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Content available remote Integrated method of technological processes estimation in materials engineering
Purpose: of the presented paper is meant to explain the necessity of implementing the Integrated Quality, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety Management System and using the proper methods of estimating the technological processes, which takes into account not only the final products but also the environmental influences and occupational health and safety; in this case in the steel wire production. Design/methodology/approach: applied for the survey has covered the integrated opinion of technological processes based on the quality, environmental and occupational health and safety criterion and using the Integrated Risk Ratio to estimate the risk connected with occurrence of nonconformities, environmental aspects and threats to occupational health and safety in the analyzed processes. Findings: of the carried out researches are as follows: the realization of quality, environmental and occupational health and safety policy by the integrated methods of technological processes estimation and in accordance with the proposed models results in the improvement of analyzed productive processes of steel wire rod, and in consequence - to their optimization both in the range of view of products' quality and in the aspect of quality of environmental influence and occupational safety. Practical implications: refers to the application in the steel wire production of the technological model and model of operational control lowering the Integrated Risk Ratio. Originality /value: of the presented paper has been achieved by application of the new methodology concerning the usage of integrated methods of technological processes estimation, including the Integrated Risk Ratio.
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