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Present work is a case study of rainwater harvesting needs and the measures being adopted for the northern region of Haryana, India, covering the districts of Rewari and Mahendergarh. The study was necessitated following the notification by Haryana Urban Development Authority to make rainwater harvesting mandatory for its urban estates. As per the notification: "each individual plot holder having a rooftop area of 100 m2 or more, is required to provide for suitable rainwater harvesting measures". Keeping in view the available soil strata, average rainfall, rainfall intensity, social acceptability etc., a plan has been drafted to comprehensively utilize the rainfall water falling in the campus of Central University of Haryana, Mahendergarh, a campus of around 488 acres of area. Land area requirement for different suggested modes is likely to be a very small percentage of the total catchment’s area. In the first phase, ground water recharge structures for School of Engineering and Technology are suggested. Major objective of the study is to provide rainwater harvesting structures so that ground water storage is enhanced to an extent that it would suffice the drinking water needs of students and faculties residing in the campus. Another objective of the study is that these recharge structures will serve as models and infuse confidence in people to follow the good work initiated by the Haryana Urban Development Authority.
In order to model the water flow of the free Quaternary aquifer of the Fez-Meknes basin, it is essential to determine the precise geometric limits of the aquifer. Indeed, the characterization and representation of the underground structure of the Miocene marl top which forms the aquiclude of the aquifer, constitutes the fundamental step to study and understand its influence on the groundwater flow. This study is facilitated by the available data, which allow to represent the underground formations on isohypses maps. The data base is formed by reconnaissance drillings, and the extraction of marl altitudes from previous geological works. During this work the generation of the marl top elevation map was based on the test of four interpolation methods, which correspond to : Kriging, IDW method, Natural Neighbors, and Topo to Raster, in order to choose the most reliable and best suited to the study area. On the one hand, the calculation of the conformity index between the values measured in the field and the estimated values for each method was successively (0.9796, 0.9848, 0.9814, 0.9842). On the other hand the values of the root mean square error (RMSE) were successively (13.59, 7.42, 21.27, 14.01). The comparison of these results allowed us to choose the IDW interpolation as the most reliable and suitable to interpolate the top of the aquiclude of the free water table of the Fez Meknes basin with a compliance index the highest and a RMSE the lowest compared to other methods.
Due to financial wherewithal, only shallow wells, which are extremely prone to seasonal groundwater decline, are constructed in the study area. Generally, new groundwater wells are designed to follow the criteria of the old wells, which may be vulnerable to substantial groundwater depletion through water-level decline. Going by this, newer groundwater wells constructed near older ones are 100% susceptible to the uninvestigated depletion associated with the older ones. The method used integrates vertical electrical sounding (VES) technique employing the Schlumberger electrode configuration, which measured the resistivity of geologic layers, depths and thickness with hydrogeological information, which constrained the VES interpretation. The aim was to check the spread of groundwater depth–water table ratios for the shallow aquifers. The 1-D resistivity analysis shows that the topsoil/motley topsoil has resistivity ranging from 71.8 to 1964.1 Ωm and mean 586.9 Ωm, while its depth ranges between 0.5 and 11.3 m with mean value of 2.8 m. In layer 2, while the resistivity spans between 71.3 and 1488.6 Ωm with mean value 444.6 Ωm, the depth and thickness, respectively, have a range and mean value of 2.0–170.4 m and 41.9 m and 3.4–112.2 m and 41.0 m. The third layer resistivity ranges from 7.5 to 2332.5 Ωm with mean value of 797.2 m. The depth of burial and the thickness of the third layer, respectively, have mean of 63.0 m and 74.6 m and range of 40.3–106.3 m and 50.1–115.6 m. The fourth layer penetrated by current at 150 m half of current electrode separation has undefined thickness and depth with respective resistivity range and mean of 25.3–2385.3 Ωm and 508.4 Ωm. Based on the resistivity results and nearby borehole data, sizeable numbers of borehole in the area have depths (between 40 and 80 m) that are remarkably greater than the water table depths (1.4–37.6 m). A few boreholes have depths that are sparingly greater than water levels and by the present climate change; they are not likely to be depleted by virtue of water-level declines as the well depth–water table depth ratios are still sustainable to ward of the depletion associated with water-level decline. The results indicate the spatial spread of shallow hydrogeological units as well as the water-level architecture, which is believed to provide useful information that will complement lithological logs while planning for newer groundwater well development in the area.
W artykule omówiono wspólny projekt Saksońskiego Urzędu Górniczego, Wyższego Urzędu Górniczego i Urzędu Marszałkowskiego Województwa Dolnośląskiego - „Życie z górnictwem" (MineLife) oraz metody zastosowane w trakcie jego realizacji. Dzięki programowi zainicjowano wymianę pomiędzy instytucjami partnerskimi, która pozwoliła na pozyskanie wiedzy i zwiększenie kompetencji w dziedzinie procedur administracyjnych, procesów planowania i zakresu nadzoru oraz dostępnych technologii, procedur w górnictwie odkrywkowym i podziemnym w rejonie przygranicznym. Uczestnikom pokazano również rekultywację terenów po zakończonej eksploatacji węgla brunatnego. Przedstawione zostały konflikty między przedsiębiorstwami górniczymi, organami nadzoru i mieszkańcami. Końcowym efektem programu jest podręcznik na temat ich rozwiązywania.
The article discusses the joint project of the Saxon Mining Office, the State Mining Authority and the MarshaTs Office of the Lower Silesian Voivodship - "A Life with Mining" (MineLife) and the methods used during its implementation. The programme has initiated an exchange between the partner institutions, which allowed for acquinng knowledge and increasing competences in the field of administrative procedures, planning and supervision processes as well as technologies and procedures available for opencast and underground mining in the border region. Participants were also shown land reclamation after lignite mining was completed. Conflicts between mining compames, supervisory authorities and residents were presented. The finał effect of the programme is a manuał on solving these problems.
Celem badań było rozpoznanie litologicznych warunków występowania pierwszego poziomu wód gruntowych w rejonie wsi Haćki na Równinie Bielskiej. W trakcie badań wykonano pomiary poziomu wody w studniach kopanych, sondowania świdrem ręcznym do głębokości 5 m, pobrano próbki utworów wodonośnych i zbadano ich uziarnienie. W oparciu o wyniki analiz uziarnienia obliczono współczynnik filtracji. W budowie geologicznej obszaru dominują utwory pyłowe różnego pochodzenia. Takie wykształcenie utworów bezpośrednio wpływa na warunki filtracji i głębokość zwierciadła wód. W pobliżu wsi Haćki na Równinie Bielskiej wody gruntowe zalegają na głębokości od kilkudziesięciu centymetrów do 2 m w obniżeniach terenowych i maksymalnie nieco ponad 5 m na powierzchniach wyżej położonych. Na wzniesieniach stwierdzono obecność wód zawieszonych, zaobserwowano okresowe wysięki u podnóży wzniesień i skarp i jedno okresowe źródło. Utwory wodonośne stanowią piaski średnioziarniste, piaski drobnoziarniste i piaski drobnoziarniste zaglinione lub z pyłem. Skutkiem tego współczynnik filtracji ma niskie i bardzo niskie wartości. Zawierają się one w przedziale od poniżej 0,001 m· d-1 do 3,8 m·d-1. Powszechna obecność utworów pyłowych na badanym obszarze wpływa na ograniczoną wydajność pierwszego poziomu wód gruntowych.
The aim of the study was to examine lithological conditions of the water table in the area of Haćki village located in the Bielska Plain. The study involved the measurements of water level in dug wells, hand drill probing to a depth of 5 m, acquiring the samples of water-bearing deposits and analysing their granulation. The results of analyses allowed to calculate the permeability coefficient. The geological structure of the area is dominated by dusty deposits of various origins. Such deposits’ formation directly affects the conditions of filtration and depth of the water table. Groundwater logging near Haćki village in the Bielska Plain appears at a depth of several tens of centimeters to 2 meters in the depressions field and up a little over 5 meters in the case of higher ground surfaces. The presence of perched water was revealed on the hills, periodic leachates at the foot of the hills and scarps and one periodic spring. Water-bearing deposits are medium sands, fine sands and loamy fine sands or fine sands with silt. Consequently, the permeability coefficient is low or even very low. Its values range from 0,001 m·d-1 to 3,8 m d-1 (d – 24 hours). The widespread presence of dusty deposits in the area affects the limited efficiency of the water table.
W artykule omówiono metodę interpretacji danych pomiarowych początkowego okresu przypływu do rurowego próbnika złoża podaną w pracy „How to assess the depth of permeability impairment of the wellbore zone using DST flow period data” oraz przedstawiono wyniki interpretacji takich danych dla odwiertów z krajowego przemysłu naftowego. Wyniki te są w przybliżeniu zgodne z otrzymanymi powszechnie stosowaną metodą wpasowania krzywych tzw. slug testu i testów produkcyjnych, co potwierdza poprawność proponowanego podejścia. Przedstawiona metoda nadaje się również do interpretacji zachowania lustra cieczy w studniach wierconych lub odwiertach ropnych o niskim ciśnieniu złożowym po usunięciu porcji cieczy z odwiertu/studni oraz do interpretacji zachowania ciśnienia dennego w czasie przy dopływie cieczy do takich odwiertów. Przedstawiony w wyżej wymienionej pracy model umożliwia obliczenie przepuszczalności skał strefy przyodwiertowej, przepuszczalności złoża, skin efektu oraz głębokości, na jakiej uszkodzona lub poprawiona została przepuszczalność strefy przyodwiertowej, co ma istotne znaczenie przy projektowaniu zabiegów takich jak kwasowanie lub wygrzewanie odwiertów przegrzaną parą wodną.
Discussed, is a method for the interpretation of DST flow period data given in „How to assess the depth of permeability impairment of the wellbore zone using DST flow period data”. Presented, are results of DST data interpretation for several wells from the domestic oil industry and comparison with results of the “slug test” method. The presented method may be also used for the interpretation of pressure/water level behavior in water wells and other wells in which reservoir pressure, is lower than hydrostatic pressure or in wells which do not flow to the surface. The model presented in above mentioned paper also enables computation of permeability of a wellbore zone, reservoir permeability, skin effect and depth of permeability impairment in the low flow rate wells.
Omówiono wyniki pomiarów poziomu zwierciadła wód podziemnych oraz badań jakości wód podziemnych, wykonywanych podczas budowy pierwszej rury tunelu pod Martwą Wisłą. Podkreślono, że podczas realizacji drugiej rury tunelu, a przede wszystkim przejść poprzecznych, istnieje bezwzględna potrzeba prowadzenia stałego monitoringu jakości wód podziemnych, ze szczególnym wskazaniem konieczności badań zawartości chlorków i mineralizacji, zwłaszcza w piezometrach położonych przy Martwej Wiśle i bezpośrednio w Martwej Wiśle. Trzeba również analizować ewentualne zanieczyszczenia wód w trakcie budowy.
Groundwater table fluctuations measurements, and quality of groundwater research, carried out during the construction of the first tunnel line through the Martwa Wisła river are presented. During the construction of second tunnel tube and lateral passage between the tunnel tubs, there is an absolute need for leading continuous monitoring of groundwater quality. With particular reference to the content of chlorides and TDS, especially in the piezometers located close to the Martwa Wisła river and directly in the Martwa Wisła river. The quality monitoring should also take account of possible groundwater pollution during construction.
Water-table levels in the Kamienna River drainage basin, SE Poland, are presently measured at 14 observation points within the groundwater observation-research network of the Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute, included in the monitoring programme during the period 1979–2007. They exhibit multi-year changes in groundwater storage near the observation points. The best documented cycle is that for the period 1982–2002, observed in the wells monitoring water in fractured-karstic formations, where the amplitude of the water-table level was 45 m at that time. The retention balance in the cycle was negative. At the beginning of the cycle, the water table in the fractured-karstic aquifers was 1.40 to 1.94 m higher than at the end. Further observations of the multi-year changes in retention will be the basis for possible corrections to calculations of groundwater resources in this drainage basin, as well as for model predictions of resources, performed for water management in connection with potential climate change.
Peat mining has a serious impact on the Pinus rotundata Link habitat. The possibility of sustaining a vital Pinus rotundata bog forest on undisturbed edges of mined peat bog was assessed. 28.7 ha of undisturbed edge of Borkovická blata peat bog were sampled by regular grid of circular sample plots. Data about tree layer, natural regeneration of woody species as well as herb layer were collected. The impact of mined area drainage on vegetation communities in the undisturbed edge of peat bogs was discovered. The original Pinus rotundata bog forest is getting older and it is gradually being replaced by forest stands dominated by Picea abies (L.) Karsten, Betula pendula Roth and B. pubescens Ehrh. The character of vegetation changes more rapidly with the increasing vertical distance of the remaining fragment and the mined part. This secondary elevation represents a serious problem in the water regime restoration and consequent revitalisation of the Pinus rotundata bog forest on the undisturbed edge of the mined peat bog.
Content available remote Winter methane emission from an alpine open fen on Tibetan Plateau
Methane (CH4) emission was measured from an open fen on the Zoige Plateau (3500 m a.s.l.) (the eastern edge of the QinghaiTibetan Plateau) during two winters of 2006 and 2007. Three dominant plant stands, including Carex muliensis Hand-Mazz. (CM), Eleocharis valleculosa Ohwif. setosa (Ohwi) Kitagawa.(EV) and Kobresia tibetica Maxim (KT) were chosen to be monitored. Winter CH4 emissions were roughly estimated to be 0.94 mg CH4 m[^-2] h[^-1]. High spatialtemporal variations of the emission were found in this fen (the sequence of CM> EV> KT; 0.63 and 1.24 mg CH4 m[^-2] h[^-1] for 2006 and 2007, respectively). Factors involved in the spatial-temporal variation were: 1) water table in summer determining the winter amount of "old" CH4 stored in peat; 2) ice layer determining the release of CH4; 3) plant growth determining both the quantity of CH4 stored in peat and available substrates for CH4 production in winter. However, due to the homogeneity of freezing in winters, predictive factors such as plant growth and water table in summer could contribute more to winter CH4 emission than in situ freezing conditions. Considering that plant growth and water table are also the key factors controlling the spatial-temporal variation of CH4 emission in summer, we therefore suggested that winter CH4 emission represents the "inertia" of summer CH4 emission.
Content available remote The effect of habitat on methane emission from an alpine wetland
Alpine wetland is a source for methane (CH[4]), an important greenhouse gas, but little is known about how this habitat influences the emission. To understand this wetland habitats were selected at the altitude of 3430 m a.s.l. (in National Wetland Nature Reserve of Zoige, Quingle - Tibetan Plateau) and the methane flux was measured with static chambers in three different sites, including hollows with Carex muliensis Hand - Mazz. and Eleocharis valleculosa Ohwi f. setosa (Ohwi) Kitagawa., grass hummocks composed of Kobresia tibetica Maxim, Cremanthodium pleurocaule R. D. Good, Potentilla bifurca L. and Pedicularis sp. We have found that in alpine wetland these habitats significantly affect CH[4] emissions in the onset (April, 2006) and peak (August, 2005) stages of growing season. Hollows covered with Carex muliensis and Eleocharis valleculosa had higher values of emission than grass hummocks built by several grass species. Slight difference of CH[4] emission was found between two kinds of hollows with Carex muliensis and Eleocharis valleculosa. These results were consistent with the change of water table, which was found best correlated with CH4 emissions (r[^2] = 0.43, P <0.01) in the peak stage of growing season. Directly measured shoot biomass and plant heights were best related to CH[4] emissions (r[^2] = 0.59, P <0.01). However, in the onset stage of growing season, variation of CH[4] emission may not be simply ascribed to changes in water table and vegetation structure.
The subject of this paper is the presentation the water resources and water management as an example of Zielona Góra. In the paper it is shown that the water management should be recognized as the element of the sustainable development of the city. Economic activities in the city should be subordinated to the possibilities of the natural environment and should not disturb both the natural and the water balance.
Przedmiotem pracy jest przedstawienie procesów rozwoju źródeł wód podziemnych i zarządzanie nimi na przykładzie Zielonej Góry. W pracy pokazano, że zarządzanie wodami podziemnymi powinno być elementem zrównoważonego rozwoju miasta. Gospodarka w mieście powinna podlegać możliwościom środowiska naturalnego i nie powinna zakłócać równowagi wodnej.
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