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The article provides a description and a review of measures indicated in the National Masterplan for Inland Navigation by 2023 (KPŻ2030). The Masterplan is the first planning document for inland navigation to have taken into account the development of inland waterways, as well as strategic and regulatory measures. The Masterplan also includes a diagnosis of the use of inland waterways for transport and goals for the inland navigation sector to be achieved by 2030.
Artykuł stanowi opis i przegląd działań wskazanych w Krajowym Programie Żeglugowym do roku 2030 (KPŻ2030). KPŻ2030 jest pierwszym dokumentem planistycznym dla żeglugi śródlądowej, który uwzględnia rozwój śródlądowych dróg wodnych oraz działania o charakterze strategiczno-regulacyjnym. W KPŻ2030 zawarto również diagnozę transportowego wykorzystania dróg wodnych oraz cele dla sektora żeglugi śródlądowej, które mają zostać osiągnięte do 2030 r.
Content available remote Fragmenty z historii toru wodnego. Czy pękły bariery techniczne?
Problemy związane z utrzymaniem i dostępnością do portów oddalonych od morza jako przyczyna upadku wielu miast portowych w przeszłości. Port w Szczecinie jako klasyczny przykład portu położonego u ujścia dużej żeglownej rzeki. Pogłębienie, a właściwie budowa toru wodnego łączącego Bałtyk z portem w Szczecinie jako wydarzenie, które zadecydowało o tempie i kierunku dalszego rozwoju portu.
Problems with the maintenance and accessibility of harbors located away from the sea shore as the cause of the decline of many harbor cities and towns in the past. Szczecin harbor as a classic example of sea harbor located at the estuary of navigable river. Deepening or actually construction of the waterway between Baltic sea and the Szczecin harbor as the event which determined both pace and direction of the further development of the harbor.
This research has been carried out to examine the impact of excess shipload on ship performance and stability. The objectives are to analyse the trend of sinking ships in Nigeria occasioned to ship excess load. Secondly, to examine the relationship between load size and ship stability and identify the various factors responsible for ship instability. Data were gathered from operators in the maritime industry using structured questionnaires and interviews as data collection instruments. Four significant stakeholders that can provide information based on their involvement across three strata of management, operation and general cadre were sampled. Pearson Moment Correlation technique has been used to examine the relationship between load size and ship stability, and Analysis of Variance-one was used to identify the various factors responsible for ship instability. The Pearson Moment Correlation technique analysis shows a significant relationship between load size and stability. The analysis of variance revealed that "hogging and sagging" is the most crucial factor among the factors identified for ship instability. It has the highest value of F-ratio of 17.837 with a significance at p<0.05. The research concluded that resultant accidents from the instability of vessels are caused majorly by hogging and sagging of vessels, and notably, the occurrence is much in riverine areas in Nigeria. Loading the vessel has a relationship with the vessel's stability, as depicted from the analysis in this research. Recommendations on how to enhance stability through boat construction, shipbuilding, loading and passenger's use of life jackets, among others were made.
Artykuł przedstawia główne uwarunkowania realizacyjne planowanej drogi wodnej w zakresie gospodarki wodnej i planowania przestrzennego. Ich podstawą są ograniczenia hydrologiczne, hydrotechniczne i przyrodnicze. Proponowany przebieg drogi wodnej Kanału Śląskiego i Górnej Wisły to korytarz transportowy łączący 3 regiony: Małopolskę, Śląsk i Opolszczyznę. Kanał Śląski i Droga Wodna Górnej Wisty, jako uzupełnienie kanału Odra-Łaba-Dunaj, ma powiązać region małopolski i śląski z systemem dróg wodnych Europy. Do najważniejszych uwarunkowań planowanej drogi wodnej zaliczono potrzeby ilościowe oraz warunki zasilania w wodę szlaku żeglugowego, lokalizacji i parametrów stopni wodnych ze śluzami oraz zmiany krajobrazowe i w zagospodarowaniu przestrzennym, a także bardzo istotne zmiany w gospodarce wodnej regionów wodnych górnych dorzeczy Odry i Wisły. W tym aspekcie rozważono alternatywne sposoby zasilania Kanału Śląskiego i konieczność doboru specjalnych rozwiązań hydrotechnicznych wynikającą z silnego zainwestowania terenu (obszary zwartej zabudowy, liczne kolizje z drogami, liniami kolejowymi, rurociągami) oraz jego górniczego charakteru (tereny i obszary górnicze, osiadania terenu). Wskazano kluczowe obszary problemowe i konfliktowe na potrzeby opracowania koncepcji techniczno-przestrzennej planowanej drogi wodnej.
The article presents main water management and spatial planning considerations regarding construction of the planned waterway. They are based on hydrological, hydraulic engineering and natural limitations. The proposed route of the Silesian Canal and the Upper Vistula Waterway constitutes a transport corridor connecting 3 regions: Lesser Poland, Silesia and Opole region. The Silesian Canal and the Upper Vistula Waterway, as a route complementary to the Oder-Elbe-Danube canal, is to connect the Lesser Poland and Silesia regions with the Europe's waterways system. The most important considerations concerning the planned waterway are the quantitative needs and the shipping route water supply conditions, location and parameters of barrages with locks, landscape changes and spatial planning modifications, as well as major changes in the water management of the Upper Oder and Vistula water regions. In this aspect, the article analyses alternative methods of supplying the Silesian Canal with water and the necessity to apply special hydraulic engineering solutions, resulting from a large number of investments in this area (compact development areas, numerous collisions with roads, railways, pipelines) and its mining character (mining areas and terrains, ground subsidence). The article indicates main problem and conflict areas for the purposes of elaboration of a technical and spatial concept of the planned waterway.
The safety of vessels navigating in the sea waterway system is ensured by fulfilling the acceptable restrictions called safe ship operation conditions in that system. The assessment of navigation safety is particularly important when the conditions for safe operation of ships in the waterway system are changed concerns increasing the maximum parameters of vessels, increasing the allowable hydrometeorological conditions or changing the minimum tug assistance. The article presents a method for assessing navigation safety when the conditions for the safe operation of vessels in the waterway system get changed. The method uses two indicators, which are difference in navigation risks and relative navigation risk. To determine the navigational risk, algorithms were developed for calculating the probability of accidents caused by the deterioration of navigation conditions and technical failure of ship equipment and tugs. Another algorithm was developed for calculating the consequences of the accidents that involve blocking a waterway by a ship anchoring in an emergency, grounding, impact of the ship against a port structure or moored ship and a collision with another ship in motion. The method developed for assessing navigation safety by means of relative navigation risk can be used in practice when changing the conditions for safe operation of vessels in the waterway system and when the system is modernized. Navigational safety management is a decision process that is implemented in the loop presented in the article. The acceptable risk is determined on the basis of vessel traffic intensity and ship parameters defined by safe operation conditions for a given waterway system. Relative navigational risk may be used in assessment and comparison of various conditions of safe ship operation. The probability of an accident caused by ship's moving outside the available navigable area due to technical failures of ship equipment or tugs is determined, depending on the type of port waterway and the manoeuvres performed.
Modern civilization has reported a significant rise in the volume of traffic on inland rivers all over the globe. Traffic flow prediction is essential for a good travel experience, but adequate computer processes for processing unpredictable spatiotemporal data (timestamp, weather, vessel_ID, water level, vessel_position, vessel_speed) in the inland water transportation industry are lacking. Moreover, such type of prediction relies primarily on past traffic patterns and perhaps other pertinent facts. Thus, we propose a deep learning-based computing process, namely Convolution Neural Network-Long Short-Term Memory Network (CNN-LSTM), a progressive predictor of employing uncertain spatiotemporal information to decrease navigation mishaps, traffic and flow prediction failures during transportation. Spatiotemporal correlation of current traffic flow may be processed using a simplified CNN-LSTM model. This hybridized prediction technique decreases update costs and meets the prediction needs with minimal computing overhead. A short case study on the waterways of the Indian state of Assam from Sandiya (27.835090 latitude, 95.658590 longitude) to Dhubri (26.022699 latitude, 89.978401 longitude) is undertaken to assess the model's performance. The evaluation of the suggested method includes a variety of trajectories of water transportation vehicles, including ferries, sailing boats, container ships, etc. The suggested approach outperforms conventional traffic flow predicting methods when it comes to short-term prediction with minimal predictive error (<2.75) and exhibited a major difference of more than 45% on the comparison of other methods.
Increasing transport volumes on Europe's inland waterways is a major reason for improving the quality and reliability of internationally important waterways. Continued navigation restrictions due to restricted draft (draught) led to the search for new design solutions. Such solutions enable navigation even under critical navigation conditions. Restricted draft is one of the most important limitations that hinder navigation, especially in the summer. The main objective of the construction of an inland vessel is to obtain a shape that will achieve optimum performance with as little resistance as possible. A shape that will be able to navigate at a limited depth. Presently, there is no clearly defined methodology as a procedure for optimising the hull. When solving theoretical problems of shipbuilding character and ship calculations, it is necessary to consider the basic theory of the ship with special regard to the latest methodological procedures of related scientific disciplines. This paper presents a methodology that considers all the basic aspects of optimisation tasks in ship design and construction.
Content available remote Waterways - in reference to the previous comments
The comments to the assumptions for development of waterways in Poland, as submitted in the article entitled „Expertise on the development of inland waterways in Poland in the years 2016-2020 with the perspectives up to 2030” have been presented. The conception of implementing another (authorial) solution together with the arguments, supporting the mentioned proposals has been suggested.
W artykule przedstawiono uwagi do zamierzeń rozwoju dróg wodnych w Polsce przedstawionych w artykule pt. „Ekspertyza w zakresie rozwoju śródlądowych dróg wodnych w Polsce na lata 2016-2020 z perspektywą do roku 2030”. Zaproponowano koncepcję realizacji innego (autorskiego) rozwiązania wraz z argumentacją uzasadniającą te propozycje.
A seaport is presented in this article as a system composed of various types of waterways. The author has defined relationships between port waterway system elements and conditions of safe operation of ships in port. Relationships were determined between the conditions of safe operation of ships and the parameters of the following port waterways: anchorage, fairways (approach and inner channels, port entrances), turning area and port basin. The identified relationships between port waterway system and conditions of safe ship operation provided a basis for formulating the objective function of waterway parameter optimization during port design. In practice, these relations were used to determine the parameters of the Outer Container Terminal being built in Świnoujście, where two optimization problems were to be solved: 1. The optimization of approach channel parameters, 2. The optimization of parameters of the port entrance, turning area and port basin. The Outer Container Terminal in Świnoujście is expected to handle ocean-going ships with a length overall Lo = 400 m, and its projected capacity is estimated at 1.5 million TEU per year, a figure that can be doubled in the future.
The reclamation of the Pinsk marshes, as envisaged in interwar Poland, was one of the most ambitious national investment projects of the era. The plan was closely linked with the concept of a trans-European waterway running through Polesie, that was also being contemplated around that time. The latter project was embedded in a larger discussion about Poland’s inland navigation. Eventually, neither of these projects were finalized or even begun, before the second world war broke out. This paper analyses the discourse that took place on both issues, with a particular focus on their inevitable intersection. While describing the political background of this discourse, the article reconsiders the role of the engineers as the principal, sometimes overlooked, players in these processes. This research was supported by the National Science Centre, Poland, Grant No. 2015/19/B/HS3/03553
Śródlądowy transport wodny należy do najbardziej zrównoważonych gałęzi transportu, wywierając relatywnie niewielki wpływ na środowisko naturalne. Rozwój żeglugi śródlądowej w Polsce jest silnie związany ze stanem szlaków wodnych, bowiem to one decydują o efektywności oraz terminowości realizowanych przewozów. Układ i długość sieci śródlądowych szlaków wodnych w Polsce od lat utrzymuje się na zbliżonym poziomie. Dostosowanie wymiaru jednostek pływających i dróg wodnych jest głównym czynnikiem determinującym efektywność tego rodzaju transportu. Warunki nawigacyjne przekładają się bezpośrednio na podstawowe parametry konstrukcyjne taboru wykorzystywanego do przewozów w żegludze śródlądowej, w tym na stosunkowo małą ładowność barek, jak również na wielkość przewozów.
Inland water transport is one of the most sustainable modes of transport, exerting a relatively small impact on the natural environment. The development of inland navigation in Poland is strongly related to the state of water routes, because they determine the efficiency and timeliness of transports. The layout and length of the inland waterway network in Poland has remained at a similar level for years. Adaptation of the dimension of vessels and waterways is the main factor determining the efficiency of this type of transport. The navigational conditions translate directly into the basic construction parameters of the rolling stock used for inland waterway transport, including the relatively low capacity of barges, as well as the volume of transport.
Content available remote Channel processes and its management on navigable rivers
Inland waterways are the sector of the economy that is most dependent on channel processes and their management to ensure safety and favourable conditions for navigation. The main goals of the river channel management are to improve the waterways in terms of navigation and, at the same time, to preserve the rivers as natural sites. The presented study defines the criteria for classification of rivers and river sections according to the complexity of channel processes, their forecasting and management. The classification of rivers as waterways has been provided based on the complexity of channel process management and designing of dredging works and investments aimed at improving the navigation conditions. Examples of this approach are given based on specific rivers of Russia.
Content available Charakterystyka transportu śródlądowego w Polsce
Treścią niniejszego artykułu będzie określenie roli jaką na przełomie lat 2015-2017 transport śródlądowy miał w Polsce. Charakterystyce poddane zostanie zapotrzebowanie na przemieszczanie towarów i pasażerów transportem śródlądowym oraz wykonana przez środki żeglugi rzecznej praca przewozowa. Oceniona zostanie także liczebność taboru wykorzystywanego do przewozów śródlądowych oraz jego wiek. W artykule zaprezentowane zostaną również informacje dotyczące struktury śródlądowych dróg wodnych znajdujących się w naszym kraju oraz pokazane zostaną najpopularniejsze kierunki w polskiej żegludze śródlądowej.
This article defines the role of inland waterway transport in Poland over the years 2015-2017. It describes the demand for goods and passenger carriage by inland waterways and the transport performance provided by the means of river navigation. Furthermore, the size of inland waterways transport fleet and its age is assessed. The article also presents information about the structure of inland waterways in our country and the major destinations in Polish inland navigation.
Celem artykułu jest analiza problematyki dotyczącej żeglugi śródlądowej w polskim systemie transportowym ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem Międzynarodowej Drogi Wodnej MDW E70 w relacji Bydgoszcz-Kostrzyn, przedstawienie oczekiwań społeczności lokalnej, środowisk turystki wodnej i armatorów żeglugi śródlądowej w odniesieniu do infrastruktury transportowej dla transportu śródlądowego, a także zwrócenie uwagi na problem rozwoju żeglugi śródlądowej, przy jednoczesnym omówieniu stanu żeglugi śródlądowej na MDW E70.
The aim of the article is to analyse the issues of inland navigation in the Polish transports system, with particular focus on the E70 international waterway connecting Bydgoszcz and Kostrzyn. It presents expectations of the local community, water tourism circles and inland navigation shipowners with regard to the inland navigation transport infrastructure. It points to the problem of the inland navigation development, while discussing its state on the E70 International Waterway.
Międzynarodowe Drogi Wodne (MDW) są odpowiedzią Europy na analizy z lat 90. ubiegłego wieku, jednoznacznie stwierdzające, że nadreprezentacja udziału transportu drogowego w przewozach jest coraz droższa, szkodząca środowisku i nieuchronnie prowadzi do kryzysu gospodarczego. System MDW jest spójną koncepcją stworzenia sieci śródlądowych magistrali transportowych łączących ze sobą blisko 400 portów w 37 krajach Europy. Wytyczono ponad 27 tys. km dróg wodnych i określono ich parametry. Od dwudziestu lat Europa - która przecież cywilizowała się wzdłuż swoich rzek - systematycznie odbudowuje drogi wodne i przenosi na nie część transportu. Polska przez lata stała z boku tego procesu. Teraz, po uporaniu się z innymi opóźnieniami - m.in. w zakresie odbudowywania dróg kołowych i kolejowych, przystępuje do nadrobienia i w tej sferze zaległości. Przez obszar naszego kraju płyną na długości ok. 2100 km trzy potencjalne drogi międzynarodowe: E30, E40 i E70. Program przystosowania sieci MDW do właściwych parametrów ma zostać zrealizowany w ciągu 15 lat. Koszt tego przedsięwzięcia szacuje się na ok. 80 mld zł. Bardzo prawdopodobne, że jego realizacja napotka wiele problemów ekologicznych, społecznych i finansowych. Jeśli się z nimi upora, Polska wróci na mapę z europejskimi autostradami śródlądowymi.
The International Waterways (IW) are the Europe’s answer to analyses dating from the 1990s, clearly indicating they the over-representation of the road transport in freight operations is increasingly costly, detrimental to the environment and inevitably leads to an economic crisis. The International Waterways is a coherent concept of creation of a network of inland transport arteries connecting nearly 400 harbours in 37 countries of Europe. Over 27 thousand km of waterways were marked out and their parameters were defined. For twenty years Europe - the civilizational development of which took place along the rivers - has been systematically reconstructing its waterways and transferring part of its transports there. For years, Poland stood by, absent in implementation of this process. Now, having dealt with other delays - including in reconstruction of road and railway connections, it is starting to catch up. Poland has three potential in¬ternational waterways stretching at the length of 2100 km: E30, E40 and E70. The programme of adaptation of the IW network to the required parameters shall be completed within 15 years. The cost of this venture is estimated at ca. PLN 80 billion. It is highly probable that during its implementation it will en¬counter many ecological, social and financial problems. It Poland manages to solve them, it will return to the map with European inland highways.
Autor podkreśla potrzebę wprowadzenia pojęcia „droga wodna Wschód-Zachód" mającego pierwszeństwo przed ustalonymi dla Polski międzynarodowymi drogami o oznaczeniach E30, E40 i E70. Przebieg drogi wodnej W-Z należy wybrać z trzech możliwych geograficznie tras. Celowy może być wybór trasy południowej zagospodarowującej istniejące Kaskady Górnej Odry i Górnej Wisły z szansą wyjścia na południe do Dunaju. Należy brać pod uwagę przejście z Wisły w kierunku Dniepru nie wzdłuż doliny Bugu, a przez Lubelszczyznę z rejonu Dęblin-Puławy. Projektowanie rozwoju dróg wodnych w sytuacji wieloletniej stagnacji, a nawet upadku żeglugi, stwarza możliwość skokowego ruchu w racjonalność i innowacyjność rozwiązań. Potrzebne jest również inne spojrzenie na zabudowę dolnej Wisły. W opinii autora realizacja Kaskady Dolnej Wisły miałaby uzasadnienie, jeśli połączyłoby się ją z drogą wodną W-Z. Celowe byłoby stosowanie niższych piętrzeń lepiej wpisujących się w naturalne warunki i w istniejące zagospodarowanie obrzeży rzeki.
The author underlines the need to introduce a notion of the "West-East waterway" having priority over the international Polish waterways marked with the E30, E40 and E70 symbols. The W-E waterway course should be selected among three geographically possible itineraries. It would be appropriate to choose the southern way, including the existing Upper Oder and Lower Vistula Cascades, with an opportunity to go south to the Danube River. We should take into account a passage from Vistula towards the Dnieper River not along the Bug River Valley, but through the Lubelskie region, Dęblin-Puławy in particular. Planning the waterways development in the context of many years of stagnation, or even fall of the navigation, creates a possibility to make a leap towards the rationality and innovativeness of the applied solutions. We also need a different approach to the lower Vistula development. In the author's opinion, the planned Lower Vistula Cascade would be justified if it was connected to the W-E waterway. It would be appropriate to use lower damming structures, better adapted to the natural conditions and the existing development of the river linings.
W części 1 artykułu przedstawiono dwie serie kart pocztowych wydania zatytułowanego „Drogi wodne w Polsce”, każdą liczącą po cztery pozycje, od 2012 r. wprowadzanych raz w roku do obiegu przez Pocztę Polską SA („GW” nr 7/2016). Były to walory propagujące żeglugę śródlądową na Wiśle (2012) i Odrze (2013). Część druga artykułu obejmuje opisy wydań kartek pocztowych z lat 2014 i 2015. Dotyczą one odpowiednio drogi wodnej Wielka Pętla Wielkopolski (2014 r.) oraz obiektów hydrotechnicznych na rzekach Bug i Narew (2015 r.), a także jednostek żeglugi śródlądowej, w tym stylizowanych na historyczne, ale użytkowanych współcześnie na Bugu.
The first part of the article presented two "Waterways in Poland" postcards series, each composed of four postcards, put into circulation by the Polish Post once a year ("GW” No 7/2016). They were values promoting the inland navigation on Vistula (2012) and Oder (2013). The second part of the article includes description of the postcards dating from 2014 and 2015. They refer, respectively, to the Great Wielkopolska Loop (2014) and the hydrotechnical facilities on Bug and Narew (2015), as well as inland navigation vessels, including those histori¬cal styled but presently used on the Bug River.
Na skutek ratyfikowania przez Polskę konwencji AGN polskie drogi śródlądowe stały się częścią europejskich szlaków wodnych. Aby polskie rzeki mogły być wykorzystywane do transportu, konieczny jest szereg inwestycji. Czy doczekamy się ich realizacji?
The Institute of Geography of Kazimierz Wielki University, founded in 1996, initially as the Chair of Geography, is the youngest geography research and didactic unit in Poland. The Institute runs two-cycle studies in two fields: Geography as well as Tourism and Recreation (bachelor’s and complementary master’s studies), and two engineering courses: Inland Waterways Revitalization and Crisis Management in the Natural Environment. After twenty years of student education, graduates of the Institute of Geography have an impact on the natural environment management on a local and national scale, by taking positions at various levels, including managerial positions in local authorities’ units, institutions connected with environmental protection as well as private enterprises. The academic research of the Institute of Geography focuses on issues related to physical geography and socio-economic geography as well as tourism and recreation. Currently, the most important topics are: the impact of human activity on fluvial systems, problems related to revitalization of waterways and riverside areas, geodiversity of selected areas in Poland, contemporary socio-economic processes in Poland and other transition countries, tourism development and economics. The scientific research and expert activities of the Institute’s employees in the indicated fields include research works both worldwide, nationwide, as well as on a local scale – the Kujavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship and the city of Bydgoszcz. The research is carried out within the framework of cooperation with Polish and foreign academic institutions, as well as in the scope of implementation works with local authorities’ units, landscape parks and private enterprises. Since 2013, the Institute of Geography has published the “Geography and Tourism” academic journal, which popularizes the results of theoretical and empirical research in the fields of geography and tourism.
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