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Content available remote Comfort-Related Properties of Double-Layered Woven Car Seat Fabrics
Seat upholstery fabrics for vehicles are crucial products as technical textiles in motor vehicles make up approximately 15% of the total manufactured technical textiles worldwide and more than 50% of the production belongs to the woven fabrics because of their appropriate properties for this application. The current work presents the comfort-related properties of the woven fabrics designed to be used in automotive seat upholstery. For this aim, double-layered woven fabrics were produced with four different process variables such as bottom layer pattern, number of interlacing warps in a unit report, number of interlacing picks per top warp, and number of weft skips by using Taguchi experimental design. Besides handle related properties, such as circular bending rigidity, surface roughness properties, and thermo physiological comfort related properties that include air permeability, thermal resistance, and moisture management properties were measured and analyzed based on Taguchi experimental analysis.
Comfort properties of garments are influenced by fiber properties, fabric properties, and applied finishes. Denim garments are widely used apparels, and they are processed with different industrial finishing treatments. Finishing treatments and fabric weight have a great influence on the thermal comfort of denim fabrics. The aim of this paper was to evaluate the effects of finishing treatments (rigid, bleaching, resin, softener) on the thermophysiological comfort and moisture management properties of denim fabrics considering three weight categories (light, medium, heavy). The thermophysiological comfort (thermal resistance, thermal absorptivity, air permeability, water vapor permeability tests) and liquid moisture transport capabilities (transfer wicking and drying behavior of fabrics) were measured and analyzed statistically. As a result of the study, fabric weight and finishing had been found to be important parameters for the comfort properties of denim fabrics. As a conclusion, it could be stated in the light of the results that the fabric weight type (light, medium, heavy) had a significant impact on the fabric thermophysiological comfort properties.
The aim of thisresearch wasto develop a flexible heating element and investigate its heating capability in simulated wearing conditions. Polyester silver (Ag)-plated yarns incorporated in the reverse side of the knitted structure were used to provide electrical conductivity. A special knitted structure was selected to keep conductive yarn only in the reverse side of the material. All the heating element was made using only textile materials and yarns. A temperature sensor thermistor was used as an electronic element to follow the body temperature, and the remaining elements ensuring a correct electric circuit and heating were made of textile. Another type of heating element was produced using enamelled copper wire, which was inserted into the knitted fabric structure. Investigation of both types of heating elements was made by determining the dependences of the heating elements’ temperatures on the current and voltage applied. It was concluded that the heating element with silver plated yarns used gave out warmth more evenly over all the resistive area. The microcontroller, which has a heating dynamics data storage function, was programmed to control the operations of the two heating elements. A model of an intelligent apparel product with two heating elements ensuring a comfortable microclimate for the user was created. Field tests were performer for the model created by wearing the product and setting the temperatures of both heating elements, for which the continuous operating time was determined.
Celem badań było opracowanie elastycznego elementu grzejnego i zbadanie jego zdolności grzewczej w symulowanych warunkach zużycia. W celu zapewnienia przewodności elektrycznej zastosowano przędzę poliestrową pokrytą srebrem (Ag), umieszczoną na spodniej stronie dzianiny. Wybrano specjalną strukturę dzianiny, aby utrzymać przewodzącą przędzę tylko na spodniej stronie materiału. Cały element grzejny został wykonany wyłącznie z materiałów tekstylnych i przędz. Jako element elektroniczny do śledzenia temperatury ciała zastosowano termistor czujnika temperatury, a pozostałe elementy zapewniające prawidłowy obwód elektryczny i ogrzewanie wykonano z tkaniny. Inny rodzaj elementu grzejnego wykonano z emaliowanego drutu miedzianego, który został wprowadzony w strukturę dzianiny. Badania obu typów elementów grzejnych przeprowadzono poprzez określenie zależności temperatur elementów grzejnych od przyłożonego prądu i napięcia. Stwierdzono, że element grzejny z zastosowanymi przędzami posrebrzanymi oddawał ciepło bardziej równomiernie na całej powierzchni oporowej. Mikrokontroler, który posiada funkcję przechowywania danych dynamiki nagrzewania, został zaprogramowany do sterowania pracą dwóch elementów grzejnych. Powstał model inteligentnego produktu odzieżowego z dwoma elementami grzewczymi zapewniającymi komfortowy mikroklimat użytkownikowi. Testy terenowe wykonano dla modelu utworzonego poprzez noszenie produktu i ustawienie temperatur obu elementów grzejnych, dla których wyznaczono ciągły czas pracy.
In this paper, the thermophysiological characteristics of low weight knitted polyamide and polyamide/elastane fabrics for pantyhose differing in terms of filament count were studied. Alambeta and Permetest devices were used to measure the thermal conductivity, thermal resistance, thermal absorptivity, evaporative resistance and relative water vapour permeability. The results indicated that fabrics made of finer filaments have lower thermal conductivity, thermal resistance, thermal absorptivity and evaporative resistance values.
W pracy zbadano właściwości komfortu termofizjologicznego rajstop poliamidowych, a także wpływ dodatku elstanu do struktury wyrobu. Przebadano 42 rodzaje rajstop. Przy zastosowaniu urządzeń Alambeta i Permetest dokonano pomiarów przewodności cieplnej, oporu cieplnego, absorpcji termicznej, odporności na parowanie i względnej przepuszczalności pary wodnej. Stwierdzono, że dodatek elastanu nieznacznie zmniejsza przewodność cieplną. Wszystkie badane wyroby wykazywały bardzo wysoką względną przepuszczalność pary wodnej i miały niską odporność na parowanie. Wysokie wartości względnej przepuszczalności pary wodnej są wskaźnikiem dobrego komfortu termofizjologicznego. Rajstopy są podstawą garderoby, jednak niska cena tych artykułów odzieżowych często oznacza, że ich właściwości są rzadko optymalizowane. Ponieważ komfort termofizjologiczny jest tylko jednym z czynników przyczyniających się do ogólnego komfortu, dalsze badania właściwości komfortu i estetyki mogą w przyszłości pomóc ulepszyć ten produkt.
The study presents experiments, conducted with human subjects in an artificial cold chamber, assessing the influence of a cold environment on the temperature of the human body. Infrared thermography was applied as a non-invasive, contactless method for direct measurement of the temperature distribution of both clothed and uncovered parts of the body. Two subzero temperatures were applied and clothing ensembles with two different clothing insulation values were used to assess the effect of the clothing insulation of the torso on the temperature of clothed and uncovered parts of the body of the participants. The average temperature of the chest, back, upper arms, face and middle finger is presented and discussed in relation to the cold exposure duration and clothing insulation used. The results obtained showed the strong influence of the clothing insulation over the torso on skin and clothing temperatures of the body and overall cooling of the body in subzero temperatures.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki eksperymentów przeprowadzanych z ludźmi w sztucznej komorze chłodniczej. Oceniono wpływ zimnego otoczenia na temperaturę ciała człowieka. Termografia w podczerwieni została zastosowana jako nieinwazyjna, bezdotykowa metoda bezpośredniego pomiaru rozkładu temperatury zarówno zabezpieczonych odzieżą, jak i niezabezpieczonych części ciała człowieka. Zastosowano dwie temperatury ujemne i zestawy odzieżowe o dwóch różnych wartościach izolacji w celu oceny wpływu izolacji odzieży na temperaturę ubranych i niezabezpieczonych części ciała uczestników. Przedstawiono i omówiono średnią temperaturę klatki piersiowej, pleców, ramion, twarzy i środkowego palca w odniesieniu do czasu trwania ekspozycji na zimno i izolacji zastosowanej odzieży.
Results are presented from a study on the prediction of the insulation abilities of outerwear clothing for cold protection from the point of view of the thermophysiological comfort of the wearer. The Required Clothing Insulation (IREQ) index is used to simulate the abilities of 14 assemblies of layers designed for the production of winter jackets to protect the body in different cold environments. The calculations allow to assess the limits of applicability of the garments in terms of the thermophysiological comfort assured, the activities performed and the weather conditions. Discussions are presented on the correspondence between ISO11079:2007 and the online JavaScript code for calculation of IREQ based on it. The results predicted and their analysis have a practical use, as they allow to estimate the cold protection effectiveness of the textile layers used in an assembly at the design stage, thusgiving room for necessary changes depending on the conditions of its use.
Wykorzystano wskaźnik IREQ (required clothing insulation – wymagana ciepłochronność odzieży) do symulacji zdolności termicznej 14 zestawów warstw przeznaczonych do produkcji kurtek zimowych chroniących organizm w niskich temperaturach. Obliczenia te pozwalają ocenić ograniczenia zastosowania odzieży przy założeniu wymaganego komfortu termofizjologicznego, przy określonej aktywności użytkowników i w danych warunkach pogodowych. Uzyskane wyniki badań skorelowano z obowiązującymi normami. Wyniki badań mają praktyczne zastosowanie, gdyż pozwalają ocenić skuteczność ochrony przed zimnem danych zestawów warstw tekstylnych na etapie projektowania ubioru, przed sprawdzeniem gotowego wyrobu w praktyce.
The comfort of textile materials has been the focus of many investigations since the concern for personal well-being and improving the quality of life started to become an important issue. The aim of this paper is to simulate water vapour transfer through knitted fabrics under different environmental conditions. In this investigation knitted fabrics using 100% cotton, 50/50% cotton/modal, 100% viscose and 100% Tencel® yarns of 20 tex were used . The measurement of water vapour resistance was carried out on a sweating guarded hotplate in standard conditions (as stated in ISO 11092) and in simulated environmental conditions of three European cities from different geographical zones. The results indicate the influence of environmental conditions (temperature and relative humidity) on the transfer of water vapour that occurs due to the above-mentioned conditions and the influence of the raw material on the rate of water vapour transfer under each pair of environmental conditions defined.
Komfort materiałów tekstylnych jest przedmiotem wielu badań ponieważ zależy od niego samopoczucie użytkowników tych tkanin. Celem tych badań była symulacja przepuszczalności pary wodnej przez dzianiny w różnych warunkach klimatycznych. Badano dzianiny składające się w 100% z bawełny, mieszanek 50%/50% bawełna / modalne włókna celulozowe, 100% wiskozy i 100% włókien Tencel. Wszystkie przędze posiadały masę liniowa 20 tex/t. Pomiary oporu przepływu pary wodnej wykonywano na tzw. podgrzewanej płycie „pocącej się” w warunkach zgodnych z normą ISO 11092. Przyjęto symulację warunków otoczenia charakterystycznych dla trzech europejskich miast znajdujących się w różnych strefach geograficznych. Wyniki badań pozwoliły określić wpływ warunków klimatycznych otoczenia (temperatura i wilgotność względna) jak również materiału tekstylnego użytego do badań na transport pary wodnej poprzez dzianiny.
The moisture transmission behaviour of a clothing assembly plays a very important role in influencing its efficiency with respect to thermophysiological body comfort. This paper is in two parts. Part I deals with the processes involved in moisture transmission and the factors at play. Part II is concerned with selecting the measurement techniques which are of great importance in determining fabric factors that influence comfort. The instruments and methods used for testing purposes should adequately simulate the exact conditions for which the fabric will be used, in order to determine the effectiveness of that fabric for a particular wearing situation and environmental condition. The testing methods used and the apparatus developed by different researchers for determining moisture transmission through textiles by different mechanisms are discussed in this paper. Moreover, this part of the paper deals with the mathematical models of liquid and vapour transport through textile materials developed by several scientists in order to understand the exact phenomena involved and to predict the factors affecting the transmission under a particular condition.
Moisture transmission through textiles has a great influence on the thermo-physiological comfort of the human body which is maintained by perspiring both in vapour and liquid form. The clothing to be worn should allow this perspiration to be transferred to the atmosphere in order to maintaining the thermal balance of the body. Diffusion, absorption-desorption and convection of vapour perspiration along with wetting and wicking of liquid perspiration play a significant role in maintaining thermo-physiological comfort. The scientific understanding of the processes involved in moisture transmission through textiles and the factors affecting these processes are important to designing fabrics and clothing assemblies with efficient moisture transfer in different environment and workload conditions. This paper is in two parts.Part I focuses on the moisture transmission through textile materials and it discusses the processes involved in moisture transmission and the key influencing factors at play to maintaining comfort. It is underlined that the processes which play the major role in moisture transmission in a particular situation are dependant on the moisture content of the fabric, the type of material used, the perspiration rate and the atmospheric conditions, such as humidity, temperature and wind speed. Part II is concerned with the selection of the measurement techniques which are of great importance in determining fabric factors that influence comfort. The instruments and methods used for testing purposes should adequately simulate the exact conditions for which the fabric will be used, in order to determine the effectiveness of that fabric for a particular wearing situation and environmental condition. The testing methods used and the apparatus developed by different researchers for determining moisture transmission through textiles by different mechanisms are discussed in this paper. Moreover, this part of the paper deals with the mathematical models of liquid and vapour transport through textile materials developed by several scientists in order to understand the exact phenomena involved and to predict the factors affecting the transmission under a particular condition. When designing the comfort of a clothing product for a particular application, the requirements may result from needs concerning the application, the individual wearer and the environmental conditions.
Shape memory alloys, SMAs, have been in use as actuators in many mechanical processes for some time. The alloys are "trained" to return to a given shape when an actuation temperature is reached. These alloys can be incorporated into clothing systems to give, on actuation, an increased air gap between the clothing layers and hence greater insulation. The air gap is one of the determining factors for insulation but to have this increased prior to exposure to intense heat, i.e. a bulky garment, would subject the wearer to heat stress. Currently, Nickel Titanium alloy has been investigated as an SMA. A flat spring shape with a transition temperature of ~45oC has shown good potential in this rôle. Initial testing on the Cone Calorimeter has demonstrated a significant increase of protection at a heat flux of 15 kW/m2, a level that the UK Fire Service regards as life threatening. The clothing layers separate when the SMA spring is actuated and this in turn greatly reduces the temperature experienced at skin level, resulting in an increase of 40 seconds before the onset of second-degree skin burn. The results obtained demonstrate the potential for utilising SMAs in clothing for protection against flame and heat. The springs can be incorporated in bellows-style pocket panels. The pleats allow for the expansion of the air gap while the attachment of the spring holds the fabric layers together prior to actuation. Potential applications are for the fire service, drivers in enclosed vehicles, e.g. tank crew, racing drivers, and any other personnel who may be accidentally exposed to intense heat.
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