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w słowach kluczowych:  virtual experiments
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Understanding the mechanical properties plays pivotal roles in rock engineering. This work aims to establish novel relations linking the porosity, ultrasonic wave and fluid saturation to estimate the uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) fast and simply. The uniaxial compressive coupled with ultrasonic wave tests on sandstone samples are carried out to obtain the datasets of the UCS, P-wave and S-wave velocities. X-ray CT imaging technique is employed to capture the microstructure information. The color difference phase separation approach to segment the pore, water and solid phases is proposed, and pore-scale variables to describe the microstructure characteristics are defined. Novel relations to determine the micro velocities of P-wave and S-wave are established, and the modulus of deformation and the physical properties of rocks are evaluated. Novel relation to determine the UCS is established and validated by the real and virtual experiment datasets. Results show that the UCS, P-wave and S-wave velocities computed by the proposed method decrease with increasing fluid saturation. The errors between the calculated and experimental UCS, P-wave and S-wave velocities are all < 5%, showing excellent consistency with each other. The proposed method is effective to estimate the mechanical properties fast and accurately, simplifying the estimation of the UCS in rock engineering.
This paper presents the recent advances in development and utilization of remote laboratories, which can be controlled without physical access to the equipment. Currently observed rapid in-crease of number of such systems is mostly owed to high-speed Internet expansion, as well as the continuous tendency to ensure the open access to modern knowledge. In this paper, various arranges of equipment in such testing rooms are ad-dressed in areas such as electrical engineering, electronics, mechanical engineering. A comprehensive survey of currently most popular remote laboratories worldwide is provided. The paper is concluded by the dis-cussion that presents the authors view point on how remote laboratories may evolve in the future.
Współczesny proces dydaktyczny technik programowania często wymaga dostępu zarówno do nowoczesnego sprzętu, jak i oprogramowania. W szczególnej mierze odnosi się to do algorytmów równoległych, których odpowiednie właściwości w dużo większym stopniu można zaobserwować na wydajnych procesorach nowej generacji. Aby stworzyć międzynarodową społeczność akademicką związaną z tą specjalizacją firma Intel udostępniła wirtualne laboratorium testowe (Manycore Testing Lab - MTL). Artykuł przedstawia aspekt architektury oraz praktycznego zastosowania MTL w pracy wieloużytkowej i skupia się na empirycznym potwierdzeniu wzrostu wydajności uzyskanej dzięki programowaniu równoległemu i10-rdzeniowym procesorom Westmere-EX. Badaniom objęto cztery klasy algorytmów: czysto matematyczny dotyczący problemu Collatza, kryptograficzny 3DES, kwantowy algorytm Grovera oraz klasyczny algorytm genetyczny. Dla zastosowań edukacyjnych dostęp do laboratorium jest bezpłatny, a udostępniane platformy wspierają wszelkie zaawansowane technologie.
The modern didactic process of programming techniques often requires access to the modern hardware and software. In a particular part applies to parallel algorithms, where appropriate properties to a much greater extent can be seen in the new generation of high-performance processors. To create an international academic community associated with this specialization, Intel released a virtual test lab (Manycore Testing Lab - MTL). The paper presents the architectural aspect and the practical application of MTL at work reusable and focuses on empirical confirmation gains obtained through parallel programming and 10-core Westmere-EX processors. The study consisted of four classes of algorithms: for a purely mathematical problem Collatz, 3DES cryptography, quantum Grover algorithm and the classic genetic algorithm. For educational access to the laboratory is free and available to all platforms support advanced technologies.
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