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Content available Selected issues rules of weight control aircraft
In the era of dynamic development of the sciences, uninterrupted security is a priority for each of the sectors of transport. Flight safety depends on many factors that determine the quality and number of operations performed and functioning air transport system whereas the means of transport which is the aircraft. By factors must be understood as any action case, condition or situation where the existence or non-existence increases the probability of failure of the flight. The technical and organizational complexity of air transport system, a multitude of aviation personnel, the operation of the aircraft in various weather conditions are sources of various factors affecting flight safety. This article presents one of the very important things that must be done before every flight - the balance of the aircraft, which is a way of determining the centre of gravity plane COG, moreover, in the article also describes the weight of the passenger. Exemplified filled sheet loading and balance for Boeing B737-400 with the necessary tables, indexes, aimed at normalizing the data. Presented article is an introduction to the issue of control of the weight of the aircraft, taking into account the mass of passengers and their impact on the respective position of the centre of gravity of the aircraft.
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