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Wrotki to niewielkie bezkręgowce często występujące w osadzie czynnym. Ich pozytywna rola w procesie oczyszczania ścieków jest znana od lat [ 2000; Lapinski i Tunnacliffe 2003]. Wrotki uznawane są za wskaźniki zdrowego, ustabilizowane i dobrze funkcjonującego osadu. Odżywiają się zarówno bakteriami jak i zawieszonymi cząstkami materii organicznej. Dzięki temu przyczyniają się do lepszego kłaczkowania osadu, poprawiają jego właściwości sedymentacyjne, a tym samym wpływają na klarowność odpływu. Wrotki są w stanie zarówno odfiltrowywać bakterie rozproszone dzięki specjalnemu aparatowi wrotnemu, kierującemu strumień wody do aparatu gębowego, jak i zjadać bakterie z powierzchni kłaczków dzięki mastaksowi, czyli specjalnej wapiennej strukturze ułatwiającej chwytanie i miażdżenie pokarmu. To właśnie dzięki specyficznej budowie aparatu gębowego niektóre gatunki wrotków są w stanie odżywiać się bakteriami nitkowatymi, które są niejadalne dla niemal wszystkich pierwotniaków i pozostałych bezkręgowców. Po raz pierwszy ta unikatowa zdolność wrotków została opisana przez Fiałkowską i Pajdak-Stós [2008] w pracy, w której wykazano zdolność wrotków z gatunku Lecane inermis do ograniczania zagęszczenia Microthrix parvicella w osadzie czynnym. Możliwość wykorzystania wrotków przy kontroli puchnięcia osadu została objęta ochroną patentową w Polsce i kilku krajach europejskich.
Trichocerca simoneae De Smet described in 1989 has since been found in tropical and subtropical areas, but was not recorded in Poland before World War II. A bibliography of Polish rotifers by Wiszniewski (1953), although very comprehensive, does not refer to T. simoneae. However, in the studies of plankton of the dystrophic lake, i.e. humic one with water rich in humic acids, acidic pH and brown coloured, carried out in the years 1998–2000, the species dominated. Here, studies in 39 small, inter-forest lakes of north-eastern Poland revealed T. simoneae in 15 of them, often at high densities, up to ca 6000 ind L-1. The possible reasons for this ‘invasion’ are: (1) zooplankton communities in dystrophic lakes are unsaturated with biotic interactions too weak to exclude invaders; CCA and RDA analyses showed that T. simoneae preferred habitats with low number of zooplankton species of low density and dystrophic lakes seem to offer such habitats; (2) long-term deposition of rotifer resting eggs is probably more successful in sediments decaying at low rates. The latter possibility seems to be confirmed by observed in the littoral zone of dystrophic lakes appearance from time to time, of rare, mostly tropical species of Rotifera (e.g., Lecane hornemnni, L. monostyla, L. sola).
The aim of this study was to assess the effects of two flocculants that are often used to overcome activated sludge bulking problems - aluminium chloride, AlCl3, and aluminium sulphate, Al2(SO4)3 - on Lecaneinermis (Rotifera, Monogononta) at three different temperatures: 8, 15 and 20°C. The mean EC50 value (effective concentration, mg dm-3) calculated for the 24 h mortality test was 0.012 mg Al3+dm-3. Next, the effects of low concentrations of the Al-salts on the population development from single individuals (parthenogenetic females) were tested in a 21-day experiment. At concentrations as low as EC4.8 and EC0.48, both Al-salts affected rotifer population negatively. However, temperature was the most pronounced factor that modified the toxicity of the Al-salts to the rotifers. On the 12th day of the experiment, there were significant interactions between temperature and the Al-salts, indicating that the chemicals were more toxic to the rotifers at 20°C than at lower temperatures. The weaker rotifers sensitivity to Al-salts (especially to AlCl3) in temperatures below 15°C, when the biggest problems associated with sludge bulking occurs,may means use both rotifers and chemicals reasonable and effective.
Sole glinu są powszechnie stosowanym fl okulantem, służącym zwalczaniu puchnięcia osadu czynnego w biologicznych oczyszczalniach ścieków. Nowa idea biologicznego zwalczania tego niekorzystnego dla prawidłowej pracy oczyszczalni zjawiska polega na zastosowaniu wrotków z gatunku z Lecaneinermis. Wrotki te naturalnie występują w osadzie czynnym i są w stanie zjadać bakterie nitkowate, jak Microthrixparvicella, sprawiające najwięcej problemów w eksploatacji oczyszczalni podczas miesięcy zimowych. Celem badań było porównanie toksyczności chlorku glinu AlCl3 oraz siarczanu glinu Al2(SO4)3 dla wrotków Lecaneinermis w trzech temperaturach: 8, 15 and 20°C. Średnią wartość EC50 (stężenie powodujące 50% efekt, mg dm-3) dla śmiertelności wrotków na podstawie 24-godzinnego testu ustalono na poziomie 0.012 mg Al3+ dm-3. Następnie, badano wpływ niskich stężeń soli glinu na tempo wzrostu populacji z pojedynczego osobnika (partenogenetyczna samica) w 21-dniowym eksperymencie. Ustalono, że stężenia na poziomie odpowiadającym EC4.8, a nawet EC0.48 wpływają negatywnie na tempo wzrostu populacji. Temperatura silnie wpływała na toksyczność glinu. W 12-tym dniu eksperymentu stwierdzono, że zachodzi istotna interakcja pomiędzy toksycznością glinu i temperaturą, wskazująca, że w 20°C glin jest bardziej toksyczny dla wrotków niż w niższych badanych temperaturach. Mniejsza wrażliwość wrotków na glin w temperaturze poniżej 15°C może oznaczać, że łączenie tych dwóch metod zwalczania puchnięcia osadu czynnego w miesiącach zimowych może być racjonalnym i efektywnym rozwiązaniem.
Eutrophication is still one of the most important, world . wide problems of surface waters. During last decades there is the increasing demand for effective methods of monitoring systems based on biotic indices. For practical application, the monitoring tools must satisfy certain requirements: (1) sampling should be quick and easy; (2) indices should be straightforward to calculate. The aim of the study was to test the usefulness of rotifer abundance and species composition as indicators of trophic state of lakes. Data on rotifer densities and taxonomic composition were collected in 41 dimictic and 33 polymictic lakes situated in northeastern Poland. The samples were taken once a year, during the summer stagnation period at 1 m intervals from the surface to the bottom of the epilimnion layer in thermally stratified lakes and from the surface to the bottom of shallow lakes. The data were used to estimate the relationship between the rotifer community structure and the indices of trophic state of lakes (TSI), like concentration of chlorophyll a and Secchi.s disc visibility, (as the estimator of suspended particulate material in the water) calculated according to Carlson (1977) and widely used recently. The estimations were made separately for dimictic and polymictic lakes. However, regressions for the relationships between the trophic state of lakes based on mean values for Secchi.s disc (TSI[SD]) and chlorophyll a content (TSI[CHL]) and rotifer indices for both groups of lakes, usually were not different. Thus the same regression equations may be used for both dimictic and polymictic lakes.The following formulas for rotifer TSI index (TSI[ROT]) were found: (1) rotifer numbers (N, ind. L[^-1]): TSI[ROT1] = 5.38 Ln(N) + 19.28; (2) total biomass of rotifer community (B, mg w.wt. L[^-1]): TSI[ROT2] = 5.63 Ln(B) + 64.47; (3) percentage of bacterivores in total rotifer numbers (BAC, %): TSI[ROT3] = 0.23 BAC+ 44.30; (4) ratio of biomass to numbers (B:N, mg w.wt. ind.[^-1]): TSI[ROT4] = 3.85 (B:N)[^-0.318]; (5) percentage of the tecta form in the population of Keratella cochlearis (TECTA, %): TSI[ROT5] = 0.198 TECTA + 48.8 for dimictic lakes and TSI[ROT5] = 0.144 TECTA + 54.8 for polymictic ones; (6) contribution of species which indicate high trophic state in the indicatory group.s numbers (IHT, %): TSI[ROT6] = 0.203 IHT + 40.0. It was assumed that the lakes with a TSI[ROT ]under 45 are mesotrophic, those with a TSI[ROT] value of 45.55 are meso-eutrophic, 55.65 - eutrophic and those with a TSI[ROT] above 65 - hypertrophic. The formulas may be useful in preparing similar indices for lakes in central and northern Europe.
The role that invasive Vallisneria spiralis L. plays in determining the species richness of the rotifer community was examined in the littoral zone of two heated (by power stations) lakes near Konin (W. Poland) (Lake Licheńskie - area 153.6 ha, max. depth 13.3 m and Lake Ślesińskie - area 148.1 ha, max. depth 25.7 m). Vallisneria spiralis is a thermophilic and vegetative reproducing species which has been recorded in the lakes since the 1990s. It spreads very quickly in the lakes, forming monospecific, dense beds which, force out all other submerged vegetation. Samples were collected in August 2004 on 8 littoral stations of Lake Licheńskie and Ślesińskie. Five-liter samples of water (plankton species) and macrophytes (epiphytic species) were elaborated separately. An analysis of the taxonomic structure of rotifer communities inhabiting single-species Vallisneria beds and mixed-species (Vallisneria plus other macrophyte species) beds showed that both communities were relatively rich in species and similar in terms of species composition. A total of 100 species of Monogononta were identified. Single-species Vallisneria beds were inhabited by 77 species, whereas 82 species were found at stations with mixed vegetation. Species diversity was relatively high in both types of macrophyte assemblages. Numbers of rotifer species inhabiting the single-species Vallisneria beds are among the average values observed in a littoral zone rich in macrophyte species from lakes of different morphometry and trophic state. The above observations confirm part of the conclusions from literature that invasions by new plant species do not always lead to a decline in the habitat value for native animals. Otherwise, the invaded plant creates the habitat easily colonized by the native plankton and epiphytic invertebrates.
Large-scale human-caused ecosystem disturbances may create new habitats. A good example may be long-lasting disturbances in five lakes (area from 148 to 379 ha, max. depth from 3 to 38 m) integrated into the cooling system of the power plants near Konin (52[degrees]17.8'-52[degrees]23.3N, 18[degrees]14.4'-18[degrees]20.7'E, West Poland). In the middle of the 1990s Vallisneria spiralis began to colonize littoral zone of three of lakes and in 2002 it appeared also in fourth one. This species formed dense patches and almost completely displaced other submerged macrophytes. An aim of the study was to test a hypothesis that the appearance of rare and new for Polish fauna rotifer species might be a result of changes in littoral habitats of these lakes particularly caused by the invasion by Vallisneria spiralis. Studies were carried out in the years 2004-2006 on 3-6 littoral stations in each lake. Five-liter samples of water with macrophytes were collected from a center of macrophyte beds. Plankton (free-swimming) and epiphytic (connected with macrophyte surface) samples were elaborated separately. As many as 167 monogonont species were recorded during the three-years. studies. From among them 6 species were new in Polish fauna. These were: Asplanchnopus hyalinus Harring, Beauchampia crucigera (Dutrochet). Lecane inopinata Harring & Myers, Lecane shieli Segers et Sanoamuang, Lecane undulata Hauer and Lepadella apsida Harring. The species are eurythermic or warm-stenothermic. Species new to the rotifer fauna of Poland were not numerous as they usually constituted less than 2% of the total density of rotifers. Thus, although the hypothesis that rare and new for Polish fauna rotifer species may appear in the littoral habitats of the heated Konin lakes was confirmed, it was also clear that the colonization of the habitats by rotifer invaders did not lead to their domination in the rotifer communities.
W oparciu o wyniki wcześniejszych badań, które pokazały, że wrotki Lecane inermis wyizolowane z prób osadu czynnego są zdolne do odżywiania się bakteriami nitkowatymi, przeprowadzono badania mające na celu sprawdzenie, czy efektywność wrotków w ograniczaniu rozwoju bakterii nitkowatych odpowiedzialnych za puchnięcie osadu czynnego jest zależna od temperatury. Wyniki pokazały, że wrotki Lecane statystycznie istotnie zmniejszyły zagęszczenie nitek Microthrix parvicella i Nostocoida limicola. Wrotki nie tylko przetrwały przeniesienie z hodowli do osadu czynnego, ale też szybko się tam rozmnażały w warunkach eksperymentalnych. Ich liczebność osiągnęła najwyższe wartości w temperaturze 20oC, doprowadzając do znaczącego zmniejszenia zagęszczenia bakterii nitkowatych. W temperaturze 8oC efektywność wrotków w ograniczaniu zagęszczenia bakterii nitkowatych okazała się nieistotna w porównaniu z kontrolą, ale - co ważne - wrotki przeniesione do osadu w tej temperaturze przetrwały i utrzymały aktywność. W eksperymencie z osadem czynnym, w którym dominowała bakteria nitkowata Nostocoida limicola, zagęszczenie bakterii nitkowatych w 20oC zmniejszyło się pod wpływem wrotków o 95 %, podczas gdy w przypadku Microthrix parvicella o 50%. Wyniki opisanych eksperymentów pokazują, że wrotki potencjalnie mogą być stosowane jako biologiczny czynnik ograniczający puchnięcie osadu w oczyszczalniach ścieków. Po raz pierwszy zwrócono też uwagę na fakt, że sezonowość przypisywana zjawisku puchnięcia osadu może być wynikiem zależnych od temperatury zakłóceń zależności troficznych wrotki-bakterie nitkowate.
The experiment, with the use of sand deposit from hygroarenal (shore sand beach wetted by lake waves) of the beach of eutrophic Lake Mikołajskie (Masurian Lakeland, Poland), was performed in order to test the hypothesis that shore sand deposit is the bank of resting forms of ciliate, rotifer and crustacean species. The experiment was conducted over a 38 days period in March-April 2004. Frozen sand taken in winter was exposed in aquariums filled with pre-filtered (GF/C) lake water in stable temperature (20[degrees]C), oxygen saturation and 12:12 light/dark conditions. Samples (three replicates) were taken each day. A total number of 44 ciliate, 59 rotifer and 9 crustacean taxa were identified during the studied period. Resting forms of different species and/or taxonomic groups developed in different time and it may be the result of different strategies in colonization of new habitats. Organisms forming resting cysts such as ciliates (11 species) and bdelloid rotifers appeared after the first day of the incubation whereas organisms hatching from resting eggs (monogonont rotifers and crustacea) were observed from the 2nd-3rd day of the experiment. The numbers of all the studied groups of organisms increased gradually and then strongly decreased indicating probably nutrient and/or organic matter limitation. The highest numbers of ciliates (731 ind. cm[^-2] of sand) was found on the 5th day, rotifers (987 ind. 100 cm[^-2]) on the 23rd day, cladocerans (60 ind. 100 cm[^-2]) on the 21st day and copepods (30 ind. 100 cm[^-2]) on the 33rd day of the experiment. The results of this study suggests that shore sand deposits being the temporal refugium for the small-bodied invertebrates transported here with the wave action may also play an important role as the transfer for their further dispersal in addition to postulated ways of expansions such as wind, rain, animals and surface runoff.
Już w latach 70. ubiegłego wieku rozpoczęto badania dotyczące nadmiernego rozwoju bakterii nitkowatych w oczyszczalniach ścieków i poszukiwania sposobów ograniczania tego niekorzystnego zjawiska. Jednak dopiero dwie ostatnie dekady przyniosły rozwiązania, które pozwalają w miarę skutecznie ograniczać puchnięcie osadu czynnego. Niestety metody te, polegające głównie na stosowaniu środków chemicznych, są w większości niedoskonałe i obarczone wysokimi kosztami. Nadal trwają poszukiwania metod które będąc skuteczne byłyby jednocześnie tanie i przyjazne dla środowiska naturalnego. Prowadzone przez nas kilkuletnie badania osadu czynnego z wielu oczyszczalni ścieków zwróciły naszą uwagę na wyraźną zależność pomiędzy licznym występowaniem wrotków a ograniczonym rozwojem bakterii nitkowatych, o czym można przeczytać w artykule "Alternatywne metody zwalczania bakterii nitkowatych" w Forum Eksploatatora nr 5/2009. Wyniki naszych pierwszych eksperymentów przeprowadzonych w skali laboratoryjnej dają nadzieję na opracowanie nowatorskiej, biologicznej metody ograniczania puchnięcia osadu, która opierać się będzie na wykorzystaniu zależności pokarmowych między organizmami naturalnie występującymi w osadzie czynnym.
Despite numerous researches concerning ways of limiting the excessive growth of filamentous bacteria in activated sludge, there is still no universal method which would help to achieve this goal. The most popular chemical methods, apart from being not always effective, are rather expensive. The results of our preliminary studies indicate that some rotifers occurring naturally in activated sludge and feeding on filaments, might be used as a factor significantly limiting bacteria growth. Preparing a new biological method requires a lot of studies carried out in cooperation with other scientific centers and wastewater treatment plants. Further research will be supported by a grant co-financed from EU resources in a frame of the Program lnnovative Economy - one of six national programs under National Strategic Reference Framework. The project will last three years and is divided into several stages. The goal of the first of them is to select species of rotifers most effective in limiting the growth of bacteria and to find the best method of mass-cultivating them. In the laboratory, the influence of food, temperature and oxygen concentration on the proliferation of rotifers from different clones will be tested. In the next stage rotifers' resistance to toxic wastes will be tested. Another very important goal is to check the influence of high quantities of rotifers on the volume index of the sludge and on the effluent chemistry. The end result of the whole project is to prepare appropriate procedures and utilities which would enable plant operators to use the method directly in treatment plants.
Artificial small water reservoirs existing over peatbogs of Łeczyńsko-Włodawskie Lakeland have high ecological value. Planktonic rotifer communities of the reservoirs are characterized by high species diversity, presence of rare species as well as high abundance of periphytic and benthic-periphytic forms. Low nutrients concentrations of studied reservoirs confirmed low total rotifers density, presence of indicatory species and high ratio of algaevorous to detritivorous species. The analysis of domination structure of planktonic rotifers showed very low stability of their community and high vulnerability for changes of habitat conditions.
Jednym z ciekawszych i mniej poznanych ekosystemów wodnych są różnego typu torfianki: węglanowe, humusowe i eutroficzne. Analiza wrotków planktonowych w siedmiu takich zbiornikach Pojezierza Łęczyńsko- Włodawskiego wykazała: dużą różnorodność gatunkową, obecność gatunków rzadkich, znaczny udział form peryfitonowych i bentosowo-peryfitonowych oraz duże różnice faunistyczne między wrotkami różnych torfianek. Mała liczebność wrotków, gatunki wskaźnikowe, znaczny udział gatunków roślinożernych w stosunku do detrytusożernych wskazują na małą żyzności większości torfianek. Mimo tych cech analiza struktury dominacji wykazała brak zrównoważenia zgrupowań wrotków i możliwość ich małej stabilności w przypadku jakichkolwiek zmian środowiskowych.
Hydroarenal is a layer of submerged sands along the edge of a lake. Organisms living in interstitial spaces of this zone create a community called hydropsammon. Microzonation and seasonal dynamics of hydropsammon rotifers were studied in psammolittoral of deep, eutrophic Lake Mikołajskie (North-eastern Poland) in 2005. An aim of the study was to test the hypothesis that the top 0.5 cm of bottom sands (=epihydroarenal) plays a role of a transitory microzone between adjacent water layer and a deeper 1.5 cm layer of sands (=endohydroarenal). Sampling cores were taken at a station 1.5 m from water's edge once or twice a month since April till October 2005. Three samples were taken: 5-cm thick water layer (AWL - adjacent water layer), 0.5-cm thick layer of water and sand from the transitory level (EPIH - epihydropsammon) and 2-cm thick slice of sand (ENDOH - endohydropsammon). From 94 species found in the lake 15% were restricted to AWL, 20% to endohydropsammon and only 5% to epihydropsammon. From 57 species found in epihydroarenal 52 (91%) were common with neighboring microlayers, i.e. AWL and endohydroarenal. The highest rotifer densities were noted in the endohydroarenal zone if expressed in area units. However, the rotifer densities in epipsammon if expressed in the same volume of occupied environment were ca 40 times higher than in adjacent water and about twice of those noted in endohydroarenal. This may suggest that epihydroarenal plays a role of both a transitory zone and a refugium for animals from adjacent water layer. Reasons for this phenomenon are still not clear.
The composition and dynamics of zooplankton (Rotifera, Crustacea) communities were studied in a dystrophic lake (Drawieński National Park, northern Poland). The investigated lake was a typical mid-forest lake of a small area (ca. 0.65 ha) but relatively deep (Z[max] = 6.8m) and covered with a peat (Sphagnum sp.) mat. The study was made in the shallow part of the lake (Z = 0.5 m). Zooplankton was collected twice in August 2004, in triplicate subsamples, taken from three stations (1. under the peat mat, 2. the transitional zone between the peat mat and open water area and 3. open water zone) from two different sites within the same lake. The distance between sampling stations within a transect was ca. 1.5 m. The whole area under study was not greater than 10 m[^2]. Therefore the results concern the very small-scale distribution of zooplankton. The aim of the study was to find out whether spatial segregation of the zooplankton community and the dominating species between the Sphagnum mat and open water zone as well as in the transitional zone between both zones takes place in a dystrophic lake and whether the moss mat can be considered as an anti-predator refuge. Both the species number and zooplankton densities differed between the stations along a transect, being the highest (40 zooplankton species and mean 150 ind 1[^-1] for the whole zooplankton community) in the peat mat and lowest (12 species and 72 ind 1[^-1]) in the open water zone. Humic-water species constituted 24% of the species composition of rotifer and 14% of the crustacean community. Cladocerans prevailed numerically over rotifers. Dominating species - Bdelloidae, Keratella cochlearis Gosse, Polyarthra vulgaris (Carlin), Synchaeta pectinata Ehrenberg, Trichocerca insignis Carlin, Alonella excisa (Fischer), Ceriodaphnia quadrangula (O.F. Muller) - revealed a differentiated pattern of spatial distribution. The mean Shannon-Weaver biodiversity index of zooplankton was not notably high and amounted to 1.45. The highest values were found in the peat mat (mean - 1.76 for rotifers and 0.67 for crustaceans), while the lowest values were found in the open water (0.99 and 0.36 respectively). These results suggest that in the site connected with Sphagnum moss in a humic lake more diverse and abundant zooplankton occurs in relation to other habitats. The differences in zooplankton distribution between the peat mat and the open water zone of the dystrophic lake seems to be affected by biological interactions which relate to predator presence, both vertebrate and invertebrate, and competition between large cladocerans and smaller rotifers. Due to the dominance of larger forms of zooplankton it may be supposed that invertebrate predators may have a more pronounced effect. The habitat within the Sphagnum moss can be considered as a predictable refugium.
Studies were conducted in littoral sand deposits of a eutrophic, deep lake (Lake Mikołajskie, Masurian Lakeland, Poland) in aim to test the hypothesis that epihydroarenal (the most upper layer of sand deposits) may play a role of a refuge from visual predators for rotifers from adjacent water layer. However, a comparison of the daily vertical distribution of the rotifer community structure and densities in microlayers of the lake psammolittoral, i.e. adjacent water layer (5.0-0.0 cm), epihydroarenal (0-0.5 cm) and three microlayers of endohydroarenal (0.5-1.0 cm, 1.0-1.5 cm and 1.5-2.0 cm) revealed a lack of up-and-down vertical migrations of the animals. During day and night hours, both on 5/6 and 11/12 July, rotifers were concentrated in epihydroarenal. In all cases 64 to 85% of rotifer community inhabited this layer, whereas up to 4% occurred in adjacent water layer. Large and permanently renewed food resources (algae and bacteria) in the most upper layer of sand deposits form a very thin layer that can be called "a canteen". This may explain permanent concentration of rotifers in the layer.
The research on the distribution of species of the Lecane genus among different types of macrophytes (including rushes, nymphaeids and two zones of submerged macrophytes) in comparison with open water was carried out for three years in a shallow lake (Lake Budzyńskie, western Poland; an area - 17.4 ha, maximum depth - 2.7 m and a mean depth - 1.4 m) in order to determine the possibility of their competition and of co-existence. The distinct species of submerged macrophytes create separate vegetation beds and patches in the lake. The size of a particular macrophyte bed did not exceed the area of 5 m. Zooplankton samples were collected between 1997 and 1999 (from April to October, at about 2-week intervals) in the shallow part (approx. 1m deep) of a lake. Nymphaeids were only sampled during the 1998 and 1999. Samples were taken at each site using a plexiglass core sampler ([the empty set] 50-mm). Subsamples of a volume of about 1.5 l from the surface layer (0-1.5 m) were sampled from randomly chosen places within each macrophyte patch. Six Lecane species were analysed (Lecane bulla (Gosse), L. closterocerca (Schmarda), L. flexilis (Gosse), L. furcata (Murray), L. luna (Miiller) and L. lunaris (Ehrenberg)). L. bulla dominated at most of the examined stations each year. Detailed seasonal analysis of the abundance of particular species of the Lecane genus in most cases revealed the replacement character of their occurrence. The sudden increase in the numbers of one species caused a simultaneous decrease of another within the same macrophyte stand. A distinct replacement pattern was observed for L. bulla, which was replaced by L. closterocerca or L. luna and for another two pairs of species (L. closterocerca with L. furcata and L. flexilis with L. luna). At the same time, pairs of species such as L. closterocerca-L. lunaris (statistically positive correlation was found in the case of Chara bed - r[s] = 0.70; P = 0.007), L. flexilis-L furcata (within Typha - r[s]= 0.58; P = 0.048) and also L. luna-L. furcata (in the Myriophyllum bed - r[s]= 0.80; P = 0.001) exhibited a similar pattern of seasonal changes without, however, revealing the exchange occurrence between each other. The pattern of species replacement within a genus is an example of the competitive exclusion of closely related species. The nature of the seasonal distribution of species of the Lecane genus, replacing each other over a period of time, may be connected with the niche overlap of particular species, which results in time segregation. Exploitative competition cannot be excluded when describing such behaviour.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań przeprowadzonych w strefie litoralowej zbiornika Dziećkowice. Celem pracy było: określenie składu gatunkowego Rotatoria badanego zbiornika, opisanie struktury dominacji, stałości oraz znaczenia ekologicznego wrotków występujących w zbiorniku Dziećkowice, prześledzenie zmian ilościowych Rotatoria, porównanie występujących zespołów na badanych stanowiskach, zbadanie wpływu czynników abiotycznych na występowanie i zagęszczenie wrotków, określenie sezonowych zmian występowania Rotatoria, określenie trofii i saprobowości zbiornika na podstawie zebranych zgrupowań.
The article presents the results of a research carrier out in the littoral zone of the Dziećkowice reservoir. The study was aimed at determining the species composition of Rotatoria living in the Dziećkowice reservoir, describing their domination structure and ecological role alongside with investigating the quantitative changes of Rotatoria population, analyzing the impact of abiotic factors on the occurrence and condensation of rotifers, determining the seasonal variability of Rotatoria occurrence and the reservoir's trophy and saprophy based on the collected groupings.
W okresie od marca do listopada 2000 roku badano wrotki planktonowe w zapadlisku Bojszowy -Jedlina. Stwierdzono bogatą faunę Rotifera w tym zbiorniku. Wśród 71 taksonów występował nowy dla Górnego Śląska gatunek Erignatha clastopis (Gosse). Skład jakościowy zgrupowania wrotków w tym zapadlisku różnił się od składu wrotków w innych badanych zapadliskach. Struktura dominacji i stałości zgrupowania wskazywała na zrównoważony charakter pomimo oznak wysokiej trofii.
From March to November 2000 planctonic Rotifera of the collapse pond Bojszowy - Jedlina were studied. Rich fauna of Rotifera (71 taxons) was recorded. One new for Silesia Region species Erignatfia clas-topis (Gosse) was found. The qualitative composition of the Rotifera community in that pond differed from other investigated collapse ponds. In spite of high eutrophy domination and constance structure indicated staid character of the Rotifera community in the Bojszowy - Jedlina pond.
W okresie od marca do listopada 1999 r. badano zespoły Rotifera w potoku Ślepiotka, zanieczyszczonym ściekami bytowo-komunalnymi. Badano również faunę wrotków małego stawu śródleśnego, którego wody odprowadzane byty do potoku. Dzięki dokładnej analizie ilościowej oraz jakościowej stwierdzono, ze dopływ wody ze stawu spowodował trwały wzrost bogactwa gatunkowego, zagęszczenia oraz stabilności w zespołach wrotków w potoku Ślepiotka poniżej miejsca dopływu. Wyniki analiz fizyko-chemicznych wody potwierdziły dane biologiczne o pozytywnym wpływie wód stawu na faunę i jakość wody w potoku.
The studies concerned qualitative and quantitative analysis of seston Rotifera communities of Slepiotka stream polluted with communal sewages. The samples were also taken from the small, inforest pond confluence with the stream. The studies were carried out from March to November 1999. The water from the pond, which flew down into the stream, had a good influence on the Rotifera communities living there. The stable increase in species diversity, abundance and stability of Rotifera communities of Slepiotka stream below the inflow was recorded. The physic-chemical analysis confirmed the favorable influence of the pond on Slepiotka stream water quality.
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