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w słowach kluczowych:  wytyczne ICNIRP
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This paper established a radio-frequency electrode model and human head modelused in RF cosmetic instruments. The distribution of electric field strength, a specific absorption rate (SAR), and temperature distribution in the human brain at 1 MHz and 6 MHz were studied and the results compared with the International Commission on Non-ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) guidelines. The results showed that under those two frequencies the maximum value of electric field strength in the human brain was 1.52 V/mand it was about 5.4% of the ICNIRP basic restrictions, the maximum SAR in human brain was about 2.21×10−3W/kg, which was far less than 2 W/kg of ICNIRP basic restrictions, the maximum temperature of the human brain was 37.6 located in the wounded skin, which was the same as the normal temperature 37. Since all the results were within the ICNIRP basic restrictions, the electromagnetic exposure generated by the RF cosmetic electrode will not pose a threat to the human health.
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