziomem wód gruntowych zmalała do kilku centymetrów. W przedstawionych badaniach analizowano przestrzenne rozmieszczenie jonów amonowych (NH4 +). Stosując trójwymiarowy model można było precyzyjnie określić objętość wody o różnym stopniu zanieczyszczenia. W 25 m3 wody w bezpośrednim otoczeniu używanego zbiornika ściekowego wykryto jony amonowe w stężeniu typowym dla nierozcieńczonych ścieków (>90 mg∙dm–3). Po wyłączeniu zbiornika z eksploatacji stężenie to zmalało o ponad 50%, choć niemal wszędzie nadal przekraczało dopuszczalne normy. Na podstawie uzyskanych wyników można wnioskować, że proces oczyszczania został rozpoczęty, ale całkowita dekontaminacja zajmie kilka lat.
The coal mine waste dumps located in the southern provinces of Poland pollute groundwater with metals. As a result of batch experiments presented in the paper, it can be said that it is possible to remove chromium and copper from the groundwater (which is affected by acid mine drainage, thus characterized by low pH) with the use of zero-valent iron in permeable reactive barrier technology. The contaminants are removed from the aquifer by the flow of groundwater through a reactive barrier filled with a special reactive material. Rapid metal removal likely occurred due to the reduction and the precipitation/co-precipitation and/or due to the adsorption onto the iron metal surface or/and onto the iron corrosion products. In accordance with the research it has also been found that in more alkaline environment, the oxidation of Fe(0) proceeds slower. A rapid decrease of the redox potential as well as the increases of pH have also been observed in the batch tests when the dose of Fe(0) in solutions increased.
Contamination of soil and groundwater with pesticides is mainly caused by old ecological burdens. This study focuses on the treatment of groundwater contaminated with chlorinated pesticides. The contaminants mainly include α-HCH, β-HCH, γ-HCH, HCB, DDE, DDD and DDT. Reverse osmosis technology using RO98pHt polyamide membranes was used to remove the pollutants under batch process conditions. The observed rate of removal ranged from 98.4% to 99.7%. Total dissolved content solids decreased from 1.35 g/dm3 to below 0.05 g/dm3.
One of the technologies producing harmful for the environment wastes containing fluorine compounds is aluminium metallurgy. The surroundings of the Aluminium Metallurgy Plant in Skawina were characterised by significant pollution of all the environmental components with fluorine compounds. The deposited wastes distinctly influenced the pollution of underground and surface waters. In underground waters the fluorine content exceeded the concentration in the unchanged areas even up to 200 times. The carried out reclamation work on the repository improved the aesthetic values of this area, but did not decrease threat for was. Harmful effects of waste deposition will still be visible for many years.
Jedną z technologii, która wytwarza szkodliwe dla środowiska odpady zawierające związki fluoru, jest hutnictwo aluminium. Rejonem charakteryzującym się znacznymi zanieczyszczeniami związkami fluoru wszystkich komponentów środowiska było otoczenie Huty Aluminium w Skawinie. Składowane odpady wyraźnie wpłynęły na zanieczyszczenie wód podziemnych i powierzchniowych. W wodach podziemnych stwierdza się nawet dwustukrotne przekroczenia zawartości fluoru w stosunku do koncentracji w obszarach niezmienionych. Przeprowadzone prace rekultywacyjne na składowisku poprawiły walory estetyczne tego terenu, lecz nie zmniejszyły zagrożenia dla wód. Szkodliwe skutki nagromadzenia odpadów odczuwalne będą jeszcze przez wiele lat.
A constant increase of nitrate ions (NO3-) concentrations (from ca. 10 to 400% in some wells within 1995-2005) is observed within the Major Groundwater Basin (MGWB) 326N exploited by the Water Supply and Sewerage Company in Czestochowa district. The verified fate and transport model allowed for determining concentrations and loads of NO3- introduced into groundwater within infiltrating precipitation, as well as scenarios of concentration changes until 2015 for diverse regimes of water extraction. From 6 considered scenarios, the most appropriate for the water intake Łobodno, is the extraction regime that will lead to the prognosed mean NO, concentration in 2015 of 44,0 mg/l (i.e. 91% of the concentration in 2005). In the case of the water intake Wierzchowisko, the most appropriate is the water extraction regime, for which the predicted mean NO, concentration is 59,3 mg/l (i.e. 102% of the concentration in 2005).
Content available remote Skład fizyczno-chemiczny wody w małej zlewni leśnej na Dolnym Śląsku
Waters are this kind of environmental element, which is very susceptible to degradation and progressive development of human civilisation. The state of water pollution is a relative concept and require a point of reference. The best point of reference would be natural water, such which a composition does not change under influence of human activity. Maybe water in forest catchment areas could be a good point of reference, called "natural background", because of the fact that forest areas are treated as surroundings without anthropogenic changes. This paper describes a preliminary estimation of ground water composition in a small forest catchment area situated south-east of Milicz town, on the area of Landscape Park of Barycz Valley. The research involves exactly three catchment areas (Fig. 1): The first is a source area (F[I] = 0,230 km2), the second (F[II]=0,500 km2) include catchment area I. In cross-sections, which close both of the catchment areas (I and II), installations that delay and equalize the water run-offfrom catchment area were installed. The installations were called "run-off delayer". The third (F[III]=0,085 km2) is bordered on catchment area II and is useful for an estimation of water run-off equalization by means of using the run-off delayers. A hydrologic year described in this paper was classified as a wet year. Total annual precipitation amounted to as much as 778 mm, whereas multiannual total precipitation only 563 mm. By far the higher precipitation were noticed during the third quarter of 2001, e.g. in July was as much as 180 mm (Tab. 2). Also, mean annual air temperature (9,2 stopni C) was higher than mean multiannual and autumn-winter months (November, December, January) were definitely warmer (Tab. 3). The research involved a physical and chemical composition of groundwater and surface water. Groundwater was taken from two piezometer wells - P5, P6, and surface water from cross-sections, which close all catchment areas: I, II, II' (above run-off delayer a small reservoir has formed. It is filled up during high water stages, so above it water was also taken) and III. Depth to groundwater in the vicinity of piezometer P5 was between 108-136 cm, deeper than depth range 10-101 cm for piezometer P6. The pH scale of these tested waters ranged between 7,1 and 7,8 and was relatively stable regardless of sampling places (Tab. 4). This measured values are typical of most groundwater. A mean conductivity value of waters from both piezometers amounted to 278 miS x cm-1 for P5 and 415 miS X cm-1 for P6. This measured values vere relatively low and showed also a low concentration of mineral compounds. Values of oxygen demand indicators (BOD5, COD[Mn], COD[Cr] of water from P6 were higher than these values for water from P5, e.g.: a mean value of COD[Mn], amounted to only 4,4 mg O2xdm-3 in the water from P5 whereas value of it amounted to as much as 12,3 mg O2xdm-3 in the water from P6. A reason of such diversity could be a shallow groundwater in the vicinity of piezometer well P6 and direct contact with upper layer of forest soil, rrich in organic matter. In contrast to oxygen demand indicators, nitrogen concentration did not show such diversity between water samples from both piezometers. Concentration of mineral forms (ammonia and nitrate) was low. The measured concentrations were lower in comparison with values of this nitrogen forms in groundwater from lands for intensive agricultural activity or even in groundwater from tree-covered lands. Nitrogen in organic forms showed higher concentrations, which mean values in both cases amounted to 4,3 mg N[org] x dm-3. Phosphate concentrations was loww in the tested waters, but total phosphorus concentrations were higherr and amounted to 0,44 mg P x dm-3 in samples form P5 and 0,35 mg P x dm-3 in samples from P6. Concentration of alkali elements (Na, K, Ca, Mg) was low, but concentration of them except for potassium was higher in samples from P6 in comparison with samples from P5. The tested water showed quite high concentrations of irron and manganese (such as most groundwater on the area of Poland). Values of them changed in a wide range of concentrations. The mean values of manganese concentration were higher in the groundwater from P6 however iron showed an opposite trend. In samples of the tested groundwaters concentration of chlorides and sulphates was also low. Surface waters on the researched object i.e. watercourses arre classified as very small due to low mean flows in the cross-sections. Catchment areas of these are 100% forested, i.e. mixed forest where broad-leaved trees predominate except for catchment area I where coniferous trees predominate. A pH reaction of these tested waters showed a big diversity from an acid reaction (3,7 - 4,8 pH), in higher part of catchment area - cross-section I, to an alkaline reaction in others cross-sections (Tab. 5). Also, the lower value of conductivity but with the higher mean value of total solids was measured in cross-section I. The values of these indices and observations were done during taking the samples (i.e. water was brownish in this cross-section) can suggest that results obtained from laboratory testes were an effect of a considerable concentration of organic acids in the tested waters. These waters contained a smallquantity of total suspended solids. What interested is that the mean value of this indicator in the water from cross-section II was the biggest (25,4 mg x dm-3) and in the water from cross-section II was the smallest (12,3 mg x dm-3). It can show a good impact of reservoir which has formed above run-off delayer. The tested waters revealed a very high degree of oxygen saturation, except for a mean value for the water from cross-section II. A reason of that it could have been deoxidation of water stored in the reservoir above run-off delayer II, in May when temperatures were relatively high. In that time the amount of dissolved oxygen in water from cross-section II was only 0,5 mg O2 x dm-3 whereas in other cross-section from 7,8 to 8,0 mg O2 x dm-3. Mean and even maximum values of oxygen demand indicators (BOD5, COD[Mn], COD[Cr]) of the tested waters were relatively low except for water from cross-section I. Values of this indicators decreased regularly along with watercourse run from coss-section I and II' to II due to water inflowing which was less polluted with organic matters. Nevertheless, values coming from cross-section II were higher than values for water from cross-section III - i.e. control catchment area which was not supplied water polluted with organic matters. The tested waters showed low contents of mineral forms of nitrogen (ammonia and nitrate). They were also higher in water from cross-section I. Because of the fact that values of organic nitrogen were relatively high, content of total nitrogen was also high and amounted from 5,5 to 8,1 mg N[tot] x dm3. Phosphate contents were low but phosphorus concentration is a major problem for watercourse flowing out of the catchment area. The concentration in the tested samples changed in a wide range of values. A mean phosphorus concentration was similar for all cross-sections and amounted from 0,40 to 0,47 mg P x dm-3. A maximum phosphorus concentration amounted from 0,80 mg P x dm-3 for the waters from cross-section III to 1,40 mg P x dm-3 for the waters from cross-section II. Test of individual values of phosphorus showed general trend which is proved by well-known tendency: minimum contents were during summer/autumn period and maximum contents were in winter. Concentration of alkali elements was relatively low in the tested surface waters and did not show direct tendency. Contents of sulphates and chlorides were also low and were not connected with sampling places. Waters in forest catchment areas can be a comparison background useful in estimation of water on areas of human activity due to a natural composition. The tested groundwaters were classified as very pure, although quite high concentrations of iron and manganese (what is typical for groundwater of Poland) as well as organic nitrogen and some values of BOD5, COD[Mn]. The main environmental factor determining a composition of surface waters in forest catchment areas is a content of organic acids in these waters. Waters without pollution of such acids are also very pure and can be a comparison level for estrimation of surrface waters pollution. The tested surface waters (from all cross-sections) contained higher concentrations of phosphorus in relation to values of this indicator in the classification of purity of surface inland waters in Poland, but they contained relatively low concentration of other indices. Such relation between phosphorus and other indices can mean that classification criteria for established values of phosphorus concentration are too strict.
Content available remote Jakość wód gruntowych wybranych siedlisk Puszczy Zielonka
The main role in formingthe so-called small landscape retention in the Wielkopolska region (connected with extending time and course of water circulation (including limiting erosion), as well as intensification of self-purifying processes - biogeochemical barrier) is ascribed to the extent of afforestation of a given area - the size of the afforested surface in a catchment species composition and age structures of the stands. It is observed on the basis of numerous investigations that the quantity of the produced biomass is proportional to the quantity of the evaporated water. Keeping this in mind, it becomes evident that there exists a certain necessity of building such forest water ratio which will provide water alimentation sufficient for forest vegetation transpiration. It constitutes a condition for a stable biomass production and, at the same time, an indispensable condition for a stable forest maintenance. It is suggested, especially for forest soil having unstable water ratio (with high oscillations of ground water table - changing from accessible to non-accessible for tree roots), the decisions concerning the way of forest management, nursing measures and utilization should be preceded by a hydrological study also taking into consideration the evaluation process of water quality. The Zielonka Forest is situated in mid-part of the Warta river basin, in the central part of the Wielkopolska region and its western border lies about 6 kilometers north-east of Poznań. The area is situated in the westernpart of the Wielkopolska-Mazovian climatic region. The natural landscape is of early glacial type of Pleistocene and Holocene formation. Postglacial drifts, deposits coming from the PoznaN stage of the Wurm glaciation are the main parent materials of the soils in the areas. The granulometric composition in built up of low clay content sands based on loose sands with admixture of gravel and slightly flattened clay. Pine is the dominant species but also oak, alder, as well a spruce (less frequently) occur there. The predominant habitats are: fresh mixed coniferous forest, fresh coniferous forest, moist coniferous forest and alder. The surface water quality of the Trojanka river is in the first class of cleanness (Polish standards). On the basis of average values of water quality indices, it can be generally stated that ground waters present poor quality. High to medium concentration of nutrients (N, P) is the main pollution in ground water of investigated habitations. Significant differences of ground water quality were not proved in function of distance from river network (equidistant, routes of water outflow). No distinct domination of pollution over the selected habitats was confirmed.
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