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Health plays a prime role for day-to-day working. IoT provides physicians and patients with advanced medical resources, solutions, services, advantages etc. The goal behind the internet of things (IoT) is to have IoT devices that self-report in real-time. This project aims to develop a system that provides live-body temperature, cough detection, pulse rate and other health criteria such as weight loss, chest pain detection, blood sugar level, HB-WBC-RBC (hemoglobin, white blood cell, red blood cell) level, etc. NodeMcu, an open-source firmware, is used for wireless data transmission on an IoT platform. The data is stored on a web server so it can be accessed by both the physician and patient to provide the information about the patient’s condition and help the physician to diagnose TB for the patient. The data of 50 patients have been collected for analysis and reviewed in detail in the result and analysis section.
Some epidemiological situations, because of their magnitude and their propagation dynamics, can escape local or national control. For example, the world is currently experiencing an uncontrollable cross-border spread of the corona virus (Covid-19). The Wilaya of Batna is among the most affected in Algeria by many epidemiological diseases, including tuberculosis, which raises questions about possible causal links between this contagious and often fatal disease and the environmental and socio-economic reality of this territory. We based our study on a number of factors, covering economic, societal and health aspects, which constitute indicators of the standard of living in each of the 61 communes of the Wilaya of Batna. The relationship between the epidemiological status of tuberculosis in these communes and these indicators showed significant correlations and thus confirmed the reliability of the choice of parameters of vulnerability to tuberculosis. To understand their interaction and impact on the disease and its spatial distribution, we used the hierarchical multicriteria analysis (AHP) method, the results of which were implemented in a GIS database. The aim was to provide health and territorial decision makers with a decision support tool. The results show that the spatial distribution of tuberculosis cases which reappeared in the Wilaya of Batna after its eradication since years is in good correlation with the socio-economic situation of each commune of the territory and confirm that this scourge of tuberculosis is closely linked to the degradation of the living conditions of the inhabitants.
In this paper we propose a discrete criss-cross model of tuberculosis (TB) transmission in a heterogeneous population, which consists of two different subpopulations: homeless and non-homeless people. This criss-cross model is based on the simple continuous SIS model with bilinear transmission function and constant inflow into both subpopulations considered previously by us. We make preliminary stability analysis. We show that to control the spread of the infectious disease in a heterogeneous population it is not enough to consider the dynamics of the disease in each subpopulation separately. This result is consistent with the result for continuous model. We also fit the model to epidemic data from Warmian-Masurian Province of Poland.
Zaproponowany został dyskretny krzyżowy model rozprzestrzeniania się gruźlicy w niejednorodnej populacji składającej się z bezdomnych i niebezdomnych. Model ten oparty jest na prostym modelu typu SIS z dwuliniową funkcją transmisji i stałym napływem w obu populacjach. Przeprowadzona została wstępna analiza stabilności stanów stacjonarnych. Pokazano, że aby kontrolować rozprzestrzenianie się choroby zakaźnej w niejednorodnej populacji nie jest wystarczające rozważanie dynamiki choroby w każdej podpopulacji oddzielnie. Parametry modelu zostały dopasowane do danych z województwa warmińsko-mazurskiego.
Artykuł stanowi obszerny przegląd literatury dotyczącej sposobów leczenia gruźlicy oraz aktualnych problemów i wymagań współczesnej terapii tej choroby. Omówiono systemy kontrolowanego uwalniania substancji aktywnej (ang. drug delivery system, DDS) wykorzystujące jako nośniki leku różne matryce polimerowe. Opisano formy DDS mające potencjalne zastosowanie w zwalczaniu gruźlicy.
The paper is an extensive review of the literature concerning the methods of treatment of tuberculosis, present problems and requirements for modern therapy of the disease. The systems for controlled release of active substance (drug delivery systems, DDS) based on various polymer matrices as drug carriers were discussed. The forms of DDS having a potential application in the fight against tuberculosis were briefly presented.
W analizie zdjęć rentgenowskich częstym problemem jest wykrycie zmian guzkowych. Celem badań jest taka modyfikacja obrazu, aby uwidocznić zmiany patologiczne na obrazie RTG. Pierwszym etapem było wykorzystanie operacji otwarcia na danym obrazie rentgenowskim. Następnie obraz poddano operacji wyrównania histogramu o wartości skalarnej 0,5. Histogram to wykres liczby występowania danych punktów szarości w obrazie. Odpowiednia modyfikacja tych punktów pozwala na poprawienie jakości obrazu. Kolejny etap to zastosowanie segmentacji na danym fragmencie płuca oraz utworzenie przestrzeni trójwymiarowej na obrazie. Badania przeprowadzono we współpracy z lekarzem radiologiem specjalizującym się w chorobach płuc. Uzyskane zbiory danych były oceniane pod względem wielkości zmian i ich liczności oraz umiejscowienia.
Detection of nodular changes is a common problem in X-ray imaging analysis. The research aims to modify the images in order to visualize pathological changes on the X-ray image. The first stage of the research was applying the opening operation on given X-ray image. Subsequently, the even operation which regarded the histogram with scalar value of 0.5, was performed. Histogram can be defined as graph informing how frequently given points of given gray level, occur in the image. A proper modification of these points enables to improve the image quality. Another stage included segmentation and the creation of three-dimensional space of the image. Research was conducted in cooperation with radiologist, specialist in the field of lung diseases. Obtained dataset was assessed in terms of size of pathological spots and their locations.
Tuberculosis (TB) caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) remains a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in developing countries [1]. With the discovery of chemotherapeutic agents in the 1940s and implementation of directly- -observed therapy short course (DOTS) in the 1980s, it was believed that TB would decline globally. Although a declining trend was observed in most developed countries, this was not evident in other parts of the world [2]. In addition, the rate of successful treatment has been compromised in recent years due to the increasing prevalence of multidrug-resistant (MDR-) and extensively drug-resistant TB ( XDR-TB) strains [3]. Accordingly, significant efforts have been made to discover and develop new treatment modalities against TB. This article serves as a summary of the most recent developments in search for novel anti-tubercular compounds. Here we focus on reviewing the results of basic research and clinical trials obtained in 2015 including: a) the phase IV clinical trials conducted for newly developed: bedaquiline, delamanid, clofazimine (previously registered for treatment of leprosis) b) phase III for fixed-dose combination of existing drugs: pretomanid – moxifloxacin – pyrazinamide) and c) the phase II clinical trials for sutezolid, AZD5847 and SQ109 [4]. All newly developed compounds used in these studies have been briefly characterized and their synthesis pathways fully described. In addition we review the most recent and promising results on nicotinic acid hydrazides, thienyl-pirimidines imidazole- -thiadiazole-benzimidazole and benzocoumarine derivatives presenting their synthesis pathways, most active chemical structures and their potential applications. Throughout this paper the ultimate direction for new drug development strategies, in search for the anti-tubercular agents, have been reviewed.
In this work, digital Tuberculosis (TB) images have been considered for object and image level classification using Multi Layer Perceptron (MLP) neural network activated by Support Vector Machine (SVM) learning algorithm. The sputum smear images are recorded under standard image acquisition protocol. The TB objects which include bacilli and outliers in the considered images are segmented using active contour method. The boundary of the segmented objects is described by fifteen Fourier Descriptors (FDs). The prominent FDs are selected using fuzzy entropy measures. These selected FDs of the TB objects are fed as input to the SVM learning algorithm of the MLP Neural Network (SVNN) and the result is compared with the state-of-the-art approach, Back Propagation Neural Network (BPNN). Results show that the segmentation method identifies the bacilli which retain their shape in-spite of artifacts present in the images. The methodology adopted has significantly enhanced the SVNN accuracy to 91.3% for object and 92.5% for image level classification than BPNN.
Content available remote Separation of overlapping bacilli in microscopic digital TB images
The sputum smear microscopy based tuberculosis (TB) screening method is a conventional method employed for disease identification. It provides significant benefit to TB burdened communities across the globe; however, there are many challenges faced in processing the sputum smear images. When the smear is thick or uneven the number of overlapping bacilli is more which impedes the diagnosis. The separation of overlapping bacilli is significant without which the results lead to gross errors in identification of the disease causing agent. In this work, separation of overlapping bacilli is carried out by method of concavity (MOC) and is compared with the conventional methods such as multi-phase active contour (MAC) and marker-controlled watershed (MCW). Performance of the methods is evaluated based on the statistical mean quality score of shape descriptors extracted from the separated and existing true bacilli. The shape descriptors employed in this work include geometric features, Hu's, Zernike moments and Fourier descriptors. Results of separated overlapping bacilli demonstrate that MOC performs better than MAC and MCW. It is observed that the statistical mean quality score of the separated bacilli using the proposed MOC shows nearest match with true bacilli. The validation performed with experimental results to that of human annotations highlights the performance of MOC in separating the overlapping bacilli in the sputum smear images.
Tuberculosis (TB) remains the most frequent and important infectious disease causing morbidity and death worldwide. An estimated one third of the world's population is infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The World Health Organization estimates that about eight to ten million new TB cases occur annually around the globe. TB is in the top three, with malaria and HIV as being the leading causes of death from a single infectious agent, and approximately 1.7 to 2 million deaths are attributable to TB annually. Widespread global use/misuse of isoniazid and rifampicin over three decades has resulted in the emergence of the ominous spread of multi-drug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) and extensively drugresistant TB (XDR-TB). MDR-TB is defined as TB that is resistant to the two most effective first-line therapeutic drugs available, isoniazid and rifampicin. In addition, virtually untreatable strains of M. tuberculosis are emerging globally. XDR-TB is defined as MDR-TB that also is resistant to the most effective second-line therapeutic drugs used commonly to treat MDR-TB: fluoroquinolones and to at least one of three injectable second-line drugs used to treat TB (amikacin, kanamycin, or capreomycin). Unfortunately, no new drugs besides rifabutin and rifapentine have been marketed for TB in the US and other countries in the 40 years since the release of rifampicin. There are a number of constraints that have deterred companies from investing in new anti-TB drugs. The research is expensive, slow and difficult, and requires specialized facilities. Development time of any anti-TB drug will be long (clinical trials will require a minimum six-month therapy, with a follow-up period of one year or more). It is hard to demonstrate the obvious benefits of new anti-TB agents over pre-existing drugs, since clinical trials involve multi-drug combination therapy using highly effective ordinary anti-TB drugs. XDR-TB has been identified in all regions of the world, including the United States. These difficult to treat resistant forms of TB are increasingly seen in Asia, Eastern Europe, South America and sub-Saharan Africa, disrupting TB and HIV control programmes. Because of the limited responsiveness of XDR-TB to available antibiotics, mortality rates among patients with XDR-TB are similar to those of TB patients in the pre-antibiotic era. To assess the frequency and distribution of XDR-TB cases, the CDC and WHO surveyed an international network of TB laboratories. Slovakia belongs to a group of countries with low incidence rates of TB. HIV-infected patients with MDR-TB have unacceptably high mortality; both antiretroviral and antimycobacterial treatment are necessary. Simultaneous treatment requires 6-10 different drugs. Given the increasing current global trends in MDR-TB, aggressive preventive and management strategies are urgently required to avoid disruption of global TB control efforts. Available data suggest that existing interventions, public health systems and anti-TB and anti-HIV programmes must be strengthened significantly.
Na całym świecie gruźlica (TB) nadal pozostaje najczęstszą i najbardziej znaczącą chorobą zakaźną, powodującą zachorowania i zgony. Ocenia się, że jedna trzecia światowej populacji jest zarażona prątkiem gruźlicy. Według światowej Organizacji Zdrowia pojawia się co roku na całym świecie osiem do dziesięciu milionów nowych zachorowań na gruźlicę. Gruźlica obok malarii i HIV znajduje się w pierwszej trójce najczęstszych przyczyn zgonów spowodowanych pojedynczym czynnikiem zakaźnym. Przypisuje się jej około 1,7 do 2 milionów zgonów rocznie. Powszechne stosowanie i nadużywanie izoniazydu i rifampicyny przez trzy dekady doprowadziły do powstania i rozprzestrzenienia się wielolekowo opornej odmiany gruźlicy (MDR-TB) i szerokoodpornej gruźlicy (XDR-TB) na całym świecie. MDR-TB jest definiowana jako ta odmiana gruźlicy, która jest odporna na dwa najbardziej efektywne leki pierwszorzutowe, tj. izoniazyd i rifampicynę. Dodatkowo, niemal nieuleczalne odmiany MDR-TB tworzą się na całym świecie. XDR-TB jest definiowana jako ta odmiana MDR-TB, która dodatkowo jest odporna na najbardziej efektywny lek drugiego rzutu w terapii MDR-TB, tj. fluorochinolony i przynajmniej na jeden z trzech leków podawanych pozajelitowo, tj. amikacynę, kanamycynę lub kapreomycynę. Niestety żadne nowe lekarstwa oprócz rifabutinu i rifapentinu nie zostały wprowadzone na rynek w Stanach Zjednoczonych i w innych krajach w czterdziestoletnim okresie po wprowadzeniu rifampicyny. Jest szereg ograniczeń, które odstraszały koncerny farmaceutyczne przed inwestowaniem w nowe leki przeciwko gruźlicy. Badania są drogie, długotrwałe i żmudne. Wymagają ponadto specjalistycznych ośrodków badawczych. Czas opracowania jakiegokolwiek leku przeciwko gruźlicy jest bardzo długi (badania kliniczne trwać muszą przynajmniej pół roku, z rocznym okresem następującym). Jest niezwykle trudno wykazać istotną przewagę nowych leków przeciwgruźliczych nad tymi już istniejącymi, gdyż badania kliniczne opierają się na porównaniu do wcześniejszej terapii, często obejmującej wiele tradycyjnych środków przeciwko gruźlicy, których skuteczność była duża. XDR-TB rozpoznawano we wszystkich regionach świata, w tym w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Te trudne do wyleczenia odporne formy gruźlicy są coraz częściej odnotowywane w Azji, Europie Wschodniej, Ameryce Południowej i na terenach Afryki Subsaharyjskie, zakłócając działalność programów kontroli gruźlicy i HIV. Z powodu ograniczonej reakcji XDR-TB na dostępne antybiotyki, śmiertelność pacjentów z XDR-TB porównywalna jest do tej, którą pacjenci z gruźlicą wykazywali w erze przedantybiotykowej. Aby ocenić rozmieszczenie i częstotliwość przypadków XDR-TB, Centrum Zapobiegania i Zwalczania Chorób (CDC) oraz Światowa Organizacja Zdrowia (WHO) powołały międzynarodową sieć laboratoriów gruźliczych. Słowacja należy do krajów z niską zachorowalnością na gruźlicę. Pacjenci zarażeni wirusem HIV cierpiący na MDR-TB wykazują nieakceptowalną śmiertelność: obie terapie są konieczne: antyretrowirusowa i antyprątkowa. Symultaniczne leczenie wymaga zastosowania 6-10 różnych lekarstw. Biorąc pod uwagę wzrastającą liczbę zachorowań na MDR-TB, zdecydowane strategie prewencyjne i zarządzające są niezwłocznie konieczne, aby nie doszło do zaburzenia działań na rzecz kontroli gruźlicy na całym świecie. Dostępne źródła sugerują, że istniejące działania, systemy zdrowia publicznego i programy przeciwdziałania HIV i gruźlicy muszą zostać znacząco wzmocnione.
Celem pracy było określenie częstości występowania chorób układu oddechowego wśród kandydatów do czynnej służby wojskowej na okrętach Marynarki Wojennej RP, badanych w latach 2000-2007 przez Wojskową Komisję Morsko-Lekarską w Gdańsku. Przeanalizowano dane 21009 mężczyzn zawarte w dokumentacji medycznej WKML. Najczęstszymi schorzeniami były: astma oskrzelowa oraz gruźlica, przebyta w okresie poprzedzającym badania. Zaobserwowano także rosnący w czasie trend w występowaniu chorób układu oddechowego, będących przyczyną niezdolności do czynnej służby wojskowej, wśród młodych mężczyzn w Polsce.
The aim of the work was to determine the frequency of respiratory system diseases among the candidates for active military duty on the ships of Polish Navy, examined in years 2000-2007 by the Military Maritime-Medical Commission in Gdansk. 21009 men's data, included in the MMMC’s medical documentation, were analyzed. The most common diseases were: bronchial asthma and tuberculosis, experienced in the pre-examination period. An increasing tendency was observed in the occurrence of respiratory tract diseases which was identified as the cause of inability for active military duty among young men in Poland.
Several 1-(chloro, fluoro, dichloro or difluorophenyl)-4-nitroimidazoles and their 2-methyl derivatives have been prepared by the reaction of respectively substituted anilines with 1,4-dinitroimidazoles via a degenerated imidazole ring transformation. The structures of the obtained products were characterized by spectros copy and/or by X-ray analysis. Most of the products have been tested as My cobacterium tuberculosis inhibitors.
Content available remote Tuberkulostatyczne chemioterapeutyki
At the present time tuberculosis is completely treatable. However, it[MS1] is still a major cause of morbidity and mortality among the poorest people. Tuberculosis is the main source of death from among infectious diseases worldwide. In turn, infectious diseases remain the leading cause of death in the world today, greater than cardiovascular disease or cancer. According to the data provided by World Health Organization (WHO), one-third of the world's population is infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. In contrary to general expectation, the incidence of mycobacterial disease has significantly increased since 1990 worldwide. This problem has been aggravated by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) pandemia and the recent increase in incidences of microbial resistance to antibiotics. Another problem is the lack of the viable research program to develop the new range of the antituberculosis drugs. Since the mid 90’s no new drugs have been introduced, with the exception of a few minor modifications of existing formulas. This review presents history and current summary of the developments in the application and synthesis of tuberculostatic chemotherapeutics. One of the first type of drugs used were salts of heavy metals, which were discontinued quickly due to the high degree of their toxicity. However pirazinamide(2), introduced in 1936 is still being used today. Modern antituberculosis therapies started in 1944 with the Waksman’s discovery of the streptomycin (12). From among modern drugs the most popular are: PAS (15), INH (18), and EMB (34). Schemes 7, 8 and 14, 15 show the methods of synthesis of these compounds. Similarly, schemes 9?11 show the same for the cycloserine (22) antibiotic, and figures 2, 3 and 4 present the structures of the kanamycin 33 cyclic polipeptide 38 and ansamycin 39 antibiotics. Furthermore, detailed description of the methods of synthesis of fluorochinolones 44, 45 and 46 (introduced in 80’s) can be found in schemes 19, 20 and 22. In this article there is also information about the direction of the new research trends taking place in the field of the new antituberculosis agents.
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