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Purpose: In the scientific literature in Poland, but also in the world, there is a lack of publications defining the relationship occurring between the internationalization of the enterprise and its financing strategy, most fully reflected in the capital structure. The point, therefore, is to examine to what extent the various stages of internationalization of the enterprise (export, establishment of subsidiaries, acquisition of enterprises in countries hosting foreign investors) affect the capital structure. It was also necessary to examine whether the sector of the business has an impact on the presence, or non-occurrence, of these relationships. Design/methodology/approach: To investigate this, the ratios of internationalization of sales and the share of debt in total company financing were compared, and Lillefors and Fisher- Snedecor statistical tests were applied to 28 apparel companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. At the same time, a case study of the LPP group, the largest apparel company in Poland, was developed to determine why the apparel sector was found to lack such relationships. The results of the study were compared with the results of research previously conducted at home and abroad. Findings: It was shown that in the apparel sector, no statistically significant relationship was found between internationalization and changes in capital structure. It was found, using the example of LPP, that the foreign expansion of Polish companies in the apparel industry is increasingly associated with the use of online sales, which does not result in an increase in costs that could cause an increasing need for foreign capital. However, it also does not result in a reduction in the size of financing, as a study of Malaysian companies would suggest. Originality/value: The lack of research in this area indicates its originality. At the same time, the already conducted and further intended research will make it possible to estimate how the demand for capital will or will not change in enterprises depending on the sector of enterprise activity. After all, studies conducted in the construction sector have shown a far-reaching dependence, which, however, is not the content of the presented study.
Purpose: In the scientific literature in Poland, but also in the world, there is a lack of publications defining the relationship occurring between the internationalization of the enterprise and the structure of financing. Therefore, the extent to which the various stages of internationalization of the enterprise defined according to the literature affect the capital structure was examined. It was investigated whether the sector of the business has an impact on the occurrence or non-occurrence of these relationships. Design/methodology/approach: To investigate this, the ratios of internationalization of sales and the share of debt in total company financing were compared, and Lillefors and Fisher- Snedecor statistical tests were applied to 44 construction industry companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. The results of the research were compared with the results of studies previously conducted at home and abroad. Findings: It was shown that a statistically significant relationship between internationalization and changes in capital structure was found in the sector. It was found that the peculiarities of the construction sector indicate the high capital intensity of the internationalization process of these companies and the high dependence of the internationalization process and the formation of the capital structure of this process. Originality/value: The lack of research in this area demonstrates its originality. It has been shown in pilot studies conducted before the stage of target research for the following article that the specifics of the sector determine the dependence on the capital structure or the complete absence of this dependence.
Purpose: The main purpose of this article is to diagnose the level of cultural intelligence of academic teachers of public economic universities in Poland and identify factors related to this kind of intelligence. Design/methodology/approach: The tests carried out were quantitative. The following methods were used: analysis of the subject literature, surveys, and analysis of organizational documentation. Findings: The study showed that the level of cultural intelligence of teachers of economic universities in Poland is relatively high and slightly different between the surveyed universities. There was no correlation between the cultural intelligence level and such variables as gender and a scientific degree. On the other hand, the number of languages known at the communicative level and the number of countries in which the employee has stayed under international cooperation programs are positively correlated with the level of cultural intelligence. Research limitations/implications: The original plan was to carry out the survey at all five public universities of economics in Poland. Eventually, due to a small number of completed questionnaires, teachers from three public universities of economics were included in the study. Practical implications: This study may contribute to revealing the factors influencing the cultural intelligence level of academics and, consequently, the intercultural work environment and the wider internationalisation process of universities. Originality/value: This is pioneering research on the level of cultural intelligence of employees at Polish economic universities. Some of the findings are novel, such as the diagnosed correlation between a lecturer's academic degree and the level of cultural intelligence. The authors believe that their study may inspire researchers from other countries to conduct more in-depth research in the area of cultural intelligence of lecturers.
Purpose: The aim of the article is to define the capital structure in Polish enterprises – in the group of enterprises exporting their products and in the group of enterprises that do not conduct export activities. Design/methodology/approach: 30 companies representing various sectors of the economy were taken into account for the preliminary research. In the first group of 15 companies that exported their products (the first stage of internationalization), the capital structure was examined, determining the level of financing with equity and foreign capital. The research scheme from the first group was also used in the second examined group – enterprises that do not export their products. Each surveyed group included a company that represented one selected sector. A case study for three Polish listed companies was also used. Findings: Thus, the view of foreign authors based on the results of their study that, in emerging markets countries, companies that have internationalised their activities have higher levels of indebtedness than companies operating only domestically, should not be considered as confirmed (for the time being on the example of pilot studies). Originality/value: The results of the preliminary research made it possible to identify the most important differences in the capital structure for companies that exported their products and companies that did not export.
Internationalization is an inevitable phenomenon among all contemporary higher education institutions (HEIs) in a globalizing world. It is the driving force for development and progress. In course of the last 30 years, it became an inevitable element of HE management. However, it carries along a number of risks, pitfalls, and organizational challenges. To hedge those, quality assurance (QA) is called to the stage. HEIs therefore need not only to search for chances but also to increase the advancement of methods to safeguard the quality of education and research. It is for this reason that a discussion on the mutual evolution and impact of internationalization and QA is required, and this is the aim of this article to combine the issues dialectically. There are tools and institutions within the internationally and nationally developed QA concepts that have the potential and aim to secure the benefits of internationalization.
Purpose: The aim of the paper is to carry out analyses of the qualitative and qualitative methods of the measure of internalisation of a corporation. Design/methodology/approach: Critical literature analysis. Analysis of international literature from main databases and Polish literature and legal acts connected with the researched topic. Findings: In this paper, there is a description of the main methods used to measure this problem. The indicators used to measure the international level of an organisation can be divided into the following groups: structural indicators, market indicators, assessment indicators, concentration indicators and indicators of geographical and cultural distance. In the paper, there is also an example of indicators used in two internationalisation models: Uppsala model and network model. The issue of internationalisation is very promising and opens up numerous research fields. Using various methods of measuring the internationalisation of an organisation, you can then examine their associations with other methods used in the sciences regarding management of issues such as: view management, innovation, organisational culture, quality management systems maturity, etc. (after proper operationalisation of these issues). Originality/value: Detailed analysis of methods used to measure enterprise internationalisation.
Purpose: The reason for writing the paper is the need for presentation of the approach of small business in the context of globalization and the aim of the research is presentation of the importance of small business companies in the global economy because the entry of small enterprises into a new market is a strategically important step and perspective for long-term development. Design/methodology/approach: The literature research and observation were conducted. The design was based on the review of the advantages and disadvantages of small companies in relation to global processes. Findings: It was found that the conditions for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises resulting from their impact on the environment change over time. It was also noticed that the entry of small enterprises into a new market is a strategically important step and perspective for long-term development, but in the literature it is emphasized that globalization generally worsens the conditions of competition (intensifying particular "forces" identified in the Porter model).
The objective of the present paper is to study the effects of gender on financial performance and examine the variables that may influence the presence of women leading the firm or being its main shareholder. The relation between gender and profitability in the context of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) is a less studied topic in the broader context of performance determinants. Contributing to fill this research gap, it is used an unbalanced panel data of 141 Portuguese firms for the period from 2010 to 2018, obtained with primary and secondary data sources. The relation between gender and financial performance is addressed with two methodologies, a Tobit regression and a Random Effects Model. Our results evidence fewer possibilities for women to be firm leaders in larger and older organizational structures, which do not seem pressured towards equality. Additionally, firm age moderates the positive relation between female leadership and profitability. Given the SMEs importance in the majority of countries, the results and implications of this paper can be generalized to other economies.
Celem tego artykułu jest empiryczne zbadanie wpływu płci na wyniki finansowe. Ponadto w artykule przeanalizowano zmienne, które mogą wpływać na obecność kobiet kierujących firmą lub będących jej głównym akcjonariuszem. Literatura dotycząca determinantów wyników jest bogata, jednak związek między płcią a dochodowością w kontekście małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw (MŚP) jest znacznie mniej zbadany. Przyczyniając się do wypełnienia tej luki badawczej, wykorzystano niezrównoważone dane panelowe 141 portugalskich MŚP za okres od 2010 do 2018, uzyskane z pierwotnych i wtórnych źródeł danych. Zależność między płcią a wynikami finansowymi jest określana za pomocą dwóch metod, regresji Tobita i modelu efektów losowych. Nasze wyniki pokazują, że kobiety mają mniejsze możliwości bycia zdecydowanymi liderkami w większych i starszych strukturach organizacyjnych, które nie wydają się być naciskane na równość. Dodatkowo, zdecydowany wiek łagodzi pozytywny związek między przywództwem kobiet a rentownością. Ze względu na znaczenie MŚP w większości gospodarek nasze wyniki i ich konsekwencje można uogólnić na inne kraje.
Currently, the conditions enterprises are operating in are marked by considerable instability. Thus the changes they may undergo are difficult to predict. Practitioners and theoreticians of management science point to various approaches to building competitive advantage. In the past few years, the focus has been put mainly on information and knowledge. According to advocates of the knowledge management concept, knowledge is of key importance to building competitive advantage and succeeding on the market. The issues of knowledge and how it is gathered, updated and applied are not new. The challenge for contemporary entrepreneurs is, however, how to manage knowledge in global enterprises. The aim of this study is to analyse the issue of knowledge management in a company which based its development on expansion into foreign markets. The research method applied is illustrative case study, the aim of which is to show how important knowledge management is for improving the efficiency of an internationalized enterprise.
Umiędzynarodowienie przedsiębiorstwa i zarządzanie logistyczne to kluczowe determinanty sukcesu dzisiejszych przedsiębiorstw. Korporacje transnarodowe, jako przedsiębiorstwa posiadające zdolność do koordynacji działalności gospodarczej w wielu państwach, stanowią w dzisiejszych czasach siłę napędową gospodarek narodowych i tworzą dla nich wymiar strategiczny. Ważniejszymi czynnikami, które miały wpływ na rozwój tych form przedsiębiorstw, były znaczące zmiany gospodarcze, liberalizacja gospodarki oraz procesy globalizacyjne. W artykule zwrócono uwagę na rolę i znaczenie logistyki jako strategii zarządzania w korporacji transnarodowej PKN Orlen.
The internationalization of the enterprise and logistics management are the key determinants of the success of today's enterprises. Transnational corporations, as companies with the ability to coordinate economic activities in many countries, are today the driving force of national economies. The most important factors that influenced the development of these forms of enterprises were significant economic changes, economic liberalization and globalization processes. The article draws attention to the role and importance of logistics as a management strategy in the transnational corporation of PKN Orlen.
Content available Pomiar umiędzynarodowienia szkół wyższych
Szkolnictwo wyższe stoi przed wyzwaniem ciągłego rozwijania umiędzynarodowienia, intensyfikowania zakresu, form i obszarów aktywności zagranicznej. Dla planowania i skutecznej realizacji strategii rozwoju niezbędny jest pomiar efektów, ukierunkowany na analizę, ocenę i doskonalenie działalności o wymiarze międzynarodowym. Problematyka pomiaru internacjonalizacji szkół wyższych jest złożona i wymaga uwzględnienia szeregu uwarunkowań, wynikających z roli i specyfiki działalności, określenia zasad, celów, zakresu i sposobów mierzenia założonych rezultatów. Celem rozważań podjętych w artykule jest opis istoty, uwarunkowań, form pomiaru internacjonalizacji oraz przesłanek formułowania i doboru miar, wskaźników uwzględniających zakres i specyfikę działalności uczelni. Podkreślając konieczność dokonywania pomiaru internacjonalizacji uczelni w ujęciu jakościowym i ilościowym, zwrócono uwagę na aspekty związane ze strategicznym, kompleksowym podejściem do mierzenia internacjonalnych wartości i korzyści. Wnioski końcowe dotyczą rekomendacji, odnoszących się do planowania pomiaru internacjonalizacji, uwarunkowań formułowania oraz doboru miar i wskaźników. Dla realizacji celów badawczych przyjętych w artykule posłużono się metodą analizy literatury i dokumentów.
Higher education faces the challenge of continuously developing of inter-nationalisation, intensifying the scope, forms and areas of international activity. The measurement of effects, focused on the analysis, assessment and improvement of activities with an international dimension is essential for the planning and effective implementation of the development strategy. The issue of measuring the internationalisation of higher education institutions is complex and requires taking into account a number of conditions resulting from the role and specificity of the activity, defining the principles, objectives, scope and methods of measuring the assumed results. The aim of the considerations undertaken in the article is to describe the nature, conditions, forms of internationalisation measurement and the premises of formulating and selection of measures, indicators taking into account the scope and specificity of the university's activity. Emphasizing the need to measure the internationalisation of universities in qualitative and quantitative terms, the attention was paid to aspects related to a strategic, comprehensive approach to measuring international values and benefits. The final conclusions concern recommendations related to planning the measurement of inter-nationalisation, conditions of formulation and selection of measures and indicators. In order to achieve the research objectives adopted in the article, the method of analysing literature and documents was used.
W artykule przedstawiono rozwój współpracy Wydziału Geoinżynierii, Górnictwa i Geologii Politechniki Wrocławskiej z najlepszymi uczelniami technicznymi Europy w zakresie wspólnych studiów magisterskich w ostatniej dekadzie. Przedstawiono ewolucję koncepcji wspólnego kształcenia, przyczyny wprowadzanych zmian i ich konsekwencje. Omówiono problemy, z jakimi borykały się uczelnie wchodzące w skład konsorcjum, a zwłaszcza te, które pokonywać musiała polska uczelnia w wyniku dużych różnic w przepisach regulujących szkolnictwo wyższe. Oprócz trudności przedstawiono korzyści, jakie osiągnęła społeczność akademicka Wydziału dzięki umiędzynarodowieniu studiów.
The development of cooperation of Wroclaw University of Science and Technology – Faculty of Geoengineering, Mining and Geology and some prominent European Universities in the field of joint study programs, within the last decade was presented. The evolution of the joint education concept was depicted, while the reasons and consequences of changes were discussed. Some problems the partner universities encountered in co-operation were reported with a special focus on difficulties of the Polish University resulting from significant differences in legal regulations. Beside problems, the advantages of internationalization of education at the Faculty of Geoengineering, Mining and Geology were revealed.
W artykule, na podstawie danych statystycznych, dokonano analizy stopnia umiędzynarodowienia polskich i europejskich mikro, małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw (MMSP). Wskazano na czynniki utrudniające umiędzynarodowienie MMSP. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na znaczenie wiedzy, której niedostatek jest jedną z najważniejszych barier w procesie umiędzynarodowienia MMSP.
Based on statistical data analysis the degree of internalization of Polish and European micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) was examined. The paper also presents barriers of SMEs internationalization. The particular attention was given to knowledge because insufficient knowledge is one of the main barriers in the process of SMEs internationalization.
By analysing the processes of clusterization and networking, attention is drawn to the necessity of integration of railway transport into the intermodal or multimodal transport chain. One of the most widespread methods of combined transport is interoperability of railway and road transport. The objective is to create an uninterrupted transport chain in combining several modes of transport. The aim of this is to save energy resources, to form an effective, competitive, attractive to the client and safe and environmentally friendly transport system (Vasiliauskas, 2004). Under the modern conditions of globalization and integration into the European Union, the processes of networking are becoming increasingly more important, as perspective processes and the ones meeting the modern trends of development in various areas. In the context of intensive changes in the life of the society and business development processes, networking processes inevitably make influence on intermodal transportation. Therefore, the processes of clusterization, networking and integration have a significant impact on international economic area, including the development of a single social, scientific and technological advance, information and transport system.
W artykule przedstawiono wybrane problemy logistyczne występujące w procesie organizacji i realizacji współpracy między uczelniami wyższymi na przykładzie dobrych praktyk wieloletniej współpracy międzynarodowej realizowanej przez Wydział Zarządzania Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej w Krakowie w ramach projektów nieobjętych programem mobilności akademickiej Erasmus. Współpraca międzynarodowa jest niezbędna dla uzyskania wysokiego wskaźnika umiędzynarodowienia jednostki naukowej, dlatego na WZ AGH realizowane są różnorodne międzynarodowe projekty edukacyjne. W niniejszej pracy zaprezentowane zostaną problemy logistyczne związane z organizacją i realizacją wybranych projektów: program wspólnego prowadzenia studiów prowadzony wspólnie z uczelniami wyższymi z Ukrainy, dwustronna studencka wymiana naukowo-zawodowa prowadzona wspólnie z Państwowym Badawczo-Technologicznym Uniwersytetem w Moskwie, kursy doszkalające i szkolenia specjalistyczne dla studentów i pracowników Ałmatyńskiej Akademii Ekonomii i Statystyki oraz Kazachskiego Uniwersytetu Ekonomii, Finansów i Handlu Międzynarodowego.
In this paper selected logistic problems occurring in organization and realisation of international cooperation between universities are presented. The problems are illustrated with examples of good practices of multiannual international cooperation of the Faculty of Management at the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow. The international projects of cooperation presented in this paper are not included in the Erasmus programme. International co-operation is crucial for a higher education institution in order to achieve high rate in internationalization and academic mobility, therefore the Faculty of Management conducts various international educational programmes and projects. This paper refers to logistic problems occurring in organization and realisation of following international projects: joint degree programme conducted together with several Ukrainian universities, student exchange programme organized in cooperation with National University of Science and Technology «MISIS» in Moscow, trainings, courses and workshops for students and researchers of Almaty Academy of Economics and Statistics and Kazakh University of Economics Finance and International Trade.
Związki między innowacyjnością i umiędzynarodowieniem przedsiębiorstwa są dość często analizowane i badane. Większość badaczy uzasadnia na gruncie teoretycznym i dowodzi w badaniach empirycznych zarówno o charakterze ilościowym, jak i jakościowym, istnienia pozytywnej współzależności między tymi dwoma zjawiskami. Wiele studiów teoretycznych oraz badań empirycznych potwierdza także istnienie pozytywnego związku między uczestnictwem przedsiębiorstwa w sieciach biznesowych oraz jego innowacyjnością i umiędzynarodowieniem. Dokonany przegląd literatury wskazuje jednak na brak badań empirycznych, które wiązałyby ze sobą wszystkie trzy wymiary działalności przedsiębiorstw jednocześnie, pozwalając na określenie wzajemnych związków między nimi. Niniejsze opracowanie zawiera wyniki badań, w których podjęto próbę wypełnienia tej luki badawczej.
The paper presents results of the empirical research on relationships between internationalisation, innovativeness and networking of firms. The quantitative study is based on empirical data collected by questionnaire interviews conducted in 274 firms in Poland. The research findings support the hypothesis that there are positive correlations between the degrees of internationalisation, innovativeness and networking of firms, measured by composite indices developed by the author. The findings of the research support also the hypothesis that there are different types of firms as the relationship between the above mentioned phenomena are concerned. They show the specific role of networking as a driver of both innovativeness and internationalisation of firms.
Small and medium enterprises are starting their international expansion more and more often, however they have still many problems to solve in their functioning abroad. The paper presents governmental programs encouraging and supporting enterprises in their internationalisation processes. The author shows recommended system solutions regarding to determined enterprises groups. Finally the effect of introduced supporting solutions of small and medium enterprises internationalisation have been discussed.
Małe i średnie przedsiębiorstwa coraz częściej rozpoczynają międzynarodową ekspansję, jednak ciągle mają jeszcze wiele problemów do rozwiązania w obszarze funkcjonowania za granicą. W pracy przedstawiono rządowe programy zachęcania i wspierania przedsiębiorstw w procesach internacjonalizacji. Autor pokazuje zalecane rozwiązania systemowe dotyczące zdeterminowanych grup przedsiębiorstw. Wreszcie wskazuje efekty wprowadzonych rozwiązań wspierających małe i średnie przedsiębiorstwa w ich dążeniach do internacjonalizacji.
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