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The study was conducted to assess surface water quality in Tram Chim National Park (TCNP), Dong Thap Province, Vietnam using multivariate statistics. Water samples were collected at 10 different habitats in the national park in the rainy season and dry season to analyze the parameters of temperature (T), pH, electrical conductivity (EC), turbidity, dissolved oxygen (DO), chemical oxygen demand (COD), ammonium (N-NH4+) and orthophosphate (P-PO43-), and water depth were measured monthly from January to July. The water regime is kept constantly high, affecting the water quality and biodiversity of the TCNP. The results show that the pH in the national park was in the neutral range and contaminated with COD and N-NH4+. The water quality in the fish pond and rice field habitats significantly differed compared to the remaining habitats. The result of CA also illustrates that the water quality in fish ponds and rice fields (in the buffer zone) is different from other habitats (in the protected zone) due to water exchange frequency and human activities. High pH value and organic matter content in water can affect the growth of organisms, especially Eleocharis species, an important food source for cranes. Therefore, research on the operating mechanism of sluices to have solutions to improve water quality to meet the requirements of preserving and restoring biodiversity is necessary.
One of the rational ways of energy saving is to use the heat of wastewater from energy companies for open ground heating and cultivation crops. The most significant sources of heat are thermal and nuclear power plants that produce low-thermal waters of 28-35°C. Heating of the ground with the use of circulating warm water allows to increase temperature at all points of the soil profile. The maximum thermal effect from heating ground is observed at the depth of pipe heaters (7.3- 11.1°C). Ground heating allows to extend the growing season for crops by 3-4 weeks, which can expedite harvesting and thus maximise the harvest. In natural moisture conditions, ground heating does not lead to significant reduction of moisture reserves in the active layer throughout the growing period. There is a redistribution of moisture in a soil profile. It decreases in the zone of pipe heaters and redistributes toward the top. The formation of the nutrient regime changes, the content of mobile phosphorus and potassium, and nitrate nitrogen increases, whereas the content of ammonia nitrogen is reduced. Ground heating is a new special heat reclamation technique. It allows not only to control temperature of the agricultural crop environment, but also to dissipate heat in the ground, and promote the utilisation of waste heat and the stabilisation of the environment.
The waste warm waters from power plants, owing to their temperature regime (25–38°C) and the volumes of discharge, allow for their use for heating of open ground areas in agriculture. Underground heating by such water is a new, special heat and irrigation method which enables not only purposeful regulation of temperature conditions of the crop growing environment, but also dissipates heat in the soil, thus cooling the water for its reuse. This makes it possible to reduce the thermal pollution of water sources.
The intensive use of water resources and the transformation of natural landscapes under the influence of human economic activity have led to changes in the natural water balance of river drainage basins. The negative processes thereof are intensified by climatic changes that have significantly disturbed the hydrological regime, determined by changes in water content and river flow dynamics. The retrospective study and prediction of the flow of the Dnieper River was carried out using multivariate statistics and adaptive methods of nonlinear time series analysis. The anomalous features were identified and the main periods of changes in the water regime of the river for 190 years (1818–2008) were determined using the standard root-mean-square deviation and wavelet analysis. As a result of non-linear prediction, it was determined that if the tendency of anthropogenic and climatic formation of the water regime of the Dnieper River sustains, there is a 90% probability of insignificant but steady trend and cyclical reduction of the average annual flow by 1.6 m3/s per year to 1120 ± 270 m3/s by 2040. The results of the detailed retrospective analysis for 190 years and the prediction of the probability of changes in the flow of the Dnieper river confirm the previous conclusions of many scientists regarding the significant transformation of the ecosystem of the transboundary river and provide new knowledge regarding the main stages of formation of the water regime and the probability of further regulation of the flow of the Dnieper river if the current conditions of the negative impact of economic activities are maintained in the transboundary basin.
The post-glacial areas are characterized by favorable conditions for the formation of wetlands as a result of the widespread occurrence of depressions without outflow - center for the development of wetlands. The studies of morphogenetic conditions of the wetland development in Volhynian Polissia within the territory of Ukraine and the formation of their water regime reveal several features of their distribution and typological variety. The location of wetlands were characterized in reference to the shape of base/subsoil and its lithology. The typical structure of post-lacustrine, paludificational, riverside and spring peatlands of the Volhynian Polissia were shown and their development were also discussed. The wetland evolution under the influence of the postglacial landscape degradation leads to disappearance of the depression wetlands in glacial forms, increase of the peat bog trophicity and the level of peat dissolution. The supply conditions and characteristics of water regime are determined for separate peatlands. According to the origin and water flow/supply four types of wetland were extracted: ombrogenic, topogenic, soligenic and fluviogenic. It was found that the reasons of the high marshes areas (21%) in Volhynian Polissia are the geological and geomorphological conditions retaining/stopping the runoff and also local groundwater circulation system.
The article provides detailed information about the studies conducted on saline and alkaline soils of the Shirvan Steppe. It is revealed that the soils of the studied territory are saline and solonetz in a weak and medium degree.
Artykuł zawiera szczegółowe informacje o badaniach przeprowadzonych na glebach solnych i alkalicznych stepu Shirvan. Na podstawie badań stwierdzono, że gleby badanego terytorium są solankowe, a ich zasolenie występuje w słabym i średnim stopniu.
Dryland areas are regarded as highly sensitive to climatic changes. A positive relationship between rainfall and environmental factors is often assumed for areas with an average annual rainfall of 100–300 mm. This assumption disregards the fact that a climate change in arid areas is not limited to climatic factors. It is often accompanied by a pronounced spatial variability in surface characteristics. The present work deals with the complex relationships among average annual rainfall, surface properties and the spatial redistribution of water resources in sandy areas located in the Northern Negev Desert. Two case studies are considered. The first deals with the hydrological effects of biological topsoil crusts on the water regime, along a rainfall gradient (86–170 mm). This study is based on five monitoring sites. Data obtained show a decrease in water availability with increasing annual rainfall. The findings are attributed to the decisive role played by the non-uniform properties of the topsoil crust along the rainfall gradient. The second case refers to the non-uniform development, and survival, of planted trees. Trees planted on steep dunes are well developed, with a high survival rate, whereas trees planted on low angle dunes are small. This study focused on the role of a water repellent layer on the water regime. Data obtained show a striking difference between steep and low dunes in all aspects studied, namely the degree of water repellency, frequency and magnitude of runoff events, infiltration depth and soil moisture. All variables monitored were found higher on steep than on low dunes. The large trees shed a substantial amount of leaves, whose decay developed a water repellent layer. Runoff generation over the repellent layer enhanced deep water penetration, through the process of subsurface flow. The lack of a water repellent layer over the low dunes prevented runoff generation, with its positive effects.
Artykuł zawiera poszerzoną - zarówno w aspekcie terytorialnym, jak i metodyczno-merytorycznym - ocenę i analizę zmienności terminów połowy odpływu (TPOj) wykonaną dla wielolecia (serie 40-, 50-letnie) i dwu próbek rzek reprezentujących obszary nizinne i wyżynne środkowej Polski (14 rzek) oraz górskie - Karpat polskich (12 rzek). Termin połowy odpływu uzyskujemy, kumulując dobowe przepływy (odpływy) rzeki aż do momentu osiągnięcia połowy sumy rocznej [Bartnik, Jokiel 2005]. Jest to charakterystyka bardzo użyteczna przy ocenach rocznych i wieloletnich zmian reżimu rzecznego, a po zidentyfikowaniu jej statystycznego rozkładu może być cenna w zastosowaniach praktycznych, np. przy analizach dopływu rzecznego do zbiorników. Biorąc pod uwagę reżimy wybranych rzek, przepływy charakterystyczne, jak też ich fizyczno-geograficzne uwarunkowania, dochodzimy do wniosku, że oba zbiory zlewni znakomicie nadają się do zbadania rodzaju oraz oceny ilości i jakości informacji hydrologicznej, jaką niosą w sobie wieloletnie serie TPOj i jej pochodne oraz do wieloaspektowych analiz porównawczych, które mogą uczynić z tej charakterystyki prostą miarę, szybko wskazującą na klimatycznie lub antropogenicznie uwarunkowane zmiany sezonowej struktury odpływu, a może nawet zmiany samego reżimu rzecznego.
The paper contains the assessment and analysis of the half-runoff dates (TPOj) changeability in multiannual periods (series of 40-50 years), performed for two samples of rivers, one representing the middle Poland lowland plains and upland areas (14 rivers) and the other the mountain area of Polish Carpathians (12 rivers). The analysis was deepened in the territorial, as well as methodological and content-related aspects. The ha If-run off date is obtained by cumulating daily runoffs (outflows) of the river until half of the annual total runoff value is achieved [Bartnik, Jokiel 2005]. This characteristic is very useful in yearly and multiannual assessments of the river regime changes and, after identification of statistical distribution, it may be a valuable input e.g. for the analysis of river inflow to reservoirs. Taking into account regimes of the selected rivers, their characteristic flows as well as their physical and geographical conditions, we come to the conclusion that both sets of rivers are perfect for examination of the type, assessment of the quantity and quality of hydrological information provided by multiannual TPOj series and their derivatives, as well as for multi-aspect comparative analyses that may transform such characteristic in a simple measure pointing out to the climatic or anthropogenic reasons behind the seasonal flow structure or even to the change of the river regime itself.
The research was set up in the Neretva River valley in the Southern part of Croatian Karst area, where implementation of modern hydrotechnical practices within the river catchment's area led to intrusion of seawater to groundwater resulting in soil salinization in the delta. The region has great agro-ecological potential for intensive production of vegetables and Mediterranean fruits. Since the combination of the effects of saline groundwater and the use of this water for irrigation may have disastrous effects on the productivity of agricultural soils water, a project was started in order to set up a permanent monitoring network. The aim of this study was to determine the salt dynamics in the surface water on five locations which are considered as potential sources of the irrigation water (Modric canal, Neretva River near Opuzen, Crepina, Jasenska and Vidrice pumping station) during a 4-year period (1999-2002). The surface water samples had been collected on monthly basis and analyzed for all parameters required in the irrigation water quality classification. The results show considerable spatial and temporal variability of determined parameters. Thus, in the Neretva River near Opuzen, total salt concentrations in water ranged from 0.4 to 7.7 dS·m-¹, and in Modric from 1.65 up to17.2 dS·m-¹. Dominant cations and anions on all observed locations were Na+ and Cl-. Constantly high concentration of Na+ in sampled surface waters is of a special concern. Utilization of the water of such quality may cause problems related to the use of alkaline waters for irrigation, which can further cause permanent loss of fertile soil.
Badania prowadzono w dolinie Neretwy, w południowej części chorwackiego obszaru krasowego, na którym działania hydrotechniczne w zlewni doprowadziły do napływu wody morskiej do warstw wodonośnych i w konsekwencji spowodowały zasolenie gleb w delcie rzeki. Region charakteryzuje się dużym potencjałem agroekologicznym i możliwością produkcji warzyw i owoców śródziemnomorskich. Ponieważ nałożenie się efektów zasolenia wód gruntowych i użycia tych wód do nawodnień może mieć fatalne skutki dla produktywności gleb, zainicjowano założenie sieci stałego monitoringu jakości wód. Celem tych badań było określenie dynamiki zasolenia wód powierzchniowych w czteroletnim okresie (1999-2002) na podstawie pomiarów w pięciu stanowiskach uznanych za potencjalne źródła wody do nawodnień (Kanał Modric, Neretwa koło Opuzen oraz stacje pomp Crepina, Jasenka i Vidrice). Próbki wód powierzchniowych pobierano co miesiąc i analizowano w nich wszystkie parametry niezbędne do oceny jakości wód do nawodnień. Stwierdzono znaczną zmienność mierzonych parametrów w czasie i w przestrzeni. Całkowita mineralizacja wód Neretwy koło Opuzen wynosiła od 0,4 do 7,7 dS·m-¹ a w Kanale Modric od 1,65 do 17,2 dS·m-¹. Na+ i Cl- były dominującymi jonami we wszystkich badanych stanowiskach. Stale duże stężenie Na+ w próbkach wód powierzchniowych wymaga szczególnej troski. Stosowanie wody takiej jakości może powodować problemy związane z użyciem do nawodnień wód alkalicznych, co w przyszłości może prowadzić do całkowitej utraty żyznej gleby.
Degradacji torfów towarzyszy obniżanie powierzchni torfowiska w wyniku utraty masy organicznej. Wieloletnie obserwacje prowadzone przez ZDMUZ Biebrza na torfowisku Kuwasy dowodzą, że powierzchnia torfowiska może obniżać się od 0,7 do ponad 1,5 cm rocznie. Zanikanie takiej ilości masy organicznej wiąże się z przenikaniem znacznych ładunków rozpuszczalnego węgla organicznego (RWO) do wody gruntowej, a następnie powierzchniowej, z którą może być on wynoszony z obiektu. Celem niniejszej pracy było zbadanie wpływu temperatury oraz poziomu wody gruntowej na obserwowane, zarówno w czasie, jak i przestrzeni, zróżnicowanie stężenia węgla organicznego w wodzie gruntowej na terenach torfowisk, które w różnym stopniu zostały przekształcone przez człowieka i warunki środowiskowe. Prace prowadzono na torfowiskach doliny Biebrzy gdzie wyodrębniono trzy, zróżnicowane pod względem warunków wodnych i glebowych, obiekty. Z przeprowadzonych badań wynika, że stężenie węgla organicznego w wodzie gruntowej użytkowanych i nieużytkowanych torfowisk jest zróżnicowane, a także, że istnieje związek intensywności uwalniania rozpuszczalnych form węgla z torfu do wody z warunkami hydrotermicznymi.
Peat degradation is accompanied by the subsidence of peat surface due to the loss of organic matter. Long-term observations carried out in the Experimental Station of Reclamation and Grassland Farming in Biebrza (the Kuwasy peatland) showed that the subsidence might vary from 0.7 to 1.5 cm annually. Disappearance of that amount of organic matter is followed by the transport of large loads of dissolved organic carbon to ground and then to surface waters through which it is removed from the object in question. This work was aimed at studying the effect of temperature and ground water table depth on observed (both spatial and temporal) differentiation of organic carbon concentration in ground waters of peatlands which had been transformed by various human activity and natural processes. The study was carried out in peats of the Biebrza Valley in three objects of distinctly different water and soil properties. The study revealed different concentration of organic carbon in ground water of used peatlands as compared with that in unused peatlands and a relationship between the intensity of dissolved organic carbon release from peat and hydrothermal conditions.
Content available remote Zmienność amplitud stanów wody gruntowej w zlewni śródpolnego oczka wodnego
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań terenowych prowadzonych w zlewni śródpolnego oczka wodnego położonego na terenie Pojezierza Gnieźnieńskiego. Amplitudy stanów wody gruntowej w półroczach hydrologicznych wykazują znaczną zmienność, związaną głównie z przebiegiem warunków meteorologicznych w półroczach poprzedzających. Amplitudy stanów wody zwiększały się także wraz z oddalaniem się od oczka wodnego. Stwierdzono także znaczący związek średniego dla półrocza stanu wody gruntowej z amplitudą stanów wody w studzienkach położonych w środkowych i górnych partiach zbocza. Brak było takiego związku w przypadku studzienki położonej bezpośrednio przy oczku.
The paper presents results of research carried out in the catchment of a midfield pond, located in Gniezno Lakeland. Amplitudes of groundwater level changes in the hydrological half-years show significant variation affected mainly by meteorological conditions in preceding half-year. The amplitudes increased with the distance from midfield pond. There was also a significant relationship between mean half-year depth of groundwater and amplitude of ground-water level changes in wells located in the middle and upper parts of slope. There was no such a relationship in the areas located near midfield pond.
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