The development of inland shipping with respect to the EC guidelines should support sustainable transport system and its evolution to less energy consuming ecological and safer forms. The waterborne inland transport in Poland has the biggest reserves and its development is best placed in the frames of EU sustainable development policy. The technical state of the national waterborne inland transport in Poland is poor. This is the result of many years negligence in its modernization. Most of inland vessels in Poland were built before 1970 and their parameters do not comply with the present requirements for the power-propulsion systems effectiveness and influence on environment. The implementation of ecological solutions in river vessels design makes possible the passenger and goods transport services expanding to the waterways inaccessible for traditional transport means like Special Protection Areas of Natura 2000 network. The new designs of innovative river vessels should allow for the reduction of environment disturbances and can have a positive impact on the environment. The paper presents the main problems related to the revitalising the river transport in Poland, the potential negative influence of inland waterways on habitats and species under special EU protection, the influence of the regular navigation on the river environment and innovative solutions in waterborne inland transport.
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