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The main purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of land cover changes and vegetation loss under conditions of change in climatic parameters (temperature and precipitation) and determining their impacts on different ecological functions in the eastern watershed of Lake Urmia and its four sub-watersheds in northwestern Iran. The method used has been a quantitative assessment of selected ecosystem functions using a self-parameterizing, physically based model called Water World Policy Support System as well as applying satellite images to detect land-use/cover changes. Modeling of important ecological and hydrological parameters including vegetation density, water balance, surface runoff, and soil erosion was performed and for each of them, the quantity of changes was calculated and mapped. Then, by standardizing the maps for each parameter and overlapping them, cumulative impact levels across the watershed were classified. The result showed that with decrease in rainfall and increase in temperature, the average vegetation density decreased by 32% in the watershed and from 79 to 47%. Decreased vegetation, followed by increased runoff by about 2.5% and equivalent to 19,656.95 cubic meters per year. Consequently, the average net soil erosion has been changed from −0.012 to 0.20 mm per year per square meter. Hence, the average soil erosion in the watershed has increased by more than 3 tons per hectare. Based on the final results, more than 40% of the watershed area is under severe and very severe ecological impact.
Na podstawie analizy zmian struktury funkcjonalno-przestrzennej obszaru wiejskiego gminy Gogolin w okresie transformacji ustrojowej 1994-2017, wykazano zróżnicowany wpływ uwarunkowań i czynników rozwojowych na intensywność oraz kierunki tych zmian. Stwierdzono, że typowe dla obszarów wiejskich kierunki przemian w użytkowaniu i sposobie zagospodarowania terenów, związane z rolnictwem i osadnictwem, nie mają istotnego znaczenia. Niewielki wpływ na te przemiany ma również położenie przy węźle autostradowym autostrady A4 i procesy suburbanizacji, położonego w odległości ok. 25 km dużego miasta Opole. Kluczowe zmiany w strukturze były spowodowane występowaniem bogatych złóż wapieni oraz rozwojem przemysłu cementowo-wapienniczego. Analizę przeprowadzono w oparciu o badania zmian struktury funkcjonalno-przestrzennej, wykonane metodą analizy porównawczej opracowań kartograficznych przetworzonych do środowiska GIS.
On the basis of an analysis of changes in the functional and spatial structure of the rural area of the Gogolin Commune in the period of political transformation 1994-2017, the diversified influence of conditions and developmental factors on the intensity and directions of these changes was demonstrated. It was found that the directions of change in the use and management of land related to agriculture and settlement and typical of rural areas are of no significant importance. Its location near the A4 motorway junction and the processes of suburbanization of the City of Opole, located approximately 25km away, also exert a minor influence on changes in the landscape. The key transformations in the structure were caused by the presence of rich limestone deposits and the development of the cement and lime industry. The analysis was based on a study of changes in the functional and spatial structure carried out using the method of comparative analysis of cartographic studies processed for the GIS environment.
Content available remote Molluscan diversity in stream driftwood: relation to land use and river section
In stream corridors, driftwood represents mainly a dead vegetation biomass and diverse artificial material relocated along a stream by flooding. Most driftwood can contain empty molluscan shells or a minor proportion of live individuals (i.e. molluscan allocoenoses). Drifted material is important for spreading of fauna and flora. Molluscan allocoenoses can provide valuable information on molluscan fauna of the upstream area. The main objective of the study was to describe changes of the species composition, diversity and similarity in molluscan allocoenoses along the model river ecosystem in relation to land use of partial watersheds. In the years 2010–2011, 23 samples of driftwood were taken at 23 sites along the Hron River (Central Slovakia) from the spring to the mouth. Molluscan allocoenoses were composed of 135 species (95 terrestrial and 40 aquatic). The number of species found at particular sites ranged from 29 to 72 with a mean of 48. We confirmed our hypotheses that similarity in molluscan species composition of driftwood from different sampling sites is related to distance between them, the proportion of woodland species is highest in the upper course of the river with highest forest coverage and, finally, the highest total number of species (gamma diversity) in driftwood is in the most heterogeneous (in terms of land use) middle river section. Whereas alpha and gamma diversity were highest in the middle section, beta diversity was lowest. The molluscan assemblages were most variable within the lower section (the highest beta diversity). The studied river with a length of nearly 280 km appeared to be suitable to allow the changes associated with different land use to be reflected in species composition of molluscs. Changes in molluscan community structure documented by repeated driftwood sampling can reveal the changes in land use within the river watershed. Thus, sampling of driftwood can also be used in landscape ecology research.
Nasilające się współcześnie procesy urbanizacyjne prowadzą do zmian w strukturze funkcjonalnej terenów wiejskich. Na terenach tych, na podstawie analizy opracowań planistycznych sporządzanych w podczas miejscowego planowania przestrzennego, można zobserwować regularny przyrost powierzchni przeznaczanych na cele nierolnicze i nieleśne (Sobotka, Młynarczyk 2010). Kosztem obszarów użytkowanych rolniczo wzrasta powierzchnia terenów zabudowanych oraz terenów leśnych. Zgodnie z zapisami ustawy o ochronie gruntów rolnych i leśnych na cele nierolnicze i nieleśne powinny być przeznaczane obszary nieproduktywne, a w przypadku ich braku - obszary o najmniejszej przydatności do celów rolniczych. Ze względu na ciągły wzrost powierzchni zabudowanych zmniejsza się powierzchnia terenów "najbardziej przydatnych do zabudowy". W efekcie można zaobserwować proces wypierania funkcji rolniczej przez zabudowę mieszkaniową, usługową czy przemysłową. Dodatkowo ustawa o zmianie ustawy o ochronie gruntów rolnych i leśnych z 2009 r. zniosła obowiązek uzyskiwania zgody na zmianę przeznaczenia terenów na cele nierolnicze i nieleśne na obszarach administracyjnych miast. W artykule przedstawiono analizę wyników badań ankietowych przeprowadzonych dla gmin w Polsce pod kątem zmiany przeznaczenia gruntów rolnych i leśnych na inne cele. Badania obejmowały zmiany przeznaczenia dokonane w miejscowych planach zagospodarowania przestrzennego w ustaleniach studiów uwarunkowań i kierunków zagospodarowania przestrzennego (wydane decyzje o warunkach zabudowych i zagospodarowania terenu). Badania, bazujące na wynikach ankiet "Planowanie przestrzenne w gminach" Głównego Urzędu Statystycznego, prezentują dynamiczny wzrost przypadków zmiany przeznaczenia terenów na cele nierolnicze i nieleśne w okresie 2004-2010.
Increasing urbanization leads today to changes in the functional structure of rural areas. In these areas, on the basis of planning studies prepared in the framework of the local land-use planning, we can see regular growth of areas earmarked for non-agricultural and non-forest. Areas used for agriculture at the expense of increasing the surface built-up areas and forest areas. According to the Law on protection of agricultural land and forests for non-agricultural and non--orest areas should be used for non-productive, in the absence of areas with the lowest suitability for agricultural purposes. Due to the continuous growth of built-up area of the surface area is reduced "the most useful to the building". As a result the process can be observed by the displacement of agricultural function housing development, service, industrial function. In addition, the Law amending the Law on the protection of agricultural land and forest land in 2009 abolished the obligation to obtain permission for change of land use for non-agricultural and non-forest administrative areas of cities. The paper presents an analysis of the results of surveys conducted for municipalities in Poland in terms of agricultural land-use change and forestry for other purposes. The study included the reassignment made in local development plans, the findings of studies of conditions and directions issued by the zoning decisions of the terms of built environment and land use. The study, based on the results of polls, "Spatial planning in the municipalities", the Central Statistical Office, presented the dynamic growth of reassignment of cases for non-agricultural land and forest in the period 2004-2010.
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