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W artykule omówiono w skrócie działania jakie podjęto w związku z dostosowaniem krajowej energetyki do pracy w warunkach ograniczenia emisji gazów cieplarnianych. Wobec możliwych problemów w instalacji wystarczającej mocy OZE dyskutuje się potrzebę budowy energetyki jądrowej.
The article briefly discusses the measures that have been taken to adapt the national power industry to work in conditions of reduced greenhouse gas emissions. In view of possible problems in installing sufficient RES capacity, the need for nuclear power generation is discussed.
Content available Badania termojądrowe w Polsce: część 2
Artykuł przedstawia przegląd badań w dziedzinie fuzji jądrowej, prowadzonych przez polskie jednostki naukowe. W szczególności opisane są zadania realizowane przez Instytut Fizyki Plazmy i Laserowej Mikrosyntezy, będący koordynatorem badań i reprezentantem Polski w konsorcjum EUROfusion. Prace dotyczą zarówno prac doświadczalnych i udziału polskich naukowców w eksperymentach na układach typu tokamak czy stellarator, jak i modelowania zjawisk zachodzących w plazmie. Ponadto przedstawiono zaangażowanie w programie EUROfusion jednostek naukowych tworzących Centrum naukowo-przemysłowe Nowe Technologie Energetyczne (CeNTE). Zadania te dotyczą głównie fuzji z magnetycznym utrzymaniem, ale dotyczą także wsparcia naukowców od strony informatycznej, jak również badań socjo-ekonomicznych.
The article presents an overview of research performed by Polish research units in the field of nuclear fusion. In particular, the tasks carried out by the Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion, as the coordinator and Polish representative in the EUROfusion consortium, are described both in the part related to the magnetic and laser plasma confinement. The work covers experimental research and the participation of Polish scientists in experiments on tokamak or stellarator systems as well as modelling of plasma phenomena. Moreover, the involvement of the members of the Centre New Energy Technologies performing the EUROfusion tasks was presented. These tasks are mainly related to the magnetic fusion part but also are to support scientists from the IT side as well as socio-economic studies.
Content available Badania termojądrowe w Polsce. Część 1
Przedstawiona została panorama badań termojądrowych w Polsce, na tle badań we Wspólnocie EURATOM i na całym świecie. We wstępie przedstawiono genezę tych badań i ich początki. Przedstawiona została rola Instytutu Fizyki Plazmy i Laserowej Mikrosyntezy w Warszawie jako organizatora i koordynatora tych badań oraz reprezentanta Polski w europejskim konsorcjum EUROfusion. Na gruncie krajowym realizatorem programu jest Centrum naukowo-przemysłowe Nowe Technologie Energetyczne (CeNTE), skupiające 16 podmiotów: instytutów badawczych, instytutów PAN, uczelni oraz Wrocławski Park Technologiczny. W drugiej części artykułu zostaną przedstawione dokonania CeNTE będące wkładem Polski do europejskiego i światowego programu opanowania fuzji jądrowej na potrzeby energetyki termojądrowej – jako nowego, wydajnego, bezpiecznego dla społeczeństwa i przyjaznego dla środowiska źródła energii elektrycznej.
The authors presented an overview of thermonuclear research in Poland in comparison with the research performed in the EURATOM Community and all over the world. The introduction depicts the origin of these studies and their beginnings. The role of the Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion in Warsaw was presented as the organizer and coordinator of this research and the Polish representative in the European consortium EUROfusion. On the national level, the scientific and industrial Centre New Energy Technologies (CeNET) implements the program through bringing together 16 entities, namely research institutes, institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences, universities and the Wrocław Technology Park. The second part of the article will be devoted to the achievements of CeNET as Poland's contribution to the European and global program to contain nuclear fusion for the purposes of thermonuclear energy as a new and efficient source of electricity that is safe for society and environmentally friendly.
The article summarizes the main findings regarding a study on global problems, with an emphasis on global energy problems and possible solutions. To find solutions to global problems, the conditions of the new industrial revolution were taken into account, the features of technological development of economies in countries worldwide were investigated and, namely the essence of economic paradigms aimed at solving global problems was determined. Convergence of NBIC-technologies as a key factor of the new industrial revolution were characterized, and the process of converging knowledge, technologies and society as a mechanism for solving global problems was studied. Trends in the development of scientific and technical, innovative activities in Ukraine and countries worldwide were determined. In particular, the main directions for development of converging and advanced production technologies that are most promising for developed countries, developing countries and Ukraine are presented.
Content available remote Zimna fuzja deuteru : czyli nieustająca rewitalizacja błędnej idei
Motivation of the present paper is the new interest in the so called "cold fusion" of deuterium. The author, former electrochemist and presently a radiation chemist, was involved in writing a paper expressing criticism toward original Fleischmann and Pons [1], next called F&P "discovery", after experimental trials performed to repeat the claims. Actual efforts to revive an old idea of the D+D reaction in palladium electrode during electrolysis of heavy water consist in application of a new kind of palladium cathode, additional electric and magnetic fields around the electrolytic cell and experiments with polymeric detector, supposed to show nuclear disintegration of palladium and other strange nuclear transmutations. These new approaches to the almost twenty year old idea did not bring revelations in the field of energetics, therefore the nowadays reaction of popular media is far less enthusiastic than the original outburst of curiosity after the F&P paper. The author of the present paper analyses the artifacts and wishful thinking approach seen in publications, indicating that the problem of cold fusion is still unsolved, as it was at the beginning. The whole field belongs to the category of pathological science, like previously polywater, water with the memory of the solute present before dilution, etc.. However, almost all other cases of pathological science have died quietly, the remaining interest in cold fusion asks for an explanation. The international conferences devoted to cold fusion convene frequently every second year or every year, the only change is, that recently the term cold fusion is no longer used but is substituted by enigmatic LENR (low energy nuclear reaction) and CANR (chemically assisted nuclear reaction). In the meantime between different versions of F&P approaches, another cold version of D+D fusion in perdeuterated acetone appeared as so called sonofusion, lasting as pathological science even shorter. Financial support for cold fusion still exists, sometimes by organizations that wish to remain anonymous. The author of the review draws attention to the fact, that presently the majority of affiliations of authors of papers, and financial supports of civil laboratories are connected with military (USNavy) research and more general weaponry research, like in the case of DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Project Agency). The reason is probably a hope, that creation of a true neutron bomb can be achieved, because the actual one is an ordinary nuclear device with enhanced yields of neutrons only. Vivid interest in cold fusion in Japan is connected with the fear, that some nuclear achievements may escape the attention, as it was the case of what happened in 1945. The last but not least reason for the interest in cold fusion are the controversial European projects of ITER and HiPER trying to develop the high temperature fusion power plants, with an active zone of nuclear reaction heated to 100 million degrees K. Among many unsolved objections, the link between that zone and economic production of electric current is prohibited by actual physical and chemical laws. Therefore physicists involved in the projects are aware of difficulties and express interest in approaches to cold fusion ideas, especially in chemical aspects connected with solving, perhaps, difficult problems, e.g. from the area of material science.
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