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Passive area sources, such as primary settling tanks, located in the area of wastewater treatment plants can significantly impact odour air quality. This paper presents the variability of odour emissions from the primary settling tank at the Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant (MWWTP) during a one-year study of odour concentrations determined by dynamic olfactometry. The investigations indicated that the highest monthly average value of the specified odour emission rate was for July (49.89 ouE/m2/s). Preliminary statistical analysis results using a multiple regression model showed the statistical significance of the independent variables in the form of wastewater temperature and retention time concerning the specific odour emission rate values.
Niniejszy artykuł przedstawia wyniki kilku prób statystycznej charakterystyki krótkoterminowej (w skali rok do roku) oraz wieloletniej (> 10-letniej) zmienności indeksu NAO Hurrella w okresie 1864-2019 i stanowi uzupełniającą kontynuację ich opisu przedstawionego w opracowaniu Kożuchowski, Wibig (2021). W opracowaniu wykorzystano szereg czasowy średnich sezonowych (DJFM) wartości indeksu NAO według Hurrella z okresu 1864-2019. Pokazano, że rozkłady indeksu NAO oraz zmian indeksu z roku na rok nie różnią się znacząco od rozkładu normalnego i obserwowana frekwencja przyrostów bądź spadków indeksu względem tej wartości wykazuje dobrą zbieżność z tym prawdopodobieństwem (rys. 2). Symetria rozkładu normalnego powoduje, że liczebności przyrostów i spadków indeksu z roku na rok w całym zborze indeksu są sobie równe. W szeregu czasowym NAO pokazano ponadprzeciętną asocjację zmian o przeciwnych znakach, które stanowią ponad 2/3 ogólnej liczby wszystkich zmian i kształtują ujemną, istotną autokorelację zmiennej Δ (r 1 = –0,47). W efekcie pojawia się tendencja preferująca sekwencje indeksu zmian: spadek/wzrost i wzrost/spadek. Tego rodzaju asocjacje różnokierunkowych zmian rozwijają się najsilniej w zakresie najniższych i najwyższych wartości indeksu, potwierdza je znacząca ujemna autokowariancja zmian. Badając następstwo kolejnych indeksów NAO w szeregu czasowym stwierdzono w zasadzie losowy charakter asocjacji indeksów NAOi i NAOi+1. Rozkłady frekwencji wartości NAOi+1 w zależności od NAOi mają losowy charakter – nie różnią się znacząco od rozkładu dwumianowego. W statystykach opisujących zmienność indeksów NAO znaleziono jednakże sygnały zaburzające symetryczny rozkład obserwowanych zmian indeksu. Należą do nich powtarzające się w szeregu czasowym przypadki różnicy między spadkami i przyrostami indeksu. Po znacznych spadkach wartości indeksu charakterystyczne i ponadprzeciętnie częste są jego znaczące przyrosty, ale po dużych przyrostach spadki nie są już tak wielkie i częste (rys. 6 i 7). Szczególną osobliwość stanowi forma zmienności c, oznaczająca wzrost indeksu, następujący po jego spadku i wiążąca się z niemal wszystkimi przypadkami indeksu w zakresie 1. decyla wartości NAO (rys. 3). Zmienność indeksów najniższych (szczególnie z zakresu 1. decyla NAO) osiąga znacznie większe rozmiary od zmienności wyższych wartości indeksów, reprezentujących pozytywne fazy NAO. Przyczyną formowania się takiej asymetrii zmienności są odmienne warunki cyrkulacyjne, odpowiadające skrajnie niskim oraz umiarkowanie wysokim i wysokim indeksom NAO, tj. panowanie cyrkulacji południkowej bądź cyrkulacji strefowej. Najbardziej znaczące oznaki odstępstwa od stochastycznego charakteru zmienności NAO ujawniają się w wieloletnim przebiegu indeksu. Obserwowana koncentracja skrajnie niskich, jak i skrajnie wysokich indeksów NAO w niektórych dekadach wielolecia (tab. 9) odznacza się znikomym prawdopodobieństwem wystąpienia w serii losowej.
This article presents the results of several attempts to statistically characterize the short-term (year- -to-year) and long-term (>10-year) variability of the NAO Hurrell index in the period 1864-2019 and is a complementary continuation of their description presented in the study by Kożuchowski and Wibig (2021). The study used a time series of seasonal averages (DJFM) of the NAO index values according to Hurrell from the period 1864-2019. It was shown that the distribution of the NAO index and changes in the index from year to year do not differ significantly from the normal distribution and the observed frequency of increases or decreases of the index in relation to this value shows good convergence with adequate normal distribution probability (Fig. 2). The symmetry of the normal distribution means that the numbers of year-to-year increases and decreases in the index are equal in the entire index set. The NAO time series shows an above-average association of changes with opposite signs, which constitute more than 2/3 of the total number of all changes and form a negative, significant autocorrelation of the Δ variable (r 1 = –0.47). As a result, there is a tendency to prefer the change index sequences: decrease/increase and increase/decrease. Such associations of multi-directional changes develop most strongly in the range of the lowest and highest index values, which is confirmed by the significant negative autocovariance of changes. When examining the sequence of successive NAO indices in the time series, the association of the NAOi and NAOi+1 indices was found to be basically random. Frequency distributions of NAOi+1 values depending on NAOi are random – they do not differ significantly from the binomial distribution. However, in the statistics describing the volatility of NAO indices, signals were found that disturbed the symmetrical distribution of the observed changes in the index. They include e.g., repeated in the time series cases of difference between decreases and increases in the index – after significant decreases in the value of the index, its significant increases are characteristic and above average, but after large increases – decreases are not so great and frequent (Fig. 6 and 7). A special peculiarity is the form of volatility c, which means an increase in the index following its decrease and is associated with almost all cases of the index in the range of the 1st decile of the NAO value (Fig. 3). The volatility of the lowest indices (especially in the range of the 1st decile NAO) is much larger than the volatility of higher indices representing the positive NAO phases, the reason for the formation of such volatility asymmetry are different circulation conditions, corresponding to extremely low and moderately high and high NAO indices, i.e., the domination of meridional circulation or zonal circulation. The most significant signs of deviation from the stochastic nature of NAO volatility are revealed in the long-term course of the index. The observed concentration of extremely low and extremely high NAO indices in some decades of the multiannual period (Table 9) is characterized by a negligible probability of occurrence in a random series.
Content available remote Współczesny cyfrowy Atlas Malej Energetyki Wiatrowej dla Polski (AMEW-PL)
Zasoby energii promieniowania słonecznego w Polsce są dobrze rozpoznane i w perspektywie długookresowej cechują się stabilnością potencjału w czasie oraz przestrzenni. To przekłada się więc na niewielkie ryzyko inwestycyjne z punktu widzenia estymowanej w przyszłości generacji. Sytuacja jest bardziej skomplikowana w przypadku energetyki wiatrowej. A w szczególności małej energetyki wiatrowej, gdzie warunki wietrzności cechują się znacznym zróżnicowaniem przestrzennym, nawet na niewielkim obszarze, a ponadto dużą zmiennością czasową. Zależną od sytuacji meteorologicznej. Słabe rozeznanie zasobów energii wiatru na wysokości 10-20 metrów nad poziomem gruntu powoduje, iż inwestycja w źródła generacji wiatrowej jest obecnie nadal przedsięwzięciem obarczonym wysokim ryzykiem, ponieważ nie jest możliwe oszacowanie z odpowiednią dokładnością potencjalnej ilości energii elektrycznej jaka może zostać wygenerowana przez generator wiatrowy wybrany przez inwestora. By częściowo zaradzić temu problemowi i wspomóc nowych inwestorów na etapie wyboru lokalizacji inwestycji i szacowania możliwych potencjałów produkcyjnych przedstawiamy koncepcję pierwszego dla obszaru Polski cyfrowego Atlasu malej energetyki wiatrowej, z wyborem treści w formule otwartego dostępu, który dostarczy informacji na temat potencjału energii wiatru na poziomach 10, 30, 50, 80 oraz 100 m n.p.g, z rozdzielczością powierzchniową 1x1 km. Atlas w pierwszej wersji opracowany zostanie na podstawie czterech lat (2019-2022) danych godzinowych pochodzących z modelu INCA-PL 2, a wraz rozwojem szereg czasowy będzie odpowiednio wydłużany. Wykonana analiza wskazuje, na znaczące różnice w potencjale energii wiatru pomiędzy szacunkami w oparciu o model INCA-PL 2 a atlas energetyki wiatrowej prof. Lorenz w szczególności dla rejonu Dolnego Śląska. Dodatkowo wskazujemy, na silny wpływ kształtu krzywej mocy turbiny wiatrowej na wykorzystanie zasob6w energii wiatru w danej lokalizacji wyrażane w kWh generacji w skali roku na 1 kW mocy zainstalowanej.
Poland's solar energy resources are well recognized and in the long term are characterized by a small variability of potential in time and space. This, therefore, translates into a low investment risk from the point of view of estimated future generation. However, this situation is more complicated in the case of wind energy. And specify in the small wind power energy, where wind conditions are characterized by significant spatial variation, even over a small area, in addition to high temporal variability. Dependent on the meteorological situation. Poor understanding of wind energy resources at a height of 10-20 meters above ground level means that investment in wind generation sources is currently still a high-risk venture, as it is not possible to estimate with sufficient accuracy the potential amount of electricity that can be generated by the wind generator chosen by the investor. In order to partially remedy this problem and assist new investors at the stage of investment site selection and estimation of possible production potentials, we present the concept of the first digital Atlas of small wind energy for the area of Poland, with a selection of content in the formula of open access, which will provide information on the potential of wind energy at levels of 10, 30, 50, 80 and 100 meters a.g.l. with a surface resolution of lx1 km. The Atlas in its first version will be developed on the basis of four years (2019-2022) of hourly data from the INCA-PL 2 model, and as it develops, the time series will be extended accordingly. The analysis shows significant differences in wind energy potential between the estimates based on the INCA-PL 2 model and the wind energy atlas of prof. Lorenz in particular for the region of Lower Silesia. In addition, we indicate the strong influence of the shape of the wind turbine power curve on the use of wind energy resources in a given location, expressed in kWh of generation per year per 1 kW of installed power.
Content available remote Temporal variability of precipitation extremes in Estonia 1961-2008
Daily precipitation data from 40 stations are used to investigate the temporal variability of precipitation extremes in Estonia. The period covered is 1961-2008, characterized by a uniformity of observational practice. Precipitation extremes are quantified by yearly and seasonal values of two different parameters: day-count indices based on 95th and 99th percentile thresholds. Trend significance was assessed with the Mann-Kendall test. Results show that the frequency of both indices has increased. No significant negative trends were found. An increase of 15.8 events over the 99th percentile per decade was observed for Estonia. The indices selected for this study may be called "soft" climate extremes, but the number of such events is large enough to allow for meaningful trend analysis in a roughly half-century long time series.
The goal of this work is to determine the concentration variability and the values of selected physical and chemical parameters, including the discharge values for the Plutnica River, as well as the causes for changes in these values. When it comes to physical and chemical water quality, the downstream waters of the Plutnica are freshwaters with elevated chloride concentrations. This is due to the fact that the Baltic Sea acts on shallow groundwater along this part of the coast as well as to periodically occurring saltwater intrusions into inland surface waters. The concentrations of the remaining common ions were fairly stable during the course of the year and their annual variability levels were similar.
Celem niniejszej pracy było ustalenie zmienności stężeń i wartości wybranych wskaźników fizyczno-chemicznych oraz przepływów na rzece Płutnicy, a także określenie przyczyn tych zmian. Pod względem jakości fizyczno-chemicznej wody rzeki Płutnicy w jej dolnym biegu są wodami słodkimi o podwyższonych wartościach stężeń chlorków. Wpływa na to niewątpliwie sąsiedztwo morza, które oddziałuje na płytkie wody podziemne w tej części wybrzeża, a także okresowo występujące zjawisko intruzji wód słonawych drogą powierzchniową. Stężenia pozostałych głównych jonów w ciągu roku charakteryzowały się dużą stabilnością i podobną zmiennością roczną uzyskanych wyników.
The aim o f the studies was to characterize time structure of the real sunshine totals in the Szczecin Lowlands and frequency and variability of number of hours with the sun lasting > 4, > 6 and > 10 h in 2000-2004. The largest daily real sunshine total in the Szczecin Lowlands amounting to 6.6 hours occurs in the first ten days of May, whereas the lowest one, 0.8 h, in the third ten day period of December. During the calendar spring (March-May) a 40% larger number of hours with direct sun radiation is observed as compared to that in autumn (Sept. - Nov.). In March, June and September the real sunshine totals before the noon are larger than those in the afternoon, whereas in December there are no distinct differences between them. An average number of days with real sunshine lasting > 4, > 6 and > 10 h is respectively 141, 97 and 14 and its maximum occurs in May. In spring and summer the frequency of days with the above threshold values is approximate and it amounts on average to about 55, 40 and 10% respectively.
The methods for analysing of temporal variability of air temperature are presented in the paper. Special attention is paid to the application of GIS tools. Being a leading and so-called continuous climatic element, air temperature is the best known climatic parameter and therefore makes a good base for various theoretical and practical studies. It concerns temporal analyses as well as spatial issues. In the recent years spatial analyses using GIS techniques are fairly frequent. However, there is the lack of studies devoted to temporal analyses of this particular climatic element. The paper is an attempt to use average annual and monthly air temperature for the territory of Poland. The data originate from 213 meteorological stations in Poland and in neighbouring areas ansd cover 53 years (1951-2003). The data series studied here are fully homogenous, already checked and verified earlier. Application of GIS methods also requires the use of other layers, so in the study digital terrain model (DTM), hydrographical network as well as administrative information were applied. Elevation plays the most important role in the spatial temperature distribution and determination coefficients even exceed 0.95. In the first phase the traditional, classical characteristics for temporal analysis were applied such as: linear trend, standard deviation, variation coefficient. Spatial distribution of the above mentioned measures is presented on the maps of Poland. The next step is based on the gridded values. They are available for the 10 km resolution and have been created from the air temperature maps formerly constructed by the residual cringing method. Such data enabled detailed temporal air temperature analyses for the territory of Poland as well as for individual regions. Gridded data provided the base for the construction of different diagrams showing absolute and relative temporal variability for particular territories. Digital dimension of all these graphs allows many various calculations indicating the range and intensity of the air temperature variability. The study contains only some examples of the temporal analyses from a large variety of particular cases. They are rather universal, so they can be applied for different climatic elements and for many temporal and spatial scales. That approach can be a good tool for further detailed processing as well as for formulating synthesis. All investigations confirm relatively large warming in the recent years. It concerns the whole Poland with the special regard to the central and western regions. However, due to relatively short period this trend does not allow to formulate further conclusions as to the future long-term tendency. Special attention was paid to the extreme thermal seasons of winter and summer. The results univocally show temperature increase during winter since the last years of 80s of the 20th century and they do not confirm any significant tendency for summer. All these results were received based on traditional (station) data as well as on gridded values. Application of the gridded data is quite important from the practical point and for the perspectives of climate change and variability studies. The obtained results point to the main features of the temporal thermal variability and also indicate a considerable spatial diversity not only in the mountain areas but also on Polish Lowlands. At the same time the examples presented here show that digital maps and diagrams allow for various types of calculating and analysing which may add a prominent practical dimension. The results show that climatologic studies with this kind of methodological approach may have a prior cognitive as well as practical meaning. Applied methods can be also used for other environmental elements.
Content available remote Wieloletnia zmienność występowania osadów atmosferycznych na Pomorzu
The aim of the studies was to determine many year time and spatial variability of occurrence of main atmospheric deposits in the area of Pomerania. The studies were carried out on the basis of The IMGW (The Institute of Meteorology and Water Management) data including a monthly average number of days with dew, hoar frost, rime and glaze in 1971-2000, gathered in 16 meteorological stations in Pomerania. The most freąuent deposit in Pomerania was dew which was observed on average for 1/3 days during a year. The largest number of days with dew was noticed in August, hoar frost occurred most freąuently in December and rime and glaze in January. Statistically a significant decrease in annual number of days with dew was observed in Ponterania in 1971-2000, whereas no noteworthy trend as to the annual number of days with hoar frost, rime and glaze occurred. In the area of the Polish Coast and particularly in the vicinity of Zatoka Gdańska (Gdańsk Bay) and Zalew Szczeciński (Szczecin Lagoon) the atmospheric deposits were on average observed the least frequently as compared to the areas in central parts of Pomerania.
Content available remote Relative abundance distributions of species : the need to have a new look at them
This paper shows that recent models of relative abundances (RADs) like the log-normal model or sequential breakage or nich apportionment models are not able to describe and explain RADs found in natural communities because they are derived from a classical niche concept and assume strong past or present interspecific competition. None of them refers especially to temporal variability and functional niche dimensions. The present paper identifie three basic features of natural communities (unimodal species-weight distributions, abundance-weight distributions with more or less marked upper boundaries, and species density fluctuations that can be modelled by four different random processes). Modelling communities with these basic features resulted in RADs that only in part could be described by classical models but that had shapes often found in sampling from larger natural communities. No single distribution like the canonical log-normal appeared that may serve as a general null-model but RAD and evolutionary strategy (r- or K selection) seem to be related. The shape of relative abundance distributions was found to depend on the number of species even if all parameter setting of the generating distributions were identical. This indicates that classical evenness indices (that assume independence of species number) might not be appropriate to compare communities with different numbers of species. It appeared that RAD and body weight related community patterns have to be studied together.
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