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A single point cutting tool is modeled out of two different materials having desired thermoelectric properties. The tool material used is Boron Carbide (B4C) doped with different compositions of Titanium Carbide (TiC). In the present work, three different compositions of Titanium Carbide doped on both sides of cutting tool made by Boron carbide. The available combinations of Titanium Carbide (TiC) from the work bench in ANSYS was selected with three cases of 0 & 25.4%, 0% &12.5% and 12.5% & 25.4% on first half and second half of the cutting tool respectively. The simulation process is done in ANSYS 2020 R2 software, thermal-electric module (TEM) is used. From these studies it is evident that considerable cooling effect is achieved and found to be the lowest temperature of 10.93°C is observed for the combination of 0% &25.4%, 18.79°C is observed for the combination of 0& 12.5% and 26.73°C for 12.5% and 25.4% combination at the junction of the tool material which is nearer to the cutting tip respectively. Finally it is concluded that one side of cutting tool without any doping and other side with 25.4% TiC doped showed good results which observed by conducting number of simulations at different levels of iterations for Titanium Carbide doped Boron Carbide cutting tool used in turning operation.
The article presents test results concerning the microstructure and the hardness of a composite layer made on a substrate of nodular cast iron GJS-350 using the laser surface alloying method. The alloying agent used in the test was powdered titanium. The study consists of an overview of reference publications aimed to introduce the most important aspects concerning the issue subjected to analysis. The research part presents the methodology of tests as well as their results and analysis. Microscopic analysis revealed that the layer structure was fine-grained and highly homogenous, whereas hardness measurements revealed that the titanium-enriched layer was characterised by significantly higher micro-hardness than that of the base material.
Artykuł przedstawia wyniki badań mikrostruktury i twardości wytworzonej warstwy kompozytowej na podłożu z żeliwa sferoidalnego GJS-350 metodą stopowania laserowego. Jako dodatku stopującego użyto tytanu w postaci proszku. Praca składa się z przeglądu literatury, który ma przybliżyć najważniejsze zagadnienia dotyczące analizowanego problemu. W części badawczej przedstawiono metodologię prowadzonych badań naukowych oraz uzyskane wyniki i ich analizę. Przeprowadzona analiza mikroskopowa pozwoliła ustalić, że wytworzona warstwa ma drobnoziarnistą strukturę o wysokiej jednorodności. Natomiast badania twardości potwierdziły, że warstwa wzbogacona w dodatek tytanu wykazuje znacznie wyższą mikrotwardość niż materiał podłoża.
Content available remote Local composite reinforcements of TiC/FeMn type obtained in situ in steel castings
This dissertation concerns the method of obtaining the in situ local composite reinforce- ments (LCR – Locally Composite Reinforcement) of the TiC–FeMn type in steel castings. The reinforcing phase – titanium carbide (TiC) was obtained by placing the pressed substrates of the synthesis of TiC in the form of compacts into a mold cavity. The basic problem connected with fabricating TiC local composite reinforcements is the phenomenon of fragmentation. In order to reduce this phenomenon, a moderator composed of Hadfield steel at 70 and 90% by weight was introduced to the initial mixture of the TiC substrate powder. As a result, homogenous and dimensionally stable composite reinforcements of the austenite matrix were obtained and examined by analyzing their macrostructure, microstructure, structure, hardness, and wear resistance. An investigation of the phase analysis and microstructure confirmed the presence of the TiC phase in the structure of the composite zones. The hardness of the composite reinforcement ranged from 550 HV to 800 HV30 depending on the proportion between the percentage of the moderator and the content of the pure substrates of the synthesis reaction of the TiC.
Kompozyty cermetaliczne, w których osnowę metaliczną umacnia się cząstkami ceramicznymi, są szeroko wykorzystywane w przemyśle, wszędzie tam gdzie jest niezbędna duża odporność na zużycie ścierno-erozyjne oraz odporność korozyjna. Cermetale, w których fazą umacniającą jest węglik tytanu (TiC), są potencjalnie interesujące ze względu na poprawę właściwości wytrzymałościowych, sztywności oraz odporności na zużycie ścierne, szczególnie w podwyższonej temperaturze. W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań korozyjnych kompozytu zbrojonego cząstkami nc-TiC na osnowie stali nierdzewnej 316L po różnych etapach przygotowania powierzchni: szlifowaniu, polerowaniu, elektropolerowaniu i utlenianiu w piecu. Pomiary potencjodynamicznych krzywych polaryzacji przeprowadzono w 3% roztworze NaCl. Wyniki badań wykazały negatywny wpływ nanokrystalicznej fazy umacniającej TiC na odporność korozyjną kompozytów. Stwierdzono również, że zabieg elektropolerowania jest najkorzystniejszym sposobem przygotowania powierzchni dla stali 316L jak również dla kompozytów umacnianych TiC.
Metal matrix composites reinforced ceramic particles, are widely used in industry, wherever high resistance to abrasive wear, erosion and corrosion is necessary. Cermets, in which titanium carbide (TiC) is used as reinforcing phase, are particularly interesting for improving the strength, stiffness and wear resistance, especially at elevated temperature. The paper presents the results of corrosion tests of 316L stainless steel composite reinforced nc-TiC particles, at different stages of surface preparation: grinding, polishing, electropolishing and oxidation in the furnance. Measurement of potentiodynamic polarization curves in 3% NaCl solution were performed. The results have showed the negative impact of the nanocrystalline TiC strengthening phase on corrosion resistance of composites. It was
The article presents structural and chemical investigation into Ti/TiC coatings, deposited by using Cold Gas Spraying Technology (CGS) onto titanium aluminium vanadium alloy (TiAlV) substrate. The main issues were to obtain nanostructured coatings with very fine titanium carbides, evenly distributed in the metallic matrix. Nanostructured powder was produced by the High Energy Ball Milling (HEBM), which – applying mechanico-chemical synthesis principles – leads to simultaneous getting of: improvement in material properties, fine phase distribution and uncompleted reaction. Nanostructured particles of 20÷40 μm in size were used during spraying process. The impact energy of nanostructured particles on the substrate was used to induce the uncompleted reactions. The structural investigations were carried out by using three methods: scanning and transmission electron microscopy (with Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy) and X-ray diffraction technique. Results show that the large titanium carbide particles were cracking after impact and did not show a good cohesion to titanium matrix. The fine particles were arranged in coating very densely. The energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) was used to identify the chemical elements in the coatings. The analysis detected only titanium and carbon. This enabled to distinguish the individual particles in the coating structure. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) was used to identify the phase composition in coatings and revealed only α titanium and titanium carbide phases in coatings.
W artykule przedstawiono analizę struktury i składu chemicznego powłok Ti/TiC uzyskanych metodą natryskiwania na zimno (CGS) na podłoże ze stopu tytan-glin-wanad. Celem pracy było otrzymanie nanostrukturalnych powłok zbudowanych z bardzo drobnych węglików tytanu, równomiernie rozmieszczonych w osnowie tytanu. Nanostrukturalny proszek został wytworzony za pomocą wysokoenergetycznego mielenia (HEBM), które, wykorzystując prawa syntezy mechaniczno-chemicznej, doprowadziło do jednoczesnego uzyskania lepszych własności materiału, drobnodyspersyjnych faz i uzyskania stanu niekompletnej reakcji. Nanostrukturalne cząstki proszku o wielkości 20÷40 μm zostały użyte podczas natryskiwania. Energia uderzenia cząstek nanostrukturalnego proszku o podłoże pozwalała wywołać odpowiednie reakcje zapoczątkowane podczas mielenia. Badania struktury przeprowadzono za pomocą trzech metod: skaningowej i transmisyjnej mikroskopii elektronowej (w tym mikroanalizy rentgenowskiej) i technik dyfrakcji promieniowania X. Wyniki ujawniły, że duże węgliki tytanu po uderzeniu pękają i nie występuje dobra kohezja pomiędzy nimi a tytanową osnową. Z kolei drobne cząstki były równomiernie rozmieszczone w całej objętości powłoki. Powłoki były zwarte i jednorodne. Spektroskopia z dyspersją energii (EDS) została zastosowana w celu analizy składu chemicznego powłok. Potwierdzono obecność tylko tytanu i węgla. Analiza ta (wraz z analizą dyfrakcji elektronowych) pozwoliła, jednoznaczną identyfikację poszczególnych cząstek w strukturze powłoki. Technika dyfrakcji promieniowania rentgenowskiego (XRD) została użyta w celu identyfikacji poszczególnych faz w powłokach. Potwierdzono obecność dwóch faz – Tiα oraz TiC.
Content available Structural analysis of sinter with titanium addition
Paper presents the results from the study of the effect of materials with titanium addition on the strength properties of the iron ore sinter. The sinters with TiO2 addition or without TiO2 addition prepared in laboratory were applied in this research and were compared based on the structural and phase composition. Exploited was the method of the X-ray diffraction and method of elemental EDX analysis applying the electron raster microscope with the energo-dispersion analyser. Confirmed was the relationship between the sinter structure and its strength. Higher strength of the sinter without TiO2 addition is the result of the different phase composition of the compared sinters. In the sinter production considered should be not only the chemical composition of the entry components of the charge and the chemical composition of the final product but also its structural and phase composition.
W artykule tym przedstawiono wyniki badań wpływu materiałów z dodatkiem tytanu na właściwości wytrzymałościowe spieku z rudy żelaza. Spieki zawierające dodatek TiO2, jak i bez dodatku TiO2 przygotowane w laboratorium poddano porównaniu w oparciu o ich strukturę i skład fazowy. W badaniach zastosowano metodę dyfrakcji rentgenowskiej oraz metody analizy elementarnej EDX, badania te przeprowadzono na mikroskopie elektronowym przy zastosowaniu analizatora dyspersji energii. W wyniku pomiarów potwierdzono związek pomiędzy strukturą martwicy i jej wytrzymałość. Wyższa wytrzymałość spieku bez dodatku TiO2 jest rezultatem różnicy składu fazowego porównywanych spieków. Podczas wytwarzania spieku powinno brać się pod uwagę nie tylko składu chemicznego składników wejściowych i składu chemicznego produktu końcowego, lecz także jego strukturalne i skład fazowy.
W pracy przedstawiono możliwość przekształcenia klasycznych materiałów odlewniczych w kompozyty in situ. Materiały te znajdują coraz szersze zastosowanie w różnych gałęziach przemysłu, a szczególnie w przemyśle wydobywczym. Przekształcenie stopu klasycznego w materiał kompozytowy, wpływa wyraźnie na poprawę jego właściwości mechanicznych. W wyniku przeprowadzonych badań uzyskano nowy materiał inżynierski, który wytworzono metodą syntezy objętościowej z wykorzystaniem reakcji SHSB. Zastosowana metoda pozwala umocnić klasyczne materiały odlewnicze zarówno lokalnie, jak również objętościowo. Umocnienie to polega na syntezie cząstek ceramicznych w kąpieli metalowej, bezpośrednio w jednoetapowym procesie odlewniczym. Materiałem wyjściowym do badań było staliwo manganowe, które w wyniku przeprowadzonej reakcji syntezy, przekształcono w kompozyt typu MMCs. Fazą wzmacniającą nowego materiału były ceramiczne cząstki węglika tytanu. Prezentowane w niniejszej pracy wyniki, wskazują na znaczną poprawę zarówno właściwości mechanicznych, jak i użytkowych otrzymanego materiału kompozytowego, dotyczy to takich parametrów, jak twardości i odporności na ścieranie.
The study presents an opportunity to transform the traditional casting materials into in situ composites, the latter ones being currently used on a growing scale in various sectors of the industry, especially in the extractive industries. The transformation of standard alloy into a composite considerably improves the mechanical properties. As a result of the experiment, a new engineering material was produced by the method of bulk synthesis and an SHSB reaction. The method enables hardening of the traditional casting materials, both locally and in the whole volume of the material. The hardening is obtained by the synthesis of ceramic particles in a metal bath, directly in a one-step casting process. The starting material for research was cast manganese steel which, as a result of the reaction of synthesis, was converted into an MMCs type composite. The reinforcing phase in the new material were ceramic particles of titanium carbide. The results presented in this paper show a significant improvement in both mechanical and performance properties of the composite material obtained, this also applying to parameters such as hardness and abrasive wear resistance.
The paper analyses the as-cast state structure of chromium cast iron designed for operation under harsh impact-abrasive conditions. In the process of chromium iron castings manufacture, very strong influence on the structure of this material have the parameters of the technological process. Among others, adding to the Fe-Cr-C alloy the alloying elements like tungsten and titanium leads to the formation of additional carbides in the structure of this cast iron, which may favourably affect the casting properties, including the resistance to abrasive wear.
Content available remote Badania porównawcze napawanych plazmowo warstw niklowych z węglikami Ti i Cr
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań struktury kompozytowych powłok na osnowie stopu NiSi2B z dodatkiem węglików Ti i Cr, napawanych plazmowo z mieszaniny proszków na podłoża ze stali niskostopowej. Określono udział i rozmieszczenie fazy umacniającej w osnowie. Wykazano, iż odmienny charakter oddziaływania węglików Ti i Cr z ciekłym stopem Ni wpływa istotnie na proces formowania się napoin kompozytowych oraz na rozmieszczenie i udział cząstek fazy umacniającej w matrycy.
The results of structure investigation of composite layers based on NiSi2B alloy with Cr and Ti carbides dopands are presented in the article. The layers were previously deposited by plasma powder transferred arc welding method onto low alloy steel substrates. The content and distribution of strengthening phase particles in the layer's matrix were determined. It was proved that formation of composite overlays along with refractory particles distribution are significantly affected by Ti and Cr carbides interaction of different character with liquid nickel alloy.
W pracy przedstawiono charakterystyczne wyniki badań modyfikacji warstwy wierzchniej cegły pochodzącej z obiektów zabytkowej Łodzi przemysłowej. Ten proces przeprowadzono za pomocą światła lasera rubinowego pracującego w układzie generacji swobodnej. Jako substancji modyfikujących użyto węglików tytanu i wolframu w postaci drobno ziarnistych proszków. Zaobserwowano, że w obszarze laserowego oddziaływania węgliki te zostały wtopione w warstwę wierzchnią (kompozyt) a także obszary, w których występuje zjawisko laserowego platerowania.
The work presents the results of experimental examinations of the chemical composition of the brick samples (covered of titanium carbide or tungsten carbide) before laser beam interaction. The samples are genesis from Łódź old age buildings, placed Wólczańska 215 street. The scanning electron microscopy (SEM) end Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX) methods were used. Large differences between chemical composition of the surface layer modificated by laser beam and before laser exposition were observed.
Zastosowano metodę reaktywnego osadzania z fazy gazowej RCVD do modyfikacji powierzchni włókien węglowych FT 300B w postaci rowingu. Dwa typy powłoki TiC oraz HfC wytworzono w reaktorach z kontrolowaną atmosferą reaktywną. Węglik tytanu powstał w wyniku reakcji węgla z powierzchni włókien z TiCl4, a węglik hafnu odpowiednio w wyniku reakcji z HfF4. Obserwacje metodami skaningowej mikroskopii elektronowej SEM wykazały powstanie powłok równomiernych, dobrze przylegających do podłoża o grubości 100-300 nm. Dzięki dyfuzyjnemu mechanizmowi tworzenia powłok nie wystąpił efekt mostkowania włókien. Skład fazowy włókien z powłokami scharakteryzowano metodą rentgenowskiej analizy fazowej XRD, która wykazała krystaliczną budowę powłok i obecność odpowiednio TiC oraz HfC. Uzyskanie powłok o wymaganej z punktu widzenia technologii kompozytów grubości i budowie wskazuje na celowość podjęcia prób ich aplikacji w kształtowaniu struktury połączenia w kompozytach umacnianych materiałami węglowymi.
The method of reactive chemical vapour deposition (RCVD) was used for surface modification of carbon fibers FT 300B roving. Titanium carbide TiC and hafnium carbide HfC coatings were obtained in reactors with controlled reactive atmosphere. The TiC carbide was formed by the reaction between carbon and TiCl4. The parameters applicated during the deposition in hydrogen atmosphere were as follows: temperature of 1020°C, time range of 5-30 min. The titanium carbide coatings with thickness 100-300 nm were uniform and good adherent to the fibers. The bridging effect was not observed and XRD patterns showed the presence of crystalline TiC. During formation of hafnium carbide layer the HfF4 reacted with carbon fibers in argon atmosphere at the temperature of 1050°C. Similarly to TiC coatings SEM investigations showed that HfC coating was uniform and good adherent to the fibers. The thickness on the level of 100 nm was estimated and bridging effect was not observed also. Two crystalline phases were identified by XRD method. The hafnium carbide HfC as the main one and hafnium oxide HfO2 additionally. Results of presented experiments revealed that the reactive diffusion can be useable during surface modification of carbon fibers by carbides. The effect of bridging (typical for coating deposition by such method as CVD and electrochemical and chemical electroless deposition) is excluded. Coatings obtained by RCVD are uniform, good adherent and their thickness can be controlled on the nanometric level. The experiments of coated carbon fibers with different liquid alloys are necessary for verification their potential application in metal matrix composites.
Purpose: The goal of this paper is to present the structure and properties of the cast magnesium alloy after laser treatment. Design/methodology/approach: The laser treatment of magnesium alloys with TiC, WC powders was carried out using a high power diode laser (HDPL). The resulting microstructure in the modified surface layer was examined using optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscope. Phase composition was determined by the X-ray diffraction method using the XPert device. The measurements of hardness and wear resistance of the modified surface layer were also studied. Findings: The region after laser treatment has a fine microstructure with hard carbide particles. Hardness of laser surface layer with both TiC and WC particles was improved as compared to alloy without laser treatment. Research limitations/implications: In this research two powders (WC and TiC) were used with the particle size over 5 ěm. This investigation presents different laser power by one process speed rates. Practical implications: The results obtained in this investigation were promising towards compared other conventional processes. High Power Diode Laser can be used as an economical substitute of Nd:YAG and CO2 to improve the surface magnesium alloy by feeding the carbide particles. Originality/value: The originality of this work is applying of High Power Diode Laser for alloying of magnesium alloy using hard particles like tungsten and titanium carbides.
Content available Spaleniowa synteza nanoproszku węglika tytanu
Sprawdzono możliwość syntezy czystego fazowo nanoproszku węglika tytanu (TiC) na drodze samopodtrzymujących się reakcji ditlenku tytanu z magnezem i heksachloroetanem, w obecności chlorku sodu i nadmiaru magnezu. Wykonano obliczenia termochemiczne dla wszystkich układów reakcyjnych, zmierzono ciepło reakcji w wybranych mieszaninach oraz określono skład fazowy wyizolowanych głównych produktów reakcji. Stwierdzono, że redukcja ditlenku tytanu magnezem w obecności heksachloroetanu prowadzi do otrzymania proszku węglika tytanu o rozdrobnieniu nanometrowym.
This paper presents a novel, economical method of synthesis of titanium carbide nanopowder. TiC has been sythesized in a combustion process by using TiO2 and C2Cl6 as reactants and metal Mg as a reductant. This synthesis was performed in the presence of sodium chloride (NaCl) or excess of magnesium was used to dilute the reacting mixture. The additives reduce the combustion temperature and prevent the metal crystallites from long - lasting, excessive growth and agglomeration. Combustion process was carried out in a constant pressure reactor under an atmosphere of argon at 1.0 Mpa. The raw combustion products were repeatedly washed with hydrochloric acid and with hot water. After drying, the purified titanium carbide powder were analyzed using thermogravimetric analysis, X - ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to characterize its chemical composition and structural features.
Content available remote Structure changes and mechanical properties of laser alloyed magnesium cast alloys
Purpose: The aim of this work was to investigate structure and mechanical properties of the MCMgAl12Zn1 casting magnesium alloys after laser treatment. The laser treatment was carried out using a high power diode laser (HPDL). Design/methodology/approach: The laser processing of TiC, WC, SiC particles in MCMgAl12Zn1 and the resulted microstructures and properties are discussed in this paper. The resulting microstructure in the modified surface layer was examined. Phase composition was determined by the X-ray diffraction method using XPert device. The measurements of hardness after laser melt injection was also studied. Findings: Structure of the solidyifying material after laser alloying is characteristic with occurrences of areas with the diversified morphology, dependent on solidification rate of the magnesium alloys, is characteristic of structure of the solidified material after laser alloying. The MCMgAl12Zn1 casting magnesium alloys after laser alloying demonstrate similar hardness tests results, in reference to hardness of the alloys before their laser treatment. Research limitations/implications: In this research three powders (titanium carbide, tungsten carbide and silicon carbide) were used to reinforcing the surface of the MCMgAl12Zn1 casting magnesium alloys. Practical implications: High power diode laser can be used as an economical substitute for CO₂ and Nd:YAG lasers to modify the surface magnesium alloy by feeding the carbide particles. Originality/value: The originality of this work is applying of High Power Diode Laser for laser treatment of cast magnesium alloy consisting in fusion penetration of the hard particles of titanium, tungsten, and silicon carbides into the remelted surface layer of the alloy.
Content available remote Laser surface treatment of cast magnesium alloys
Purpose: The goal of this work was to investigate influence of laser treatment on structure and properties MCMgAl3Zn1, MCMgAl6Zn1, MCMgAl9Zn1 and MCMgAl12Zn1 cast magnesium alloys. Design/methodology/approach: Tests were made on the experimental MCMgAl3Zn1 MCMgAl6Zn1 MCMgAl9Zn1 and MCMgAl12Zn1 casting magnesium alloys. Laser treatment was made using the Rofin DL020 HPDL high power diode laser in the argon shield gas cover with the technique of the continuous powder supply to the remelted pool area. Findings: Investigations of the surface layers carried out confirm that laser treatment of the surface layer of the Mg-Al-Zn casting magnesium alloys is feasible using the HPDL high power diode laser ensuring better properties compared to alloys properties after the regular heat treatment after employing the relevant process parameters. Occurrences were found based on the metallographic examinations of the remelted zone (RZ) and the heat affected zone (HAZ) in alloyed surface layer of the investigated casting magnesium alloy. Research limitations/implications: This investigation presents different laser power and in this research was used two powders, namely tungsten-, and titanium carbide. Practical implications: Reinforcing the surface of cast magnesium alloys by adding TiC and WC particles is such a possible way to achieve the possibilities of the laser melt injection process, which is a potential technique to produce a Metal-Matrix Composite (MMC) layer in the top layer of a metal workpiece. Originality/value: The originality of this work is applying of High Power Diode Laser for alloying of magnesium alloy using hard particles like tungsten- and titanium carbide.
Purpose: The aim of this work was to improve the surface layer cast magnesium cast alloys by laser surface treatment, determine the laser treatment parameters and examine structure and properties. Design/methodology/approach: The laser treatment of magnesium alloys with alloying SiC and TiC powders with the particles size below 75 μ m and over 6.4 μm was carried out using a high power diode laser (HPDL). The resulting microstructure in the modified surface layer and was examinated using scanning electron microscopy. The X-ray qualitative and quantitative microanalysis and the analysis of a surface distribution of cast elements in the examined magnesium cast alloy was examined. The measurements of hardness and roughness of the modified surface layer was also studied. Findings: The alloyed region has a fine microstructure with hard carbide particles. Hardness of laser surface alloyed layer was dropped as compared to alloy without laser treatment. The roughness of layer surface increased after laser alloying and values are bigger for SiC alloying particles. Research limitations/implications: The investigations were conducted for cast magnesium alloys MCMgAl12Zn1 and MCMgAl9Zn1 and also TiC and SiC powders. One has used laser power in the range from 1.2 to 2.0 kW. Practical implications: The results obtained in this investigation were promising to compared other conventional processes. High Power Diode Laser can be used as an economical substitute of Nd:YAG and CO₂ to improve the surface magnesium alloy by feeding the carbide particles. Originality/value: The value of this work is definition of the influence of laser treatment parameters on quality, microstructure and hardness of magnesium cast alloys surface layer.
Content available remote Laser surface treatment of magnesium alloy with WC and TiC powders using HPDL
Purpose: The aim of this work was to improve the surface layer cast magnesium alloy EN-MCMgAl6Zn1 by laser surface treatment. The purpose of this work was also to determine the laser treatment parameter. Design/methodology/approach: The laser treatment of an EN-MCMgAl6Zn1 magnesium alloy with alloying WC and also TiC powders was carried out using a high power diode laser (HPDL). The resulting microstructure in the modified surface layer was examinated using scanning electron microscopy. Phase composition was determined by the X-ray diffraction method using the XPert device. The measurements of microhardness of the modified surface layer was also studied. Findings: The alloyed region has a fine microstructure with hard carbide particles. Microhardness of laser surface alloyed layer with both TiC and WC particles was significantly improved as compared to alloy without laser treatment. Research limitations/implications: In this research two powders (WC and TiC) were used with the particle size over 5 µm This investigation presents different speed rates feed by one process laser power. Practical implications: The results obtained in this investigation were promising to compared other conventional processes. High Power Diode Laser can be used as an economical substitute of Nd:YAG and CO2 to improve the surface magnesium alloy by feeding the carbide particles. Originality/value: The originality of this work is applying of High Power Diode Laser for alloying of magnesium alloy using hard particles like tungsten carbide and titanium carbide.
Content available remote Characteristic of Mg-Al-Zn alloys after laser treatment
Purpose: The structure and the properties of casting magnesium alloy EN-MCMgAl3Zn1, EN-MCMgAl6Zn1, EN-MCMgAl9Zn1 and EN-MCMgAl12Zn1 after laser surface treatment are presented in this paper. The aim of this work was to improve the surface layer cast magnesium Mg-Al-Zn by melting and feeding of TiC particle on the surface. The purpose of this work was to determine the laser treatment parameter. Design/methodology/approach: The experiments were performed using high power diode laser. The laser treatment of an EN-MCMgAl3Zn1, EN-MCMgAl6Zn1, EN-MCMgAl9Zn1, EN-MCMgAl12Zn1 magnesium alloy with alloying TiC powders was carried out using a high power diode laser (HPDL). The resulting microstructure in the modified surface layer was examinated using scanning electron microscopy. Phase composition was determined by the X-ray diffraction method using the XPert device. The measurements of hardness of the modified surface layer was also studied. Findings: The alloyed region has a fine microstructure with hard carbide particles. Hardness of laser surface alloyed layer with TiC particles was significantly improved as compared to alloy without laser treatment for EN-MCMgAl3Zn1 and EN-MCMgAl6Zn1 alloys. Research limitations/implications: In this research one powder - TiC was used with the particle size over 6 µm. This investigation presents different speed rates feed and different laser power value for four type of magnesium alloys. Practical implications: The results obtained in this investigation were promising compared to other conventional processes. High Power Diode Laser can be used as an economical substitute of Nd:YAG and CO2 to improve the surface magnesium alloy by feeding the carbide particles. Originality/value: The originality of this work is applying of High Power Diode Laser for alloying of magnesium alloy using titanium carbide.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań struktury oraz twardości stali narzędziowej do pracy na gorąco 32CrMoV12-28 stopowanej węglikiem wolframu oraz tytanu. Badania przeprowadzono przy użyciu nowoczesnego lasera dużej mocy HPDL. Stwierdzono zmiany struktury polegające na jej rozdrobnieniu, a także wzrost twardości w porównaniu do stali nie obrobionej laserowo. Określono wpływ parametrów obróbki laserowej na strukturę i twardość materiału.
The laser treatment as a part of the new generation techniques applied in metal surface technology is discussed in this paper. Laser treatment is presented with remelting of hot work tool steel 32CrMoV12-28 with ceramic powders, especially TiC Titanium Carbide and WC Tungsten Carbide. The structure investigation, and improvement of mechanical properties, is the practical aim of this work, as well as improvement of hardness as a very important property for practical use.
Content available remote Non-isothermal oxidation of TiCx powder in dry air
The results of the research on the oxidation of TiC0.6, TiC0.8 and TiC0.97 carbides in dry air and under non-isothermal conditions are presented. The measurements were carried out at the following heating rates: 2; 5 and 10 K/min. The mass of the used samples was within the range of 4.70÷5.41 mg. It was found that the investigated process occurred in three stages. The Coats and Redfern equation was applied. The g(alpha) functions (kinetic models) of the best accuracy for individual steps and the kinetic parameters of the Arrhenius equation were determined. The reactivity of TiCx in the oxidation process in dry air was assessed from the obtained results. The reaction rate was assumed as the reactivity measure.
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