This study presents the preparation of 1-(5-azido-1H-1,2,4-triazol-3yl)tetrazole (5) from commercially available chemicals in a five step synthesis. The energetic title compound was comprehensively characterized by various means, including vibrational (IR, Raman) and multinuclear (1H, 13C, 14N, 15N) NMR spectroscopy, mass spectrometry and differential scanning calorimetry. The sensitivities towards various outer stimuli (impact, friction) were determined according to BAM standards. The enthalpy of formation was calculated at the CBS-4M level of theory.
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Dokonano przeglądu literatury na temat zastosowania syntetycznych regulatorów wzrostu i rozwoju w warunkach nowoczesnych technologii uprawy roślin. Omówiono syntetyczne fitohormony, retardanty, biostymulatory, triazole, kwas salicylowy, jasmonidy oraz herbicydy typu regulatorów wzrostu. Podkreślono, że ich zastosowanie w praktyce może w znacznym stopniu przyczynić się do ograniczenia strat w plonie roślin na skutek występowania niekorzystnych czynników środowiska.
A review, with 60 refs., of synthetic plant hormones, retardants, biostimulators, triazoles, salicylic acid, jasmonides, and plant growth regulator herbicides.
The synthesis of 5,5´-dinitrimino-3,3'-methylene-1H-1,2,4-triazole (1) and selected nitrogen rich salts are presented. All compounds were fully characterized in terms of sensitivity and energetic properties. Besides a chemical characterization including multinuclear magnetic resonance study (1H, 13C, 14N) and vibrational analysis (IR, Raman), X-Ray diffraction was performed. Thermal stability was determined using differential scanning calorimetry. Detonation parameters were calculated using the EXPLO5.4 code based on CBS-4M computed heats of formation. The presented compound 5,5´-dinitrimino-3,3´-methylene- 1H-1,2,4-bistriazole shows excellent thermal stabilities in combination with high sensitivities and therefore is of interest for possible applications as metal free primary.
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