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The research aims to study the purification performance of a local and natural material as an input or as a biological filter for treating urban domestic wastewater. For this purpose, pozzolan was used as the biofiltration support that was provided from Beni Saf located in the North-West of Algeria. Tests were carried out with a specially modified pilot unit (TE900) for wastewater treatment over a period of four months. To assess the efficiency of the treatment, two main parameters have been focused on - the height of the sprinkler filter (40 cm and 80 cm) and the flow rate (10, 16, and 25 dm3∙h-1). Physicochemical and bacteriological analyses were carried out on raw wastewater and treated water. The obtained results show that the Beni Saf pozzolan-filled trickling filter eliminates a large fraction of the studied pollutants. The purification yields obtained are fairly encouraging; 98% for turbidity, 88% for suspended solids (SS), 94% for chemical oxygen demand (COD), and 98% for biological oxygen demand (BOD5 ). As for bacterial indicators, the formation of biofilms has significantly reduced bacterial activity with a percentage of over 80%. It can be concluded that the reduction of pollutant parameters clearly indicates the effectiveness of the treatment by this ecological process. Therefore, the use of local and natural materials for wastewater treatment can be a promising alternative based on sustainable environmental technologies and development.
In Poland, as well as worldwide, an increase in craft beer production can be observed. In the last several years, more than 150 of such breweries have appeared and according to Polish Brewery Association, their number might ultimately reach 500. Many of them emerge in the areas with no access to a central sewerage system so they have to solve the problem of waste management on their own. The article presents the results of research on the possibility of using a hybrid system for biological treatment of sewage from craft breweries. The sewage came from a craft brewery Waszczukowe located in the Podlaskie province. A laboratory scale model consisted of a trickling filter (TF) (research model Gunt CE701e) and vertical flow constructed wetland (SS-VF). Innovative filling (Certyd produced by LSA company) of TF and SS VF was applied. The conducted study included determining the changes in the sewage parameters during hybrid treatment, as well as TF and SS VF efficiency separately. The aim of the research was to show the possibility of treating sewage to a point when it was possible to discharge it to a receiver, in compliance with the Polish legal regulations. The research results might be used in designing a treatment system or sewage pretreatment in craft breweries. The average efficiency of TF operating with 100% recirculation was 76% for BOD5, 80% for COD, 26% for TN and 34% for TP, while the total treatment efficiency of a hybrid system (TF and SS-VF) was 98%, 98%, 72% and 77%, respectively. The load of TF during operation with recirculation was on average 0.38 kg BOD5 m-2d-1, 0.57 kg COD m-2 d-1. The load of SS-VF was on average 0.09 kg BOD5 m-2 d-1 and 0.12 kg COD m-2d-1. The obtained results of hybrid treatment permitted to discharge the sewage to the receiver.
The performance and economic simulation and modeling are crucial for accurate and rapid designing, construction, and forecasting future economic needs of municipal wastewater treatment plants (MWWTPs). In this study, combined nitrifying trickling filter/activated sludge (NTF/AS) process was suggested for the modernization of a MWWTP and the performance and economics of MWWTPs based on the combined TF/AS process and combined NTF/AS process were analyzed and compared. In real, the performance, total project construction, total operation labor, total maintenance labor, total material, total chemical, total energy, and total amortization costs of these proposed MWWTPs were calculated and compared. Under the used design criteria and operational conditions in this study, the project construction cost of the MWWTP based on TF/AS was 15.25 % higher than that of the MWWTP based on NTF/AS. Also, MWWTP based on NTF/AS was cost effective and the material and amortization costs for both plants were higher in comparison with the operation, maintenance, energy, and chemical costs. It is necessary to note that this study is a computer simulation for a case and drawing general conclusions only on the basis of this simulation may be insufficient.
The article presents the results of the research on the possibility of using a trickling filter for high efficiency treatment of dairy sewage. Nowadays, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, it is possible to change the activated sludge system to the trickling filter technology, especially in small dairy plants with lower raw sewage parameters in comparison to larger plants. In the research, dairy wastewater after dissolved air flotation (DAF) process was treated with a laboratory scale Gunt CE701e research model which allows to control the basic parameters of the treatment with a trickling filter (TF). The conducted study included determining the changing sewage parameters during the DAF process, as well as the trickling filter (TF) efficiency. Such parameters as Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), total Organic Carbon (TOC), total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) and total phosphorous (TP) were checked. The research results confirmed the possibility of high efficiency treatment of dairy sewage with DAF and trickling filter technologies. The average efficiency of DAF treatment was 59.3% for BOD, 49.0% for COD and 80.0% for TP, while the average treatment efficiency of TF was 87.3%, 78.3% and 27.9% without recirculation and 95.2%, 85.5% and 42.0% with 100% recirculation applied, respectively. The load of TF during the operation without recirculation was on average 0.22 kgBOD5∙m-3∙d-1 and 0.25 with 100% recirculation. Applying recirculation allowed to reach the BOD, COD and total phosphorus standards for the sewage discharged to a receiver from Bielmlek dairy WWTP. On the other hand, the concentration of total nitrogen exceeded the permitted standards in this facility.
Celem artykułu było określenie możliwości i celowości zastosowania filtrów doczyszczających przed odprowadzaniem ścieków do ziemi w kontekście spełnienia warunków aktualnego Rozporządzenia Ministra Środowiska z dnia 18 listopada 2014 r. w sprawie warunków, jakie należy spełnić przy wprowadzaniu ścieków do wód lub do ziemi, oraz w sprawie substancji szczególnie szkodliwych dla środowiska wodnego. Ze względu na spodziewane w praktyce zastosowanie i popularność jako warianty porównawcze zastosowano reaktory o bardzo prostej konstrukcji. Porównano uśrednione wartości zmniejszenia BZT5, ChZTCr i zawiesiny ogólnej dla trzech technologii filtrów doczyszczających: złoża biologicznego zraszanego z naturalną wentylacją, filtra piaskowego odkrytego oraz filtra włókninowego. Dodatkowo jako czwarty wariant zaprezentowano prosty model matematyczny i pozwalający na oszacowanie BZT5 na odpływie z biologicznego złoża zraszanego celem zinterpretowania danych empirycznych. Model ten mimo dużej przydatności jest rzadko stosowany w naszym kraju. Stwierdzono możliwość zmniejszenia powierzchni infiltracji (rozsączania) na skutek zastosowania filtrów doczyszczających (powierzchnia po redukcji stanowi 38–63% powierzchni wejściowej). W przypadku dużego pierwotnego zapotrzebowania powierzchni pod drenaż rozsączający zysk w kosztach (kilka tysięcy złotych) wynikający z jej zmniejszenia może nawet znacząco przekraczać koszt zakupu taniego filtra doczyszczającego. Dodatkowo zmniejszenie zajętej powierzchni działki (w skrajnych przypadkach nawet o 100 m2), dzięki zastosowaniu filtra doczyszczającego, umożliwia wykorzystanie niezajętej powierzchni na inne cele i daje w ten sposób dodatkową korzyść ekonomiczną.
The aim of the article was to determine the feasibility and advisability of the use of secondary filters applied before discharge of wastewater into the ground in the context of the fulfillment of the conditions of the current Regulation of the Minister of Environment of 18 November 2014 on the conditions to be met during the discharge of wastewater into the water or the ground and on substances particularly harmful to the aquatic environment. Due to expected in practice, an application and popularity, as compared variants, reactors having a very simple construction were used. The average values of removal of BOD5, COD and total suspended solids for three secondary filters technologies: biological trickling filter with natural ventilation, sand filter and nonwoven filter were compared. Additionally, as a fourth option a simple mathematical model has been presented. This model allows to estimate of BOD5 at the outflow from biological trickling filter and to verify the empirical data. Despite a large usefulness, it is rarely used in our country. It has been found the possibility of reduction of the infiltration area (surface area after reduction is 38–63% of the initial value) due to the application of secondary filters. In the case of a high initial demand of the terrain area for drainage localization the benefit in costs resulting from the reduction (several thousand of PLN) or may even significantly exceed the cost of buying and installing a cheap secondary filter. In addition, reduction the occupied area of the lot (in extreme cases up to 100 m2) by using the secondary filter allows to use the unoccupied space for other purposes, and thus gives additional economic advantage.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań dotyczących możliwości zastosowania złoża biologicznego z wypełnieniem z tworzywa do oczyszczania ścieków charakteryzujących się wysokim stężeniem azotu amonowego. Badania prowadzono z zastosowaniem odcieków, powstających w trakcie beztlenowej stabilizacji osadów w oczyszczalni ścieków mleczarskich. Są one z reguły zawracane do głównego ciągu oczyszczania. Ich duża ilość powoduje zakłócenia w pracy oczyszczalni ścieków mleczarskich. BZT5 odcieków było porównywalne z wartościami charakterystycznymi dla ścieków bytowych, natomiast stężenie azotu amonowego zmieniało się od 145,0 do 390,0 mg N-NH4+/l, a fosforu ogólnego od 16,0 do 38,0 mg P/l. W badaniach wykorzystano układ badawczy CE701e firmy Gunt umożliwiający kontrolę podstawowych parametrów procesu. Złoże biologiczne w układzie niskoobciążonym umożliwiło znaczne obniżenie zawartości substancji organicznej oraz azotu ogólnego i amonowego. Średnia efektywność usuwania azotu amonowego wynosiła od 73,6 do 80,3%. W przypadku azotu Kjeldahla średnia efektywność usuwania wynosiła od 74,4 do 79,8%. Ze względu na warunki tlenowe panujące w trakcie oczyszczania efektywność usuwania fosforu była niska i zmieniała się od 32,0 do 33,7%. Wykonane badania potwierdziły skuteczność złóż biologicznych w oczyszczaniu ścieków charakteryzujących się dużym stężeniem azotu amonowego.
The article presents the results of research about the possibility of using trickling filter for high ammonia concentration sewage treatment. The study was conducted with the use of reject water generated during anaerobic sewage sludge stabilization in dairy wastewater treatment plant (WWTP. They are usually returned to the beginning of WWTP. The value of BOD in reject water was approximately the same as in domestic and municipal sewage. Ammonia nitrogen concentration was varied from 145,0 to 390,0 mg N-NH4+/l and phosphorus from 16.0 to 38.0 mgP/l. The study used the Gunt test system CE701e, which allows controlling basic parameters of the treatment with trickling filter. Significant reduction of organic matter, total nitrogen and ammonium was observed during treatment. Average removal efficiency of ammonia nitrogen ranged from 73.6 to 80.3%. In the case of the Kjeldahl nitrogen removal efficiencies ranged from 74.4 to 79.8%. Because of the aerobic conditions during the treatment of phosphorus removal efficiency was low and varied from 32.0 to 33.7%. The research confirmed the efficiency of trickling filter for treatment sewage with high concentration of ammonia nitrogen.
Content available remote Dualny system oczyszczania ścieków komunalnych w Gorlicach
Municipal wastewater treatment plant in Gorlice (Subcarpathian Voivodeship) is a mechanical-biological treatment plant with increased removal of nutrients. Technological system of the WWTP is carried out based on the following devices: screens, a horizontal grit, the Imhoff tank, trickling filter, an activated sludge reactor – the BIOCOMPACT reactor and secondary clarifiers Rex type. Biological wastewater treatment in the WWTP in Gorlice is based on trickling filters and activated sludge reactor in two independent processing lines. Current flow of wastewater is approx. 6000 m³/d, representing on average approx. 40% of the designed capacity during rainy season. Size of WWTP expressed equivalent number of inhabitants stands at around 25000 PE. In the period 2010–2013, the effectiveness of treatment provide proper removal of impurities from wastewater in relation to the requirements defined in the water-legal permit. There has been only minimal limit values laid down in the water-legal permit for the total nitrogen. The quality of effluent indicates that the work of the Gorlice WWTP is correct and stable. Analysis of the results showed in 2010-2013 the average efficiency of pollutants removal: BOD5 – 98,1 ± 1,9%, COD – 93,9 ± 5,3%, TSS – 98,3 ± 2,5%, TN – 73,9 ± 13,6%. TP – 85,6 ± 16,8%. Correct operation of the WWTP in Gorlice was confirmed by analysis of the reliability parameters of WN and PSW.
Oczyszczalnia ścieków komunalnych w Gorlicach (woj. podkarpackie) jest oczyszczalnią mechaniczno-biologiczną z podwyższonym usuwaniem związków biogennych. Układ technologiczny oczyszczania ścieków realizowany jest w oparciu o kraty gęste, piaskownik poziomy, osadnik Imhoffa, złoża biologiczne, reaktor BIOCOMPACT z komorą stabilizacji osadu nadmiernego oraz osadniki wtórne typ Rex. Biologiczne oczyszczanie ścieków w oczyszczalni ścieków oparte jest na złożach biologicznych i osadzie czynnym w dwóch niezależnych ciągach technologicznych. Aktualnie do obiektu dopływają ścieki w ilości ok. 6000 m³/d, stanowiąc średnio ok. 40% przepustowości projektowanej w porze deszczowej. Wielkość oczyszczalni wyrażona równoważną liczbą mieszkańców, kształtuje się na poziomie ok 25000 RLM. W rozpatrywanym okresie (2010-2013 r.) oczyszczalnia zapewniała właściwą skuteczność usuwania zanieczyszczeń ze ścieków, względem wymagań określonych w pozwoleniu wodnoprawnym. Odnotowano jedynie znikome przekroczenia wartości granicznych ustalonych w pozwoleniu wodnoprawnym w przypadku azotu ogólnego. Jakość ścieków oczyszczonych wskazuje, że praca oczyszczalni ścieków w Gorlicach jest prawidłowa oraz stabilna. Analiza wyników wykazała w latach 2010–2013 średnią efektywność usuwania zanieczyszczeń ze ścieków, która dla poszczególnych wskaźników wyniosła: BZT5 – 98,1±1,9%, ChZT – 93,9±5,3%, Zog – 98,3±2,5%, Nog – 73,9±13,6 %. Pog – 85,6±16,8%. Potwierdzeniem poprawnej eksploatacji oczyszczalni w Gorlicach jest analiza parametrów niezawodnościowych i uzyskanie zadowalających wyników WN i PSW.
The effect of filter media on groundwater quality changes was studied for 6 months. The test system was continuously supplied with groundwater from well, at a constant speed from top to bottom and filter deposits were open to provide contact with air. Filter beds during the study period were not washed. The subject of the study were three beds (Z1, Z2 and Z3) with different filter materials: Z1, Z3 were filled only with an alkaline material, which provided to reduction the corrosivity of water, Z2 – outside alkalising materials also included sand, thus increasing removal efficiency of iron and phosphate ions. Analysis of water physico-chemical parameters include pH, temperature, total alkalinity, intensity of colour, turbidity, dissolved oxygen and the content of: iron, iron (II) and (III), aggressive carbon dioxide, inorganic nitrogen forms (Ninorg), ie NH4+, NO2-, NO3-, phosphate and total organic carbon. Bacteriological analysis of water samples was based on the total number of psychrophilic bacteria, having an optimum temperature for growth about 22ºC, and mesophilic (37ºC). All analyses were made in accordance with current standards. Groundwater was characterized by high volatility of most of the analyzed indicators of water quality. Due to the low flow velocity of water through the filtration beds and presence of dissolved oxygen in water, there was conditions for microbial growth in the deposits. There were a growth conditions for biofilm development on the surface of filter media. Excess filter media was periodically flushed out by flowing water regardless of the type of material which is contacted with water. Confirmation of the biofilm development on the surface of mineral grains was also indirectly by the increase in the number of bacteria in the filtrate, compared to the number of bacteria in the groundwater. Biological activity of the bacteria on the deposits surface was confirmed by changes in concentration of inorganic forms of nitrogen. All three beds have provided a reduction in inorganic nitrogen, which was assimilated by the microorganisms. Microorganisms on the surface of deposits reduced ammonia nitrogen in the filtrates by nitrification process. In addition, NH4+ particles may be adsorbed on the surface of particulate matter present in the water and retained in the bed. During this research there were no significant differences depending on the type of deposit, in efficiency of removal of inorganic nitrogen.
Na przestrzeni wieków bioreaktory zmieniały swój kształt oraz znajdowano dla nich kolejne zastosowania. Najpopularniejsze i zarazem najstarsze obejmowały technologię żywności. Dziś bioreaktory są powszechnie wykorzystywane w celu poprawy jakości środowiska naturalnego. Biologiczny etap oczyszczania ścieków jest sercem każdej nowoczesnej oczyszczalni ścieków bytowo-gospodarczych. Bioreaktory wykorzystuje się również w celu produkcji biogazu, bioremediacji gruntów oraz oczyszczania gazów przemysłowych. W niniejszym artykule omówiono podstawowe typy bioreaktorów oraz przykłady ich wykorzystania w szeroko pojętej inżynierii środowiska. Nieustający rozwój nauk technicznych i podstawowych prowadzi do powstawania kolejnych pomysłów na wykorzystanie czynników biologicznych w celu neutralizacji ryzyka związanego z działalnością antropogeniczną. Przed inżynierią bioreaktorów stoją nowe wyzwania i zarazem olbrzymi potencjał rozwoju.
In past centuries bioreactors were changing their shape and their applications were developing. The most common and the oldest applications contained food technology. Today, bioreactors are commonly used for increasing the quality of environment. Biological part of treatment is the heart of each domestic wastewater treatment plant. Bioreactors are also used for biogas production, bioremediation techniques or exhaust purification. In this paper we would like to present the idea of bioreactor methods and selected examples of their application in environmental protection. The ceaseless development of basic and technical science is creating innovative ideas for application of bioreactors for changing the quality of environment. New challenges and great potential is still waiting to be proved in research institutions.
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