Celem pracy było opracowanie i zwalidowanie metody oznaczania zawartości itru w eluatach uzyskiwanych z kolumn zawierających żywicę DGA, w celu sprawdzenia jej właściwości pod kątem powinowactwa do itru i stopnia jego zatrzymywania. Wykorzystana została technika optycznej spektrometrii emisyjnej ze wzbudzeniem w plazmie indukcyjnie sprzężonej (ICP-OES).
This paper presents results of a study of the effect of inoculation of yttrium on the microstructure of AZ91 alloy. The concentration of the inoculant was increased in samples in the range from 0.1% up to 0.6%. The influence of Y on the thermal effects resulting from the phase transformations occurring during the crystallisation at different inoculant concentrations were examined with the use of Derivative and Thermal Analysis (DTA). The microstructures of the samples were examined with the use of an optical microscope; and an image analysis with a statistical analysis were also carried out. Those analyses aimed at examining oh the effect of inoculation of the Y on the differences between the grain diameters of phase αMg and eutectic αMg+γ(Mg17Al12) in the prepared examined material as well as the average size of each type of grain by way of measuring their perimeters.
The Neogene basaltoid intrusions found in the S-7 borehole in the Sumina area (USCB) caused transformations of the adjacent Carboniferous rocks. The mineral and chemical compositions of the basaltoides are similar to those of the Lower Silesian basaltoides. The transformations that took place in the vicinity of the intrusion were manifested in the formation of natural coke, the secondary mineralization of these rocks (calcite, chlorite, zeolites and barite) and in the specific distribution of rare earths (REY). Among REY, the light elements (LREY) had the highest share, while the heavy elements (HREY) had the lowest share. Regardless of the lithological type of the analyzed rock, with increasing distance from the intrusion, the percentage of MREY and HREY elements increases at the expense of the light elements LREY. All analyzed distribution patterns of the REYs are characterized by the occurrence of anomalies, which often show a significant correlation with the distance of sampling points from the basaltoid intrusion. The specific distribution of REYs in the vicinity of the intrusion of igneous rocks is an indication of the impact of hydrothermal solutions associated with the presence of basaltoides on the rocks closest to them located at a temperature of over 200°C
Potential sources of rare earth elements are sought after in the world by many researchers. Coal ash obtained at high temperatures (HTA ) is considered among these sources. The aim of the study was an evaluation of the suitability of the high temperature ash (HTA ) formed during the combustion of bituminous coal from the Ruda beds of the Pniówek coal mine as an potential resource of REY. The 13 samples of HTA obtained from the combustion of metabituminous (B) coal were analyzed. The analyses showed that the examined HTA samples varied in their chemical composition. In accordance with the chemical classification of HTA , the analyzed ash samples were classified as belonging to the following types: sialic, sialocalcic, sialoferricalcic, calsialic, fericalsialic, ferisialic. The research has shown that the rare earth elements content (REY) in examined HTA samples are characterized by high variability. The average REY content in the analyzed ashes was 2.5 times higher than the world average (404 ppm). Among rare earth elements, the light elements (LREY) were the most abundant. Heavy elements (HREY) had the lowest share. A comparison of the content of the individual rare earth elements in HTA samples and in UCC showed that it was almost 20 times higher than in UCC. The distribution patterns of REY plotted for all samples within their entire range were positioned above the reference level and these curves were of the M-H or M-L type. The data presented indicate, that the analyzed ash samples should be regarded as promising REY raw materials. Considering the fact that in 7 out of 13 analyzed ash samples the REY content was higher than 800 ppm, REY recovery from these ashes may prove to be economic.
Potencjalne źródła pierwiastków ziem rzadkich są poszukiwane w świecie przez wielu badaczy. Wśród tych źródeł rozpatrywany jest popiół z węgla uzyskiwany w wysokich temperaturach (HTA). Celem artykułu była ocena wysokotemperaturowych popiołów (HTA) pochodzących ze spalania węgla kamiennego warstw rudzkich z KWK Pniówek, pod kątem ich wykorzystania jako alternatywnego źródła REY. Badaniom poddano 13 próbek popiołów HTA uzyskanych ze spalenia węgla o średnim stopniu uwęglenia B. Zgodnie z klasyfikacją chemiczną popiołów HTA , badane próbki popiołów zaklasyfikowano do następujących typów: krzemianowo-glinowych, krzemianowo-glinowo-wapniowych, krzemianowoglinowo-żelazowo-wapniowych, wapniowo-krzemianowo-glinowych, żelazowo-wapniowokrzemianowo-glinowych, żelazowo-krzemianowo-glinowych. Badania wykazały, że zawartość pierwiastków ziem rzadkich REY w badanych próbkach popiołów HTA charakteryzuje się dużą zmiennością. Średni udział REY w analizowanych popiołach jest 2,5 razy większy od średniej dla złóż światowych (404 ppm). Wśród pierwiastków ziem rzadkich największy udział mają pierwiastki lekkie LREY. Najmniejszym udziałem charakteryzują się pierwiastki ciężkie HREY. Porównanie zawartości poszczególnych pierwiastków ziem rzadkich w próbkach popiołów HTA i w UCC wykazało, że jest ona prawie do 20 razy większa niż w UCC. Krzywe normalizacyjne wyznaczone dla wszystkich próbek w całym swoim zakresie znajdują się powyżej poziomu odniesienia i są to krzywe typu M-H lub typu M-L. Przedstawione dane wskazują, że analizowane próbki popiołów należy uznać za obiecujące surowce REY. Uwzględniając fakt, że w 7 z 13 analizowanych próbek popiołu zawartość REY jest wyższa niż 800 ppm, odzysk REY z tych popiołów może okazać się ekonomiczny.
Rare earth elements are characterized by the high risk of their shortage resulting from limited resources. From this reason REE constitute a group of elements of special importance for the European Union. The aim of this study was to evaluate ashes from the burning of coal in fluidized bed boilers as an potential source of REY . Twelve samples of fly ash and bottom ash taken from power plants in Poland were analyzed. Tests have shown that despite some differences in chemical composition, the fly ash and bottom ash from fluidized beds could be classified as the calsialic, low acid type. It was found that fly ashes contained more REY than bottom ashes. Among REY , the light elements (LREY ) had the highest share in the total REY content in both fly ashes and bottom ashes. Heavy elements (HREY ) had the lowest content. The normalized curves plotted for fly ash samples within almost all of their entire range were positioned above the reference level and these curves were of the L-M or H-M type. The content of the individual REY in these samples was even twice as high as in UCC. The normalized curves plotted for bottom ash samples were classified as of L, L-M or H type. They were positioned on the reference level or above it. The content of the individual REY in these samples was the same or up to about 4 times lower than in UCC. It was found that the content of critical elements and of excessive elements in fly ash and bottom ash differs, which has an effect on the value of the outlook coefficient Coutl, and which is always higher in the case of fly ash than in the case of bottom ash. Nevertheless, the computed values of the outlook coefficient Coutl allow both fly ash and bottom ash from fluidized beds to be regarded as promising REY raw materials.
Pierwiastki ziem rzadkich charakteryzują się wysokim ryzykiem niedoboru, wynikającym z ograniczonej ilości źródeł ich pozyskiwania. Z tego powodu stanowią grupę pierwiastków o specjalnym znaczeniu w Unii Europejskiej. Celem pracy była ocena popiołów ze spalania węgla kamiennego w kotłach fluidalnych, pod kątem ich wykorzystania, jako potencjalnego źródła REY. Badaniom poddano 12 próbek popiołów lotnych i dennych fluidalnych pobranych z elektrowni w Polsce. Badania wykazały, że mimo różnic w składzie chemicznym badane popioły lotne i denne fluidalne zostały zaklasyfikowane do typu calsialic – słabo kwaśnych. Stwierdzono, że popioły lotne charakteryzują się większą zawartością REY niż denne. Zarówno w popiołach lotnych, jak i dennych największy udział wśród REY mają pierwiastki lekkie LREY. Natomiast najmniejszym udziałem charakteryzują się pierwiastki ciężkie HREY. Krzywe normalizacyjne wyznaczone dla próbek popiołów lotnych w prawie całym swoim zakresie znajdują się powyżej poziomu odniesienia, są to krzywe typu L-M lub H-M. Zawartości poszczególnych REY w tych próbkach są nawet dwukrotnie większe niż w UCC. Krzywe normalizacyjne wyznaczone dla próbek popiołów dennych zaliczono do typów L, L-M i H. Znajdują się one, na lub poniżej poziomu odniesienia. Zawartość poszczególnych REY w tych próbkach jest taka sama lub do około 4 razy mniejsza niż w UCC. Stwierdzono, że udział pierwiastków krytycznych i nadmiarowych w popiołach lotnych i dennych różni się, co ma wpływ na wartość współczynnika perspektywicznego Coutl, który dla popiołów lotnych przyjmuje zawsze wyższe wartości niż dla dennych. Pomimo to, uzyskane wartości współczynnika perspektywicznego Coutl pozwalają zaliczyć, zarówno analizowane popioły lotne jak i denne fluidalne do surowców perspektywicznych REY.
Isothermal hot compression experiments were carried out using the Gleeble-1500D thermal mechanical simulator. The flow stress of the Cu-1%Zr and Cu-1%Zr-0.15%Y alloys was studied at hot deformation temperature of 550°C, 650°C, 750°C, 850°C, 900°C and the strain rate of 0.001 s-1, 0.01 s-1, 0.1 s-1, 1 s-1, 10 s-1. Hot deformation activation energy and constitutive equations for two kinds of alloys with and without yttrium addition were obtained by correlating the flow stress, strain rate and deformation temperature. The reasons for the change of hot deformation activation energy of the two alloys were analyzed. Dynamic recrystallization microstructure evolution for the two kinds of alloys during hot compression deformation was analyzed by optical and transmission electron microscopy. Cu-1%Zr and Cu-1%Zr-0.15%Y alloys exhibit similar behavior of hot compression deformation. Typical dynamic recovery occurs during the 550-750°C deformation temperature, while dynamic recrystallization (DRX) occurs during the 850-900°C deformation temperature. High Zr content and the addition of Y significantly improved Cu-1%Zr alloy hot deformation activation energy. Compared with hot deformation activation energy of pure copper, hot deformation activation energy of the Cu-1%Zr and Cu-1%Zr-0.15%Y alloys is increased by 54% and 81%, respectively. Compared with hot deformation activation energy of the Cu-1%Zr alloy, it increased by 18% with the addition of Y. The addition of yttrium refines grain, advances the dynamic recrystallization critical strain point and improves dynamic recrystallization.
Itr jest miękkim i kowalnym metalem. Itr w przemyśle jest stosowany jako składnik stopów, w elektronice – do produkcji lamp i półprzewodników, w technologii nuklearnej – do konstrukcji reaktorów oraz do produkcji: materiałów ceramicznych, laserów i refraktorów. Itr radioaktywny jest stosowany w medycynie. Wartość najwyższego dopuszczalnego stężenia (NDS) dla itru i jego związków, w przeliczeniu na itr, została ustalona na poziomie 1 mg/m3. Celem pracy było opracowanie metody oznaczania stężeń itru i jego związków w powietrzu na stanowiskach pracy w zakresie od 1/10 do 2 wartości NDS, zgodnie z wymaganiami zawartymi w normie europejskiej PN-EN 482. Opracowana metoda oznaczania polega na: pobraniu itru i jego związków zawartych w powietrzu na filtr membranowy, mineralizacji filtra z zastosowaniem stężonego kwasu azotowego(V) i kwasu chlorowego(VII) oraz oznaczaniu itru w roztworze przygotowanym do analizy metodą absorpcyjnej spektrometrii atomowej z atomizacją w płomieniu podtlenek azotu-acetylen (F-AAS). Metoda umożliwia oznaczenie itru w zakresie stężeń 5,00 ÷ 150,00 µg/ml. Uzyskana krzywa kalibracyjna itru charakteryzuje się wartością współczynnika korelacji R2 = 0,9999. Granica wykrywalności itru (LOD) wynosi 0,08 µg/ml, natomiast granica oznaczalności (LOQ) wynosi 0,25 µg/ml. Wyznaczony współczynnik odzysku wynosi 1,00. Metoda oznaczania itru i jego związków pozwala na oznaczanie tej substancji w powietrzu na stanowiskach pracy w zakresie stężeń 0,07 ÷ 2,08 mg/m3 (dla próbki powietrza o objętości 720 l), co odpowiada 0,07 ÷ 2,1 wartości NDS. Opracowana metoda charakteryzuje się dobrą precyzją oraz dokładnością i spełnia wymagania zawarte w normie europejskiej PN-EN 482 dla procedur oznaczania czynników chemicznych. Metoda oznaczania itru i jego związków nieorganicznych została zapisana w postaci procedury analitycznej, którą zamieszczono w załączniku.
Yttrium is a soft and a malleable metal. It is used in the metallurgical industry as a component of alloys, in electronics for manufacturing lamps and semiconductors, in the construction of reactors in nuclear technology and in the production of ceramic, laser and refractories. Radioactive yttrium is used in medicine. Exposure limit values for yttrium and its compounds in the working environment, based on yttrium, are NDS – 1 mg/m3 The aim of the study was to amend the method for determining concentrations of yttrium and its compounds in workplace air in the range from 1/10 to 2 NDS values, in accordance with the requirements of Standard No. EN 482. The developed method involves collection of yttrium and its compounds contained in the air on a membrane filter, filter mineralization with concentrated nitric acid (V) and chloric acid (VII), and the determination of yttrium in the solution prepared for analysis with atomic absorption spectrometry with flame atomization nitrous oxideacetylene ( F-AAS). This method enables determination of yttrium in concentration range from 5.00 to 150.00 g/ml. The obtained calibration curve yttrium has a correlation coefficient R2 = 0.9999. The detection limit of yttrium (LOD) is 0.08 g/ml, the limit of quantification (LOQ) is 0.25 g/ml and a coefficient of recovery is 1.00. The developed method enables determination of yttrium and its compounds in workplace air in the concentration range of 0.07 ÷ 2.08 mg/m3 (for a 720-L air sample), which represents 0.07 ÷ 2.1 of NDS. The method of determining yttrium and its inorganic compounds has been recorded as an analytical procedure (appendix).
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Stop Ni - Al bardzo dobrze sprawdza się jako materiał wykorzystany do konstrukcji elementów pracujących w warunkach wysokich temperatur. W celu poprawienia właściwości przeciwkorozyjnych tego stopu stosuje się m. in. Hf oraz Y. Aby opracować metodykę oznaczenia tych pierwiastków w stopie międzymetalicznym, użyto technikę F - ASA z wykorzystaniem płomienia acetylen - podtlenek azotu. W pierwszym etapie ustawiono optymalne parametry pracy spektrometru absorpcji atomowej, po czym oceniono liniowość oraz precyzję metody, a także wpływ matrycy na oznaczanie Y i Hf. Następnie opracowano procedurę roztworzenia stopu, po czym dokonano ilościowego oznaczenia analitów w próbkach stopów.
The Ni - Al alloys perform well as a material used in the construction of components working in high temperatures. In order to improve the anti-corrosive properties of this alloy, Hf and Y are readily used. To develop a methodology for the determination of these elements in the intermetallic alloy, F - AAS with C2H2 - N2O flame was used. Firstly, optimal parameters of F - AAS operation were established. Next, linearity and precision were validated and it was checked if composition of the alloy influenced yttrium and hafnium determination. Afterwards, the procedures to dissolve the Ni - Al alloy was elaborated and yttrium and hafnium were quantitatively determined.
In this study, recovered phosphor from end of life three-wavelength fluorescent lamp was selected for reuse rare earth elements in the phosphor. The effect of a type of acid, concentration, and time was investigated as solubility of rare earth elements. In addition, precipitate heat-treated was investigated as possibility of reusable phosphor. The results showed that the amount of the rare earth elements was different values depending on the type of acid, and it was investigated with concentration of acid and reaction time. After precipitation reaction, the precipitate was sintered in electric furnace in order to reuse rare earth elements as phosphor. It was confirmed that yttrium, europium, oxygen, and carbon through X-ray diffraction and inductively coupled plasma analysis. Following the results, it can assume that rare earth oxide reuse the phosphor as three-wavelength fluorescent lamp.
The behaviour of non-metallic inclusions MnO, MnS, FeS, Al2O3, SiO2, Y2O3,Y2S3 in liquid steel were modelled in commercial software FactSage. It allowed for calculating and designing diagrams of dependence of inclusions formation from the concentration of yttrium in determined limits of aluminium and oxygen. As a result, the influence of the increasing yttrium concentration on the precipitations of oxide and sulfide inclusions is observed. The behavior of precipitation the another analyzed oxides and sulfides is also observed in liquid steel, giving a full composition in non-metallic inclusions, formatted in specified conditions. The amounts of mass fractions of Y2O3 and Y2S3 are increasing at the growing Y in liquid steel, which shows the active formation of these inclusions.
Rare earth metals including yttrium and europium are one of several critical raw materials, the use of which ensures the development of the so-called high technology. The possibility of their recovery in Europe is limited practically only to secondary materials such as phosphogypsum and electronic waste. The article presents the results of our research concerning the development of recovery technology of yttrium and europium from luminophore CRT used lamps. It describes the principle of separation of elements and the test results of cleaning the concentrate. It was shown that the costs of preparing the concentrate according to the proposed technology are lower than the phosphogypsum processing technology and the composition of the resulting product does not contain hazardous substances.
Metale ziem rzadkich, w tym itr i europ należą do tej grupy kilkunastu surowców krytycznych, których stosowanie zapewnia rozwój w obszarze tzw. wysokich technologii. Możliwość ich pozyskiwania w Europie ogranicza się praktycznie do surowców wtórnych, np. fosfogipsów oraz zużytego sprzętu elektronicznego. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań autorów dot. opracowania technologii odzysku itru i europu z luminoforu zużytych lamp kineskopowych. Opisano zasady wydzielania pierwiastków i wyniki badań oczyszczania koncentratu. Wykazano, że koszty otrzymywania koncentratu wg proponowanej technologii są niższe od technologii przeróbki fosfogipsów, a otrzymany produkt nie zawiera substancji niebezpiecznych.
Austenitic AISI 304, 316L and ferritic 430 stainless steels were implanted with yttrium to fluences ranging between 1 x 1015 and 5 x 1017 ions/cm2. The samples were subjected to oxidation in air at a temperature of 1000 centigrade for a period of 100 h and next examined by stereoscopic optical microscopy (OM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDX) and Rutherford back scattering spectrometry (RBS). The results obtained with the use of ion implantation are discussed.
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In the present work, the effect of inoculating yttrium and Al-5Ti-1B simultaneously on A356 aluminum alloy has been studied. Gravity die casting process is used to cast the ASTM tensile test specimens for analysis. In each experiment, the Ti and B contents were maintained constantly at 0.1 and 0.02 wt% respectively. The addition of yttrium was manipulated at the amount of 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5 wt%. Microstructural characterization of the as-cast A356 alloy was investigated by means of optical microscope and its phases are detected by XRD. The mechanical properties tested are tensile strength and hardness. The inoculation of yttrium was found to enhance the grain refinement effect of Al-5Ti-1B grain refiner and improve the mechanical properties. The optimal weight percentage of yttrium was found to be 0.3. The grain refining efficiency of combining yttrium and Al-5Ti-1B on A356 aluminum alloy was mainly attributed to the heterogeneous nucleation of TiB2 and TiAl3 particles which were dispersed more evenly in the presence of yttrium and the grain growth restriction effected by the accumulation of Al-Y compound at grain boundaries.
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Microstructure analyses of as-cast Mg - 4.0 wt.% Y - 3.3 wt.% RE - 0.5 wt.% Zr alloy were carried out. Light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM+EDX) techniques were used to characterize the investigated material. Results show that the as-cast dendritic microstructure is characterised by lamellar eutectic of primary α phase and interdendritic phasc Mg-Nd-Y type. Additionally, "quadratic" yttrium-rich precipitates were revealed.
A novel mixed-ligand complexes with empirical formulae: Ln(4-bpy)(CCl2HCOO)3.H2O (where:Ln =Y, Ce,Nd, Pr andEu, 4-bpy = 4,4'-bipyridine) were prepared and characterized by chemical and elemental analysis, IR spectroscopy and conductivity measurements (in methanol, dimethylformamide and dimethylsulfoxide). Analysis of the powder diffraction patterns showed that the obtained complexes are crystalline and isostructural compounds. The thermal properties of complexes in the solid state were studied under non-isothermal conditions in air atmosphere. During heating the complexes decompose via intermediate products to the oxides: Ln2O3 (Y, Nd, Eu), Pr6O11 and CeO2. A coupled TG-MS system was used to analyse principal volatile thermal decomposition (or fragmentation) products evolved during pyrolysis of Pr(III) and Nd(III) complexes. In air major profiles for ion currents are observed with m/z = 12, 18, 29, 30, 35, 36, 44, 47 amongst others.
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Application of nuclear reactions for military purposes and technical imperfection of nuclear power plants raised interest in formation of radioactive elements in these processes on one hand and their occurrence in environment on the other. 90Sr, (B-emitter), belongs to isotopes of high radiotoxicity due to its good assimilation by organisms and long half-life time as well as biological half-life. Because of radiochemical properties of 90Sr, analysis of its concentration is very difficult. The whole process comprises laborious stages: isolation of the isotope from the sample, removing contamination, elimination of the decay product (90Y) and radioactivity measurement. Many analytical methods have been presented in literature for years. Generally, one can divide them in two groups: fast and standard. Fast methods, (from several hours to a few days) are mostly applied to .fresh. samples (immediately after radioactive fall-out) containing 89Sr and 91Y beside 90Sr and 90Y. Despite smaller accuracy they can provide information on possible danger. More credible data may be obtained from .old. samples (2-3 years from contamination) by standard methods. The mostly encountered analytical problems are: sample dissolution, removal of calcium and iron ions, removing primary/parental isotopes of radium, thorium, actinium and lead. Methods for 90Sr-90Y separation (liquid-liquid and solid-liquid extraction) are well known and broadly presented in literature [6-10, 30-34]. Those methods used to determine concentration of radioactive 90Sr in environmental samples. A skilled radioanalyst may modify them according to the needed procedure, which is described in present paper.
As a result of [1+2] Schiff base condensation in the template reaction between 2,6-diacetylpyridine and 3,7-diazanonane-1,9-diamine in the presence of rare earth(III) ions (M = Y3+, La3+, Pr3+, Sm3+, Eu3+, Gd3+, Tb3+, Ho3+, Er3+, Tm3+, Yb3+), new dinuclear architectures containing a ligand with N9 set of donor atoms with terminal amine groups have been formed. The complexes have been characterized by the spectroscopic and thermogravimetric data and microanalyses.
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Extraction of rare earth elements {Ln(III), where Ln = Y, Pr. Nd, Sm, Eu} from aqueous perchlorate solutions to chloroform using 5,7-dibromo-8-hydroxyquinoline (Hdbq) has been investigated. It has been found that all investigated Ln(HI) ions were extracted to the organic phase as complexes of the type Ln(dbq),. Extraction parameters have been determined and separation factors for the investigated pairs of Ln(III), as well as Ln(III)/La(III) pairs have been calculated.
Przeprowadzono ekstrakcję pierwiastków ziem rzadkich {Ln(lll), gdzie Ln = Y, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu} z wodnych roztworów chloranów)VII) do roztworów 5.7-dibromo-8-hydroksy-chinoliny (Hdbq) w chloroformie. Wykazano, że wszystkie badane jony Ln(III) ekstrahuja_ się do fazy organicznej w postaci kompleksów typu Ln(dbq)r Wyznaczono parametry procesu ekstrakcji i obliczono współczynniki rozdzielenia dla badanych par jonów Ln(Ill) i par jonów Ln(IIl)/La(III).
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W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań nad otrzymywaniem warstw żaroodpornych na niklu metodą Arc-PVD z wykorzystaniem reakcji egzotermicznej pomiędzy NiAl. W wyniku tej reakcji powstaje faza NiAl. Obróbka cieplna w temperaturze 1050 stopni Celsjusza prowadzi do powstawania warstwy o grubości 50 mikrometrów i zawartości aluminium 21%wag. W następnym etapie wytwarzano bardziej złożone pokrycia NiCoCrAlY. Wykazano możliwość osadzania tego typu pokryć metodą Arc-PVD. Stwierdzono pewne zróżnicowanie pomiędzy zawartością pierwiastków w targecie a ich zawartością w pokryciu. Rozmieszczenie pierwiastków na przekroju pokrycia było równomierne. Następnie na pokrycie NiCoCrAlY nanoszono warstwę aluminium. Przez zmianę parametrów w komorze wywoływano reakcję egzotermiczną z utworzeniem fazy NiAl zawierającej Co, Cr, Y. Uzyskano w ten sposób pokrycie o składzie chemicznym niezależnym od składu chemicznego stopu. Wykazano możliwość modyfikacji pokryć itrem, jakkolwiek stwierdzono jego skłonność do segregacji. Metoda Arc-PVD stwarza możliwość otrzymywania pokryć o założonym składzie chemicznym oraz wysokiej odporności na utlenianie i hot corrosion.
Investigations of obtaining high temperature coatings on the Ni base superalloys by the Arc-PVD method, using exothermic reaction processes between Ni and Al with NiAl intermetallic formation are presented in the article. By the diffusion heating at 1050 degrees centigrade NiAl high temperature diffusion coating containing 21%at.Al and 50 micrometers thick was obtained. In the next stage coatings with more complex chemical composition - NiCoCrAlY were formed. The two targets were applied for formation of the complex NiCoCrAlY coatings. The good consistence between the chemical composition of the targets and the coatings and an uniform distribution of elements in the coatings were shown. Then the surface was covered with aluminium also by the Arc-PVD method. In the vacuum chamber of the equipment a synthesis reaction between NiCoCrAlY and Al with the formation of NiAl intermetallics of high Co, Cr, Y content was initiated by the changes in process parameters. The final heat treatment of coatings was conducted in the air and vacuum at 1050 degrees centigrade. The strong segregation of yttrium in to the oxide scale in the specimens heated in the air was shown. It was possible to obtain NiAl intermetallics phase coatings modified by Co, Cr and Y by the Arc-PVD method. An example of the application of this method for the aircraft engine turbine blades was presented. Method of Arc-PVD gives the possibility chemical composition and high resistance to oxidizing and hot corrosion.
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