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Content available remote Militaryzacja cyberprzestrzeni – obszary rywalizacji
W niniejszym artykule główny nacisk położono na zidentyfikowanie najważniejszych obszarów rywalizacji w konflikcie z wykorzystaniem cyberprzestrzeni. Przedstawiono ewolucję i znaczenie cyberprzestrzeni postrzeganej jako środowisko rywalizacji i walki. Zidentyfikowano cele realizowane w walce w odniesieniu do posiadanych możliwości podmiotu realizującego te cele. Zwieńczeniem referatu jest odniesienie do form i sposobów oddziaływania w walce a tym samym do obszarów militaryzacji cyberprzestrzeni warunkujących skuteczność prowadzonych działań przy uwzględnieniu kosztów ekonomicznych i społecznych.
Content available remote Elementy systemu walki w cyberprzestrzeni
W artykule podjęto próbę określenia zasadniczych elementów służących do budowania kompetencji podmiotu bezpieczeństwa, jakim jest państwo, w obszarze działań (walki zbrojnej) w cyberprzestrzeni. Scharakteryzowano współczesne konflikty oraz walkę zbrojną, z uwzględnieniem zwłaszcza działań w cyberprzestrzeni. Zwrócono uwagą na konieczność systemowego ujęcia problematyki oraz przedstawiono najważniejsze elementy systemu walki w cyberprzestrzeni. Omówiono zasady sztuki wojennej, które powinny stanowić podstawę do budowania kompetencji państwa w przestrzeni cybernetycznej. Przeanalizowano potencjalny przebieg konfliktu zbrojnego z wykorzystaniem cyberprzestrzeni.
The author attempts to identify essential elements for building the competence of a security subject, which is the state, in the area of activities (armed conflict) in cyberspace. He characterizes contemporary conflicts, and puts special attention on cyberspace activities. He draws attention to the necessity of a systematic approach to the problem, presenting the most important elements of a combat system in cyberspace. He discusses the principles of art of war, which - in his opinion - should form the basis for building the state’s competence in cyberspace. He analyzes the potential course of armed conflict which uses cyberspace.
Teoria i praktyka działań lotnictwa wojskowego w walce zbrojnej ewoluują od niemal 100 lat, lecz w znacznej mierze bazują one na poglądach Gulio Douheta, uznanego za klasyka lotniczej myśli wojennej. W artykule dokonano konfrontacji podstawowych założeń teorii Douheta z poglądami innych myślicieli oraz założeniami doktrynalnymi i praktyką użycia lotnictwa w wielu konfliktach zbrojnych. Krytyczna analiza teorii i praktyki działań lotnictwa wskazuje na wiele uniwersalnych myśli Douheta, które ciągle są aktualne i oddziałują nawet na obecne użycie lotnictwa w walce zbrojnej. Część jego poglądów została zweryfikowana negatywnie zarówno przez teorię, jak i praktykę i została oddalona jako nieaktualna, a nawet utopijna. Systematycznie rosnąca potęga lotnictwa, potwierdzana we współczesnych konfliktach zbrojnych inspiruje jednak do ponownego przeanalizowania teorii G. Douheta, gdyż niektóre sfalsyfikowane jego myśli obecnie przybierają znamiona wiarygodnych, a nawet ponadczasowych.
The theory and practice of military aviation in an armed struggle have been evolving for nearly 100 years but they are mainly based on the views of Gulio Douhet, well-known as a classic thinker on aviation war. This article looks at the confrontation of basic assumptions of Douhet’s theory with the views of other thinkers as well as doctrinal assumptions and the practice of the use of aviation in many armed conflicts. The critical analysis of the theory and practice of aviation activities reveals many of Douhet’s universal thoughts which are still valid and have an impact on the present use of aviation in armed combat. Some of his views have been verified negatively in both theory and practice, and have been rejected as outdated and even utopian. However, the systematically growing power of aviation, proved in modern armed conflicts, inspires us to re-examine G. Douhet’s theory, as some of his falsified thoughts are currently taking on the characteristics of reliable and even timeless ones.
Tradycyjne role sił powietrznych w walce zbrojnej polegają na opanowaniu przestrzeni powietrznej i utrzymaniu przewagi w powietrzu, w celu stworzenia dogodnych warunków do wsparcia i pomyślnego prowadzenia operacji lądowych i morskich. Obecnie siły powietrzne przejmują niekiedy rolę dominata (komponentu wspieranego) i wówczas operacje połączone prowadzone są sposobem dominacji z powietrza. Pozwala to, zwłaszcza w konfliktach asymetrycznych, uzyskiwać cele militarne i polityczne bez dokonywania inwazji lądowej i morskiej. Są to nowe zjawiska w sztuce wojennej, które w artykule autor próbuje opisać, nazwać i usystematyzować. Aby prowadzenie wojny sposobem dominacji z powietrza było możliwe, siły powietrzne muszą mieć absolutną swobodę wykorzystywania przestrzeni powietrznej. Dotychczasowa terminologia dotycząca dominowania (przewagi/panowania) w przestrzeni powietrznej nie przewiduje takiej sytuacji. W artykule autor poddaje krytycznej ocenie poglądy w tym zakresie, jakie obowiązywały w NATO i Układzie Warszawskim oraz obowiązują nadal w Siłach Powietrznych USA, NATO i Federacji Rosyjskiej oraz proponuje się nową systematykę terminologii dotyczącej dominowania w przestrzeni powietrznej.
Traditional roles of air force in the combat mean taking control and then maintaining air supremacy in order to create favourable conditions to support and successfully conduct land and sea operations. Nowadays, air force sometimes assumes the dominant role (a supported component) and then joint operations are conducted by using air superiority. This allows, especially in asymmetrical conflicts, to achieve military as well as political objectives, without either sea or land invasion. The article contains the attempt to describe, name and systematize these new phenomena in the art of war. In order to make waging war by means of air supremacy possible, air force must have absolute freedom in using airspace. Terminology referring to superiority in the airspace which has been used so far, does not pertain to sucha situation. In the article, the views in this respect which used to be accepted in NATO and the Warsaw Pact and which are still valid in the air forces of the USA, NATO and Russian Federation are the subect of critical evaluation; moreover, the new taxonomy of the terminology pertaining to the supremacy in the airspace has been suggested.
Content available remote Współczesne uwarunkowania i charakter działań bojowych
Network-centric as the idea of action, through the use of the large scale of modern systems to acquire, transfer, and information management has become a fixture of the effective achievement of the objectives of the military action. To understand the situation on an ongoing basis at occurring changes in its development, and in addition to reasonably manage your potential in achieving the purpose of military action.
Sieciocentryzm jako idea działania, poprzez zastosowanie na dużą skale nowoczesnych systemów zdobywania, przesyłania i zarządzania informacją stał się wyznacznikiem efektywnego osiągania celów działań zbrojnych. Umożliwia orientowanie się w sytuacji na bieżąco podczas występujących zmian w jej rozwoju, a ponadto pozwala racjonalnie zarządzać posiadanym potencjałem w osiąganiu celu działań zbrojnych.
Content available remote Operations in the network-centric environment
Network-centric as the idea of action, through the use of the large scale of modern systems to acquire, transfer, and information management has become a fixture of the effective achievement of the objectives of the military action. To understand the situation on an ongoing basis at occurring changes in its development, and in addition to reasonably manage your potential in achieving the purpose of military action.
Sieciocentryzm jako idea działania, poprzez zastosowanie na dużą skale nowoczesnych systemów zdobywania, przesyłania i zarządzania informacją stał się wyznacznikiem efektywnego osiągania celów działań zbrojnych. Umożliwia orientowanie się w sytuacji na bieżąco podczas występujących zmian w jej rozwoju, a ponadto pozwala racjonalnie zarządzać posiadanym potencjałem w osiąganiu celu działań zbrojnych.
Content available remote Rozważania o współczesnej obronie
The article contains the author’s considerations referring to conducting defensive operations on the tactical level The issues under discussion concerning contemporary defence show that in spite of the change of character o f contemporary combat operations and the development of fighting assets, the right choice of operation terrain, manoeuvre and respecting the principles o f the art of war remain the key determinant to achieve success in defence. Furthermore, it is worth noticing that the differences between defensive and offensive operations tend to disappear. Due to the new fighting assets, the defender may decide on the place and time of its breaking out, in a way pre-emptive to the striker’s actions. In the author’s opinion, contemporary defence may be effective thanks to its resistance to the opponents’ activities in the whole area of the defender’s responsibility. It gains the key importance to ensure freedom of operation in that area which will be achieved by combining the activity, stability, cohesion, life-span, information acquisition and other factors joined by the commander’s single common key thought in his area of defence. The article also stresses the necessity to draw conclusions resulting from contemporary armed conflicts necessary to forecast hypothetical scenarios of the defensive operation character in the future. The Russian - Georgian conflict is an excellent example, therefore the author refers to some aspects of that armed confrontation.
Content available remote Podstawowe problemy bezpieczeństwa militarnego
The literature published so far related to military security is extensive, however, there are not many attempts to define this category. On the basis of different researchers’ considerations one may find military security as a relation, status, complex practice, process and as a vast phenomenon it makes a specific, clearly defined area of scientific research. Some important for military security categories were reviewed in the article. The definition of weapon was proposed and it was stated that, because of its extraordinary evolution and as a result of the emergence of untypical combat participants, defining armed fighting encounters serious difficulties. Furthermore, in parallel with the expanding range of weapons, scope of armed violence is widening. It was also found that the main spheres of military security include military threats and the State’s own activity.
Content available remote Przestrzeń walki zbrojnej
In the theory of the problem, space is perceived as a set of elements and relations occurring between them, and the Cartesian theory it is defined through three dimensions: length, height and width of an item. Adding an adjective, we define more precisely the kinds of space and each of them has its characteristic referents. In the theory and practice of the art of war, in order to describe the place where an armed fighting is conducted we still use the notion of battlefield but it includes the referents of a superficial activity and is rather a historical category than the one which defines modern warfare. Therefore, it is justified to use the notion of warfare space because it contains more referents than “battlefield” and reflects the contemporary character of combat in the warfare space are included all referents designating current particular kinds of space in adjective aspect. Hence, warfare space becomes a physical and civilisational environment of human activity together with its elements.
Content available Modelowanie systemowe sytuacji konfliktowych
Przedstawiono ewolucję modeli sytuacji konfliktowych (walka, wojna): od liniowych modeli Lanchestera do współczesnych modeli nieliniowych. Dokonano oceny stanu rozwoju teorii systemów konfliktowych, tj. funkcjonujących w środowisku nieprzyjaznym.
The evolution of mathematical confrontational states models such as combat and war has been described in the article. The evolution starts from linear Lanchester's models and ends at modern non linear models. Assessment of progress confrontational systems theory has been done. It means theories which work in inhospitable environment.
Content available remote Modelowanie sytuacji kryzysowych i konfliktowych
Content available remote Zabezpieczenie logistyczne działań prowadzonych w ugrupowaniu przeciwnika
Autor w swoim artykule opisuje rolę i cele zabezpieczenia logistycznego działa prowadzonych w ugrupowaniu przeciwnika.
Z analizy współczesnych działań wojennych wynika, że ciężar walki powoli przesuwa się na niższe szczeble organizacyjne obejmując nimi poziom batalionu. Zatem taki pododdział, by podołać zadaniom realizowanym na polu walki winien charakteryzować się samowystarczalnością i samodzielnością. Winien wykazywać się także manewrowością jego elementów i odpowiednim potencjałem bojowym.
Taking into considerations the attributes of the air force, recognised as one of the most valuable, modern, expensive and at the same time "complicated to use" services, it has to be assumed that in the next few years it will be the service that can be effectively used in deterrence, stabilisation, help providing and rescue operations, as well as to defeat a potential enemy. It will be possible in any of probable war or other than war conflicts. The analysis of the armed fighting principles, rules of armed forces engagement, air force including, the conditions, forms and characters of probable armed conflicts, forecast threats and challenges in the following years, and technological development of air force equipment has been made. It shows that in order to achieve the tasks of joint operations conducted in wartime and other than war, a great importance will be attached to complying with such a set of rules for air force engagement that would include: reliability, flexibility, con­centration, synergy and the unity of commanding. These rules should have a relatively permanent form, but their contents should undergo systematic transformations along with the qualitative development of the air force equipment and the changes in forecast challenges’ forms and character It might be assumed that in spite of the fact that these rules will not be additional assets and forces used to defeat the enemy, they will play an essential role to resolve disputable security problems in the next few - year perspective. The fixed rules of air force engagement, completed with the results analysis of its activities in conflicts conducted at the turn of the century, forecast character of threats and armed conflicts of the last years were the bases to generate some kind of regularities of engaging them in the conflicts.
Content available remote Cybernetyczne modele walki zbrojnej. Cz. 2, Model globalnego systemu walki
The article closes a two-part series concerning so called armed fighting systems with operational and logistic support. There has been discussed a global model of armed fighting embracing two systems in conflict on the strategic level. The notion “strategic” refers rather to a complex character of supporting stream set than decision level. The basic determinant of the global model is developed security systems whose aim is to support and strengthen combat capabilities of the superior operational system. The global model has been based on the cybernetic relatively remote system, the idea of which consists in input/output sets combined with feedback loop. Armed fighting processes have been referred to the process of combat potential degradation for each of the systems (sides) under consideration. The main characteristic of the global model is its system of strategic support from for instance national economy.
Armed fighting as a social phenomenon depends on some factors affecting this process participants. Many of them can be mentioned, however, the most important and basic of tactical operations determinants are forces, area and information. Land forces tactical unit waging a battle will be affected by factors deciding of its course. The commander's tactical talent and knowledge to select an appropriate relation between the forces, area and time and also to synchronise these mentioned above factors with designated operational task may influence the success of carried out operations. The proper use of the forces and means that the tactical unit's commander has in relation to both the enemy's actions and battlefield environment in an appropriate time conditions achieving the task.
The article presents a new approach towards armed fighting system modelling based on general theory of cybernetic circuits. The main idea of this approach is to picture a bipolar subsystem of armed fighting using the relatively remote system, the basic role in which is played by input/output signals and negative feedback loop. The armed fighting system has been presented using two subsystems A and B (parties) being in conflict. Basic on a classical scheme of the "black cybernetic box", the evolutionary developed line of armed fighting systems has been considered. The presentation of these systems begins with the elementary model of class X, and finishes with a complex system of XYZUW class taking into consideration destructive operational streams Y and Z and supporting streams of operational and logistic support U and W. The considerations are theoretical and concern basic problems of armed fighting modelling in which a general apparatus of mathematical analysis and control theory has been used. Part 1 of the article is an introduction to a two-part series on recurrent modelling of armed fighting symmetrical systems with operational and logistic support.
Content available remote System marszu
The process of finishing marching is connected with describing the state when the troops reached its destination. Thus it is essential to define what kind of value the troops should represent after finishing the march. The general aim of marching is to reach a certain destination place in secret maintaining combat readiness in defined time. If such a state existed in the defined place that means that the destination of the march was reached. Marching troops will meet the conditions of carrying out the march if they reach the assigned (area) line in defined time, in anticipated structural state, ready to carry out subsequent tasks. After fulfilling the conditions to reach the destination of the march, it is essential to perceive relations between its general and particular aim.
Content available remote Operacje rozpoznawcze. Cz. 2, Kierunki rozwoju operacji XXI wieku
This article is a continuation of the contents published in “Zeszyty Naukowe AON” no 2 where the author presented his views on information in processes taking place in the armed fighting area. In this article the author considers military art development tendencies through the information aspect. He defines and accounts for general conditions of current and future operations both in information technologies and in information support of future operations. There have been stressed threats, the effect of particular countries (or coalitions) information advantage, resulting from the need to adjust to it by countries (or coalitions) that do not have technological or financial possibilities to reach it.
Content available remote Walka zbrojna jako przedmiot poznania
The article attempts to explain the structure and mechanism of armed fighting on the military art, psychology and praxiology grounds. In his semantic - logical considerations, the author looks for the answer to the question: what armed is fighting and how it can be perceived. He presents this a cognition subject matter in ontology, theory-cognition and methodology reflection. He also shows the sources of contemporary armed fighting knowledge gaining and acquiring, the contents included in the article are addressed mainly to doctoral studies students in the Academy of National Defence.
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