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Yield and the course of crop vegetation are the result of the interaction between the level of cultivation technology and the course of meteorological conditions, which are a variable production factor. The aim of the study was to quantify the effect of meteorological conditions on the course of development stages and yield of winter wheat cultivated in two technological variants (A1 - medium-intensive and A2 - intensive). The paper uses data on yield and timing of winter wheat development stages from four Experimental Stations for Variety Testing (Pol. Centralny Ośrodek Badania Odmian Roślin Uprawnych - COBORU) experimental stations from 2007-2016 located within the Upper Vistula and Upper Oder River basins. To determine the dependence of the length of development stages of winter wheat on the values of selected meteorological elements, the linear regression metod, correlation coefficient. It was found that the lengths of the selected developmental stages are positively correlated with air temperature and negatively correlated with the sum and number of days with precipitation in these stages. A 1°C increase in air temperature resulted in a shortening of the shooting - heading and heading - full maturity periods by 2.5 and 2.8 days respectively. An increase of 100 mm of precipitation in the periods sowing - full maturity and heading - full maturity resulted in an increase of these periods by 5 and 10 days. Increasing the number of days with precipitation by 10 days in the sowing - full maturity and heading - vax maturity stages resulted in extending these stages by 4.1 to 4.4 and 7 to 7.5 days for the A1 and A2 cropping technologies, respectively.
Majority of past research on agricultural product production is related with irrigated areas. Thus, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the energy use pattern in wheat production planted as dry farming in Northwest of Iran. Initial data were collected by means of questionnaires from farmers and agricultural experts in the area. Energy use efficiency indices, net energy, specific energy, energy productivity, energy intensiveness and the total input of energy and total output were computed. Analysis of the total input energy showed that fuel and chemical fertilizer had the highest energy consumption, and the seeds, labor work and chemical pesticides had the lowest energy consumption in wheat production. Energy use efficiency and energy productivity of 1.79 and 0.748 kg⸱mJ-1 were obtained, respectively. The total input and output energy were 33927.61 and 60803.81 MJ⸱ha-1, respectively.
Większość przeprowadzonych badań dotyczących produkcji produktów rolniczych dotyczy terenów nawadnianych. Dlatego, celem opracowania była ocena wzoru zużycia energii w produkcji pszenicy zasianej jako uprawa sucha w rejonie północno-zachodniego Iranu. Dane wstępne zgromadzono za pomocą kwestionariuszy przeprowadzonych z rolnikami i ekspertami ds. rolnictwa w tym rejonie. Wskaźniki zużycia energii, energia netto, energia właściwa, wydajność energetyczna, intensywność energetyczna oraz całkowity wkład energetyczny oraz całkowite zużycie energii zostały obliczone. Analiza całkowitego wkładu energetycznego wykazała, że paliwo oraz nawozy chemiczne najbardziej pochłaniały energię, a ziarna, praca człowieka oraz pestycydy wykazywały się najniższym zużyciem energii w produkcji pszenicy. Otrzymano odpowiednio wydajność zużycia energii i produktywność energii w wysokości 1,79 oraz 0,748 kg⸱mJ-1. Całkowity energia włożona i wytworzona wynosiły odpowiednio 33927,61 oraz 60803,81 MJ⸱ha-1.
Content available Vibrating moistening of wheat grain
The article experimentally established the influence of amplitude, frequency and duration of processing on the efficiency of vibratory wetting of wheat. With increasing amplitude and frequency of oscillations, as well as the duration of processing, the increase in moisture in the grain increases nonlinearly. With oscillation amplitudes of 10 and 20 mm and constant frequency of 10 Hz and processing duration of 8 min., Wheat grain increased moisture by 2.1%. Processing time more than 8 min. does not increase the moisture content of wheat. The largest increase in moisture in wheat was observed at an oscillation frequency of 12 Hz and an amplitude of 20 mm and a treatment duration of 5 min. Increasing the oscillation frequency more than 12 Hz did not lead to an increase in wheat moisture. It was found that the load does not affect the efficiency of moistening wheat grain.
This study was carried out to show the extent to which the land is productive due to the effect that climatic changes and the increase in population growth are the reasons that led to an increase in the demand for food, especially in developing countries. Therefore, a scientific way must assess the land suitability for growing crops. This research aimed to provide an integrated approach to the process of analyzing the suitability of agricultural lands for crop growth. Wheat in the Nile region of Babylon Governorate, was studied using the analytical hierarchy model (AHP) and compared with the parametric method and the actual crop in the field, as twelve soil criteria were determined (electrical conductivity, soil interaction, cation exchange capacity, exchangeable sodium ratio, soil texture, lime, gypsum, organic carbon, drainage, soil depth, slope, flooding) and three criteria were added in the AHP method due to their importance in Iraqi soils, which are (total nitrogen, availability phosphorus, crop variety). The results were extracted and showed that all the results of the study using the parametric method within the very unsuitable class for cultivation, N2, 72.5%, with an area of 37,734.07 hectares, and the unsuitable class, N1, 27.5%, with an area of 14,312.92 hectares, either by using the method. According to the analytical hierarchy process and giving varying importance to the soil criteria above, it was found that 37.5% are very suitable S1 with an area of 19517.62 hectares, 42.5% suitable for agriculture S2 with an area of 22119.97 hectares, and 20% moderately suitable S3 with an area of 10409.4 hectares. These results were similar to the agricultural reality of the regions under study.
Przedstawiony projekt skupia się na opracowaniu innowacyjnej technologii w zakresie poprawy jakości ziarna lub nasion co najmniej jednego z ważnych gospodarczo gatunków roślin uprawnych np. zbóż, roślin bobowatych lub rzepaku. W rezultacie w uprawie ww. roślin, w ziarnie lub nasionach nastąpiło zwiększenie zawartości białka, aminokwasu metioniny lub tłuszczu. W proponowanej technologii uprawy użyto pył bazaltowy wzbogacony siarką w postaci granulatu o nazwie Bazalt-S. Zadaniem zastosowania granulatu Bazaltu-S, była poprawa właściwości gleb, zwłaszcza zakwaszonych i ubogich w siarkę, co miało wpływ na stabilność i wielkość plonowania. Ponadto użycie polepszacza pozwoliło na uzyskanie plonów o znacznie lepszej jakości w porównaniu do produktów rolnych dotychczas uzyskiwanych z gleb mało żyznych na terenie Polski i krajów Europy o podobnych warunkach glebowo-klimatycznych.
The presented project focuses on the development of innovative technology to improve the quality of grain or seeds of at least one of the economically important crops eg. cereals, Fabaceae or rape. As a result in the cultivation of the above mentioned plants, in grain or in seeds will increase their protein, methionine, or fat content. In the proposed cultivation technology, basalt dust enriched with sulfur in the form of granules called Basalt-S was planned to use. The task of Basalt-S, will be to improve the properties of soils, especially acidified and low-sulfur soils, which will have an impact on the stability and yield. Furthermore, it will allow to obtain products of much better quality compared to products previously obtained from poorly fertile soils in Poland and European countries with similar soil and climatic conditions.
In Morocco, the intensive use of agricultural land coupled with irregular precipitation is a serious threat to the country’s food security. Conservation agriculture especially no-tillage (NT) system has shown an important result in the semi-arid regions of Morocco, but its dissemination to other, more humid, agro-ecological zones (precipitation > 350 mm) is still low. For this purpose, a field experiment under NT system has been installed since 2004 in the Zaer Plateau (Central Morocco) to study the adaptation of this system to the irregular rainfall compared to a conventional tillage (CT). Yields (grain and biomass) of crops (wheat and lentil) under NT and CT were analyzed and compared over the years of study. The ANOVA test showed that yields over the seven years were significantly different and that both crop yields under NT system were greater than or equal to those under CT system even though lentil is more vulnerable to extreme climate events under CT and NT systems. Unlike NT, yields under CT were significantly correlated with the rainfall amount received during the crop cycle. This indicates the dependence of CT precipitation, whereas NT is more adaptable to the irregularities of the climate in the study area.
The milling process has evolved over time, employing various techniques to produce flour with different particle sizes and applications. This paper discusses the advancements in the wheat flour milling process and examines their impact on flour quality. The concept of wheat milling value is also introduced, which refers to the ability of wheat to produce flour with desirable properties and high yield. The importance of wheat cleaning in the milling process is highlighted, along with technological advancements such as color sorting machines and debranning of wheat grains before grinding, which facilitate efficient cleaning and increase flour yield. The progress of wheat conditioning in preparing wheat for milling is also discussed, along with current trends in grinding the wheat kernel. These advancements collectively contribute to enhancing flour quality, production efficiency, and overall milling performance.
Sposób przemiału ziarna pszenicy ewoluował na przestrzeni ostatnich lat, poprzez wykorzystanie nowych technik, pozwalających na uzyskanie mąki o zmiennym składzie granulometrycznym i różnych zastosowaniach. W niniejszej pracy omówiono najnowsze trendy związane z produkcją mąki pszennej, analizując wpływ różnych metod i technologii na jej jakość. Omówiono także wartość przemiałową ziarna, pod kątem otrzymywania mąki o wysokim wyciągu i pożądanych właściwościach wypiekowych. Skupiono się również na innowacjach w procesie oczyszczania pszenicy, omawiając maszyny do sortowania ziarna względem barwy oraz urządzenia do obłuskiwania. Przeanalizowano także postęp w procesie kondycjonowania i rozdrabniania ziarna pszenicy. Wszystkie omówione innowacje przyczyniają się do poprawy jakości mąki oraz efektywności i wydajności produkcji mąki.
Celem pracy było określenie reakcji nasion pszenicy (Triticum aestivum L.) o różnym przeznaczeniu technologicznym na zmienne pole magnetyczne. W doświadczeniu wykorzystano stanowisko z układem RC OSCILLATOR TYPE G502 generującym sygnały sinusoidalne i prostokątne o częstotliwościach w zakresie 0-100 Hz. Stosowano wielkość indukcji magnetycznej pola: 10, 40 i 70 mT oraz czas ekspozycji nasion: 10, 600 i 1800 s. Wykazano istotny wpływ zmiennego pola magnetycznego na niektóre parametry ontogenetycznych roślin.
The aim of the study was to determine the reaction of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seeds for various technological purposes to a variable magnetic field. In the experiment, a stand with the RC OSCILLATOR TYPE G502 system generating sinusoidal and square signals with frequencies in the range of 0-100 Hz was used. The magnitude of the magnetic field induction was used: 10, 40 and 70 mT and the seed exposure time: 10, 600 and 1800 s. A significant influence of the alternating magnetic field on some ontogenetic parameters of plants was demonstrated.
The level of wheat grain contamination with lead and cadmium was determined using electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry with Zeeman background correction (ETAAS) after microwave digestion. The obtained limits of quantification were 0.001 mg∙kg-1, for both metals. A total of 300 samples of wheat grain from agricultural regions of Poland were examined, 150 each from the two consecutive harvest years 2017 and 2018. None of the tested samples exceeded the maximum level of these metals, as specified in the European regulations. The contents of lead and cadmium in wheat grain from both years of harvest ranged from <0.001 to 0.098 mg∙kg-1 and from 0.006 to 0.098 mg∙kg-1, respectively. Despite similar ranges of these metals, the highest lead contents were two times lower than the maximum limit value, while the highest cadmium contents were close to it. As for lead, a significantly higher (p < 0.05) mean content of this metal was found in wheat grain from the 2018 harvest compared to 2017 and in the western compared to eastern regions of the country. However, the cadmium contents did not differ significantly between the two harvest years, but were significantly higher (p < 0.05) in wheat grain from the southern regions compared to northern regions of Poland. Additionally, the highest contents of cadmium, close to the maximum limit, were found in the South-West region and in the both years of harvest. The risk analysis of the occurrence of the excessive contents of toxic metals in wheat grain showed a low risk level for lead in all investigated regions, and a medium level for cadmium, in general.
The world’s noticeable population growth is associated with an increased demand for agricultural products. The search for new solutions to increase crop productivity while ensuring environmental stability is becoming a key role. One such method is the use of the biopreparations containing Effective Microorganisms. EM consist of about 80 species of selected aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms, which have the ability to restore the biological balance. Professor Teruo Higa of Ryukyus University in Okinawa is the creator of Effective Microorganisms. When added to agricultural ecosystems they stimulate plant growth, improve the condition of soils affected by excessive use of chemical fertilizers allowing insoluble forms of elements to be transformed into plant-available forms and protect them from certain diseases and pests. This solution is an ecological alternative to conventional technologies and does not further pollute the ecosystem, which is crucial. Organic fertilizers in the form of EMs are made using live microorganisms they do not only deliver nutrients to the soil but also allow inactive ones to become available. With improved nutrient uptake and protection from soil pathogens, plants develop and grow better for improved yields. They contain organic matter and one or more biologically active organic compounds (amino acids, vitamins) as well as macroand microelements that stimulate plant growth and development. They provide plants with essential substances, which are naturally synthesized in many complex biochemical processes, causing energy savings that can be used for other transformations in the plant.
This research aimed to determine the physicochemical characteristics and heavy metal concentrations of agricultural soils used for grape and wheat production in Morocco in the Mohammedia Benslimane area. The organic matter (OM) content ranged from 0.6% to 2.93%. The degree of total nitrogen was higher in the wheat plots than in the vine plots in the Mohammedia and Benslimane regions. Total nitrogen average rates ranged from 0.04 to 0.5% and from 0.07 to 0.8% in the vine and wheat plots. These results imply that the soil was silty clay and clay texture, neutral to slightly acidic at all stations. The P2O5 concentrations were 11.15 ppm and 68.14 ppm under the vine and the wheat plots, respectively, while the potassium concentration ranged from 33.1 to 287.9 ppm and from 26.9 to 184.75 ppm under the vine and the wheat plots, respectively. Furthermore, the concentrations of Cd at a few stations exceeded the standard value (2 ppm), reaching 10.375 ppm. The Pb and Zn concentrations were higher in vineyard plots than in wheat plots. The Pb and Zn concentrations were 20.22 ppm and 148.60 ppm, respectively. This study reports updated information on the states of eight stations in Mohammedia and Benslimane. However, further research is necessary to determine the pollution factors in local practice crops and naturally growing plants at these stations to assess their impact on livestock and humans.
The COVID-19 outbreak has seriously affected the global food security at a time when it was significantly compromised by the effects of climate change and armed conflicts. The impact of the pandemic and quarantine restrictions imposed in response to the deadly virus brought humanity face-to-face with a new threat – that of food insecurity – which contributed to a high social demand for state-of-the-art methods of improving the cereal production efficiency. The aim of the study is to develop and implement a methodological approach to enhancing the cereal production efficiency. The methodology of the study relies on time series that made it possible to determine the main trends in regional cereal production and make projections. Application of the suggested approach in the Kostanay region revealed that this region was among the key cereal producers in the country. In 2019, the region was affected by extreme weather, which caused a sharp decline in cereal production. The present study, however, projects large opportunities for cereal production growth in the region and a significant increase in cereal production in the future. In addition, the paper suggests the following action plan to improve efficiency of the cereal production sector in the Kostanay region: streamlining of state support arrangements for cereal producers; development of affordable crop insurance products; systemic steps to increase cereal yields; development of logistic infrastructure; comprehensive monitoring of cereal production to develop a system of rapid response to changes in the external environment.
Concentrations of heavy metals in the soil such as: (Pb, Cd, Zn and Cr), play a role in contamination of agricultural crops such as wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Roads in the Republic of Kosovo are congested with traffic; in addition, over 55% are more than 20 years old. The agricultural land near roads in Kosovo is cultivated with agricultural products, especially wheat. This study aimed to investigate the concentration of toxic metals in soil and wheat crops due to vehicle emissions. In this research are examined the physico-chemical factors that affect the mobility of metals in the soil of the research area as; pH, concentration of organic carbon and heavy metals such as: (Pb, Cd, Zn and Cr). Analytical research shows that the content of toxic metals decreases with increasing distance or along highways. The concentration tests of toxic metals near roads and lands planted with analyzed agricultural crop of corn showed that heavy metal deposits also depend on atmospheric conditions and emissions from vehicle traffic.
In this research, estimation potential of Aquacrop model under deficit irrigation and salinity conditions were evaluated for winter wheat grown under arid and semi-arid climates. Five different irrigation strategies and irrigation water salinity levels (0.5, 5, 7.5, 10, 15 dS m-1 ) were taken with the model to estimate deficit irrigation and salinity scenarios. Wheat grain yield, biomass production and canopy cover were simulated under deficit and salinity stresses. According to estimation of the model; the deficit irrigation with water reduction of more than 75 % of full irrigation was applied at growth stages of wheat, revealed the significant reduction in grain yield, biomass and canopy cover as compared with full irrigation practice. The increase in irrigation water salinity caused a significant decrease in grain yield and biomass value. It was compared to the 0.5 dS m-1 salinity level, a low value of 3% was obtained for the 5 dS m-1 salinity level. Yield loss of 7.5, 10 and 15 dS m-1 salinity levels were found to be 18.97%, 42.5% and 85.6% respectively. Also, increasing irrigation water depth in saline treatments resulted in increased grain and biomass yield. For sustainable water management in agriculture area, using simulation model such as Aquacrop is useful tolls to estimate effect of applied water depth and quality of irrigation water on crop yield.
Content available remote Impact of air pollution on maize and wheat production
To determine the effects of air pollution on crop yields, weather, air pollution, and maize and winter wheat yield data from 331 cities in China from 2014 to 2016 were collected and analysed. Furthermore, support vector regression and the crop growth model were applied to extrapolate the air pollution data of Beijing and Hetian and verify the relationship between air pollution and yield. Precisely, heavy air pollution usually occurred in North China, but less than moderate air pollution levels affected crop yields statistically insignificantly. Moreover, both the winter wheat and maize yields increased in moderate air pollution periods but decreased in heavy air pollution periods in 2014, 2015 and 2016. Importantly, a threshold value was necessary for the heavy air pollution periods to trigger a yield decrease. The threshold values of maize in 2015 and 2016 were 7 days and 5 days, respectively, while that of winter wheat was 10 days in both 2015 and 2016. Once the heavy air pollution periods exceeded the threshold value, both the winter wheat and maize yields decreased linearly with the periods. PM2.5 was the main air pollutant in Beijing in 2014, while PM2.5 and PM10 were the main air pollutants in Hetian in both 2015 and 2016. Regardless of whether the main air pollutant was PM2.5 or PM10, the simulated potential winter wheat yields by the crop growth model with moderate air pollution for the whole growth period were all higher than the yields under observed and heavy air pollution conditions.
Deterioration of the natural environment as a result of violation of its natural structures and self-regulatory mechanisms causes an urgent need to replace chemicals with effective and multidirectional biopreparations. Reduction of the amount of chemicals used in agriculture becomes possible through the use of Effective Microorganisms. This will reduce the burden on the environment. Agriculture that uses EM technology can count on help with germination rates; emergence uniformity; and crop yields, for example. EM formulations contain a mixture of different coexisting microorganisms. The following paper presents the results of own research on the use of Effective Microorganisms in seed dressing of spring wheat. It was shown that the microbial preparation EM Naturally Active affects the increase of wheat seed germination dynamics.
W pracy dokonano oceny wpływu zastosowanego nawożenia dolistnego na parametry jakościowe wybranych odmian pszenicy przeznaczonych na cele browarnicze. Nawożenie dolistne zastosowane na obiekcie A przyczyniło się do najwyższego wzrostu plonowania spośród badanych obiektów dla pszenicy Elixer i Rockefeller C1 w porównaniu do obiektu kontrolnego (odpowiednio 0,64 i 0,49 t.ha-1). Najlepszymi parametrami technologicznymi ziarna cechowała się pszenica Gimantis niezależnie od zastosowanego nawożenia dolistnego (głównie zawartość białka ogółem oraz wyrównanie ziarna), natomiast najniższy plon i jakość ziarna otrzymano dla pszenicy odmiany Rockefeller C1. W badaniach dotyczących nowych technologii uprawy należy dążyć do uzyskania lepszego wyrównania ziarna dla pszenic przeznaczonych na cele browarnicze.
The study assesses the effect of the applied foliar fertilization on the quality parameters of selected wheat cultivars intended for brewing purposes. Foliar fertilization applied to object A contributed to the highest yield increase of the tested objects for Elixir and Rockefeller C1 wheat compared to the control object (0.64 and 0.49 t.ha-1, respectively). Gimantis wheat was characterized by the best technological parameters of the grain regardless of the foliar fertilization applied (mainly total protein content and grain uniformity), while the lowest yield and grain quality were obtained for wheat of the Rockefeller C1 variety. Research into new cultivation technologies should aim for a higher grain uniformity parameter for wheat intended for brewing purposes.
In many regions of the world, including Egypt, water shortages threaten food production. An irrigation deficient strategy in dry areas has been widely investigated as a valuable and sustainable approach to production. In this study, the dry matter and grain yield of wheat was decreased by reducing the amount of irrigation water as well as the volume of the root system. As a result of this, there was an increase the soil moisture stress. This negatively affected the absorption of water and nutrients in the root zone of wheat plants, which ultimately had an effect on the dry matter and grain yield of wheat. The values of dry matter and grain yield of wheat increased with the ʻSakha 94ʼ variety compared to the ʻSakha 93ʼ class. It is possible that this was due to the increase in the genetic characteristic of the root size with the ʻSakha 94ʼ variety compared to the ʻSakha 93ʼ class, as this increase led to the absorption of water and nutrients from a larger volume of root spread. Despite being able to increase the water productivity of wheat by decreasing the amount of added irrigation water, the two highest grain yield values were achieved when adding 100% and 80% of irrigation requirements (IR) needed to irrigate the wheat and no significant differences between the yield values at 100% and 80% of IR were found. Therefore, in accordance with this study, the recommended irrigation for wheat is at 80% IR which will provide 20% IR. When comparing the water productivity of two wheat varieties in study, it becomes clear that ʻSakha 94ʼ was superior to ʻSakha 93ʼ when adding the same amount of irrigation water, and this resulted in increased wheat productivity for ʻSakha 94ʼ. The SALTMED results confirmed good accuracy (R2: 0.92 to 0.98) in simulating soil moisture, roots volume, water application efficiency, dry matter, and grain yield for two varieties of wheat under deficit irrigation conditions. Whilst using sprinkler irrigation system under sandy soils in Egypt.
Surface wastewater pollution due to accidental runoff or release of oil or its products is a longstanding and common environmental problem. The aim of the study was to investigate the impact of concentrations of oil products (diesel) and suspended solids, the sorbent type, the water flow rate and the interfering factors (chlorides) on the dynamic sorption of diesel and to test regeneration of polypropylene after its use for sorption. The sorbents used for study included common wheat straw (Triticum aestivum), polypropylene and sorbents modified with hydrogen peroxide solution. Standard methods were used for the determination of the investigated parameters and an in-house procedure employing a gas chromatograph was used for the determination of diesel concentration. The following factors that impact the sorption of diesel were investigated during the study: diesel concentration, concentration of suspended solids; type of sorbent (common wheat straw (Triticum aestivum), wheat straw modified with hydrogen peroxide, and polypropylene), water flow rate; and influence of the interfering factors (chlorides). Filtration speed in the range of investigated speeds does not affect the efficiency of diesel removal. Removal efficiency does not depend on the concentration of diesel before the sorbent reaches its maximum sorption capacity. Filling containing 50% of polypropylene and 50% of wheat straw was used for the study. It was found that polypropylene and wheat straw do not remove chlorides and suspended solids from solution. The study found that the solution of hydrogen peroxide boosts the hydrophobic properties of common wheat straw, but does not affect the sorption of diesel. The recommended number of regenerations of polypropylene should be limited to two.
Przedstawiono wyniki analizy zawartości białka i składników mineralnych (P, K, Ca, Mg, Cu, Fe, Zn i Mn) w ziarnie pszenicy różnych frakcji rozmiarowych. Klasyfikacja ziarna pszenicy z zastosowaniem sit pozwoliła na wyodrębnienie strumieni ziarnowych o różnej zawartości Mn, Zn, P, Fe i białka w obrębie jednej odmiany przy dużej rozpiętości rozmiarów ziarna (>3,25 i 2,2–2,5 mm). Sortowanie ziarna nieznacznie wpłynęło na zmianę zawartości Ca i P i nie miało wpływu na zawartość K i Mg we frakcjonowanym ziarnie pszenicy. Największą zawartość białka wykazywało ziarno zatrzymywane na sicie 3,25 mm. Najmniejsze ziarniaki pszenicy Bamberka (frakcja 2,2–2,5 mm) były najbardziej zasobne w Cu, Fe i Zn.
Wheat grain variety Bamberka and SHM 200 line differing in the content of microelements (Cu, Fe, Zn, Mn) and macroelements (P, K, Mg, Ca) were divided into 5 and 4 size fractions, resp. The largest grain showed the highest protein content. The classification of wheat grain by sieving allowed to distinguish grain streams with different contents of Mn, Zn, P, Fe and protein within one variety for a large grain size range above 3.25 and 2.2–2.5 mm.
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