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The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the operation of a novel installation for treating the outflow from a hybrid constructed wetland system and the possibility of domestic wastewater reuse. The study was carried out in 2022-2023 at a facility located in the Polesie National Park (PNP) in Poland. The analyzed installation for the treatment of wastewater discharged from the constructed wetland system is located in the basement of a single-family building and consists of a filtration system including: yarn, spun and carbon filters, and a UV lamp. In turn, the hybrid constructed wetland system from which the treated wastewater is recycled to the building consists of a 2-chamber primary settling tank and a system of two VF-HF type beds with common reed and willow. During the study period (October 2022 to December 2023), 14 series of analyses were performed, during which the values of selected physico-chemical and microbiological indicators were determined in the collected samples of treated wastewater. On the basis of the performed tests, it was found that the analyzed system provided an average efficiency of reduction of total suspended solids and BOD5 at 46.8 and 45.8%, respectively. Smaller effects were obtained for the reduction of COD (22.7%), total nitrogen (4.9%) and total phosphorus (16.3%). In contrast, the average reduction effects of microbiological indicators were very high, amounting to 92.7 and 97.1% for Escherichia coli and enteroccocus bacteria, respectively. The study showed that the effluent flowing out of the hybrid constructed wetland system after treatment in the analyzed installation could be reused for toilet flushing or green watering, as it usually did not contain microbiological contaminants. It was determined that the recycled treated wastewater could replace, on average, 18.7% of the good-quality water supplied by the mains water supply in the studied household.
Za zanieczyszczenie wód substancjami biogennymi - azotem i fosforem - w dużej mierze odpowiadają rolnictwo i gospodarka ściekowa. By ograniczyć wpływ tych sektorów na stan wód, regularnie prowadzone są przeglądy i aktualizacje programów i polityk w tym zakresie, zarówno na poziomie Unii Europejskiej, jak i krajowym, oraz realizowany jest szereg działań i inwestycji. Z uwagi na dynamiczny rozwój przemysłu i produkcji w ostatnich dekadach problemem dla wód stały się nowe rodzaje zanieczyszczeń. Do walki z ich ograniczeniem służyć ma szeroki wachlarz nowych rozwiązań proponowanych w projekcie znowelizowanej dyrektywy ściekowej.
Agriculture and wastewater management are among the main sources of pollution of waters with biogenic substances such as nitrogen and phosphorus. In order to reduce the impact of these sectors on the status of waters, regular revisions and updates of related programmes and policies are carried out, both on EU and national levels, followed by a series of actions and investments. Due to the dynamic development of industry and production over recent decades, waters now face new types of pollutions. The draft revision of the wastewater directive - the so-called transformation - includes a wide range of new solutions to reduce them.
The protection of water bodies requires the reduction of pollutant emissions from all major sources. In urbanized areas, these include: wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) and (depending on the type of sewage system) combined sewer overflows (CSOs) and stormwater drainage outlets. WWTPs are usually monitored and emitted pollutant loads are known, but it is more difficult to assess the pollutant load discharged by CSOs and stormwater drainage systems. The article attempts to use the Stormwater Management Model (SWMM) to assess emissions of suspended solids from a large urban combined catchment. Suspended solids are the main pollutant of stormwater runoff in urban areas, and the dynamics of their emission from catchments is very diverse. The amount of suspended solids discharged by CSOs functioning in the given city was assessed in comparison with emissions from a wastewater treatment plant. The results show that CSOs discharge a pollutant load to the receiver which is comparable to WWTPs, but in a much shorter time and in a violent manner which can lead to the severe deterioration of receiving water quality. The modelling took into account the quality of dry weather sewage, the build-up of suspended solids, wash-off processes in the catchment area, and local precipitation characteristics. Factors affecting the quality of the obtained model and the accuracy of the emission level assessment were analysed.
The aim of the present study was to analyze changes in water consumption which took place in the years 2011–2020 in the Educational-Museum Center of Poleski National Park (Poland), from which wastewater is discharged to a hybrid constructed wetland wastewater treatment plant. Water consumption was shown to be dependent on the number of visitors to the museum. As the number of visitors grew from 11,000 in 2011 to over 55,000 in 2019, the annual water consumption increased from 131 to 430 m3. Along with an increase in the percentage of individual visitors in the total number of visitors to the museum from over 40% in 2011–2017 to over 80% in 2020, water consumption per person decreased from 12.21 dm3∙d-1 to 7.18 dm3∙d-1. The average daily water consumption per one visitor in 2011–2020 was 10.4 dm3∙d-1, a value that was similar to the water consumption standard for museums (10 dm3∙d-1) set out in the Regulation of the Polish Minister of Infrastructure of 14 January 2002 on defining average water consumption standards. The average daily amount of water used in the museum building in the individual months of the year ranged from 0.12 to 1.28 m3/d. The highest average daily water consumption was recorded in the high tourist season (May–August), and the lowest in the low tourist season (January–April, September–December).
Omówiono wyniki laboratoryjnych badań dotyczących procesów zaawansowanego utleniania zastosowanych w celu odbarwienia roztworów błękitu metylenowego (MB). Zbadano układy utleniające wykorzystujące rodniki siarczanowe oraz hydroksylowe. Stopień odbarwienia roztworu zawierającego MB wyniósł 28–96% po 20 min reakcji. W warunkach doświadczalnych, w reakcjach prowadzonych w obecności rodników siarczanowych uzyskano wyższy stopnień rozkładu barwnika niż w reakcjach prowadzonych w obecności rodników hydroksylowych. Współczynnik korelacji (R²) wykazał, że reakcje zachodziły zgodnie z kinetyką reakcji pseudo-pierwszorzędowej.
A 20 mg/L methylene blue (MB) aq. soln. was oxidized in the presence of Na₂S₂O₈ and UV radiation or O₃ and H₂O₂. The decoloration were carried out continuously for 20 min. Samples for anal. were taken after 5, 10, 15 and 20 min. MB content before and after the advanced oxidn. processes was detd. by the UV spectrophotometric method. A higher degree of MB decompn. was obtained in the presence of sulphate radicals (96%) than hydroxyl radicals (70%) after 20 min of the process.
Przedstawiono wyniki badań procesów zaawansowanego utleniania chlorfenwinfosu z rzeczywistego strumienia ścieków komunalnych. Stopień eliminacji chlorfenwinfosu wyniósł 26–82% w zależności od zastosowanego procesu doczyszczania. Stwierdzono, że zaawansowane procesy utleniania stanowią interesującą alternatywę dla klasycznych procesów oczyszczania, w szczególności jako IV lub V etap doczyszczania ścieków.
Chlorfenvinphos (CFVP) was added to samples of treated municipal wastewater and oxidized in the presence of TiO₂ and UV, O₃ and UV radiation or sulfate radicals generated in the presence of Na₂S₂O₈, glucose and visible light (PDS + Vis) for 10 and 20 min. The CFVP content in the tested samples was detd. by HPLC method. The highest degree of CFVP degrdn. (82%) was obtained using the PDS + Vis method.
Eutrofizacja jest jednym z głównych problemów Morza Bałtyckiego, do którego uchodzą rzeki z ponad 99% terytorium Polski. Analizy wskazują, że największym źródłem biogenów, odpowiedzialnym za ponad połowę wszystkich ładunków azotu i fosforu docierających do polskich wód powierzchniowych jest rolnictwo. Szczególnie ważne jest więc wdrażanie działań ograniczających zanieczyszczenie wód biogenami pochodzącymi ze źródeł rolniczych. Ramy prawne dla takich działań zapewnia dyrektywa 91/676/EWG, tzw. dyrektywa azotanowa. W artykule przedstawiono najważniejsze wnioski ze sprawozdania z realizacji dyrektywy azotanowej w Polsce w latach 2016–2020. Podjęto również próbę oceny skuteczności wprowadzonych działań. W Polsce w ostatnich latach nastąpiła znacząca zmiana w podejściu do wdrażania tej dyrektywy, polegająca na objęciu działaniami obowiązkowymi wszystkich podmiotów prowadzących produkcję rolną.
Eutrophication is one of the main problems of the Baltic Sea, being the catchment basin of over 99% of the rivers flowing on the territory of Poland. Analyses indicate that the largest source of biogenes, responsible for over half of the entire nitrogen and phosphorus loads reaching Polish surface waters, is agriculture. It is therefore of key importance to implement actions reducing the water pollution with biogenes originating from agricultural sources. The legal framework for such actions is ensured by the 91/676/EEC Directive, the so called Nitrates Directive. The article presents major conclusions of the report on implementation of the Nitrates Directive in Poland in the years 2016–2020. It also attempts at evaluating the effectiveness of the implemented measures. Recently in Poland, an important change in the approach to implementation of this directive has occurred, consisting in covering all entities carrying out agricultural production with mandatory actions.
Variability of stress proteins concentration in caged carp exposed to transplantation experiment model dam reservoir was caused only by natural (climatic and biological) conditions. Thus, the reference data of stress proteins concentration range in young carp individuals were obtained. Metallothionein, HSP70 and HSP90 protein concentrations as biomarkers were assayed in the livers, gills and muscles of six-month-old (summer) or nine-month-old (autumn) carp individuals in relation to the site of encaging, season (summer or autumn), the term of sampling (1, 2 or 3 weeks after the transplantation) and tissue. Physicochemical analyses of the condition of water as well as pollution detection were conducted during each stage of the experiment. As the result of this study, the range of the variability of the stress protein concentration in young carp individuals was obtained. According to the analyses of the aquatic conditions of a reservoir with no detectable pollutants, we conclude that the variability in the stress protein concentration levels in the groups that were compared is solely the result of the natural conditions. Future regular monitoring of the reservoir using the transplantation method and young carp individuals will be both possible and reliable. Moreover, the range of variability in the stress protein concentrations that were measured in the young C. carpio individuals acquired from the model dam reservoir in relation to all of the studied factors may be applied in the monitoring of any other similar reservoir.
Municipal WWTP are exposed to the inflow of toxic substances, which may impede their proper functioning, especially of the biological part. In the case of combined or hybrid sewer systems, additionally, in wet weather, there may appear a rapid inflow of a mixture of domestic and industrial sewage, and stormwater in an amount exceeding the capacity of the devices, causing the need to discharge parts of not fully treated wastewater through the bypass channel. In such situations, the receivers are exposed to an inflow of increased amounts of pollutants. The article presents the concept of a monitoring, early warning and sustainable management system for the Lodz wastewater treatment plant, which will allow minimizing pollutant emissions to the aquatic environment.
Miejskie oczyszczalnie ścieków są narażone na napływ substancji toksycznych, które mogą utrudniać ich prawidłowe funkcjonowanie, zwłaszcza części biologicznej. W przypadku ogólnospławnych lub mieszanych systemów kanalizacyjnych dodatkowo w czasie pogody mokrej może pojawić się gwałtowny dopływ mieszaniny ścieków bytowo-gospodarczych i przemysłowych oraz wód opadowych w ilości przekraczającej przepustowość urządzeń, powodując konieczność zrzutu części nie w pełni oczyszczonych ścieków przez kanał ominięcia. W takich sytuacjach odbiorniki są narażone na napływ zwiększonych ilości zanieczyszczeń. W artykule przedstawiono koncepcję systemu monitorowania, wczesnego ostrzegania i zrównoważonego zarządzania łódzką oczyszczalnią ścieków, który pozwoli zminimalizować emisję zanieczyszczeń do środowiska wodnego.
The ground source of drinking water for the village of Skalice nad Svitavou is located 35 km North of Brno (Czech Republic). An evaluation of developments in selected indicators of water quality in this groundwater source in the period 2013–2017 was the essence of this work. The data was provided by Vodárenská akciová společnost, a.s., i.e. the operator. At the same time, annual monitoring of water quality in the Úmoří stream, which flows through the catchment area and can affect the quality of groundwater, was carried out. Water samples were collected in 2017–2018 from 6 profiles on the Úmoří stream and its two tributaries. Raw water from the groundwater source does not meet the requirements for drinking water in some indicators and needs to be treated. Monitoring of surface water shows that the most problematic indicator is total phosphorus, the concentration of which exceeded limit values on all sampling profiles. The highest values were found in the tributaries, where total phosphorus concentrations exceeded 10 mg∙dm–3. There are 12 municipalities in the area of interest, only two of which have their own sewage treatment plant. It is clear from the results that wastewater in some municipalities is discharged directly into the recipient and is the cause of above-limit concentrations of both phosphorus and nitrogen. Intensively used agricultural land is another major source of pollution. Based on an analysis of sources of pollution, corrective measures have been proposed to improve the quality of surface and groundwater in the area.
Uruchomiono dotacje w ramach pierwszego na świecie funduszu inwestycyjnego poświęconego rozwiązywaniu kryzysu związanego z obecnością plastiku w oceanach w Azji Południowej i Południowo-Wschodniej (tzw. marine litter). Adresatami funduszu są firmy z Indonezji, Tajlandii i Indii. W ramach dotacji przedsiębiorstwa mogą liczyć na pomoc techniczną i mentoring.
Fosfor stanowi podstawowy element utrzymania życia, jednakże gdy wysokie ładunki fosforu i azotu zrzucane są do wód, to wymienione substancje biogenne powodują eutrofizację środowiska wodnego. W pracy przedstawiono przykład największej na świecie instalacji do odzysku substancji biogennych, szczególnie fosforu, poprzez technologię krystalizacji struwitu z odcieków z przeróbki osadów ściekowych w Metropolitarnym Rejonie Odzyskiwania Wody Wielkiego Chicago.
Phosphorus is an essentials element to sustain life, however when high loads of phosphorus and nitrogen are discharged to water bodies, these nutrients result in eutrophication of aquatic environment. In this article, an example of the biggest in the world installation for nutrients recovery, particularly on the implementation phosphorus recovery from sludge treatment liquors by struvite crystallization technology, in Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago, is presented.
Celem referatu jest przedstawienie historii rozwoju najważniejszej metody oczyszczania ścieków, mianowicie metody osadu czynnego, oraz podkreślenie wagi kreowania innowacyjnych rozwiązań tej metody w nowoczesnej ochronie wód przed zanieczyszczeniem. W przeszłości oczyszczanie ścieków koncentrowało się głównie na redukcji biochemicznego zapotrzebowania tlenu (BZT) i zawiesiny, jednak obecnie uwaga została również zwrócona na substancje biogenne. Przedstawiono to przez przykład historii praktycznego zastosowania metody osadu czynnego do oczyszczania ścieków komunalnych i przemysłowych. Nowe regulacje prawne nakładają ograniczenia nie tylko na substancje biogenne, ale także na szeroki zakres nowych zanieczyszczeń.
The purpose of this paper is to provide a history of the development of the most important method of wastewater treatment, namely activated sludge method, and to indicate an importance of creation of innovative solutions of this method in modern water pollution control. In the past, wastewater treatment primarily focused on removal of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and suspended solids, but now, however, the focus is also directed to nutrients. It is shown using a history of practical application of activated sludge for communal and industrial wastewater treatment, as an example. New regulations have imposed limitations not only on nutrients, but also on wide variety of new pollutants.
Municipal wastewater treatment plants are exposed to the inflow of toxic substances, which may hamper or even preclude their proper functioning, especially of the biological part. In the case of combined or hybrid sewer systems, additionally, in wet weather, there may appear a rapid inflow of a mixture of domestic and industrial sewage, and stormwater in an amount exceeding the capacity of the devices, causing the need to discharge parts of not fully treated wastewater through the bypass channel, which may reduce overall treatment effects. In such situations, the receivers are exposed to an inflow of increased amounts of pollutants, which on the one hand causes a threat to the aquatic environment, on the other, may result in administrative fines for the treatment plant resulting from non-compliance with the conditions of the water permit, as well as costs of removing the effects of failure. The article presents the concept of a monitoring, early warning and sustainable management system for the Lodz wastewater treatment plant, which will allow minimizing pollutant emissions to the aquatic environment. The system will be based on data from the municipal pluviometer network, measurement of flows in combines sewer overflows and newly built sewage quality monitoring stations equipped with on-line probes. The resulting data will allow to predict quantity and quality of inflow to the treatment plant, which will allow for an early warning about the dangers. In consequence decision-making to improve the safety of its operation will be possible.
The aim of the study was to determine Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) and Biodegradable Dissolved Organic Carbon (BDOC) concentrations, as well as the correlation between them, in the river water of the Strug basin located in the Carpathian Foothills. The Strug river's hydrographic basin was chosen for the study as it is a typical catchment area, which allows ease of measurement. DOC concentrations in the streams (tributaries) and the Strug ranged from 2.71 to 4.88 mgC/dm3 and from 3.62 to 4.19 mgC/dm3 , respectively. BDOC concentrations in the streams and the Strug ranged from 0.40 to 1.09 mgC/dm3 and from 0.64 to 0.77 mgC/dm3 , respectively. BDOC, expressed as the percentage of DOC (%BDOC) ranged from 14.76 to 24.78% in the streams, and from 17.68 to 20.11% in the Strug. The procentage of BDOC is independent of DOC concentrations. The season of the year and the size of the watercourse had the greatest impact on DOC and BDOC concentrations.
Europejska i amerykańska polityka wodna jest oparta głównie na aktach prawnych dotyczących ochrony wód, której kluczowym elementem jest osiągniecie dobrego stanu wód powierzchniowych i podziemnych oraz ochrona wód morskich. Ochrona wód przed zanieczyszczeniem jest oparta głównie na zarządzaniu wodą w dorzeczach. Obecna polityka ochrony wód jest związana głównie z ochroną jakości wód, jednakże przyszłościowa polityka wodna będzie związana ze zrealizowaniem ochrony jakości wody przy najmniejszym koszcie, spowodowanym przez innowacje. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie wprowadzenia do nowoczesnej ochrony wód przed zanieczyszczeniem i podkreślenie wagi nowych pomysłów, a szczególnie regulacji prawnych w kreowaniu innowacyjnych rozwiązań. Przedstawiono przykład historii rozwoju i praktycznego zastosowania metody osadu czynnego do oczyszczania ścieków komunalnych i przemysłowych.
The European the United States’ water policy is mainly based on water pollution control acts with a key aim to achieve a good status of the inland surface and ground waters, as well as marine water control. Water pollution control is mainly based on water management in river basins. The current policy of water pollution management is first and foremost related to the protection of the water quality; however, a future water policy will also include the water quality control at the least cost due to innovations. The purpose of this article is to provide an introduction to the modern water pollution control and to emphasise the importance of new ideas, in particular the importance of regulatory acts in creation of innovative solutions. It is shown using the example of development and practical application of activated sludge for communal and industrial wastewater treatment.
W numerze 7/2017 „GW" przedstawiono stan zasobów wodnych oraz gospodarowanie wodą w Polsce w latach 1990-2015. W artykule kontynuujemy tę problematykę, głównie w kontekście narastania deficytu wody.
The issue 7/2017 of Gospodarka Wodna presents the status of water resources and water management in Poland in the years 1990-2015. This article is a continuation of this study, mainly in the context of the growing water deficit.
Celem pracy jest określenie możliwości zastosowania mapy hydrograficznej w skali 1:50 000 do wielokierunkowego rozpoznania cech środowiska wodnego, jego zagrożeń oraz wykorzystania gospodarczego. Za przykładowy obszar badań wybrano gminę wiejską Piekoszów, objętą zasięgiem trzech arkuszy tej mapy. Dokonano analizy jej treści w warstwach tematycznych, uwzględniając także komentarz zamieszczony na rewersie mapy. Wykazano, że mapa hydrograficzna – szczególnie w wersji numerycznej, jest przydatną publikacją naukową, a jednocześnie praktycznym narzędziem umożliwiającym ocenę stanu komponentów środowiska wodnego na obszarze gminy, w tym zarządzania zasobami wodnymi, w ujęciu jakościowym i ilościowym. Może ona być zatem wykorzystywana w trakcie opracowywania różnorodnych dokumentów wymaganych prawem, w tym ocen środowiskowych, strategii rozwoju, planów przestrzennego zagospodarowania, a także podejmowaniu decyzji związanych z gospodarką wodną i zagrożeniami środowiska na terenach wiejskich oraz w prognozowaniu kierunków przeobrażeń stosunków wodnych, występowania zjawisk ekstremalnych itp.
The aim of the present paper is to assess the possibilities of multidirectional interpretation of the hydrographic map in 1:50,000 scale leading to recognition of the water environment characteristic, its threats and economic use. The rural commune of Piekoszów, which area is covered by three sheets of the hydrographic map, was taken as an example. An analysis of the map content, which is organized in several dozen thematic layers along with the comments on the maps reverse was performed. It was proven that the hydrographic map is an useful publication and simultaneously a practical tool enabling the assessment of the water environment components state in the commune’s area. This analysis could include management of the water resources in qualitative and quantitative terms and its results could be used in creating various documents required by law, including environmental assessments, strategies of development or spatial development plans. Furthermore, the map could be used when making decisions related to water management and environmental threats in rural areas, as well as in forecasting the directions of water environment changes and the occurrence of extreme events, etc.
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