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Czynnikiem warunkującym właściwą ochronę i konserwację dziedzictwa kulturowego jest kompleksowa wiedza o nim. Aby wiedza ta była pełna, potrzebne są również kompleksowe badania konserwatorskie chronionego obiektu. Badania te, mające charakter interdyscyplinarny, stają się podstawowym kluczem do sformułowania odpowiednich wniosków i celów planowanych działań konserwatorskich. Przykładem takiego kompleksowego podejścia do zabytku są badania oraz prace konserwatorskie w Sali Reprezentacyjnej Kamienicy Królewskiej oddziału Lwowskiego Muzeum Historycznego. Przykład ten ukazuje pełną korelację wyników badań i opracowania projektu konserwatorskiego wraz z realizacją konserwatorską. Dzięki takiemu podejściu uzyskano spójną koncepcję w zachowaniu i eksponowaniu odkrytych poszczególnych faz historycznych. Realizacja ta stała się kolejnym przykładem ukazującym potrzebę zaangażowania wielu dyscyplin nauki w proces właściwej ochrony materialnego dziedzictwa. Jest to tym ważniejszy przykład, ponieważ utwierdza nowe standardy konserwatorskie na wschodzie Europy.
Comprehensive knowledge about cultural heritage is a factor that determines its proper protection and conservation. For this knowledge to be complete, comprehensive conservation investigation of a monument is also required. This investigation, which is interdisciplinary in nature, becomes the primary key to formulating appropriate conclusions and objectives for planned conservation measures. One example of such a comprehensive approach to a monument is the investigation and conservation work in the Formal Hall of the Royal House of the Lviv branch of the Lviv Historical Museum. This example shows the full correlation of the results of the investigation and the development of a conservation design and its execution. With this approach, a coherent concept was obtained in preserving and exhibiting the uncovered individual historical phases. The project has become another example demonstrating the need to involve multiple scientific disciplines in the process of proper preservation of material heritage. This is an even more important example, as it solidifies the new conservation standards in Eastern Europe.
The sixteenth-century geometrical polychromies that were discovered during conservation works in a medieval church in Włościejewki provided an extraordinary opportunity to examine the original structure of old painting layers and compare them with newer ones. Scientific research was carried out to obtain and confirm the stratigraphy of the paintings and enhance the knowledge about the techniques and pigments that had been used there. This paper presents a mineralogical and petrographic characteristic of the materials. The analysis was performed in painting layers such as: plaster, whitewash and pigment. They originated from layers created between the sixteenth and nineteenth century. Four microscopic observations of thin sections were made, using reflected and transmitted light. Samples that turned out to be too fragile were examined using a scanning microscope equipped with an EDS detector. The research also described in detail the plaster and the whitewash. Monochromes of the background, details of walls and ceilings were made on lime whitewash using the dry fresco technique. The study illustratively demonstrates the structural and textural variability of the painting layers through the ages. The study’s findings show a slight variability of the pigments, mainly iron oxides based pigments.
Szesnastowieczne polichromie geometryczne, które odkryto podczas prac konserwatorskich w średniowiecznym kościele we Włościejewkach, dostarczyły nadzwyczajnej możliwości zbadania oryginalnej struktury starych warstw malarskich i porównania ich z nowszymi warstwami. Przeprowadzono badania naukowe, aby otrzymać i potwierdzić stratygrafię malowideł i pogłębić wiedzę na temat użytych technik i pigmentów. Niniejszy artykuł prezentuje mineralogiczną i petrograficzną charakterystykę zastosowanych materiałów. Analizę przeprowadzono na takich warstwach malarskich, jak: tynki, farba wapienna i pigmenty. Zostały one pobrane z warstw wytworzonych pomiędzy XVI i XIX wiekiem. Wykonano cztery obserwacje mikroskopowe na preparatach, wykorzystując światło odbite i przechodzące. Próbki, które okazały się zbyt delikatne, zostały przebadane przy użyciu mikroskopu skanującego wyposażonego w detektor EDS. Badanie również szczegółowo opisało tynk i farbę wapienną. Monochromie tła, detale ścian oraz sufitów wykonano na farbie wapiennej przy użyciu techniki suchego fresku. Badanie ilustratywnie przedstawia strukturalne i teksturalne zróżnicowanie warstw malarskich w różnych wiekach. Wyniki pokazują nieznaczne zróżnicowanie w pigmentach, głównie opartych na tlenkach żelaza.
Authenticity is a key term in the modern theory and practice of heritage preservation. The great influence of this term began with the Venice Charter and increased in the following decades until this day, as numerous documents and publications have dealt with issues concerning the concept and significance of authenticity. However, the term is characterized by a certain vagueness, despite its central role in the international debate. This article presents three case studies related to the conservation-restoration of wall paintings and architectural surfaces in Germany and Italy and uses them to clarify some central theoretical issues, intertwining them with practical needs and demands. The multi-layered meanings of authenticity in the practice of conservation-restoration can range from the respectful preservation of the handed-on conditions and appearance of a work, with all material remains of its reception and interpretation, to the critical evaluation of historical restorations based on scholarly value judgments, and even to the reconstruction e. g. of architectural surfaces as a method for the sustainable protection of historical findings and a good way to visualize historical presentations and hand on traditions of craftmanship. For such a broad spectrum of meanings, the term authenticity can become a helpful umbrella term in interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary communication, well-known and appreciated by all experts and by the public. In order to avoid the use of the term authenticity as a catch-all that can mean everything or nothing, the relationship with case studies can bring awareness about the broad palette of these approaches and how the theory and practice of heritage preservation are always interconnected.
Woda znacząco wpływa na stan zachowania malowideł ściennych. Wiedza o zmianach zwilżalności malowideł pod wpływem stosowanych zabiegów konserwatorskich może istotnie przyczynić się do ich ochrony i zachowania. Destrukcyjny wpływ syntetycznych polimerów na warstwę malarską w technice wapiennej (fresk) jest dobrze udokumentowany w literaturze. Zmiany zachodzące pod wpływem utrwalania w charakterystycznych dla Polski oraz Europy północnej technikach malarskich (klejowa, kazeina wapienna) nie zostały do tej pory zbadane i opisane. Celem niniejszej pracy było zbadanie zmian zwilżalności powierzchni warstw malarskich pod wpływem preparatów utrwalających. Wykorzystano uproszczone modele malowideł ściennych, utrwalone wybranymi polimerami syntetycznymi, stosowanymi w polskiej praktyce konserwatorskiej (polialkohol winylu - Mowiol 4-88, polioctany winylu - Winacet DP 50 i Winacet Ret 5 oraz pochodne akrylowe - Primal AC 33 i Paraloid B-72). Dodatkowo wykonano zdjęcia morfologii powierzchni za pomocą elektronowego mikroskopu skaningowego (SEM-EDX). Wartości kątów zwilżania na warstwach polimerów i warstwach malarskich ze spoiwem organicznym (kazeiny wapiennej i klejowej) zawierają się w tym samym zakresie, co może sugerować, iż ich aplikacja nie powinna zmieniać zwilżalności warstw. Jednak preparat Mowiol 4-88 zwiększa hydrofilowość obu warstw i ułatwia wnikanie wody w warstwę. Niezależnie od techniki malarskiej stosowanie polimerów akrylowych (preparaty Primal AC 33 i Paraloid B-72) powoduje tworzenie się w warstwie malarskiej nieprzepuszczalnej bariery dla wody. Nasze badania ujawniły również różnice zwilżalności i przepuszczalności pomiędzy poszczególnymi technikami malarskimi, co jest wskazówką, iż utrwalając, należy uwzględniać technikę wykonania malowidła.
Water has a valid impact on the condition of wall paintings. Knowledge about changes in wettability of a paint layer, influenced by conservation treatments, can significantly contribute to their protection and preservation. The destructive influence of synthetic polymers on the fresco technique is well documented in the literature. Changes occurring after consolidation in typical Polish and Northern European painting techniques (glue, lime casein) have not been investigated and described so far. The aim of this work was to observe the variation of the surface wettability of the consolidated paint layer. Models of wall paintings were used, fixed by selected synthetic polymers, used in the polish conservation practice (polyvinyl alcohol - Mowiol 4-88, polyvinyl acetate - Winacet DP 50 and Winacet Ret 5, and acrylic derivatives - Primal AC 33 and Paraloid B-72). Surface morphology images were taken using the SEM-EDX electron scanning microscope. The contact angles on the polymer layers and the organic binder layers (lime casein and glue technique) are in the same range, suggesting that their application should not alter the wettability of the layers. However, Mowiol 4-88 increases the hydrophilicity of both layers and facilitates the penetration of water into the layer. Regardless of the painting technique, the use of acrylic polymers (Primal AC 33 and Paraloid B-72) produces an impermeable water barrier in the paint layer. Our research also revealed differences in the wettability and permeability of various painting techniques, indicating that the painting technique should be taken into account during conservation work.
The subject of this study are polychromes in a tenement house in the Old Market Square, Poznan. The main aim of this research was to identify a palette of pigments used in the interior wall paintings. Cross-sections of polychromes, which are dated to the fifteenth century and later, were analysed. Petrographic analysis, especially in reflected light, electron microscopy (SEM-EDS) method, infrared imaging technique (FTIR-ATR) and Raman microspectroscopy were used. The following pigments were identified: minium, red ochre, litharge, massicot, orpiment, yellow ochre, malachite, chalk, lead white, lamp black and vine black.
Content available remote Konserwacja reliktów architektury i malarstawa ściennego w Marinie el-Alamein
W okresie od 16 marca do 30 maja 1999 r., w Mannie el-Alamein, na terenie wczesnorzymskiego miasta, piąty sezon [7, s. 42-52], [8, s. 82-88], [9, s. 72-76], [10, s. 51-62], pracowała polsko-egipska misja konserwatorska.Głównym tematem prac konserwatorskich jest częściowa rekonstrukcja reliktów domów mieszkalnych i ich wyposażenia, pochodzących z okresu grecko-rzymskiego, oznaczonych na planie numerami H9 i H9a oraz H10, HlOa, HlOb i H19 (ryc. 1 i 2). Na podstawie znalezisk oraz biorąc pod uwagę wyniki badań polskich archeologów pracujących na terenie zachodniej nekropolii sądzimy, że miasto funkcjonowało w długim okresie od II w. p.n.e. - VI w. [3, s. 12], [8, s. 82-88]. Domy mieszkalne, w ich pierwszej fazie, roboczo można datować na koniec I i na II wiek [8, s. 82-88], [10, s. 51-62], [12, s. 117-154]. W późniejszym okresie były one wielokrotne przebudowywane. Struktury poddawane konserwacji są wstępnie datowane na koniec II i III w. W niewiele zmienionej formie domy te funkcjonowały co najmniej do końca IV w. [ 10, s. 51 -62], [12, s. 117-154]. Zniszczenie układów pierwotnych wiązać można ze skutkami jakiegoś kataklizmu. Może było to trzęsienia ziemi. Tego typu hipotezę sugerować mogą mury i kolumny przewrócone do pozycji poziomej w niezmienionym, choć rozłuźnionym układzie wątku. W ostatnim czasie uchwycono w paru miejscach pierwotny poziom zabudowy. W domach HIOa i H9b oraz pierwszy poziom użytkowy ulicy przy wejściu do domuH10 jest o około 1,00 m niższy od poziomu kamiennych posadzek domów z końca II i przełomu III i IV w.
The Polish-Egyptian Conservation Mission, directed by the author, has been working in Marina el-Alamain on the terrain of an early Roman town, for the fifth season. The subject of the con-servation works is a complex of dwelling house relics together with the furnishings originating from the Greek-Roman period. It is very difficult to date them as we have no evidence from older excavations. Basing on our findings and taking into consideration the results of investigations of Polish archeologists carrying out explorations in the area of the western necropolis, we think that the town together with its necropolises functioned in a long time span, from the 2nd to the 6th century B.C. Whereas, the houses may practically be dated as coming from the end of the 1st and 2nd century B.C. Later, they were rebuilt many times. The structures undergoing conservation we initially date at the 2nd to the 4th century B.C. The devastation of original arrangements may be bound partly with the results of various c^aclysms and partly with natural degradation. In the last years we have been able to observe in some places an earlier level of building, about 0,80-1 m lower than the level of the houses undergoing conservation. The houses are located in the southern part of the antique town whose ancient name has not, as yet, been precisely determined. According to analyses of sources the town could have been called Leucaspis or Antiphrae. We have no material references which would enable us to establish ultimately its name. In the season of 1998 we came upon on the relics of a niche enclosed by plastered half-columns and surmounted by a moulding and a triangled tympanum filled by a conch. There were also discovered fragments of paintings which we connect with the solar cult. The reconstructed fragment shows three busts of figures above the clouds. Each of the heads is surrounded by a halo. The first on the left is Helios, the second Harpokrates as the young sun, and highest is Serapis. They all look to the right. The main figure was in the axis of the painting and this, up to our times, has been preserved only in faint fragments. To the right, symmetrically to the preserved figures there were, most probably, female moon deities: Selene versus Helios and Isis as the mother of Harpokrates. As yet, it has not been determined which goddess could have been the third image in this, without doubt, symmetrical painting. Initially, on the basis of the style, we can assume that the cult niche with this painting comes, most probably, from the turn of the 2nd and 3rd century B.C. These opinions will, succeedingly, be verified by comparative studies. The niche itself shows a double-phaseness. On the basis of vague fragments of capitals we may initially ascertain that at least in phase I they represent a type called Nabatean, popular in the locality of Marina. The painting underwent carefull conservation in the season of the year 1999. Due to constant, very profuse graining out, its transformation to a new, free from pollution foundation, was decided. Also in the season of 1999, the niche in accomodation 2. was subjected to partial anastylosis and reconstruction. We do not foresee the mounting of the painting in the niche. The original, after conservation, has been prepared for exposition in a museum. During the cleaning of accomodation 2. we came upon an additional, small accomodation. It is located next to the main entrance to the house. From the rubble heaps we extracted a fairly well preserved relic of another wall painting, most probably presenting Heron or Serapis, with fragments of a painted black frame. Initially, we can also date it at the turn of the 2nd and 3rd century. The bearded head is surrounded by a blue halo, the hair flows on either side of the neck to the shoulders. A mondius is recognizable on the head. From behind the right shoulder there is visible the handgrip (hilt-guard) of a sword or the shaft of a spear. The figure holds a cornucopia in its left hand. A fragment of a garland is seen above the figure. This may testify to the fact that the figure discovered may only be a part of the presentation. A fragment of the lower part of the painting has been preserved, showing either a pedestal on which stood the fully dimensioned figure or a fragment of the altar. Doubts as to the interpretation of details are created by the very bad state of the painting's surface. In 1999 the painting was subjected to a detailed conservation. In this case the foundation was supplemented, it was formed of artificial stone. The painting was made ready for a museum expo-sition. In the portico courtyard and surrounding accomodations there were found many architectonic details. These were: fragments of mouldings, tambours, capitals and bases of columns, as well as fragments of door jambs. All architectonic details have been catalogued.
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