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Content available remote Dominique Jean Larrey i Polacy
Jean Dominique Larrey, one of the most eminent surgeons of the turn of 18th and 19th century and the creator of medical emergency aid, often came in contact with Poles serving in the Napoleonic Army. He came to Poland twice, and his actions in January 1807 were an impulse to create first a military, and in 1809, a civilian Medical School in Warsaw. His experiences from the campaign of 1806-1807 were also a reason for two texts that he included in his Memoires. The article is devoted to his connections with Poles and Poland.
W artykule omówiono wybrane metody lądowania bezzałogowych statków powietrznych wykorzystujących w wojsku polskim. Zaprezentowane w artykule metody lądowania oraz określenie ich dokładności wykonano na podstawie analizy lądowań wykorzystywanych cywilnie i militarnie cywilnie bezzałogowych statków powietrznych.
The article discusses some methods of landing unmanned aircraft using in the Polish army. Presented in the article methods of landing and to determine their accuracy is made based on the analysis of landing used militarily and civilly unmanned aircraft.
Przez cały okres funkcjonowania w strukturach układu warszawskiego, Wojsko Polskie postrzegane było jako druga silą tej organizacji. Jednocześnie, ograniczenia ekonomiczne sprawiały, że w niektórych dziedzinach było wyraźnie zacofane technologicznie. Z tego powodu, obiektywna ocena wartości bojowej Wojska Polskiego w tym okresie jest mocno utrudniona. W poniższym artykule zebrana i usystematyzowana została wiedza na temat liczebności, organizacji i uzbrojenia Wojska Polskiego w schyłkowym okresie funkcjonowania Układu Warszawskiego.
Throughout the whole period of its membership in the Warsaw pact, the Polish army was perceived as the second strongest one within the organisation. At the same time, due to economical limitations, in some respects it was clearly technologically behind the times. For this reason, objective evaluation of the Polish army’s military capability is rather difficult. In the following article, the author has gathered and structured the knowledge regarding the size, organisation and armament of the Polish army in the late period of the Warsaw pact’s existence.
W II połowie XX wieku broń pancerna na całym świecie dynamicznie się rozwijała. Jednym z jej elementów były czołgi ciężkie, których do LWP nie trafiło jednak wiele. W artykule zdefiniowano, a następnie opisano czołgi ciężkie, które znalazły się na wyposażeniu Ludowego Wojska Polskiego w latach 1943-1989, a zatem czołgi KW, IS-2 i IS-3. Wszystkie czołgi ciężkie zostały przekazane Ludowemu Wojsku Polskiemu przez naszego „wielkiego brata” - Związek Radziecki, w niewielkiej liczbie egzemplarzy. Stanowią interesujący epizod rozwoju myśli technicznej, w tym zwłaszcza techniki wojskowej, z którego w ograniczonym stopniu czerpali tez polscy konstruktorzy. Obecnie nieliczne ocalałe egzemplarze tych pojazdów znajdują się na wystawach w polskich muzeach prezentujących militaria i dzieje polskiej powojennej motoryzacji.
In the second half of the twentieth century armoured weapon developed rapidly all over the world. One of its elements were heavy tanks which were not numerous in the LWP. The article defines and describes the heavy tanks that the Polish People's Army was supplied with in the years 1943-1989, and therefore tanks: KW, IS-2 and IS-3. All the heavy tanks were transferred to the People's Army of Poland by our "big brother" - the Soviet Union, in a small numbers. They represent an interesting episode of the development of technical thought, including especially the military technology, which inspired, to a limited extent, also Polish engineers. Currently, very few surviving examples of these vehicles are exhibited at the museums presenting Polish military history and that of the post-war Polish automotive industry.
Artykuł przedstawia podstawowe uwarunkowania bezpieczeństwa państwa oraz założenia wynikające z pragmatyki obronnej i udziału polskiego wojska w poszczególnych kontyngentach i misjach zagranicznych. Ukazując rożne rodzaje i znaczenie poszczególnych misji zagranicznych, przedstawiono ich uwarunkowania prawne oraz oceniono koszty i korzyści, jakie z tego płyną. Takie założenie badawcze jest istotne w aspekcie prowadzonych działań mających wpływ na funkcjonowanie złożonego systemu bezpieczeństwa państwa. Jednym z takich czynników jest również możliwość poprawy poziomu wyszkolenia żołnierzy w warunkach wojennych, szkoleniowych i stabilizacyjnych, wysoko oceniana przez współdziałające państwa NATO. Tak prowadzona polityka bezpieczeństwa państwa sprzyja rozwijaniu długofalowych korzyści gospodarczych oraz zacieśnia międzynarodowe więzy w kluczowych sprawach dotyczących interesów narodowych na płaszczyźnie militarnej i gospodarczej.
The article presents the basic conditions of state security and guidelines arising from the national defense concept and Polish military involvement in various contingents and foreign missions. Showing the different types and the importance of each of the foreign missions, the benefits, costs of participation and legal conditions were assessed and analyzed. All those aspects are important in terms of conducted activities having an impact on the functioning of a complex system of national security. One such factor is the improvement in soldier training through participation in peacekeeping and stabilizing missions, reaching professional level highly appreciated by other co-operating NATO countries. Well conducted national security policy leads to long-term economic benefits and strengthens international ties in key areas of national interests at the military and economic levels.
The current changes in the military logistics system are designed to adapt it to the changing internal and external conditions. Its global nature changes from the purely military character to the military-civilian one. The principle to use the external resources (national economy) is not new in the army, and has been known for many years. A priority issue is to develop mutually acceptable rules of cooperation enabling efficient management of logistics. The aim of this article is to identify the directions of development of the organization and operation of stationary Polish Armed Forces’ logistics system using the experience and capabilities of civilian logistics centers.
The aim of the article is to present expenditures incurred by Poland in connection with maintaining Polish Military Contingents (PMC) outside the country after 2002. The first part of the article features Poland’s engagement in peace missions until 2001. The second one defines Poland’s involvement to preserve peace in the world since 2002. The costs of keeping PMC outside the country were presented in a table and supplemented with commentary. These expenditures were compared with GDP and defence budget. The analysis shows that the highest costs are generated by big contingents such as Polish Military Contingent in Iraq, Chad and Afghanistan. For instance, the costs of maintaining the Polish Military Contingent in Iraq amounted to 1,046.19 million PLN. It appears that these are only costs that the Polish side incurred and they make about 40% of the whole costs as the rest was financed by the USA budget. The MoD spent on the currently operating contingent in Afghanistan approximately 785.2 million PLN from its 2009 budget, which makes 75.8% of all expenditures on missions in that year. It must be remembered that the costs resulting from PMC’s participation in operations/missions outside the country would have been incurred anyhow, for example due to the necessity to organize and conduct exercises with forces within annual force training schedule. The PMC participation in this type of operations is also a factor influencing the modernization of the army and stimulating our domestic defence industry.
Content available Pomorze w granicach Polski Odrodzonej
W artykule przedstawiono problematykę Pomorza w polskiej myśli politycznej okresu I wojny światowej i tuż po jej zakończeniu. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na sprawy dostępu Polski do morza podczas konferencji wersalskiej, a następnie na proces przejmowania ziem pomorskich w skład państwa polskiego.
The paper presents the issues related to Pomerania in Polish political thought in the period of WW I and just after its end. Special attention is paid to access of Poland to the sea coast during the Versailles Conference and the process of taking over the Pomeranian territories by Poland.
Artykuł zawiera opis działań Polskiej Wojskowej Jednostki Specjalnej na Bliskim Wschodzie w operacji Drugich Doraźnych Sił Zbrojnych ONZ w Egipcie – UNEF II w latach 1973–1979. W pierwszej części materiału autor przedstawił tradycje służby polskich żołnierzy w komisjach rozjemczych w okresie 1953–1973 w Korei, Indochinach oraz Nigerii. Główną część artykułu stanowi historia służby polskiego kontyngentu wojskowego w Egipcie w misji UNEF II. Po raz pierwszy Wojsko Polskie miało wystawić zwarty oddział do misji pokojowej prowadzonej pod flagą ONZ. Jednym z kluczowych wyzwań organizacyjno-logistycznych okazało się przerzucenie ludzi i sprzętu do rejonu mandatowego. Główną część transportu wyposażenia i zaopatrzenia wzięły na siebie statki Polskich Linii Oceanicznych, zbudowane w szczecińskiej stoczni. Opis tych morskich doświadczeń oraz wspomnienie o dwóch jednostkach uwięzionych w tym okresie na wodach Wielkiego Jeziora Gorzkiego stanowi kolejną część artykułu.
The article describes activities of Polish Special Military Unit in the Middle East which took part in the Second United Nations Emergency Force in Egypt – UNEF II in the period 1973–1979. There are presented traditions of Polish military service in the multinational commissions in Korea, Indochina and Nigeria in the period 1953–1973. The history of Polish military contingent in UNEF II is the main body of the article. Polish Army the first time was ordered to set up a battalion sized military unit to UN mission. It was big organizational and logistic challenge. The main part of contingent.s supply transporting was realized by Polish vessels. They were build in Szczecin shipyard. The activity description is a second part of the article.
The article presents the Polish Army Representatives in International Commissions of Supervision and Control (ICSCs) in Indochina (Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam) in 1954-1973 and International Commission of Control and Supervision (ICCS) for South Vietnam in 1973-1975. The author describes the historical back-ground and reasons for establishing the missions, their functions and tasks focusing in particular on problems connected with the Polish participants’ organisation and preparation to perform these almost pioneer tasks. The ICCS most important functions defined by the Peace Agreement and Protocols included: control of executing the military units regrouping plan; watching the forces’ safety while their evacuation and regrouping; supervision of the return of captured and detained prisoners of war and interned civilian personnel; supervision of temporary military demarcation line; supervision of ports of entry, airports and all Vietnamese borders in connection with the implementation of agreements concerning troops, military personnel, armaments, munitions and war material; conducting investigations basing on evidence in terrain (on ICCS’s own or Military Mixed Commission’s initiative). In general 1948 Poles, 1391 career soldiers including, performed their peace service in three commissions operating in Indochina in 1954-1975. This many-year activity of Poland’s representatives, mostly the Polish Armed Forces’ soldiers, contributing to ceasing military operations and regulating the extremely complicated situation in that hot point.
Content available remote Prawda o polskiej obecności w Babilonie
Content available remote Organizacja logistyki w siłach zbrojnych Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej
Od wstąpienia Polski do NATO w naszych siłach zbrojnych trwa proces restrukturyzacji związany z ich przebudową i modernizacją techniczną. Na wyposażenie wchodzą nowe systemy dowodzenia, uzbrojenia i wyposażenia używane przez państwa sojusznicze. Nakłada to całkiem różne od dotychczasowych zadania na logistykę wojskową. Zmiany spowodowane są: innymi normami zaopatrzenia, nowymi rodzajami środków zaopatrzenia materiałowego jak również zmianą procedur w procesie zaopatrywania wojsk. Wszystkie wymienione czynniki mają poważny wpływ na skuteczne działanie logistycznego systemu zaopatrywania wojsk, a w tym na gospodarkę zapasami wojennymi. Nowe klasy zaopatrzenia środków materiałowych, inne wielkości i urzutowanie zapasów, a także zmiana norm jakościowych wymuszają zmiany w gospodarowaniu zapasami wojska, mają także zasadniczy wpływ na jej koszty.
The Author presents the logistic system of Polish Army in the aspect of valid legal and organizational regulations. Moreover the Author analyses the condition of the logistics' standardization process and tasks in the comparison with other NATO armies.
This article presents the main forms of senior commanders supplementary education in the Armed Forces of the Second Republic of Poland. The fundamental content was tailored according to the chronology and problems. As a result, the Reader has a possibility to follow the development of the educational system of staff officers and Generals of the Polish Army. This process was conditioned by the development of the then Polish Armed Forces. To write this article, the Author used the archive and secondary sources. The article, therefore, presents a wide-ranging and exhaustive description of the established research problem. The main considerations concentrated on three main periods, which include the following years: 1921-1926; 1926-1935 and 1935-1939. These periods are determined by changes which happened in the field of structure and organization of Polish Armed Forces between 1921 and 1939. The content discussed in this material is a valuable completion of historical knowledge concerning the interwar period, but it can also have some modem applications to similar contemporary problems.
Content available remote Wojsko polskie za lat pięć : plany rozwoju
Content available remote Wojsko Polskie w wydarzeniach poznańskich 1956 roku
The use of the Polish Army units to suppress the protests in Poznań was a surprise not only for the society but for the soldiers as well. The residents of Poznań had not anticipated that the authorities would use military units equipped with heavy armour. Therefore the appearance of a large number of tanks and armoured personnel carriers in the streets caused that the demonstration was quelled and the fighting areas were isolated. Apart from few groups of protesters, the resistance was quickly crushed due to the increasing advantage of the law enforcement forces. Military troops were not appropriately prepared to conduct this kind of tasks. Tackling groups of protesters, liquidating points of fire in buildings, dispersing crowds were not included in the training programmes. It was fully confirmed during the first hours of the events when expected successes were not reached. Later effective methods were applied that allowed dispersing the crowds and swift finish of the fire exchange. Systematic increase of the number of military units directed to Poznań resulted mainly from the fear that the protest and armed groups would spread outside the city. According to the military command, it was confirmed in attacks on police stations after which the protesters gained a lot of guns and ammunition. It was also essential to liquidate the points of fire which not only posed a threat to the troops but to the residents themselves who were the victims of random shoot-out. The introduction of the Polish Army troops against civilians had a precedence character which in future served the Polish People’s Republic authorities to copy these checked solutions. It was confirmed by the events in December 1970 and later by martial law in 1982, the final although late effect of which was the collapse of the totalitarian power and the democratisation of social-political life in Poland.
The genesis of the Polish People’s Army dates back to May 1943 when the Soviet government agreed to form the 1st Tadeusz Kościuszko Infantry Division on its territory. Since its very beginning, the army organised by communists was subjected to thorough indoctrination with a particular intensity in 1948-1956, i.e. in the period defined in the Polish historiography as the Stalinisation of Poland and its armed forces. In order to ensure the communist party leading role in the armed forces, a political-educational department was set up in May 1943, which was transforme into a political party apparatus in November 1949. The Soviet models in the Polish People’s Army were widely present since the beginning of its formation in the USSR. Russian regulations and instructions were binding in military units created there. Russian military personnel played a vital role in the Polish People’s Army. At the beginning of 1956, Russian generals occupied almost all key positions in the Polish Military. In the first decade after the Second World War, the Polish Army constantly underwent strong political indoctrination. This process evidently intensified at the turn of the 40s and 50s. The political party apparatus and Military Information (Intelligence) used various indoctrinating methods towards all Polish Army personnel within their indoctrinate activity. Year 1956 began the process of transformation in Poland, broke away with t cult of the individual, started the process of going away from the Stalinism and farreaching sovietisation of Poland and its armed forces. Moreover, Marshall Konstanty Rokossowski and other numerous Russian generals and officers left the Polish Army.
The article deals with changes in organizational structures of armoured and mechanized battalions of the Polish Armed Forces in 1945-1975. The author presents them on the background of three post-war armed forces’ development periods, i.e. passing into peacetime in 1945-1948, reconstruction in the time of growing tension on the international arena in 1949-1975 and reorganization and technical modernization of forces in order to adapt them to operations in conditions of using nuclear weapon in 1955-1975. This allows defining existing conditions of performed transformations and showing their specific character. The article is completed with organizational figures and a table which contains comparison of armoured and mechanized battalions’ forces and assets in the period under discussion.
W artykule podjęto zagadnienie rozmów moskiewskich, które miały stać się przełomem w konstytuowaniu ładu politycznego w Polsce po 1945 roku. Istotnym zagadnieniem, nad którym dyskutowano, była sprawa wojska na emigracji, które oczekiwało czytelnego sygnału pozwalającego określić się politycznie. Opracowanie zawiera zestawienie interesujących poglądów na powojenną rzeczywistość polityczną, a fakt, że rozmowy toczyły się w Moskwie pod "nadzorem" ambasadorów trzech mocarstw, świadczył o powadze kwestii polskiej.
The paper raises the issue of the so called Moscow talks which were to become the turning point in establishing political order in Poland after 1945. One of the vital issues under discussion was the question of the armed forces in exile which were waiting for a clear signal to I their political choice. The study contains a list of interesting views on the postwar political I and the fact that the talks were held in Moscow under the "supervision" of the ambassadors three superpowers proved the importance of the Polish question.
The author describes the war in Korea and its influence on the Polish Armed Forces’ organisation changes that included developing the structures, enlarging the number of personnel and directing enormous assets on technical modernisation. According to the author, this influence was not directly connected with the participation in the war but it had an indirect character related to a general tension in the international situation. The author claims that the Polish Armed Forces’ organisational restructuring did not have a defensive character but was a part of Eastern Europe countries' preparations to participate in offensive operations in Western Europe. Moreover, these experiences were not used in organisational changes.
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