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This paper takes the form of a comparative life cycle assessment (LCA) analysis of 40-foot steel and composite containers based on GaBi® software. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions can be undertaken, among other things, by reducing the weight of the container, which is possible if lighter materials with comparable mechanical properties to steel are used. The LCA analysis allowed us to estimate the energy consumed and the amount of greenhouse gases emitted during the production of a steel and composite container. It turned out that the energy consumed in the production of the composite and steel container is practically equal in value, provided that carbon fiber from the polyolefin precursor is used in production. The processes with the highest energy intensity for container production are carbon fiber and COR-TEN A® steel production and processing. Changing the container material from steel to composite would save fuel and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions into the atmosphere by 5.1 % and 18.3 % for road transportation and sea shipping, respectively.
Purpose: Main novelty and the aim of the paper is to analyses possibility of dissimilar AG welding of two various grades of steel with significantly different structure. Design/methodology/approach: Two various metals have been checked in welding in order to obtain a high-quality joint of car body elements. The properties of the joint were checked by NDT (Non Destructive Test) and DT (Destructive Tests). Findings: Relations between MAG welding process parameters and the quality of joint. Research limitations/implications: In the future, it can be tested the effect of micro addition of nitrogen or oxygen in gas shielding mixtures of the MAG process. Practical implications: Suggested materials and innovation will not cause problems in the production process provided that the technological regime will be respected. Social implications: Modifying the welding materials and method will not affect the environment and production management methods. Producing of dissimilar welds must translate into production savings. Originality/value: The paper is addressed to manufacturers of low-alloy and advanced high strenth steel for automotive industry.
Hasło :etykieta logistyczna" coraz częściej pojawia się w firmach. Wzbudza mieszane uczucia. U jednych pozytywnie: :Będzie łatwiej, "będziemy wiedzieć gdzie, co jest", u drugich negatywne: "dodatkowe zadania i koszty", :nie wiemy jak to się robi".
The technique of acoustic emission has been shown to be useful for monitoring and measurement of transportation and mixing of feed concentrates and other ingredients. This method is ideally suited for flow/no flow alarm indicators, requiring no calibration and only basic electronic support. If the method is to be used for analysis of mixtures, the components must be sufficiently different in particle size or density. Besides that, the detection of particle breakdown and damage should be possible.
Wykazano, że technika emisji akustycznej jest przydatna do monitorowania i pomiaru transportu oraz mieszania koncentratów paszowych i innych składników. Metoda ta idealnie nadaje się do wskaźników alarmowych przepływu/braku przepływu, nie wymagając kalibracji i jedynie podstawowego wsparcia elektronicznego. Jeżeli metoda ma być stosowana do analizy mieszanin, składniki muszą różnić się dostatecznie wielkością cząstek lub gęstością. Poza tym powinno być możliwe wykrywanie rozkładu i uszkodzeń cząstek.
Due to the various crises and the geopolitical situation, it is emphasized that it is necessary to create resilient supply chains through nearshoring. The effect of this is the shortening of supply chains in the area of purchasing materials and components, i.e. in the sphere of supply management relations. This should result in changes at the level of trade in the area of purchases. The aim of the article is to diagnose whether there is a tendency to reduce the volume of supplies with the increase in the distance of supply sources from the perspective of their overall structure. The context of the considerations is the European Union, with special focus on Poland. Time series analysis was used as a research method to detect the nature of the phenomenon represented by a sequence of observations, as well as classic descriptive statistics. It was inter alia found that no reduction in the burden on international supply chains was observed in Poland and the EU, expressed in the volume of trade exchange in terms of value. Additionally, no positive structural changes towards shortening supply chains were observed, despite an increase in transport costs and pro-environmental policy. The research may support decision-making regarding ways to strengthen resilience in goods flows. Previously, research on this topic was usually conducted in an aggregate form. The new research contribution is an analysis that takes into account such moderators as short and long flows.
Z uwagi pojawiające się kryzysy różnej natury i sytuację geopolityczną podkreśla się, że konieczne jest tworzenie odpornych łańcuchów dostaw poprzez nearshoring. Efektem tego jest skracanie łańcuchów dostaw w przestrzeni zakupów materiałów i komponentów, czyli w sferze relacji zarządzania dostawami. Powinno to skutkować zmianami na poziomie wymiany handlowej w obszarze zakupów. Celem badania jest zatem zdiagnozowanie, czy istnieje tendencja do mniejszego obciążenia łańcucha dostaw z punktu widzenia dostaw międzynarodowych, czyli importu towarów. Przedmiotem rozważań jest Unia Europejska ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem Polski. Jako metodę badawczą do odkrywania natury zjawiska reprezentowanej przez sekwencję obserwacji oraz klasyczną statystykę opisową wykorzystano analizę szeregów czasowych. Stwierdzono m.in., że w Polsce i UE nie obserwuje się zmniejszenia obciążenia międzynarodowych łańcuchów dostaw wyrażonego wartościowo wolumenem wymiany handlowej. Dodatkowo, pomimo wzrostu kosztów transportu i polityki prośrodowiskowej, nie zaobserwowano pozytywnych zmian strukturalnych w kierunku skracania łańcuchów dostaw. Badania mogą pomóc w podejmowaniu decyzji dotyczących sposobów wzmocnienia odporności w przepływach towarów. Dotychczas badania na ten temat były prowadzone przeważnie w formie zagregowanej. Nowym wkładem badawczym jest dokonanie analizy uwzględniającej takie moderatory jak przepływy krótkie i długie.
Since 2015, the Automotive Services Centre has been operating at the Motor Transport Institute for Disabled People (CUM) and since 2021, as part of the project entitled Knowledge Centre on Accessibility to transport and mobility for people with special needs (CWoD), there has been an information and consultation point active in which road users with disabilities, and in particular users of individual transport – drivers and passengers of passenger cars – can obtain information that will facilitate their functioning in road traffic. Part of customer service for people with disabilities is collecting information, also for scientific and research works. From November 2022 to June 2023, as a pilot research, interviews were conducted with beneficiaries of the above-mentioned entities, in order to learn their opinions on the systems and adaptive devices they use in cars. The results of this study, presented in this article, allowed for the development of general recommendations regarding advising people with special needs (PSN) – users of individual transport, the implementation of which would improve the quality of services in this area.
Od 2015 r. przy Instytucie Transportu Samochodowego działa Centrum Usług Motoryzacyjnych (CUM), a od 2021 r. w ramach projektu Centrum Wiedzy o Dostępności do transportu i mobilności dla osób ze specjalnymi potrzebami (CWoD), również punkt informacyjno-konsultacyjny, w którym niepełnosprawni użytkownicy dróg, a w szczególności użytkownicy transportu indywidualnego – kierowcy i pasażerowie samochodów osobowych – mogą uzyskać informacje, które ułatwią im funkcjonowanie w ruchu drogowym. Częścią obsługi klienta osób niepełnosprawnych jest zbieranie informacji – także do prac naukowo-badawczych. Od listopada 2022 r. do czerwca 2023 r. przeprowadzono badania pilotażowe – wywiady z beneficjentami ww. podmiotów, mające na celu poznanie ich opinii na temat systemów i urządzeń adaptacyjnych stosowanych przez nich w samochodach. Wyniki tego badania, zaprezentowane w artykule, pozwoliły na opracowanie ogólnych rekomendacji dotyczących doradztwa dla osób ze specjalnymi potrzebami (OSP) — użytkowników transportu indywidualnego, których wdrożenie pozwoliłoby na poprawę jakości usług w tym zakresie.
Content available remote To będzie najdłuższy tunel w Polsce : przed nami kluczowy etap
Z tekstu dowiesz się: dlaczego tunel pod Odrą będzie dłuższy niż pierwotnie sądzono, na czym polegały badania podłoża gruntowego, jakie korzyści przyniesie budowa zachodniej obwodnicy Szczecina.
Content available remote Najdłuższy most w Małopolsce otwarty
Z tekstu dowiesz się: ile i jakie materiały wykorzystano do budowy obiektu nad Dunajcem, w jaki sposób posadowiono nowy obiekt, która przeprawa przestała być małopolskim liderem.
The purpose of the article is to show changes in the operation of Polish large and medium-sized road carriers in the context of the EU's pro-environmental requirements contained in the Green Deal in the post-pandemic period. The decline in the number of transport orders resulting from the general slowdown in the economy during the COVID-19 pandemic undoubtedly had an impact on the turnover of road carriers and, consequently, on funding for investment projects, including environmentally friendly investments. Verifying the magnitude and direction of such changes seems a much-needed aspect of the research in the context of the Green Deal's unchanging high demands. The research that was conducted shows the impact of the pandemic on the investment decisions and activities of transport companies and the reality of post-pandemic transport. The practical application of the research results is very useful, primarily as guidance for road carriers in the context of Green Deal.
Celem artykułu jest ukazanie zmian w funkcjonowaniu polskich dużych i średnich przewoźników drogowych w kontekście wymogów prośrodowiskowych UE zawartych w Zielonym Ładzie w okresie postpandemicznym. Spadek liczby zleceń transportowych wynikający z ogólnego spowolnienia gospodarki w czasie pandemii Covid-19 niewątpliwie wpłynął na obroty przewoźników drogowych, a w konsekwencji na finansowanie projektów inwestycyjnych, w tym inwestycji przyjaznych środowisku. Weryfikacja skali i kierunku tych zmian wydaje się bardzo potrzebnym aspektem badań w kontekście niezmiennie wysokich wymagań Zielonego Ładu. Przeprowadzone badania pokazują wpływ pandemii na decyzje inwestycyjne i działalność firm transportowych oraz postpandemiczną rzeczywistość w transporcie. Praktyczne zastosowanie wyników badań jest bardzo przydatne, przede wszystkim jako wytyczne dla przewoźników drogowych w kontekście Zielonego Ładu.
This study embarks on a profound investigation into the experiences and challenges confronted by individuals with disabilities. It emphasizes their interactions with architectural structures and their engagement with assisting technologies. Based on a meticulously curated survey, the study reveals that the educational background of respondents is diverse, with secondary education emerging as the most prevalent. A significant segment of the sample, 48%, is identified with a profound degree of disability (I disability group), underscoring the need to address their unique challenges. Key findings highlight a range of architectural barriers, with stairs lacking alternative access methods as the primary impediment. This highlights the urgency for urban planning and infrastructural updates tailored for inclusivity. The frequency of outdoor activities, predominantly daily, provides insights into mobility patterns and potential challenges faced. On the technological front, the survey reveals a disparity in the adoption and satisfaction levels with assisting technologies. Only a small minority use these tools daily, with a significant segment expressing inadequacy or partial alignment with their needs. Interestingly, a pronounced affinity towards these technologies is observed among higher educated individuals, suggesting potential links between education and technological engagement. Furthermore, the study explores the intricacies of architectural barriers in residential areas. Larger cities, for instance, present unique challenges, such as the lack of appropriate voice signaling. Such insights advocate for location-specific interventions. This research provides a comprehensive understanding of the diverse challenges faced by individuals with disabilities in Poland. By integrating these insights, the study emphasizes the need for holistic and targeted solutions, laying the foundation for creating an inclusive and accessible societal environment. This paper also aims to explore the logistics of transport services for people with disabilities in Poland, focusing on their availability, accessibility, cost, regulations, and the awareness and education surrounding these services. By examining these factors, this paper seeks to identify the challenges faced by people with disabilities when using transport services in Poland and suggests measures to enhance the logistics of these services.
Niniejszy artykuł przedstawia analizę doświadczeń i wyzwań, przed którymi stoją osoby niepełnosprawne. Podkreśla ich interakcję z obiektami architektonicznymi oraz zaangażowanie w technologie wspomagające. Badanie wykazało, że wykształcenie respondentów jest zróżnicowane, jednak dominuje wykształcenie średnie. Znacząca część próby, aż 48%, identyfikuje się ze znacznym stopniem niepełnosprawności (I grupa niepełnosprawności), co podkreśla potrzebę sprostania ich wyzwaniom. W opracowaniu wskazano na szereg występujących barier architektonicznych, z których główną są schody, bez alternatywnych metod dostępu. Podkreśla to pilną potrzebę planowania urbanistycznego i aktualizacji infrastruktury, dostosowanych do specjalnych potrzeb. Analiza częstotliwości aktywności na świeżym powietrzu, głównie codziennych wyjść, pozwoliła na określenie wzorców mobilności osób niepełnosprawnych oraz zidentyfikowanie potencjalnych wyzwań, z jakimi się borykają. Badania wykazały istotne różnice w adaptacji i poziomie zadowolenia z technologii wspomagających; tylko niewielka część respondentów korzysta z tych narzędzi codziennie, przy czym znaczna ich część wyraża niedostosowanie lub częściowe dostosowanie do swoich potrzeb. Przywiązanie do tych technologii obserwuje się wśród osób z wyższym wykształceniem, co sugeruje potencjalne powiązania między edukacją, a zaangażowaniem technologicznym. Ponadto, badanie wskazuje na bariery architektoniczne w miejscach zamieszkania respondentów. Na przykład, w większych miastach stanowią one większe wyzwania dla osób niepełnosprawnych, takie jak brak odpowiedniej sygnalizacji głosowej. Badanie wskazuje na potrzebę opracowania rozwiązań dostosowanych do specyficznych warunków lokalnych. Przeprowadzone badanie umożliwia wskazanie wyzwań, z jakimi borykają się osoby niepełnosprawne w Polsce. W opracowaniu podkreśla się potrzebę całościowych i ukierunkowanych rozwiązań, które mogą przyczynić się do stworzenia dostępnego środowiska społecznego dla osób niepełnosprawnych. Celem artykułu jest m.in. ocena logistyki usług transportowych dla osób niepełnosprawnych w Polsce, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem ich dostępności, przystępności cenowej, kosztów, aż po świadomość i edukację na temat tych usług. Analizując te czynniki, artykuł podejmuje próbę zidentyfikowania wyzwań stojących przed osobami niepełnosprawnymi podczas korzystania z usług transportowych w Polsce i proponuje działania, które mogą usprawnić logistykę tych usług.
The article presents the issue of the transport of goods in relation to sea transport. Sea transport has been known to mankind for a long time. Currently, maritime transport is not limited only to the transport of goods and/or passengers along sea routes, which are carried out between seaports using appropriately adapted means of transport. It is a branch of transport, which consists of a very good knowledge of navigation, highly specialized staff, and a wide range of containers for transporting various types of cargo, often requiring specialized conditions. In addition, sea transport is perfectly combined with intermodal transport, so that in the end, the transport process is the most beneficial for all participants, i.e., the customers, sellers, distributors, and manufacturers. The main purpose of the article was to present the volume of goods transported in this branch of transport. The article, after introducing the issue, presents the classification of sea vessels, refers to the market of maritime transport services and its conditions for further development, and analyzes the overall volume of goods transported in the seaports of Gdańsk and Gdynia against the background of other Polish seaports in the years 2011-2021.
An important role in the effective functioning and promotion of transport is played not only by transport and forwarding companies, but also by non-governmental organizations, closely cooperating with the industry and representing them in decision-making bodies. The article presents selected organizations representing the transport sector at the global and community forums. The analysis covers the influence of these organizations on establishing international law, unifying technical, organizational, operational and economic solutions, and the preparation of shipping documents. The activities aimed at standardization and unification of land transport for the purposes of intermodal transport were also discussed.
The activities of transport operations exhibit both positive and negative outcomes. Its negative effects on human health and the sustainability of the environment are of interest in this study. As a result, the study investigated the influence of transport operations on the changing local climate in Nigeria's southwestern cities. It investigated motorists' socioeconomic status (SES) and travel characteristics; the salient components of transport operations contributing to greenhouse gas emissions (GHG emissions); the effect of GHG emissions from transport operations on the local climate; transport externalities contributing to local temperature changes; and the effect of GHG emissions from transport operations on human health in the research location. This study employed a cross-sectional research design, utilizing systematic sampling to collect 580 copies of questionnaires administered to commercial motorists found in queues across two randomly selected parks in each capital city within the region. Both descriptive and inferential statistics (ANOVA and Linear Regression) were used to analyze the data. The study found that 60% of the motorists were middle-aged (aged between 36 and 45). The majority (70%) drive an average of 100 to 150 km, and premium motor spirit (PMS) is the primary source of energy for 95% of them. The nature and condition of the fuel in use are the top-ranked components of transport operations contributing to GHG emissions. The result of the ANOVA revealed a significant variation among the components of transport operations contributing to GHG emissions (F = 28.302, p = 0.000<0.05). Meanwhile, the linear regression results indicate that vehicular GHG emissions have a significant impact on the local climate (F1⁄578=30.091, p=0.000<0.05). Traffic congestion and bad road conditions were the top-ranked transport externalities contributing to the changing local climate. The most common effects of GHG emissions on human health were headaches and difficulty breathing. Considering these findings, this study suggests the best tactics to lessen the effects of GHG emissions from transport operations, which adversely affect the local climate and human health in the study area.
Currently, the branch of air transport is one of the most dynamically developing branches of transport. Modern air transport systems provide relatively high quality of services in terms of satisfaction, preferences, and tastes of potential recipients, passengers, and freight operators. Air transport systems use highly advanced technologies, equipment, infrastructure, and appropriate rules and procedures in order to ensure the desired quality of services. The article presents an analysis of the volume of passenger and cargo transport in air transport on the example of the Warszawa Okęcie International Airport (Poland). The analysis covered the years from 2011 to 2021. In addition, the market of air services, and air connections with Warszawa Okęcie International Airport were characterized.
Rail transport is one of the branches of transport included in the group of land transport, and its operation is related to the transport of people and cargo by means of rail transport on a specially designated railroad built for this purpose. The article presents the classification of transported cargo in rail transport, the characteristics of the rail transport market in Europe, as well as the results of the analysis of the rail transport volume in Poland in 2010-2021. This analysis included an assessment of the following features: mass of transported cargo, performed transport and operational work, the average distance of cargo transport for a group of cargo transported by rail and the volume of intermodal transport. The obtained results allowed to conclude that the transport of goods by rail is systematically increasing. Moreover, intermodal transport is developing well.
With a growing number of coronavirus patients worldwide, military and civilian transport aircraft are increasingly being used for civilian medical evacuation duties (MEDEVAC) on time-critical flights. This article deals with the possibility of converting an aircraft fleet in the Czech Republic to MEDEVAC. The indication for the analysis of the possibility of transforming transport aircraft was the past and current pandemic situation in the Czech Republic. The main research question is how to implement the modification of a selected airline of the Czech Republic to MEDEVAC. An analysis of the technical data of selected aircraft from Airbus and Boeing was used to investigate this problem. Further, an analysis of the medical equipment required for the MEDEVAC aircraft category was also performed using equipment manufactured in the Czech Republic. The results obtained by the analysis and spatial arrangement of the aircraft deck for the transport of patients with medical equipment confirmed the possibility of such a transformation within the Czech Republic. We consider it important to elaborate on a project that would solve, in detail, all the steps of the conversion of a transport aircraft to MEDEVAC.
Purpose: The aim of the research was to assess and analyse the factors that are the sources of competitive advantage of the company in the TFL industry, which stands for Transport, Forwarding, Logistics. Design/methodology/approach: The article analyses the company's own documents. Opinions in the analysed company were collected using a survey questionnaire. A number of analyses were carried out to create data compositions and decompositions. The subject of the analysis was a local logistics centre providing its distribution, storage and transport services both in the region and the whole country. It specializes in providing integrated logistics solutions and designing the best possible methods of distribution, storage and transport of the region's customers. Findings: According to the study, the analysed centre ensures professional and efficient implementation of logistics processes. It provides services in the field of comprehensive handling of the order execution process, starting from the administration of products to the preparation of transport and subsequent distribution. The conducted research, however, indicated several weak points of the company, which are: high costs related to the exchange of information or untimely execution of orders. According to the authors of the study, in order to gain an advantage on the market, the analysed logistics centre should implement solutions that will eliminate the above-mentioned risk factors and improve them enough to become a source of competitiveness for the company. Originality/value: The article presents the results of the composition of source and survey data concerning a company in the region of the TFL industry. The study attempts to indicate the determinants of the competitive advantage of a logistics company. Due to the analyses used, it is a very interesting overview of factors from the point of view of the functioning of a local logistics company.
Purpose: Nowadays there is still low awareness of creating specific supply chain hybrids in a planned manner. This paper focuses on a hybrid of the gresilient chain, which reflects the trend to act for the well-being of the environmental to eliminate disruptions in the flow of goods. The aim of the study is to determine the interdependence of the factors shaping the resilience of the supply chain and to determine which of them contribute the most to the creation of a green chain. Design/methodology/approach: AHP and DAMATEL were used as research tools. A study focused on the cognitive chain is extremely interesting, because it is a global chain in which the main coordinator is relatively small. The subject of the research is the international supply chain of a company that conducts research on engine oils, coolants and fuels for gas engines driving turbines, electric and wind turbines, hydraulic transmissions, etc. Findings: As a result, among other things, it was established, that speed is the factor that is most sensitive to the influence of other factors and, at the same time, the most important from the point of view of recipients. In addition, it was proven that redundancy is essential for creating resilience in the analyzed chain, while transparency is necessary for creating the green chain. It has also been shown that redundancy and cooperation work simultaneously to a great extent for the benefit of both chains. Research limitations/implications: Every supply chain requires a separate study. Practical implications: The results can help managers in implementing the gresilient strategy or in modifying it if it has already been implemented. The work carried out may contribute to the creation of a general matrix containing paths to the expected types of supply chains, taking into account the specificity of input and output connections. Social implications: Gresilient chains are part of the idea of corporate social responsibility. Originality/value: From the standpoint of building up resilience, this is an interesting case, because it is the discussed case does not fit into the concepts of popular models in which agility is promoted as the one that guarantees the resilience of the chain. The study is an expanding knowledge in the field of the gresilient chain, in which research is lacking due to the initial stage of science in this area.
Purpose: The aim of the research will be indicate the main and secondary factors determining the choice of petrol stations by micro and small road transport enterprises, whose registered office is located in the Podkarpackie Voivodship. The essence of the research problem will boil down to answering questions about the main and secondary factors determining the choice of petrol stations by micro and small road transport enterprises in the Podkarpackie Voivodeship. Detailed questions will concern the indication of differences when choosing a supplier, taking the criterion of the size of enterprises, owned fleet of vehicles or geographical scope of operations. Therefore, the subject of the study is the retail market of transport fuels, and the subject of the research are micro and small road transport enterprises located in the Podkarpackie Voivodship. The area of research is the determinants of the choice of petrol stations by the surveyed enterprises. Design/methodology/approach: The research procedure will run through the following stages: 1) indicating the topic, purpose and scope of the research; 2) determination and definition of evaluation criteria; 3) construction and development of the interview form; 4) selection of the database of road transport enterprises; 5) selection of the test sample; 6) measurement; 7) interpretation of the obtained results; 8) final conclusions; 9) dissemination of research results. The research method used is a direct interview. The measurement will be carried out on the basis of an interview form. For the purposes of the research, areas of assessment were indicated, i.e. the initial criterion, form of cooperation and selection determinants. Findings: The implementation of the topic and purpose of the research allowed to indicate the determinants of the choice of petrol stations by micro and small road transport enterprises, whose headquarters are located in the Podkarpackie Voivodeship. It should be emphasized that the presented research is the second stage of the research process, the main purpose of which is to indicate the scope and form of cooperation of a retail supplier of liquid fuels with a micro and small road transport company in the Podkarpackie Voivodship. The stages of its implementation include: determining the attributes of the commercial offer of the petrol station network in the analyzed region; an indication of the determinants of the choice of a supplier of liquid fuels by the surveyed enterprises; determination of the extent to which the commercial offer of the petrol station network addressed to micro and small road transport enterprises in the Podkarpackie Voivodship reflects the real needs of the market. Originality/value: In this article, the actions taken to achieve the progress of scientific knowledge led to the expansion of knowledge in the discipline of management and quality science in the area of trade systems, their organization and management. The research focused on the areas that have and will have an impact on improving the competitive position of road transport enterprise.
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