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This article presents a comprehensive analysis of changes in urban development (including certain types of public buildings) and changes in the routes of Lviv’s tram lines over the last 80 years, related to the territorial and demographic development of the city. For this purpose, maps comparing these elements of urban infrastructure between 1932 and 2016 were developed. The analysis was carried out based on a plan of Lviv from 1932, contemporary vector data taken from OpenStreetMap, ArcGIS basemaps, Google Street View panoramic images, information contained in interwar Lviv guides, and supplementary information from other sources.
Projektowanie tras tramwajowych w polskich miastach odbywa się na podstawie starych aktów prawnych, a nieliczne nowe zapisy w innych aktach prawnych nie uwzględniają wystarczająco specyfiki ruchu tramwajowego. Zmiany są potrzebne gdyż od czasu napisania szczegółowych wytycznych nastąpiła zdecydowana wymiana taboru tramwajowego, zmieniły się uwarunkowania społeczne i urbanistyczne. Tramwaje muszą być konkurencyjne wobec ruchu samochodowego, a jednocześnie spełniać zwiększone wymogi ekologiczne. Obecne nieaktualne przepisy prowadzą w najlepszym razie do podejmowania nieoptymalnych decyzji, w skrajnych zaś przypadkach były jedną z przyczyn wypadków tramwajowych. Konieczne jest więc opracowanie nowych szczegółowych wytycznych i systemowa weryfikacja aktów prawnych pod kątem uwzględniania specyfiki tras tramwajowych.
Design of tram tracks in Polish cities is based on old regulations, with some new codes failing to include a specific character of tram traffic. New regulations are necessary, because from the time the old regulations were written, the rolling stock has changed significantly. Social, urban and environmental requirements have also changed, and the tram is now required to be competitive to car traffic. Using old codes in this new situation results at best in choosing non-optimal solutions, at worst causing tram crashes. There is therefore a need for writing new detailed rules for designing tram tracks and for a verification of the legal system how it includes the specific character of tram traffic.
W artykule omówione zostało zagadnienie komunikacji miejskiej w Radomiu. Autorzy przedstawili rys historyczny komunikacji miejskiej, wady i zalety tramwaju oraz możliwości uruchomienia linii tramwajowych.
In the paper was discussed the issue of public transport in Radom. The authors describe historical public transport, advantages and disadvantages of the tram and the ability to start-up the tram lines.
W artykule przedstawiono definicje modernizacji linii kolejowych. Określono podstawowe różnice pomiędzy procesem przebudowy budowli kolejowych i tramwajowych. Skupiono się na kształtowaniu geometrii toru. Wskazano kolejowe przepisy, które mogą być pomocne w procesie projektowania modernizacji linii tramwajowych. Opisano problemy występujące przy bezkrytycznym stosowaniu Wytycznych tramwajowych, oraz wyjaśniono przyczyny niedostosowania tego dokumentu do obecnych wymogów eksploatacyjnych. Wykorzystując opisane w Wytycznych kolejowych zależności i możliwe do adaptacji wartości parametrów kinematycznych, wykonano obliczenia dotyczące typowych tramwajowych układów geometrycznych. Określono zakres stosowalności dotychczasowych metod i zaproponowano rozwiązania poprawiające parametry użytkowe modernizowanych obiektów.
The article presents the definitions of the railway line modernization. The main differences between the process of rebuilding of railway and tramway lines were defined. The process of geometrical lauout designing was the focused issue. The rules used in railway lines which can be helpful in designing tram lines were specified. The problems that may occur while the uncritical application of the Tram Guidelines were described as much as the reasons for inadequacy of this document to the current exploitation requirements. Using the relations from Railway Guidelines and kinematic parameters that are possible for adaptation, the calculations of typical tram geometrical layouts were performed. The scope of application of the existing methods was defined. The solutions improving parameters of modernized objects were described.
Developed by the authors of the initial methodology for determining the spatial structure of the tram lines allows for an uncomplicated visualize the need for new tram lines or extend already existing in Szczecin. Due to the utilized variables (social, economic, demographic) model developed prior to the investment function should be supplemented by the resistance of the road. While utilized variables undergo an ongoing basis. So developed tool would allow the easier control of the urban space management of Szczecin. Counteract so called spilling out of the city [16] in the same creating areas without assuring communication. The improvement of rail transport in Szczecin is important not only because of the spatial development of the city and the creation of new settlements, but also because of the issue of the increasing rate of car ownership, as well as the challenge is to design a transport system in the city, so it was possible to provide residents implementation their transport needs, including in terms of public transport. Analysis of the technical documentation of Szczecin tram infrastructure identified elements of the transport system in need of improvement the city and throughout the metropolitan area. Currently, the means of transport do not meet the expectations of the beneficiaries, even supplemented by SRM in Szczecin development. Analysis showed that the construction of the new tram lines generate high investment costs, and economically justifiable would be to use existing point and line infrastructure of rail transport.
W artykule dokonano przeglądu sieci tramwajowej miasta oraz zalet transportu szynowego w stosunku do innych metod transportu. Wskazano również kierunki rozwoju Szczecińskiego Roweru Miejskiego (SRM) jako uzupełnienia sieci transportu miejskiego oraz alternatywy dla transportu indywidualnego. Opracowano wstępną metodykę określania struktury przestrzennej linii tramwajowych dla miasta Szczecina opartą na modelu grawitacyjnym. Ponadto zaproponowano kolejność budowania tras tramwajowych.
Artykuł przedstawia ocenę satysfakcji mieszkańców Częstochowy po uruchomieniu nowej linii tramwajowej. Poniższy referat wskazuje również korzyści płynące z zastosowania tramwaju w Częstochowie, jego zdolność przewozową oraz wpływ na ograniczenie zatorów drogowych. Artykuł w znacznym stopniu oparty jest na badaniach ankietowych przeprowadzonych w czasie otwarcia linii tramwajowej numer trzy, który wykazuje, że zdecydowana większość mieszkańców dzielnic na których funkcjonuje ta linia, jest zadowolona z jej uruchomienia Praca przedstawia także przypuszczalną przyszłość rozbudowy nowych sieci tramwajowych w Częstochowie w odniesieniu do innych miast w Polsce.
The article presents appreciation of Częstochowa citizens after start up of a new tramline. The article is also trying to point out advantages of a tramline in Częstochowa, his carrying capacity and influence to reduce traffic jams. Article is mostly based on the surveys and interviews with the people who live nearby the new tramline. The survey carried out on the residents who adjoin a new tramline shows that majority of the people are satisfied with the new tramline. Dissertation also presents the ways of future development of the new tramlines in Częstochowa, taking other tramlines of the Polish cities into account.
Elementy systemu tramwajów linowych – napęd główny, stacje przystankowe. Liny napędowe, pojazdy, elementy trasy. Próba włączenia tramwajów linowych w system komunikacji miejskiej Krakowa. Proponowane rozmieszczenie przystanków tramwajów linowych.
The cable car system elements – the main drive, cable car stations. The transmission rope, cable cars, sections of route. The attempt to include the cable cars into the city transport system in Krakow. The proposal of cable car stations location.
Methodical aspect of reconstruction of tram line in the centre of Będzin and line towards Wojkowice, on the basis of landscape changes (in urban space), is the subject of the research. The research aims at indicating and describing the most important methods used in geographical – historical researches on functioning of the urban rail transportation. The history of tram transport in Będzin begins in 1926 with the building of the first tram depot. By launching the lines to Sosnowiec and Dąbrowa in 1928 and to Czeladź in 1929 the “Będzin tram junction”, the subject of the research, was created and then a few times rebuilt. The building of the line to Wojkowice via Grodziec in the 50s revealed inefficiency of the system existing since the 20s. Thus six-year reconstruction process, however uncompleted, has been started. Next changes in the system of lines in the centre of Będzin took place in the 70s in connection with the rebuilding of the road net and building of the new depot. The routes had been launched a few years before having been liquidated. Since that time the spatial tram net system hasn’t changed significantly however in 2006 the traffic on the route to Wojkowice was closed. While assessing the current state of researches it is necessary to claim that many issues were treated fragmentarily and source material as well as publications on its basis are not complete and raise many doubts. Therefore additional researches on the basis of existing materials were necessary. Due to the remains of the previous routes of tram lines in the urban space in the form of disused elements of infrastructure, which help to specify data included in historical materials, the field method has been chosen. The description of researches carried out in urban space includes: method of carrying out the field researches, conditions necessary for carrying them out, scope of information possible to obtain, ways of result verification, advantages and disadvantages of the method. Dependence of the method on many factors is its significant feature. The state of source materials enabling to organize the work in the area and determine the state of transformations is one of the most significant factors. Such analysis was carried out on the basis of centre of Będzin and line to Wojkowice. During the researches disused elements of tram system infrastructure, which became the remains in the urban landscape after the historical transformations, were listed. The results of the researches were presented in the cartographical and photographical form. In conclusion part the application aspect (the amount of the new knowledge the researches bring in) as well as methodical aspect (the usefulness of the method and indicating methods helpful in carrying out researches connected with the history of urban rail transport) were assessed.
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