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Głównym celem pracy jest ocena potencjału materiałów na bazie grzybni jako nowego, ekologicznego materiału do zastosowań w inżynierii lądowej. Temat biokompozytów został podjęty w związku z potrzebą rozwijania technologii przyjaznych środowisku. Grzybnia jest tematem z innej dziedziny – biologii, a jej użycie jako materiału dla budownictwa nie jest jeszcze powszechnie rozpoznane, ale wydaje się, że może stanowić obiecujące rozwiązanie w zakresie materiałów izolacyjnych i lekkich elementów murowych. Materiały na bazie grzybni mają niską gęstość, są biodegradowalne, a ich produkcja jest stosunkowo tania i nie wymaga zużycia dużej ilości energii. Nie dysponujemy jeszcze odpowiednią liczbą badań ani normami, które umożliwiłyby porównywanie wyników, ale dotychczas przeprowadzone testy i artykuły przeglądowe dają podstawy, żeby brać pod uwagę dalszy rozwój tego typu wyrobów. Aby sprawdzić przebieg procesu uzyskiwania grzybni, jej propagacji na podłożu i możliwości kształtowania takiego materiału, zostały wykonane próbki, które poddano badaniom w celu określenia podstawowych właściwości fizykomechanicznych: wytrzymałości na ściskanie, nasiąkliwości oraz reakcji na ogień. Chociaż uzyskane wyniki parametrów wytrzymałościowych dały porównywalne wyniki do niektórych danych literaturowych, a absorpcja wody była zgodna ze spodziewaną, reakcja na ogień różniła się od oczekiwanej. Uzyskane wyniki potwierdzają, że należy kontynuować badania, aby lepiej rozpoznać wpływ czynników, takich jak dobór gatunku grzyba, podłoża i ewentualnych dodatków, a także warunków rozrostu grzybni: temperatury, wilgotności i czasu trwania.
The main objective of the paper is to assess the potential of mycelium-based materials as a new, ecological material for civil engineering applications. The topic of biocomposites was undertaken due to the need to develop environmentally friendly technologies. Mycelium is a topic from a different field – biology, and its use as a construction material is not yet widely recognized, but it seems that it may be a promising solution as insulation and lightweight masonry elements. Mycelium-based materials are biodegradable, have low density, and their production is cheap and does not require large amounts of energy. We do not yet have an adequate number of performed tests or standards that would enable comparison of results, but the research and review articles carried out so far provide grounds for considering further development of this type of products. In order to check the process of obtaining mycelium, its propagation on the substrate and the possibility of shaping such material, samples were made and tested in order to determine the basic physical and mechanical properties: compressive strength, water absorption and reaction to fire were checked. Although the obtained mechanical properties were comparable to some of the reported ones in literature data, and water absorption was predictable, the response to fire was different from expected. The obtained results confirm that the research should be continued to better recognize the influence of factors such as the selection of fungi species, substrate and possible additives, as well as the conditions of mycelium growth: temperature, humidity and duration.
The study examined the influence of selected inorganic fillers (5 and 10% by mass) on the foaming process, physicochemical properties, and structure of self-extinguishing polyurethane foam (density of approx. 35 kg/m3) obtained by reacting polyol with isocyanate (100:110). The filler used was bentonite (B), lamellar graphite (G), dendritic copper (Cu), aluminum oxide (Al2O3) and silicon carbide (SiC) and Al2O3/SiC mixture (1:1). Stereoscopic microscopy was used to determine the structure. The functional properties were examined based on density, water absorption and fire resistance. The course of the foaming reaction depends on the content, type and physicochemical properties of the filler. The addition of bentonite increases water absorption and Al2O3 reduces flammability of the foam.
W pracy zbadano wpływ wybranych napełniaczy nieorganicznych (5 i 10 % mas.) na proces spieniania, właściwości fizykochemiczne i strukturę samogasnącej pianki poliuretanowej (gęstość ok. 35 kg/m3), którą otrzymano w wyniku reakcji poliolu z izocyjanianem (100:110). Jako napełniacza użyto bentonitu (B), grafitu o budowie lamelarnej (G), miedzi o strukturze dendrytycznej (Cu), tlenku glinu (Al2O3) i węglika krzemu (SiC) oraz mieszaninę Al2O3/SiC (1:1). Do oceny struktury stosowano mikroskopię stereoskopową. Właściwości użytkowe oceniano na podstawie gęstości, absorpcji wody i odporności na ogień. Przebieg reakcji spieniania zależy od zawartości, rodzaju i właściwości fizykochemicznych napełniacza. Dodatek bentonitu zwiększa absorpcję wody, a Al2O3 zmniejsza palność pianki.
The effect of basalt and glass fibers and moisture on the impact strength, tensile mechanical properties and heat resistance of PA 10.10 and PA 6 was examined. It was shown that PA 10.10 composites can compete with PA 6 composites in terms of mechanical properties, in a humid environment. Their heat resistance was lower than that of PA 6 composites. Regardless of the type of polyamide, composites with glass fiber had better properties than those with basalt fiber.
Zbadano wpływ włókna bazaltowego i szklanego oraz wilgoci na udarność, właściwości mechaniczne przy rozciąganiu i odporność cieplną PA 10.10 i PA 6. Wykazano, że kompozyty PA 10.10 mogą konkurować z kompozytami PA 6 pod względem właściwości mechanicznych, głównie w środowisku wilgotnym. Ich odporność cieplna była niższa niż w przypadku kompozytów PA 6. Niezależnie od rodzaju poliamidu, kompozyty z włóknem szklanym miały na ogół lepsze właściwości niż z włóknem bazaltowym.
The hemp-lime composite is a material with high porosity; therefore, it has a high ability to absorb water. Long-term contact of the composite with water is a destructive factor for the material due to the content of organic components and the lack of a hydraulic binder. It is important to look for ways to modify the composition of the composite in order to reduce water absorption. In traditional old construction, acid casein was used to improve the strength and water resistance of lime mortars. In this study, the influence of the admixture of casein in the amount of 1, 3, 5% of the binder mass on the water absorption and capillary rise of the hemp-lime composite was examined. Both the content of shives and the admixture of animal origin may contribute to the development of biological corrosion, which is why microbiological tests were performed on composite samples using the impression and swab method. As the casein content increased, the water absorption of the composite was reduced. The rate of capillary rise and the amount of rising water were also reduced. The addition of casein limited the ability to absorb water without significantly increasing the susceptibility to the development of microorganisms. The research should be extended to include, among others: the influence of this admixture on the composite's vapor permeability and mechanical properties.
This study was designed to examine the feasibility of recycling cassava effluent, sawdust, and unused paper products to enhance their utilization for beneficial purpose. Waste newspaper paste (WNP), Waste writing-paper paste (WWP), and Waste carton paper paste (WCP) were prepared and then used separately to similarly fabricate composite panels with Sawdust particle (SDP) proportioned at 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% by weight. The binder used was cassava starch slurry prepared from the effluent. Bulk density, water absorption, thermal conductivity, specific heat capacity, thermal diffusivity, nailability, and flexural strength were determined for the developed samples. From the results obtained, the samples were found to be light-weight and their thermal insulation performance improved with increasing proportions of the SDP. Though samples containing the WCP exhibited the best satisfactory performance, it was found that all the studied samples could perform more effectively and efficiently as ceilings compared to some of those reported in the literature. From scientific-economic viewpoint, valorizing the above-mentioned wastes as described in this paper could help to protect the environment and also yield value-added insulation ceilings for enhancement of sustainable building construction especially in tropical areas.
Celem pracy było określenie możliwości recyklingu ścieków z manioku, trocin i odpadowych materiałów papierniczych w celu ich szerszego wykorzystania. Nitki z makulatury gazetowej (WNP), nitki z makulatury z papieru do pisania (WWP) i nitki z makulatury z kartonu (WCP) zostały przygotowane, a następnie użyte osobno do wytworzenia paneli kompozytowych z dodatkiem trocin (SDP) przy udziale masowym 0%, 25%, 50 %, 75% i 100%. Zastosowanym spoiwem była przygotowana z odcieku zawiesina skrobi z manioku. Dla przygotowanych próbek określono gęstość nasypową, nasiąkliwość, przewodność cieplną, ciepło właściwe, dyfuzyjność cieplną, zdolność do wbijania gwoździ i wytrzymałość na zginanie. Na podstawie uzyskanych wyników stwierdzono, że próbki miały małą gęstość objętościową, a ich właściwości termoizolacyjne poprawiały się wraz ze wzrostem udziału trocin (SDP). Chociaż próbki zawierające WCP wykazywały najlepsze właściwości, stwierdzono, że z wszystkich badanych próbek można wytworzyć sufity o lepszych właściwościach w porównaniu z podobnymi opisanymi w literaturze. Z naukowo-ekonomicznego punktu widzenia zastosowanie wyżej wymienionych odpadów, jak opisano w tym artykule, może pomóc w ochronie środowiska, a także w uzyskaniu bardziej ciepłochronnych stropów, a co za tym idzie przyczyni się do rozwoju bardziej zrównoważonego budownictwa, zwłaszcza w obszarach tropikalnych.
Content available remote Właściwości fizyczne mieszaniny polilaktyd/skrobia termoplastyczna
Przedstawiono wyniki badań właściwości mieszaniny PLA/TPS. Granulki polilaktydu (PLA) i skrobi termoplastycznej (TPS) w proporcjach masowych 25, 50 i 75% mieszano w mieszalniku bębnowym, a następnie mieszano w stanie stopionym i formowano we wtryskarce ślimakowej. Próbki polimerów analizowano pod kątem udarności, twardości i nasiąkliwości. Mieszaniny PLA/TPS wykazywały istotnie większą udarność niż każdy z materiałów składowych z osobna. Udarność była nawet dwukrotnie większa, co wskazywało na występowanie zjawiska synergizmu.
Polylactide (PLA) and thermoplastic starch (TPS) granules in mass proportions of 25, 50, 75% were mixed in a drum mixer, and then meltmixed and shaped using a screw injection molding machine. Polymer samples were analyzed for impact strength, hardness and water absorption. The PLA/TPS mixts. showed a significantly higher impact strength than each of the component materials separately. The impact strenght was even twice as high, which indicated the occurrence of the synergism phenomenon.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań oraz analizy numerycznej zagadnień związanych z wilgotnością przegrody budowlanej wykonanej w technologii lekkiego szkieletu stalowego. Rezultatem badań było sporządzenie izoterm sorpcji oraz nasiąkliwości materiałów tworzących przegrodę. Na ich podstawie przeprowadzono symulację osuszania naturalnego przegrody przy założeniu, że materiały ją tworzące są nasączone wodą. Analiza numeryczna pozwoliła oszacować ubytek wody w przegrodzie zewnętrznej w zależności od początkowego stanu jej zawilgocenia w przyjętych okresach obliczeniowych.
The article covers the results of research and numerical analysis of issues related to the humidity of a building partition made in the technology of a light steel skeleton. The result of the research was the preparation of the sorption isotherm and water absorption of the materials forming the barrier. On their basis, a simulation of the natural drying of the partition was carried out, assuming that the materials forming it are soaked with water. Numerical analysis, depending on the initial moisture level of the external partition, allowed to estimate the loss of water in the partition in the adopted calculation periods.
This paper highlights the results of an experimental study on the preparation and characterization of Luffa cylindrica fiber (LCF) and groundnut shell particle (GSP) reinforced phenol-formaldehyde (PF) hybrid composites. The amount of LCFs was fixed at 25 wt%, while the amount of groundnut shell particles ranged from 0 to 25 wt%. Observations were made regarding the water absorption and thickness swelling behaviour of prepared hybrid composites. In addition, the mechanical behaviours of hybrid composites have been studied under both dry and wet conditions. In comparison to dry conditions, the mechanical properties of the hybrid composites were lower when they were wet. Hybrid composites comprising 25% Luffa cylindica fibre and 15% groundnut shell particle (25LCF/15GSP) exhibit the highest level of mechanical properties under both conditions. The percentages of water absorption and thickness swelling increase as groundnut shell particles increase. The composite 25LCF/25GSP exhibited the highest percentage of water absorption and thickness swelling. Compared to date palm leaf (DPL)-reinforced composites, 25LCF/15GSP showed more significant mechanical and physical properties. We concluded that the inclusion of groundnut shell particles in LCF/PF composites substantially improved the mechanical properties of the hybrid composite. The range of increment, however, was narrower under moist conditions compared to dry conditions.
Purpose: Attributable to the depletion of raw materials and for sustainability purposes in construction works. Therefore, this study looked into the effects of nano blast furnace slag (BFS) on the microstructure, mechanical properties, and durability of mortar. BFS was substituted for cement at various weight percentages of 0, 1, 1.5, 3, 5, and 7%. Design/methodology/approach: A suspension of water and Nano blast furnace slag was made using ultrasonic mixers to prepare the samples. The suspension was combined with cement and sand using 1 cement, 0.5 water, and 2.75 sand in the mixture to make cement mortar. The mixture was then shaped, left in the mould for 24 hours, and then allowed to cure for 7, 14, 28, 60, and 91 days. SEM was used to investigate the microstructure before and after cement replacement. The mechanical characteristics were evaluated by testing the compressive strength and the surface hardness. While the durability was assessed using the water absorption ratios. Findings: The results revealed that increasing the BFS in the mortar improved mechanical characteristics and durability by up to 3% of BFS. Replacing Nano-blast furnace slag for a portion of the cement is a proposed solution to address the problems of environmental pollution and resource consumption caused by cement production. Research limitations/implications: Another sustainable material needs to be used for additional investigation. We may evaluate more properties and use different weight percentages. Practical implications: Each year, a significant amount of slag is produced as a result of the iron industry, endangering the environment. There have been numerous initiatives to reduce slag’s negative environmental consequences. Using slag to replace some of the cement is one of the options to eliminate this byproduct and reduce excessive cement use. Originality/value: This study investigates the possibility of using a blast furnace blast within the Nanoscale to replace some of the cement used in the construction due to the positive impact on the environment to get rid of industrial byproducts and decrease the use of cement.
ASTM and ACI methods were used to determine the water absorption and impact resistance of M30 grade concrete containing different percentages of sintered fly ash aggregate (SFA) ranging from 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, and 100%. In the concrete laboratory, the parameters of the concrete mix, including fresh density, slump value, dry density, compressive strength, and impact resistance, were determined. The fresh and dry densities of concrete mix decrease as the quantity of SFA used as substitute increases. The 100% substitution of SFA in concrete results in a slump value of 200 mm, a fresh density of 1946 kg/m3 , a dry density of 1911 kg/m3 , and water absorption of 3.5%, with a compressive strength of 12.3 MPa. For the drop weight impact resistance test, reliability analysis was conducted to determine the level of reliability of each concrete mix for varying SFA. Using reliability analysis, the failure analysis owing to impact load determined the energy absorption of the concrete mix.
Kaolin-based geopolymers are alternatives for producing high-strength ceramics for construction materials. Creating high-performing kaolin ceramics utilizing the regular technique requires a high handling temperature (higher than 1200°C). Thus, the structure and properties such as pore size and distribution are affected at higher sintering temperatures. Along these lines, information with respect to the sintering system and related pore structure is essential for advancing the properties of the previously mentioned materials. This study investigated the microstructure and the density of a kaolin-based geopolymer at various sintering temperatures. The unsintered sample has the highest density of 1610 kg/cm3 , while the samples sintered at 1100°C haves the lowest density of 1203 kg/cm3 . The result also shows that increasing the sintering temperature to 1100°C resulted in increasing the water absorption of the kaolin-based geopolymer ceramic.
Purpose: The upper part of the prosthesis is called a socket, which contacts the amputated part. While wearing the prosthesis, there are several problems that the patient may suffer from, such as shear force between the socket and amputated part, pressure on the bony prominences, sweating, and bacteria generation, all leading to skin problems and a bad smell. It makes the patient refuse to wear the prosthesis because it is uncomfortable. Therefore, the aim of this study was comfortable lining from silicone rubber which cross-links at room temperature, with properties corresponding to the needs of this application, such as stress distribution, moisture absorption, and antibacterial. Design/methodology/approach: In the current work, silicone rubber was selected with the addition of nano-fillers (ZnO, Mg(OH)2, and Chitosan). Mechanical and physical properties were studied (tensile strength, tear strength, hardness, water absorption, porosity, and antibacterial). Findings: Chitosan showed the highest effect on the mechanical properties of silicon, as it achieved the highest value of tensile strength of 2.2 MPa elongation of 572%, tear strength 13.9 kN/m, and shore A hardness of 33.3. While the highest value of the modulus, 0.636 MPa was achieved by adding ZnO. The results also showed an increase in the water absorption and the porosity, which were the highest values at 1.6 % and 0.24%, respectively with the addition of Mg(OH)2. The samples showed a clear resistance to preventing the microorganism’s growth. Research limitations/implications: Manufactured linings require additional improvement in mechanical properties by mixing more than one type of additives mentioned in the research. Thus, physical and biological properties can be obtained simultaneously with mechanical properties. Practical implications: The above results qualify the silicone rubber composites for use as a socket liner due to their flexibility and ability to absorb water in addition to their resistance and prevent the growth of fungi and bacteria. Originality/value: The method of preparation and properties of the lining material and additives qualify it for such applications as physical and biological properties.
Large quantities of waste newspapers and sugarcane bagasse are prevalently discarded by open burning or indiscriminate dumping, thereby posing severe danger to the environment and public health. This study sought to examine the feasibility of managing the wastes by recycling them into value-added products for building construction. Composite panels were fabricated using waste newspaper paste (WNP) with sugarcane bagasse particles (SBP) varied at 0, 25, 50, 75, and 100 % by weight of the composite mix. Epoxy resin was thoroughly mixed with its hardener and applied as binder. The samples were developed in triplicates per proportion of the SBP adopted and then dried completely before their thermophysical and strength properties were evaluated. It was observed that variations in mean values of water absorption (28.57 – 39.43 %), thickness swelling (6.21 - 8.33 %), specific heat capacity (1232 - 1312Jkg-1K-1) trended positively with increasing proportions of the SBP. Whereas nailability remained 100.0 % in all the cases, bulk density (689.4 - 640.5 kgm-3), thermal conductivity (0.1186 - 0.1163 Wm-1K-1), thermal diffusivity (1.396 - 1.384 x 10-7 m2s-1), and flexural strength (2.572 - 2.280 N/mm2) correlated inversely with the added fractions of the SBP. Generally, it was found that the samples could perform satisfactorily if applied as ceiling or partition elements in building design. Therefore, recycling of sugarcane bagasse and waste newspapers as described in this study could serve as a promising way of solving their disposal problems and also enhance achievement of low-cost and safe buildings.
Content available remote Water absorption kinetics of bitumen modified cement mortars
Concrete permeability is a major factor that affects durability and reliability of structures – bridges, tunnels, culvert pipes, etc. It is important to identify effective methods of protection of such structures against water penetration, for example by using a modifying substance. Samples of cement mortar composites were used for water absorption simulation. Bitumen emulsion was used as a modifying agent. According to the water absorption kinetics, the following parameters of the pore microstructure of the mortar composite were estimated: the index of mean size of open capillary pores, closed porosity, and the index of size uniformity. The research has shown that the addition of bitumen emulsion decreases the pore space and macrocapillaries (from 23.91% to 6.61%), water absorption (3 times), and the index of mean size of open capillary pores (from 0.69 to 0.3) of modified mortars.
Odpowiednio niska przepuszczalność betonu to jeden z głównych czynników zapewniających trwałość i niezawodność konstrukcji budowlanych – mostów, tuneli, przepustów itd. Istotne jest zidentyfikowanie skutecznych metod zabezpieczenia takich konstrukcji przed wnikaniem wody, na przykład za pomocą dodatków modyfikujących. Badania nasiąkliwości przeprowadzono na próbkach zaprawy cementowej zawierającej dodatek emulsji asfaltowej. Na podstawie kinetyki wnikania wody w próbki oszacowano następujące parametry uzyskanej mikrostruktury porów: wskaźnik średniej wielkości otwartych porów kapilarnych, porowatość zamkniętą oraz wskaźnik jednorodności wielkości otwartych porów kapilarnych. Wyniki wykazały, że dodatek emulsji asfaltowej zmniejszył objętość porów i makrokapilar (z 23,91% do 6,61%), nasiąkliwość (trzykrotnie) oraz wskaźnik średniej wielkości kapilar otwartych (z 0,69 do 0,3) zapraw poddanych modyfikacji dodatkiem.
A study was conducted to explore the effect of palm oil boiler ash (POBA) on foamed concrete by varying the percentage of POBA over sand quantities (0, 4, 8 and 12%). This paper primarily discusses the water absorption test, uniaxial compressive strength, and dry density findings. It indicates that substituting sand with POBA greatly enhances the strength of foamed concrete. When the quantity of POBA was raised up to 12% throughout all curing times, the compressive strength steadily increased in the range of 4.34–13.50 N·mm–2. Furthermore, the dry density of foamed concrete was shown to be directly related to the fraction of POBA in the mixture. The dry density of foamed concrete increases as the amount of POBA increases. Despite this, water absorption shown that increasing POBA increases water absorption percentage in foamed concrete from 7.4 to 10.4%. This is due to the fact that a composition with a high POBA percentage will generate more pores than a mixture with a low POBA percentage.
W artykule przeanalizowano wpływ agresywnego działania wód gruntowych na wybrane właściwości warstw hydroizolacyjnych wykonywanych z grubowarstwowych powłok polimerowo-asfaltowych, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem nasiąkliwości tych powłok. Oceniono również, jak zmienia się odczyn pH wody w kontakcie z grubowarstwowymi powłokami asfaltowo-polimerowymi. Analizy te uzupełniono wnioskami, publikowanymi wcześniej w literaturze technicznej, dotyczącymi wpływu podwyższonej nasiąkliwości tych powłok na zachowanie funkcji wodoszczelności oraz podatności powłok na zawilgocenie w efekcie działania wody o różnym pH. W badaniach wykorzystano m.in. metodę badawczą ujętą w normach PN-EN oraz metody własne.
The manuscript analyzes the impact of the aggressive action of groundwater on selected properties of waterproofing layers made of polymer modified bituminous thick coatings, with particular emphasis on the water absorption of these coatings. It was also assessed how the pH of water changes in contact with polymer modified bituminous thick coatings. The analyzes were supplemented with conclusions previously published in the technical literature, regarding the impact of increased water absorption of the above-mentioned coatings to maintain the water-tightness function and the susceptibility of such coatings to moisture as a result of the action of water with different pH. The research used, inter alia, research methodology included in PN-EN standards, supplemented with tests performed using own methods.
W artykule zaproponowano zastosowanie geopolimerów na bazie kruszywa sztucznego do produkcji elementów prefabrykowanych o podwyższonej izolacyjności. Przeprowadzono eksperyment o zmiennej zawartości popiołu lotnego (PL) i mieszaniny popiołowo-żużlowej (MPŻ) oraz różnym stężeniu aktywatora NaOH. Zastosowana metoda zagęszczania w postaci wibroprasowania umożliwia wytworzenie drobnowymiarowych elementów ściennych i stropowych o dobrych właściwościach izolacyjnych przy wytrzymałości na ściskanie ok. 15 MPa.
The article proposes the use of geopolymers on artificial aggregate for prefabricated elements with increased insulation. An experiment was carried out with a variable content of fly ash (PL) and a mixture of ash and slag (MPŻ) and a different concentration of NaOH activator. The applied method of compaction in the form of vibropress allows the production of small-sized wall and ceiling elements with good insulating properties and a compressive strength of about 15 MPa.
Content available remote Badania betonu w górnym pierścieniu kopuły Hali Stulecia we Wrocławiu
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badania jakości betonu w górnym pierścieniu kopuły Hali Stulecia we Wrocławiu, przeprowadzonego w ramach prac remontowych tego obiektu. Obejmowało ono określenie rzeczywistej wytrzymałości betonu na ściskanie na podstawie badania odwiertów rdzeniowych oraz z wykorzystaniem metody „pull-out”, a także oznaczenie nasiąkliwości oraz ocenę stopnia jego karbonatyzacji. Uzyskane wyniki wykazały, że badany beton charakteryzuje się zaskakująco dobrymi cechami fizyczno-mechanicznymi. Jego parametry wytrzymałościowe odpowiadają obecnym wymaganiom stawianym klasie wytrzymałości C20/25, a bardzo dobrą jakość badanego betonu potwierdziły także wyniki nasiąkliwości, której wartości były zbliżone do 5%. Zbadane parametry są z jednej strony unikatowym źródłem informacji o jakości betonu z początku XX wieku, a z drugiej pozwalają na ocenę trwałości tego tworzywa po upływie stulecia.
The paper presents results of the concrete quality tests in the upper ring of the Centennial Hall dome in Wroclaw, carried out as part of the renovation works of this facility. The tests included the determination of the actual compressive strength of concrete on the basis of core drilling tests and the "pull-out" measurements, as well as determination of the water absorption of the tested concrete and assessment of its carbonation degree. The obtained results showed that the tested concrete is characterized by surprisingly good physical and mechanical properties. Its strength parameters correspond to the current requirements for the C20/25 strength class, and the high quality of the tested concrete was also confirmed by the results of the water absorption determination, the values of which were close to 5%. The obtained results are, on the one hand, a unique source of information about the quality of concrete from the beginning of the 20th century, and, on the other hand, allow for the assessment of the conditions of durability of this material after a century.
Purpose: This paper aims to prepare depolymerized polyethylene terephthalate (DPET) powder from recycled plastic water bottles. Adding this DPET powder to the cement mortar was also studied. Design/methodology/approach: The adopted PET depolymerization process includes the usage of both ethylene glycol (EG) as solvent and nano-MgO as a catalyst. A bubble column reactor was designed for this process. Five different mortar groups were made; each has different DPET content of 0%, 1%, 3%, 6% and 9% as a sand replacement. The flexural strength testand the water absorption measurement are done after two curing periods: 7 and 28 days. Findings: The research finding demonstrated that the flexural strength of mortar was reduced by increasing the DPET powder percentage and the maximum dropping was 15% when 9% of DPET was added. The ability of the mortar to absorb the water was reduced by 14.5% when DPET powder was 9%. The mortar microstructure is featured with fewer cavities and porosity. Research limitations/implications: This work’s employed bubble column technique is limited only to the laboratory environment and needs to be scaled up within industrial mass production. For future research, it is suggested to decrease depolymerization time by using smaller pieces of plastic water bottle waste and trying other types of nanocatalyst. Practical implications: The modified mortar can be utilized in areas where moisture, rainfalls, and sanitation systems exist. Originality/value: The article claims that depolymerized waste PET improves chemical process efficiency by lowering reaction time and improving mass and heat transfer rates. Besides, this approach saves money. It is found out that the depolymerized plastic waste is much more functional due to its high cohesion capability than being used as small PET pieces.
Purpose: Diatomite from a deposit in Jawornik Ruski (Poland) has been selected as the material for study. The paper aimeds to show the possibility of using diatomite from the Carpathian Foothills as a sorbent of petroleum substances. Design/methodology/approach: Diatomite in the delivery condition (DC) and diatomite after calcination were used for this study. The material was calcined at 600, 650, 750, 850 and 1000°C. The diatomaceous earth was then granulated. The morphology of diatomite was observed using SEM. Particle size distribution was determined by Laser Particle Analyzer, chemical composition was determined by XRF, and mineralogical composition by XRD. Specific surface area, pore volume and pore size were determined. Thermal analysis (TG, DTA) was carried out. Absorption capacity tests were performed and the effect of diatomite addition on water absorption of concrete samples was determined. Findings: Within the framework of the study, it was shown that diatomite from the Jawornik deposit could be successfully used as a sorbent for petroleum substances. The absorption capacity of calcined at 1000°C diatomaceous earth was 77%. The obtained result exceeds the effectiveness of previously used absorbents, for which the sorption level is 60-70%. This allows commercial use of diatomite from deposits in Poland. In addition, water absorption tests have shown that diatomaceous earth can successfully replace cement used in concrete productione. The most favourablee effect on the reduction of water absorption is the addition of diatomite in the amount of 10%. Practical implications: The properties of diatomaceous earth from the Jawornik Ruski deposit indicate its high potential for use in the synthesis of geopolymers, which is important not only from an economic but also from an ecological point of view. Originality/value: The novelty of this work is the demonstration of the possibility of using diatomite as a sorbent of petroleum substances with high efficiency, exceeding the previously used sorbents.
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