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w słowach kluczowych:  territorial development
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The purpose of the article is to substantiate the basic conceptual provisions for determining the territorial development of regional land use. In accordance with the purpose, the following tasks have been solved: substantiation of theoretical provisions for determining the territorial development of regional land use; determination of features of territorial development of regional land use; formation of hypotheses on the influence of spatial, urban, investment and environmental factors. Peculiarities of territorial development of regional land use are determined. Legal support is proposed. The international practices for ensuring the territorial development of regional land use are summarized, the main directions of which are: the formation and development of land relations on a long-term basis, the determination of the target and functional purpose of lands, the constant registration of cadastral information with the formation of an ecological balance of the land use and considering the peculiarities of interaction between groups of stakeholders. The system of land administration, where its functions (land ownership, valuation, use, development of land) are comprehensively implemented and interact, in the territorial development of regional land use is of particular importance. The geographic information systems are widely used as a tool for the formation, processing and application of information on the territorial development of the regional land use in modern land administration systems. The mathematical modelling of the influence of factors on the territorial development of regional land use has been carried out.
It is proved that the regional land-use territorial development is influenced by many factors, so the study of the assessment of territorial development is an urgent task. As a result of generalization of theoretical and methodological provisions, the definition of regional land-use territorial development is given, which is characterized as a system category that defines permanent transformational changes and considers spatial, urban, environmental and investment factors and improves land-use efficiency. It is established that the existing methodological approaches to the assessment of territorial development of land-use do not have a comprehensive approach and consider only certain factors. For a comprehensive and comprehensive assessment of the level of territorial development of land-use, a model is proposed, which is based on the definition of an integrated indicator. The formation of the model includes the following main stages: geofactor analysis, formation of a multilevel system of indicators, assessment and establishment of the level of impact of the indicator, determination of integrated indicators for each factor, formation of a general integrated indicator of land-use, interpretation of results. The technological feasibility of the model is determined by the formation of a set of spatial, urban, investment and environmental factors, the construction of a multilevel diagnostic system of indicators, their evaluation based on modern methods and the development of mathematical models. To obtain actual spatial and cadastral data to assess the territorial development of land-use, it is advisable to use forms of administrative cadastral reporting and space images.
In order to ensure the territorial development of land use in the region, there is a need to change the trajectory of spatial and urban planning factors. The ways for implementation of the proposed system measures are defined in the article. For investment and environmental indicators, the integrated indicator of territorial development of land use in the region, depending on their change, is predicted. The article presents the results of forecasting the integrated indicator of land use territorial development in the region based on the growth of systemic investment factors and the results of forecasting the integrated indicator of land use territorial development based on the growth of systemic environmental factors. Practical scientific-based recommendations for ensuring the territorial development of land use in the region by applying the results of its integrated assessment and modeling are proposed. Developed recommendations made it possible to form directions and build the basis for ensuring the territorial development of land use in the region. The development of methodological recommendations for ensuring the territorial development of land use in the region is based on the results of the study of the influence of systematic spatial, urban, investment, and environmental factors on the integrated indicator of land use territorial development.
Presented paper consists of two parts: (1) experiences of spatial policy formulation on EU level and (2) preparation of new EU Territorial Agenda until 2030. In first part were elaborated milestones of previous activities on spatial policy in EU: European Spatial Development Perspective from 1999 and Territorial Agenda approved by member states in Godollo in 2011. Important element of paper was also description of changing background of spatial policy, primarily related to Lisbon Treaty introducing territorial cohesion. In XXI century crucial role was played by three generations of ESPON programme, embracing spatial pattern of European space, but also forecasting future of European territory until 2050. Catalysing role was played by the World Bank and OECD activities. In second part evidence concerning new Territorial Agenda was presented. Issue of spatial patterns of megatrends implies priorities of new Territorial Agenda. Using territorial potentials and overcoming territorial barriers gives additional impetus to EU development. Problems which should be tackled are: risk of fragmentation, growing interdependencies between places and functional mismatch. For Poland involvement in activities leading to next Territorial Agenda of EU is of key importance.
The paper shows the impact of despatialization on processes of territorial development. The essence of despatialization is the decreasing importance of the spatial factor in the information society, as a result of the use of information and computer technologies, and in particular – the Internet. It creates new challenges for spatial management. Real contact between people and organizations is often replaced with links and information flows, the quality of which is growing and which in many cases eliminate the resistance that spatial distance makes. The multiple effects of this phenomenon modify social relations, at the same time being challenges, but also opportunities to create new tools for managing development policy.
W pierwszym dziesięcioleciu dwudziestego pierwszego wieku do Rzeszowa przyłączono obszar o powierzchni ponad sześćdziesięciu kilometrów kwadratowych. Tereny te stanowiły okoliczne wsie, które po włączeniu w granice miasta, nie zmieniły znacząco swojej struktury przestrzennej. Proces transformacji przestrzeni o rolniczym charakterze w przestrzeń miejską wymaga odpowiedniego przygotowania planistycznego. Reprezentatywnym obszarem, który pozwala na zdiagnozowanie kluczowych problemów jest Przybyszówka, której ostatnią część włączono do granic Rzeszowa w roku 2008. Zjawiska zaobserwowane na tym obszarze występują również na pozostałych terenach przyłączonych do miasta, które przy odpowiednim planowaniu mogłyby zostać zasiedlone przez ponad sto pięćdziesiąt tysięcy mieszkańców. Przed przystąpieniem do stworzenia głównych wytycznych planistycznych dla Przybyszówki, należy przeanalizować problemy już występujące oraz te, które mogą się pojawić w przyszłości. Znaczącym zagadnieniem wydaje się być identyfikacja problemów związanych z rozbudową istniejącej infrastruktury. Dotyczy to w głównej mierze komunikacji. Niemniej istotna jest problematyka rozwoju funkcjonalno-przestrzennego, który obecnie kształtuje się w oparciu o strukturę historyczną wiejskiej zabudowy oraz rozbudowę osiedli mieszkalnych w obrębie dawnej granicy miasta. Tereny przyłączone jako kontynuacja przestrzeni miejskiej powinny charakteryzować się zabudową o proporcjach i skali charakterystycznej dla Rzeszowa, która harmonizowałaby z zabudową już istniejącą. W artykule podjęte są zagadnienia, które mogą stać się punktem wyjścia do przyszłych decyzji planistycznych.
In the first decade of the twenty-first century Rzeszow was joined to an area of more than sixty square kilometers. These areas were the surrounding villages, which, when incorporated into the city limits, did not significantly change their spatial structure. The process of transforming agricultural space into urban space requires proper planning. A representative area that allows to diagnose key problems is Przybyszowka, whose last part was included in the boundaries of Rzeszow in 2008. The phenomena observed in this area are also present in other areas connected to the city, which, with proper planning, could be inhabited by over one hundred and fifty thousand inhabitants. Prior to setting up the main planning guidelines for Przybyszowka, one should analyze the problems already present and those that may occur in the future. It seems important to identify problems related to the expansion of existing infrastructure. This mainly concerns communication. Nevertheless, the issue of functional-spatial development, which is currently being built on the basis of the historical structure of rural development and the expansion of residential estates within the former city boundary, is significant. Areas connected as a continuation of urban space should be characterized by buildings with proportions and scale characteristic for Rzeszow, which would harmonize with already existing buildings. The article addresses issues that may be the starting point for future planning decisions.
Prowadzenie polityk publicznych w wymiarze regionalnym łączy wysiłki wielu poziomów rządzenia i zarządzania, przy czym – w polskim porządku prawnym – szczególną rolę odgrywa samorząd wojewódzki. Celem opracowania jest zarysowanie problematyki oceny skuteczności – terytorialnie zorientowanej – regionalnej polityki rozwoju, sformułowanej w strategii rozwoju województwa. Podstawą refleksji, jest – poza literaturą naukową i analizą treści krajowych i regionalnych dokumentów programowych – uczestnictwo autora w pracach nad przygotowaniem ewaluacji mid-term Strategii Rozwoju Województwa Małopolskiego 2011‑2020.
The paper depicts selected aspects of the evaluation of a regional development strategy. Referring to characteristics of the territorial approach to the regional policy, the author presents key features and challenges of the management of development in the times of growing influence of ICT on societies’ life. The main premise for the formulation of paper’s conclusions has been a series of debates concerning preparation of the mid-term evaluation of the Małopolska Regional Development Strategy 2011‑2020. The crucial recommendation of the author is the consideration of the institutional change in the prospective reflection on the evaluation of territorial policies.
Podstawą refleksji w opracowaniu jest próba wpisania się w dyskusję pro- wadzoną w literaturze, która dotyczy społecznego i ekonomicznego znaczenia wiedzy [Hayek 1945; Boulding 1966; Foray 2006]. Przedmiotem rozważań jest zbiór pojęć kluczowych dla poszukiwania mechanizmów generowania korzyści bazujących na potencjale wiedzy w obszarach miejskich. Wydaje się, że wobec znaczenia potencjału wiedzy w kontekście istoty procesu rozwoju terytorialnego, kategorie miasta i obszaru miejskiego wymagają redefinicji i uwzględnienia więcej niż jedynie ich funkcjonalnej specyfiki. Tym samym, jednym z postulatów zawartych w pracy jest wskazanie na potrzebę lepszego rozpoznania istoty miast inteligentnych, w których rdzeń zmian wiąże się w szczególny sposób z potencjałem wiedzy oraz wymiarem terytorialnym.
The paper is an attempt to identify the specificity of knowledge in the context of city and its economy. It is argued that recently growth of cities turns more towards territories than administrative units and thus there is a need to redefine cities in theory and practice. The role of knowledge is discussed and it leads to amplifying the niche of theorising intelligent city, and a critical discussion over the political idea of smart city. Intelligent cities, a manifestation of territories, make use of the economic, public and symbolic value of knowledge towards growth that is primarily based on non-basic sector and development that originates from territorial policies.
This paper presents the results of broad analyses of current situations in the field of rural development in Bavaria and the Federal Republic of Germany. It focuses on programs and European Union legal and financial frameworks in the years 2014-2020. The author proposes many ideas or approaches that can be applicable to all rural development actors, such as politicians, local governments administrators, scientists and local communities. In addition, the author presents own experiences as a former Head of Department and Director General of the Bavarian Administration of Rural Development in the Bavarian State Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Forestry. Also, the author’s experience as a university professor is invaluable. Its conclusions evoke further research and implementation for projects in the field of rural development, for both research and teaching institutions and administration at all levels – from European Union to the municipal level.
W artykule przedstawiony został żywiołowy rozwój terytorialny przemysłowego miasta, który dokonał się w ciągu zaledwie 167 lat, licząc ten czas od pierwszej (1821 r.) inkorporacji terenów przyległych do Łodzi. Największe zmiany terytorialne w XIX w. zostały dokonane w latach 1821-1825 oraz w roku 1840. Kolejne duże przyłączenia miały miejsce w XX wieku, w roku 1915, 1946 i w 1988. Z niewielkiego, zaniedbanego miasteczka liczącego na początku XIX wieku niespełna 900 mieszkańców 1244 ha powierzchni, rozrosła się Łódź w bardzo krótkim czasie do niemal milionowej metropolii przemysłowej o powierzchni 29 325 ha. Łódź jest jedynym dużym miastem w Polsce, które przeszło tak dynamiczne zmiany terytorialne, ale też jednym z niewielu miast w Europie i na świecie mogących pochwalić się tak szybkim rozwojem przestrzennym.
The article presents the impetuous territorial expansion of the industrial city of Łódź which took place in just 167 years, taking into account the first (1821) ans the last (1988) act of incorporation of the adjacent premises. The 19th century registered the biggest territorial variations in 1821-1825 and 1840. successive big incorporations took place in 20th century, mainly in 1915, 1946 and 1988. Łódź started as a small neglected rural country town with less than 900 residents and 1244 ha of surface in early 19th century, to become one million citizen industrial metropolitan area of 29325 ha, in a very short time. Łódź is the only major city in Poland characterized with such a dynamic territorial expansion, but also one of the few cities in Europe and the world that could demonstrate such rapid spatial development.
Referat zawiera podstawowe zasady projektowania sieci uzbrojenia na terenach górniczych o deformacjach ciągłych.
The paper contains basic rules of designing of territorial development network on mining terrains continuous deformations.
Content available remote Doświadczenia monitoringu planowania przestrzennego
The paper contains synthetic information on the accomplishments of town and country planning in Poland in the years 1995.2004, i.e. in the period of gradual replacement of the planning system organised for the needs of state administration by a system, in which next to the government administration also self-government administration participates and communes constitute an autonomous subject of town and country planning. The basic subject of this elaboration focuses on the methods of collecting and storing data concerning town and country planning and, first of all, on the products of planning on the local level, commonly referred to as monitoring of town and country planning. The history of the monitoring starts with the first research made in the Town and Country Planning and Communal Institute against the order of Housing and Urban Development Office in 2002, which covered all administration levels engaged in town and country planning process and data from communes were collected for individual planners. documents. The results of the analysis of collected data proved that local planning in communes was poorly represented in the system of regional and national planning. Results in the methodical sphere pointed to the necessity of asking additional questions about the details of the plans concerning surface flows of planned changes in appropriation of grounds and their programmes. The description of further steps leading to diagnosing the state of town and country planning points to the retreat from the idea of monitoring treated as an information base about the planning system and its products, including their basic contents and the limitation of the scope of work to the planning at commune level. Another departure from the original assumptions was the resignation from collecting data about individual documents replacing them with data produced in communes based on the existing planners. documents and transferring the stage of collecting and elaborating data to the Central Statistical Office within the framework of national statistics. Experience from the work on monitoring of town and country planning contains a compendium of changes in the legislation, i.e. the law on town and country planning of 1994 and the law on town and country planning of 2003, including explanation of their influence on the way of implementing the right to changes in the town and country planning and the practice of applying two procedures while determining the location of an investment project or decisions on building development conditions and building development. The paper also contains basic conclusions regarding future changes in the law on town and country planning so as to enable the realisation of the postulate for planning to play information, coordination and control functions in the field of spatial planning at national level, i.e.: the law should indicate the organisation of state services responsible for its implementation, monitoring should be one of the instruments in the hands of town and country planning service, monitoring should be focused on collection of data about the plans in a such a way as to facilitate running the balances of grounds offered and their implementation, monitoring should cover the entire town and country planning system on all levels indicated by the law.
Content available remote Od ewidencji do katastru sieci uzbrojenia terenu
Z chwilą wejścia w życie dwóch rozporządzeń ministra rozwoju regionalnego i budownictwa [4,6] służby geodezyjne i kartograficzne zostały zobligowane do etapowego tworzenia w systemie informatycznym nowoczesnego katastru nieruchomości oraz ewidencji geodezyjnej sieci uzbrojenia terenu. Pełna, stale aktualizowana i okresowo weryfikowana informacja o terenie, zakładana i prowadzona przy zastosowaniu technik informatycznych, umożliwi szybki dostęp do bazy danych katastralnych. Zadania koordynacji uzgadniania usytuowania projektowanych sieci uzbrojenia terenu należą do zadań powiatowej administracji samorządowej. Ranga starosty (prezydenta miasta na prawach powiatu) jako organu odpowiadającego za prowadzenie, aktualizację i udostępnianie tych danych znacznie wzrosła. Zadania te starostowie wykonują przy pomocy Zespołów Uzgadniania Dokumentacji Projektowej.
From the moment of coming into force the decrees of ministry of region development and building industry [4,6], geodesists and cartography engineers are obliged to create by stages in informatics system the modem cadastral survey of real estates and the geodesic record of networks' territorial development. Complete, constantly updating and periodical verified information concerning the terrain, established and run by the usage of informatics' techniques enables fast access to cadastral survey database. The coordination process concerning the agreement of location the new designed network territorial development belongs to the obligations of local state administration. The rank of city president as the body responsible for running, updating and making this data available, considerably increased. These tasks are realised by city presidents with the help of Zespoły Uzgadniania Dokumentacji Projektowej (The Design Coordination Teams).
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