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This research analyses the characteristics of pollution sources and evaluates the water quality of the Bedadung River at the Perumdam Tirta Pandalungan water intake, as a component of the municipal waterworks for the Jember Regency. Utilising self-purification optimisation with linear programming and the Indonesian water quality classification, the study unfolds in a systematic fashion. The research was broken down into the following stages: (1) analysis of the characteristics and distribution of pollution sources, (2) capacity determination using mass balance and the Streeter-Phelps method, and (3) optimisation of organic pollution sources. The input data for the study comprised biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), discharge, river profile, and dissolved oxygen (DO). The pollution source identification results around the Bedadung River segment showed that 13 wastewater monitoring points were dominated by domestic activities with quality (BOD) in the range 1.01–3.18 mg∙dm-3. This did not exceed the established domestic wastewater quality standards in Indonesia. The total pollution load capacity - BOD at the Perumdam Tirta Pandalungan water intake in the Sumbersari (T2) and Kaliwates (T3) segments was determined using self-purification optimisation and it exceeded class I designation standard for river water quality established by the Indonesian government. The maximum BOD value using self-purification optimisation in the Sumbersari (T2) segment was 11.44 mg∙dm-3 compared to 13.45 mg∙dm-3 in the Kaliwates (T3) segment. The maximum BOD for class I water quality is 2 mg∙dm-3. The class I water quality standard is thus more stringent in maintaining river water quality compared to self-purification.
Precise determination of the location of underground utility networks is crucial in the field of civil engineering for: the planning and management of space with densely urbanized areas, infrastructure modernization, during construction and building renovations. In this way, damage to underground utilities can be avoided, damage risks to neighbouring buildings can be minimized, and human and material losses can be prevented. It is important to determine not only the location but also the type of underground utility network. Information about location and network types improves the process of land use design and supports the sustainable development of urban areas, especially in the context of construction works in build-up areas and areas planned for development. The authors were inspired to conduct research on this subject by the development of a methodology for classifying network types based on images obtained in a non-invasive way using a Leica DS2000 ground penetrating radar. The authors have proposed a new classification algorithm based on the geometrical properties of hyperboles that represent underground utility networks. Another aim of the research was to automate the classification process, which may support the user in selecting the type of network in images that are sometimes highly noise-laden. The developed algorithm shortens the time required for image interpretation and the selection of underground objects, which is particularly important for inexperienced operators. The classification results revealed that the average effectiveness of the classification of network types ranged from 42% to 70%, depending on the type of infrastructure.
Precyzyjne określenie położenia podziemnych sieci uzbrojenia terenu jest kluczowe w dziedzinie inżynierii lądowej w zakresie prac modernizacyjnych infrastruktury, podczas budowy i remontów obiektów oraz przy planowaniu i zarządzaniu przestrzenią o gęstej urbanizacji. Wiele zadań administracji publicznej takich jak: pozyskiwanie gruntów, zarządzanie własnością i planowanie zależy od wiarygodności lokalizacji uzbrojenia podziemnego. Pozwala to uniknąć zniszczeń uzbrojenia podziemnego, zminimalizować ryzyko uszkodzeń sąsiednich budynków oraz zapobiec stratom ludzkim i materialnym. Ważne jest, aby określić nie tylko lokalizację, ale również rodzaj sieci uzbrojenia podziemnego. Informacja o lokalizacji i rodzajach sieci usprawnia proces projektowania zagospodarowania terenu i wspiera zrównoważony rozwój obszarów miejskich, zwłaszcza w kontekście prac budowlanych na terenach zabudowanych i planowanych do zabudowy w dziedzinie inżynierii lądowej. Motywacją autorów do podjęcia tematu badawczego było opracowanie metodyki klasyfikacji typów sieci na podstawie bezinwazyjnie pozyskanych obrazów georadarem Leica DS2000. Autorzy zaproponowali nowy algorytm klasyfikacji bazujący na cechach geometrycznych hiperbol reprezentujących sieci podziemne. Celem pracy była również automatyzacja procesu klasyfikacji, który może wspomóc użytkownika w wyborze typu sieci na czasami bardzo zaszumionych obrazach. Echogramy pozyskano w kilkunastu różnych lokalizacjach w Otwocku i na obszarze Wojskowej Akademii Technicznej w Warszawie. Opracowany algorytm pozwala na skrócenie czasu interpretacji obrazów i selekcji obiektów podziemnych, co jest szczególnie istotne dla niedoświadczonych operatorów. Wyniki klasyfikacji wykazały, że średnia skuteczność klasyfikacji typów sieci waha się w graniach od 42% do 70% w zależności od rodzaju infrastruktury podziemnej.
Walking is become a traditional mode of movement between places in many situations, irrespective of cities and countries. People walk with different purposes and activities. This calls for conducting the necessary studies and improvements for walking and crossing areas. The study aims to achieve several goals such as evaluate the impact of pedestrian characteristics, traffic flow in addition to walking speed on the efficiency of pedestrian level of service (LOS) with the aided of statistical and traffic models to show the extended impact of variables and their effect on the efficiency of pedestrian traffic flow. To that purpose, the study chose Muhrmat Shat Al- Hilla Street within the urban area of Hilla city. Data collected for pedestrian walking and crossing according to field survey in order to estimate flow, average speed, density and spacing. The proposals adopted by the study, which were built on the basis of a traffic study and use of the simulation program (PTV VISSIM), scientific analysis using method with design of the crossing areas and sidewalks according to the specifecations as a result to an increase in the level of service for the sidewalks and crossing areas of the LOS (from F to C). Based on the statistical analysis using the (SPSS) software program, as well as studying the relationships between traffic volumes, speed and density of pedestrians.the linear equation reflected the relationship between speed and density. While the second order equation reflected the relationship between traffic volumes and pedestrian speed based on the outputs of the values of the correlation coefficient (R), (Adj. R2) and (SE). The study suggested a comprehensive transportation for pedestrian flow charactristic in Hilla city includes pedestrians environmental within roadways and intersections as a networks to design an appropriate modern environment and safe crossing facilities to reduce traffic accidents that result in death, injury or disability.
Over time, fragmentation of semi-natural habitats in urban areas has become a pressing concern, disrupting ecological processes within cities. The focus on preserving open ecosystems has grown, highlighting the need to enhance resilience in urban riverside areas for effective ecosystem restoration. Comprehensive studies on river valleys, considering both hydrology and ecology, play a crucial role in urban river ecosystem development. Our article explores the potential of protective zones with urban vegetation and watercourses as Nature-based Solution within Krakow's ongoing riverine park system development. The study's cross-sections in the River Park area revealed dominant velocities ranging from 0.67 to 2.0 m s-1 for SWQ (mean annual maximum flow) and below 0.67 m s-1 for Q1% (1% annual exceedance probability flow). The hydrological analysis accurately captured the natural river bed channels' curvature, providing the basis for a two-dimensional mathematical model to visualize the hydraulic structure of protected sites. Integrating water and greenery management systems in urban areas offers significant potential for adapting to climate change, mitigating extreme weather events. Our research's novelty lies in applying 2D hydraulic modeling, demonstrating how River Parks can serve as climate change mitigation solutions in urban environments.
This article presents the issue of using decision support tools to select the variant of organization of urban transport system. Two scenarios for the use of electric vehicles were compared, considering not only their emissions and fuel consumption but also the limited accessibility of conventional vehicles to the city. The authors assume that the development of urban traffic organization must go hand in hand with the challenges of planning sustainable urban mobility and reducing harmful exhaust fumes. Furthermore, decision-makers should be equipped with simple decision support tools to generate the best option considering the expectations of transport users. The PTV VISUM tool was used to analyse and visualize two different organization scenarios for a selected city in Poland.
The paper assesses the volume and type of water consumption in Poznań using a water footprint indicator (WFTP) consisting of such components as green, blue and grey water consumption. Average rainfall over many years, water retention within the city, pollution indicators found in sewage and the amount of sewage treated from the city area were assessed. The water footprint obtained for Poznań was compared with the values of indicators for Wrocław. The presented analysis of the results of WFTP calculations should constitute the basis for assessing direct and indirect water consumption by consumers and producers of Poznań and serve better water management and maintenance in the urban area.
This paper presents the problem of the increasing negative impact of urban heat islands (UHI) on urban residents based on land surface temperature (LST). It is assumed that water bodies in the agglomeration remain cooler than the air and surrounding urban areas. The study aimed to determine the impact of water bodies and surrounding areas covered by trees on the temperature of an urban area and to minimise the impact of UHI on the life quality of people in the temperate climate zone at day temperatures 25°C (W day) and 29°C (H day). In the adopted research methodology, 167 reservoirs, larger than 1 ha, located within 300 m of urban areas, were analysed. Satellite thermal imagery, spatial land use data (Corine Land Cover), and local land characteristics were used. The average temperature of the reservoirs was appropriately at 4.69°C on W day and 1.9°C for H day lower than in residential areas. The average temperature of areas at a distance of 30 m from the reservoirs was 2.69°C higher on W and 0.32°C higher on H than the water of the reservoirs. The area covered by trees was 0.52°C lower on W day and 0.39°C lower on H day than the residential areas located at a distance of 300 m from the reservoir. On terrestrial areas, the lowest temperature was observed in the area covered by trees within 0-30 m from reservoirs both on warm and hot days. Based on the results of this study, UHI mitigation solutions can be suggested.
At present, stormwater management is one of the key issues in urban policy. This is due to the increasing urbanisation, climate change, the growing threat of extreme (weather) events and the need to protect water resources. Legislation plays an essential role in the process of project planning and implementation. The recognition of opportunities and barriers contained in these regulations forms the basis for action by the central government, local authorities and investors. The article aims to analyse legal provisions, administrative decisions and factual circumstances that provide the foundation of administrative court rulings in Poland and regard the legal possibilities of rainwater management in urban areas. The adopted research method allows for/includes the author’s interpretation and formulation of de lege ferenda conclusions. The results of analyses of both European and national legislation and case law indicate that there is a problem with the interpretation of existing legislation and the lack of legal definitions of basic equipment and solutions in the field of water law, for instance. Such legal circumstances make it difficult to make the required legal decisions, and have a negative impact on the timing of implementation and number of these much-needed projects.
Content available Urban Leaf Litters as a Potential Compost Component
Trees shed leaf litters throughout the year with varying intensity. In urban areas, due to the regular pruning of tree branches, the leaves which are used as a compost component have dominant share in the litterfall. The amount of nutrients released during composting depends on the abundance of the shed leaves. The research aimed to analyse and determine which of the deciduous tree species provide the highest amount of macronutrients and whether or not the heavy metals contained in them exceed the toxic level. It was found that the leaves of Alnus glutinosa (C/N = 20.57), Tilia cordata (33.31) and Fraxinus excelsior (33.88), which are the source of the highest amounts of nitrogen among the examined deciduous tree species, decompose at the fastest pace in the composting process. The process of decomposition of Quercus rubra (C/N = 64.30), Aesculus hippocastanum (58.16) and Fagus sylvatica (58.06) leaves, which are poorer in nitrogen compounds, takes much longer and is more difficult. It has also been shown that the heavy metals (Zn, Cu, Pb) contained in leaf litters do not pose any threat to the environment, as they do not exceed the permissible level of contamination.
The article studies the problem of assessing the quality of atmospheric air in the green areas of the metropolis. The aim of the work is to compare the data obtained by the biomonitoring method with information from unified state environmental monitoring system (USEMS). The sample object of the study is a Udelny park located in the Primorsky district of the city of St. Petersburg. The objectives of the study include the analysis of atmospheric pollution of the Udelny Park by the method of bioindication, comparison of the data obtained with the general telephone indicators, as well as with information from the nearest USEMS posts. When studying the object, the method of V.M. Zakharov was used to study the fluctuating asymmetry of the leaf plates of the hanging birch (Betula pendula Roth.). The site between Udelny Ave., the Vyborg railway line, Testers Ave. and Kolomyazhsky Ave. with an approximate area of 18 hectares was chosen as a model site. The assessment was carried out on 12 pickets, at each 100 samples of leaf plates were taken in total. For comparison, data were obtained from a stationary observation post for the state of atmospheric air pollution, information on the content of pollutants in the air of the Primorsky district. The study found that the quality of atmospheric air in the territory is low. In part of the pickets, the value of the fluctuating asymmetry index was more than 0.054, which corresponds to the V score (critical pollution). These data are generally correlated with information about air pollution in St. Petersburg. Nevertheless, the state of the environment is assessed by the chosen method more critically. This is due to the fact that the biomonitoring method studies pollution from the point of view of direct impact on the ecosystem, taking into account, among other things, the cumulative effect. The result makes us to conclude that it is more correct to use an integrated approach, combining both methods, to assess the stability of urban ecosystems and the quality of the environment in them. It is important to separate information about the quality of the atmosphere in green areas from general data on residential areas.
Evapotranspiration represents one of the main parameters in the hydrological cycle. It is usually expressed by the term reference evapotranspiration (ETo) that is affected by certain meteorological parameters. This study aimed to find the difference amount in ETo between urban and suburban quarters in Karbala city. The study methodology involved selecting once urban area and four suburban quarters. Two methods of determining the reference evapo- transpiration were applied: first, a direct method which measured ETo at selected fields by using a hand-held device, and second, an indirect method using the Penman-Monteith equation. The findings showed that the magnitudes of ETo by the Penman-Monteith equation are higher than the values measured by the direct method for urban and suburban quarters. Moreover, it was found that the absolute percentage of difference in the average amount of ETo between urban and suburban quarters is 13% by using the direct method and 61% by using Penman-Monteith equation. The study conclusion is that suburban area has higher magnitude of ETo than urban quarter by using any of direct method and indirect method (Penman-Monteith equation).
Regulation of surface runoff in urban areas with temporary delay by infiltration basins of rainwater in the places of their precipitation and with gradual drainage through the existing reservoirs of small diameters is the most appropriate under the conditions of intensive building development, wear and imperfection of surface drainage systems, especially combined sewerage. Evaluation of application conditions and basic parameters of infiltration basins in surface drainage regulation was carried out on the basis of own experimental studies of infiltration basin fragment with upper typical vegetation layer, numerical computer modeling of surface runoff formation in urban areas, its regulation using infiltration basins and analysis of previous studies. Its water absorption, filtration and clearing indicators were defined on the basis of experimental studies. The self-regenerative restoring function of a vegetative layer, working conditions under the flooded and not flooded conditions were established and defined. According to the amount of suspended solids, BOD, oxidation, pH and dissolved oxygen, the quality of rain runoff when filtering water through the upper vegetation layers of infiltration basins decreases to the normative values.
In a democratic country, every citizen has the right to information about the environment in which he or she lives – therefore, there should be some procedure of conventional, formal evaluation of an urbanized area with reference to its local fragments. Such kind of the procedure has been proposed in this article. The procedure is based on the conventional scoring of local areas, which can be assigned weights representing positive and negative features. The procedure provides for variants of preconditions and continuation of considerations for source data variables. The method of assessing the quality of life in the local area should serve the broad local community, therefore the intermediate and final results of the considerations are presented not only in the form of maps, but also in an illustrative way – in the form of three-dimensional (3D) images, with colors easily associated with positive or negative features. A wide range of tools from the professional GIS package – ArcGIS version 10 was used to perform the task. These tools allow to solve complex spatial problems as well as to visualize the results in an effective way.
W kraju demokratycznym obywatel ma prawo do informacji o środowisku, w którym żyje – dlatego powinna istnieć procedura umownej, formalnej oceny terenu zurbanizowanego z wyróżnieniem jego lokalnych fragmentów. Przykładowy algorytm postępowania został zaproponowany w niniejszym artykule. Propozycja bazuje na umownej punktacji lokalnych obszarów, którym można przyporządkowywać wagi reprezentujące cechy pozytywne i negatywne. Algorytm przewiduje wariantowanie warunków wstępnych i kontynuację rozważań dla zmiennych danych źródłowych. Metoda oceny jakości życia w lokalnym obszarze powinna służyć szerokiej społeczności lokalnej, dlatego wyniki pośrednie i końcowe rozważań przedstawiono nie tylko w postaci map, lecz także w sposób poglądowy – jako obrazy trójwymiarowe (3D), z barwami łatwo kojarzonymi z cechami pozytywnymi lub negatywnymi warunków lokalnych. Do realizacji zadania wykorzystano szeroką gamę narzędzi profesjonalnego pakietu GIS – systemu ArcGIS. Zastosowane narzędzia pozwalają na realizację skomplikowanych zadań przestrzennych, jak również umożliwiają efektowną wizualizację wyników analiz.
Since 1991, Poland has been taking steps to organize the country's wastewater management in order to meet the requirements of Council Directive 91/271/EEC. The current goals to achieve the said requirements are set in the VI update of the National Urban Wastewater Treatment Program (KPOŚK) and has to be achieved to 2027. The article presents the status of water and wastewater management in the districts of Lubuskie Voivodeship, Poland in 2021, in relation to year 2017. The degree of water supply and sewerage system, as well as wastewater systems management in individual agglomerations of Lubuskie Voivodeship are defined.
Celem artykułu jest określenie kierunków kształtowania współczesnych funkcji terenów nadrzecznych, w kontekście zrównoważonego rozwoju, dla przykładu Wyspy Młyńskiej w Bydgoszczy. Przyjęta w artykule metodologia badań ma charakter analityczno-poznawczy. W pierwszej kolejności analizie poddano zagadnienia odnoszące się do współczesnych funkcji terenów nadrzecznych w mieście oraz aspektów kształtowania środowiska zbudowanego. Następnie przeanalizowano strukturę funkcjonalno-przestrzenną wyspy w ujęciu o współczesne funkcje obszaru nadrzecznego i kryteria zrównoważonego rozwoju w architekturze. Otrzymane wyniki oraz wnioski końcowe prowadzą do wspomagania procesów projektowych umożliwiających kreowanie zrównoważonych przestrzeni nadrzecznych w mieście.
The aim of the article is to define the directions of shaping the contemporary functions of riverside areas in the context of sustainable development for example the Młyńska Island in Bydgoszcz. The research methodology adopted in the article is of an analytical and cognitive character. First of all, the issues related to the contemporary functions of riverside areas in the city and the aspects of shaping the built environment were analyzed. Subsequently, the functional and spatial structure of the island was analyzed in terms of the contemporary functions of the riverside area and the criteria of sustainable development in architecture. The obtained results and final conclusions lead to the support of design processes that enable the creation of sustainable riverside spaces in the city.
The presented studies focus on changes in groundwater levels and chemistry, and the identification of important factors influencing these changes on short- and long-term scales in urban areas. The results may be useful for rational and sustainable groundwater planning and management in cities. The studies concerned three aquifers: (1) the shallow Quaternary aquifer, (2) the deep Quaternary aquifer, and (3) the Oligocene aquifer in the capital city of Warsaw (Poland). The spatial variability of groundwater recharge was determined and its changes in time were characterized. The characteristics of groundwater levels were based on long-term monitoring series. The results indicate that urban development has caused overall reduction in infiltration recharge (from 54 to 51 mm/year), which is particularly clear in the city suburbs and in its centre, where land development has significantly densified during the last 30 years. Studies of groundwater levels indicate variable long-term trends. However, for the shallowest aquifer, the trends indicate a gradual decrease of the groundwater levels. In the case of the much deeper Oligocene aquifer, groundwater table rise is observed since the 1970s (averagely c. 20 m), which is related with excessive pumping. Based on the studied results, the groundwater chemistry in the subsurface aquifer indicates strong anthropogenic influence, which is reflected in multi-ionic hydrogeochemical types and the occurrence of chemical tracers typical of human activity. The Oligocene aquifer is characterized by a chemical composition indicating the influence of geogenic factors.
Assessment of the carrying capacity of urban land is very important to evaluate and obtain an overview of the level of land capability through the classification of the carrying capacity of the area so that it becomes the basis for future urban development. This research was conducted in Palu City, which is national city in Indonesia with limited urban development due to its prone to earthquakes. For urban development, it is necessary to study the carrying capacity of land to reduce the risk of earthquake disasters, through three stages of analysis, namely mapping of earthquake-prone areas using the earthquake hazard mapping with seismic micro-zonation; land capability assessment; and integration of land suitability with planning and spatial planning of Palu City. Based on the findings of this study, 74.56% of Palu City is an earthquake-prone area dominated by land capability Classes A to B, namely low to very low land capability classes (55.43%), implying that they have urban physical constraints. However, if it is integrated with the Palu City spatial plan until 2030, most (78.79%) are already in accordance with the carrying capacity of their land, especially in protected areas, but there are still land developments that are not suitable for carrying capacity (21.21%), especially in cultivation areas with risks earthquake disaster. Land use plans that are not in accordance with their carrying capacity must be managed strictly as a tool for disaster mitigation that is urgently needed.
The water quality is influenced by different factors, including land use, hydrological conditions, and anthropogenic activities. The identification of the contamination sources in the Vizela river and the potential effects on water quality will promote efficient watershed management. The spatial and temporal variability of surface water was analysed through the physicochemical parameters, including: temperature, pH, Total Dissolved Solids, electrical conductivity, redox potential, and chloride, fluoride, bromide, nitrite, nitrate, sulfate, and phosphate content. The microbiological parameters Escherichia coli and intestinal enterococci were monitored over time. The obtained results show that the water located downstream the Vizela river is the most contaminated, although there has been an improvement in the water quality over time. The microbiological values are higher than the Portuguese parametric values defined for human consumption, and often also for recreational water activities. Continuous spatial and temporal water monitorization including the physicochemical and microbiological parameters is recommended as a preventive and monitoring measure.
Ostatnia dekada przyniosła Łodzi wielką rewolucję przestrzenną. Miasto stało się liderem rewitalizacji w Polsce, a mnogość zastosowanych rozwiązań może służyć jako dobry i zły przykład dla innych samorządów czy organizacji. Działania te można podzielić na proste i złożone, punktowe i obszarowe, publiczne i prywatne. Ich celem jest podnoszenie jakości życia, pobudzanie świadomości wartości lokalnych, poprawa samodzielności ekonomicznej wspólnot w tkance materialnej kontynuującej historyczną ciągłość obszaru.
The last decade has brought about a great spatial revolution in Lodz. The city has become an urban regeneration leader in Poland and the multitude of solutions applied there can serve as both good and bad examples for other local governments or organisations. These activities can be divided into the simple and the complex, spot- versus area-focused, public and private initiatives. The aim of all of them is to improve the quality of life, to stimulate awareness of local values, and to improve the economic independence of communities in the material fabric creating the historical continuity of the area.
Topole (Populus) pomimo najlepszego PR-u, to cenne dla terenów miejskich, szybko rosnące drzewa uprawiane w Europie, Azji i Ameryce Północnej.
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