This study aims to design vehicle routes based on cost minimisation and the minimisation of greenhouse gasses (GHG) emissions to help companies solve the vehicle routing problem with pickup and delivery (VRPPD) via particle swarm optimisation (PSO). An effective metaheuristics search technique called particle swarm optimisation (PSO) was applied to design the optimal route for these problems. Simulated data from Li and Lim (2001) were used to evaluate the PSO performance for solving green vehicle routing problems with pickup and delivery (Green VRPPD). The findings suggest that green vehicle routing problems with pickup and delivery should be used when distributing products to customers living in a specific area called a cluster. However, the design of vehicle routes by Green VRPPD costs more when used to distribute products to customers living randomly in a coverage service area. When logistics providers decide to use Green VRPPD instead of VRPPD, they need to be concerned about possible higher costs if an increase in the number of vehicles is needed. PSO has been confirmed for solving VRPPD effectively. The study compared the results based on the use of two different objective functions with fuel consumption from diesel and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). It indicates that solving VRPPD by considering the emissions of direct greenhouse gases as an objective function provides cleaner routes, rather than considering total cost as the objective function for all test cases. However, as Green VRPPD requires more vehicles and longer travel distances, this requires a greater total cost than considering the total cost as the objective function. Considering the types of fuels used, it is obvious that LPG is more environmentally friendly than diesel by up to 53.61 %. This paper should be of interest to a broad readership, including those concerned with vehicle routing problems, transportation, logistics, and environmental management. The findings suggest that green vehicle routing problems with pickup and delivery should be used when distributing products to a cluster. However, the design of vehicle routes by Green VRPPD costs more when used to distribute products to customers living randomly in a coverage service area. When logistics providers decide to use Green VRPPD instead of VRPPD, they need to be concerned about possible higher costs if an increase in the number of vehicles is needed.
The problem of setting out in civil engineering applications has been addressed in the literature for a long time. However, technological development has provided researchers with an opportunity of having other procedures in line with modern techniques in surveying sciences. One of the most important procedures in erecting steel structures, bridges, and precast columns of a building is the accurate placement of the anchorage system in concrete. The traditional method for staking out anchor bolts relies on sight rails, string lines, and tape measure. The precision of this art depends not only on the accuracy of observed offset distances during layout operations but also on the centerline of the anchoring template itself. Nowadays, the process of designing structures is executed using software that can perform a digital plan in CAD environment, where the coordinates of each anchor bolt can be defined. This research presents an accurate approach of positioning anchor bolts based on the second problem in surveying and total station. Error analysis and field application are described to evaluate the performance of the proposed method. However, the results indicate that the developed technique increases productivity, reduces the cost, and improves the positional accuracy.
Setting-out of objects on the exploitation field of the mine, both in surface mining and in the underground mines, is determined by the specified setting-out accuracy of reference points, which are best to define spatial position of the object projected. For the purpose of achieving of the specified accuracy, it is necessary to perform a priori accuracy assessment of parameters, which are to be used when performing setting-out. Based on the a priori accuracy assessment, verification of the quality of geometrical setting- -out elements specified in the layout; definition of the accuracy for setting-out of geometrical elements; selection of setting-out method; selection at the type and class of instruments and tools that need to be applied in order to achieve predefined accuracy. The paper displays the accuracy assessment of geometrical elements for setting-out of the main haul gallery, haul downcast and helical conveying downcasts in shape of an inclined helix in horizontal plane, using the example of the underground bauxite mine »Kosturi«, Srebrenica.
Wytyczanie obiektów na polu wydobywczym w kopalniach, zarówno podziemnych jak i odkrywkowych, zależy w dużej mierze od określonej dokładności wytyczania punktów referencyjnych, przy pomocy których określane jest następnie położenie przestrzenne pozostałych obiektów. W celu uzyskania założonej dokładności, należy przeprowadzić wstępną analizę dokładności oszacowania parametrów które następnie wykorzystane będą w procesie wytyczania. W oparciu o wyniki wstępnej analizy dokładności dokonuje się weryfikacji jakości geometrycznego wytyczenia elementów zaznaczonych na szkicu, uwzględniając te wyniki dobrać należy odpowiednią metodę wytyczania i rodzaj oraz klasę wykorzystywanych narzędzi i instrumentów, tak by osiągnąć założony poziom dokładności. W pracy przedstawiono oszacowanie dokładności wytyczania elementów geometrycznych dla głównego chodnika transportowego, chodnika upadowego oraz szybów wlotowych, naniesionych na płaszczyznę poziomą, dla podziemnej kopalni boksytu „Kosturi" w Srebrenicy.