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The article presents an analysis of the accuracy of 3 popular machine learning (ML) methods: Maximum Likelihood Classifier (MLC), Support Vector Machine (SVM), and Random Forest (RF) depending on the size of the training sample. The analysis involved performing the classification of the content of a Landsat 8 satellite image (divided into 6 basic land cover classes) in 10 different variants of the number of training samples (from 2664 to 34711 pixels), estimating individual results, and a comparative analysis of the obtained results. For each classification variant, an error matrix was developed and on their basis, accuracy metrics were calculated: f1-score, precision and recall (for individual classes) as well as overall accuracy and kappa index of agreement (generally for the entire classification). The analysis showed a stimulating effect of the size of the training sample on the accuracy of the obtained classification results in all analyzed cases, with the most sensitive to this factor being MLC, showing the best effectiveness with the largest training sample and the smallest - with the smallest, and the least SVM, characterized by the highest accuracy with the smallest training sample, comparing to other algorithms.
Artykuł przedstawia analizę dokładności 3 popularnych metod uczenia maszynowego: Maximum Likelihood Classifier (MLC), Support Vector Machine (SVM) oraz Random Forest (RF) w zależności od liczebności próbki treningowej. Analiza polegała na wykonaniu klasyfikacji treści zdjęcia satelitarnego Landsat 8 (w podziale na 6 podstawowych klas pokrycia terenu) w 10 różnych wariantach liczebności próbek uczących (od 2664 do 34711 pikseli), oszacowaniu poszczególnych wyników oraz analizie porównawczej uzyskanych wyników. Dla każdego wariantu klasyfikacji opracowano macierz błędów, a na ich podstawie obliczono metryki dokładności: F1-score, precision and recall (dla pojedynczych klas) oraz ogólną dokładność i wskaźnik zgodności Kappa (ogólnie dla całej klasyfikacji). Analiza wykazała stymulujący wpływ rozmiaru próbki uczącej na dokładność uzyskiwanych wyników klasyfikacji we wszystkich analizowanych przypadkach, przy czym najbardziej wrażliwym na ten czynnik był MLC, wykazujący się najlepszą skutecznością przy największej próbce treningowej i najmniejszą - przy najmniejszej, a najmniej SVM, cechujący się największą dokładnością przy najmniejszej próbce treningowej, w porównaniu do pozostałych algorytmów.
The remarkable feature of rapid urbanisation, which has fundamentally altered the distribution of land cover and land use (LULC), is what sets the contemporary era apart. The impact of these modifications on the resilience of Abuja’s metropolitan infrastructure from 2017 to 2022 is examined in this study. Our study examined the dynamic changes in LULC using information from remote sensing, geospatial analysis software, and land cover categorization techniques. The findings indicate major changes in Abuja’s topography, including a decrease in the number of water bodies, a decrease in the number of trees, the expansion of urban areas, changes in agricultural land use, and fluctuations in the amount of grazing land. The previously mentioned changes have significant consequences for urban infrastructure resilience, affecting various sectors such as water supply, transportation, housing, utilities, and food distribution systems. The infrastructure supporting water supply and sanitation may be severely stretched as the number of water bodies decreases, affecting the quantity and quality of accessible water supplies. As metropolitan areas expand, greater strain is placed on transportation infrastructure, exacerbating traffic congestion and complicating road maintenance difficulties. Changes in agricultural land use can have an impact on food production and distribution, hence affecting food security. Deforestation can cause ecological deterioration, affecting a variety of aspects such as temperature regulation, biological diversity, and atmospheric purity. Adaptive approaches, green infrastructure, and adopting sustainable urban design can all strengthen the resilience of urban infrastructure, according to this study. The significance of renewable energy adoption, community participation, green building laws, the establishment of public-private partnerships, integrated water resource management, and data-driven decision-making is emphasised. Improving legal frameworks that prioritise resilience and sustainability is critical. It is critical to have a complete grasp of the complicated links between changes in LULC, and the resilience of urban infrastructure in order to enable educated urban design and decision-making processes. Policymakers and urban planners may address and minimise the negative consequences of climate change while improving the overall quality of life in cities by using sustainable development practises. The findings of this study have the potential to dramatically improve Abuja’s people’s well-being and sustainability, especially given the variety of urban difficulties they encounter.
Współczesną erę wyróżnia niezwykle szybka urbanizacja, która zasadniczo zmieniła rozkład pokrycia terenu i użytkowa- nia gruntów (LULC). W niniejszym badaniu przeanalizowano wpływ tych zmian na odporność infrastruktury metropo- litalnej Abudży w latach 2017-2022. Dynamiczne zmiany LULC zbadano przy użyciu informacji z teledetekcji, oprogra- mowania do analizy geoprzestrzennej oraz technik kategoryzacji pokrycia terenu. Wyniki wskazują na poważne zmiany w topografii Abudży, w tym spadek liczby zbiorników wodnych, spadek liczby drzew, ekspansję obszarów miejskich, zmiany w użytkowaniu gruntów rolnych i wahania w ilości pastwisk. Zmiany te mają znaczące konsekwencje dla od- porności infrastruktury miejskiej, wpływając na różne sektory, takie jak zaopatrzenie w wodę, transport, mieszkalnic- two, usługi komunalne i systemy dystrybucji żywności. Infrastruktura wspierająca zaopatrzenie w wodę i urządzenia sanitarne może być poważnie obciążona, ponieważ malejąca liczba zbiorników wodnych odbija się na ilości i jakości dostępnych zasobów wody. Wraz z rozwojem obszarów metropolitalnych rośnie obciążenie infrastruktury transportowej, co zwiększa natężenie ruchu i komplikuje utrzymanie dróg. Zmiany w użytkowaniu gruntów rolnych wpływają na pro- dukcję i dystrybucję żywności, a tym samym na bezpieczeństwo żywnościowe. Wylesianie może powodować pogorszenie stanu środowiska, wpływając na regulację temperatury, różnorodność biologiczną i czystość atmosfery. Według naszych badań podejście adaptacyjne, zielona infrastruktura i przyjęcie zrównoważonego projektowania urbanistycznego mogą wzmocnić odporność infrastruktury miejskiej. Podkreśla się znaczenie energii odnawialnej, udziału społeczności, przepi- sów dotyczących zielonego budownictwa, ustanowienia partnerstw publiczno-prywatnych, zintegrowanego zarządzania zasobami wodnymi i podejmowania decyzji w oparciu o dane. Kluczowe znaczenie ma poprawa ram prawnych, które powinny priorytetowo traktować kwestie odporności miejskiej oraz zrównoważonego rozwoju. Świadome projektowanie urbanistyczne i procesy decyzyjne możliwe są jedynie przy zrozumieniu skomplikowanych powiązań między zmianami w LULC a odpornością infrastruktury miejskiej. Zastosowanie praktyk zrównoważonego rozwoju umożliwi decydentom i urbanistom zminimalizowanie negatywnych konsekwencji zmian klimatycznych oraz podniesienie ogólnej jakości życia w miastach. Wyniki tego badania mogą potencjalnie znacznie poprawić dobrobyt i zrównoważony rozwój mieszkańców Abudży, zwłaszcza biorąc pod uwagę różnorodność napotykanych przez nich trudności miejskich.
One of today's most important environmental problems is air pollution augmentation. Air pollution is getting worse over time and hurts human health. For the current study, various polar orbiting satellites were utilized to collect data on PM2.5, SO2, AOD, CO, and ozone over Pakistan between January 2005 and December 2021. According to the spatial distribution results, these characteristics have high values throughout central Punjab, western Baluchistan, central Sindh, and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The seasonal variation in PM2.5, SO2, AOD, CO, and ozone was calculated using monthly data. The greatest value for PM2 5 is 8.7 X 10-8 kg/m3 during the monsoon season, while the highest value for SO2 is 1.4 X 10-5 kg/m2 during the winter. Over Punjab, Sindh, Baluchistan, KPK, and Gilgit, AOD was between 0.7 and > 1.0, CO was 127.2 ppb, and ozone was 330.7 DU. Furthermore, we create correlation maps of AOD, CO, SO2, PM2.5, and ozone and evaluate their relationship of high and low values across Pakistan. We looked into the 0.99 correlation between AOD and PM2.5, the strongest ever recorded. Despite this, we look at time series graphs to show the rising and falling pattern of these parameters from January 2005 to December 2021. We also used tables to determine the relative change in Multan, Lahore, Karachi, Peshawar, Quetta, Rawalpindi, Faisalabad, Hyderabad, Gujranwala, and Abbottabad in Pakistan from January 2005 to December 2021.
The study aims to assess variations in spatio-temporal characteristics of water quality parameters from three tropical estuaries, namely Muri-Ganga, Saptamukhi, and Hooghly, in the western portion of the Indian Sundarbans. Reliable retrieval of near-surface concentration of water quality parameters such as Chlorophyll-a, SST & TSM from diverse aquatic ecosystems with broad ranges of tropical requirements has always remained a complex issue. In this study, application of Case 2 Regional Colour Correction (C2RCC) processor has been tested for its accuracy across different bio-optical regimes in both inland and coastal waters. Satellite images for the same period were also collected and analysed using the C2RCC processing sequence to retrieve parameters like the depth of water, surface reflectance, water temperature, inherent optical properties (IOPs), chlorophyll-a, salinity, total suspended matter (TSM), etc., using the SNAP software. In situ sampling from specific locations within these estuaries and water quality analysis were conducted for the period 2017-2019. The OLCI retrieved datasets were compared and corroborated with field survey datasets. It was observed that the highest amount of TSM was recorded at Diamond Harbour during the 2018 pre-monsoon season (301.40 mg/L field-based value and 308.54 mg/L estimated value). Similarly, chlorophyll-a had higher concentrations throughout the monsoon season (3.03 mg m-3, (field survey), and 2.96 mg m-3, (estimated) at Fraserganj and Sagar south points. A very good correlation was observed for all seasons for Chl-a (r = 0.829) and TSM (r = 0.924) between the OLCI data and in situ measurements. Higher correlation and significant ‘r’ values highlight the importance of having both field-based as well as remotely-sensed information in understanding any dynamic system in a sustained manner. Results also confirm that the water quality model using OLCI Chl-a and TSM products outperforms conventional techniques. The study demonstrates the efficacy of using Sentinel 3 OCLI data for shallow marine and estuarine remote sensing applications, especially for monitoring TSM and Chl-a concentrations.
Jak rozpoznać zasoby i stan zachowania miast? Jeszcze niedawno byłoby to niemożliwe bez rzeszy naukowców. Na szczęście dziś standardem powoli staje się teledetekcja, pozwalająca na szybkie udokumentowanie stanu środowiska przyrodniczego miasta.
Turbidity is an important indicator of water quality in rivers, lakes, and coastal areas. Research on turbidity issues in these areas is significant not only for the development and utilization of water resources for aquaculture, tourism, and other purposes but also for assessing the level of silt (sand) in the river, allowing sediment alluvial to build up a bank of the river, and monitoring the degree of water corrosion in the bridge substructure. This allows for the building of an effective maintenance and conservation program for the bridge in response to climate change. Traditional methods have defined the turbidity of water in a local area, on a small scale. Interpolation errors of traditional methods for large areas may exceed over 20%. The use of remote sensing technology as Landsat-8 satellite images with a high geometric resolution of 30-meter multispectral channels allows us to estimate and distribute the water turbidity in a 30 × 30 m grid in detail. Using multi-temporal Landsat-8 data in 2014 and 2015 for modeling water turbidity of Tien and Hau rivers and coastal areas in South Vietnam, the obtained mean absolute error is approximately 20%, the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) does not exceed 10 NTU. The models have a high coefficient of efficiency ME, approximately 90% (ME = 0.862), and the correlation coefficient R stronger than 90%. This allows an overall assessment of changes in water flow velocity concerning the amount of sediment in the river.
Mętność jest ważnym wskaźnikiem jakości wody w rzekach, jeziorach i obszarach przybrzeżnych. Badania nad tą kwestią są istotne nie tylko dla rozwoju i wykorzystania zasobów wodnych na potrzeby akwakultury, turystyki i innych celów, ale także dla oceny poziomu mułu (piasku) w rzece, pozwalającego osadom aluwialnym budowanie brzegu rzeki oraz monitorowanie stopnia korozji w podporach mostu. Umożliwi to opracowanie skutecznego programu konserwacji i utrzymania mostu w odpowiedzi na zmiany klimatyczne. Tradycyjne metody pozwalają określić mętność wody w obszarze lokalnym, w małej skali. Błędy interpolacji tradycyjnych metod do dużych obszarów mogą przekraczać 20%. Zastosowanie technologii teledetekcji w postaci zdjęć satelitarnych Landsat-8 o wysokiej rozdzielczości geometrycznej 30-metrowych kanałów wielospektralnych pozwala na szczegółowe oszacowanie i rozmieszczenie zmętnienia wody w siatce 30 × 30 m. Wykorzystując wieloczasowe dane Landsat-8 z lat 2014 i 2015 do modelowania zmętnienia wody rzek Tien i Hau oraz obszarów przybrzeżnych w południowym Wietnamie, uzyskany średni błąd bezwzględny wynosi około 20%, a średni błąd kwadratowy (RMSE) nie przekracza 10 NTU. Modele mają wysoki współczynnik efektywności ME, około 90% (ME = 0,862), a współczynnik korelacji R jest wyższy niż 90%, co stwarza możliwość dokonania ogólnej oceny zmian prędkości przepływu wody w odniesieniu do ilości osadów w rzece.
The documentation of cultural heritage objects requires a special approach, as does the collection of materials describing a monument over a period of time. With the development of measurement and information technologies, such documentation can be supplemented by a digital model of the object, a 3D visualization in a computer environment, or a miniature, scaled 3D printout. This paper presents a methodology for developing the 3D documentation of the Monument to the Polish Diaspora Bond with the Homeland, a sculpture located in Koszalin, Poland. In the study, terrestrial laser scanning supplemented with photos was used for non-invasive measurements, and existing free software was used to generate a 3D model. The results of the study can supplement the technical documentation of an object so as to preserve its characteristic features and ease the conservation of monuments. The proposed approach to modelling 3D monuments can be used to create HBIM documentation.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki obserwacji wykonanych z powietrza za pomocą BSP w podczerwieni. Warunki obserwacji były zbliżone do rzeczywistych warunków pola walki. Wyniki obserwacji porównano z badaniami laboratoryjnymi, w których użyto wzorca ciała czarnego do pomiaru transmisji radiacyjnej 11 różnych materiałów siatek maskujących. W badaniach odniesiono się do zmierzonej procentowej przepuszczalności promieniowania badanych materiałów, oznaczonych dalej w artykule współczynnikiem transparentności. Z przeprowadzonych badań wynika, że korelacja między transparentnością w świetle widzialnym i promieniowaniem podczerwonym przechodzącym przez materiał maskujący dla przebadanych materiałów nie jest zbieżna. Biorąc pod uwagę fakt, że siatki maskujące i materiały, z których są one wykonywane, stały się wyposażeniem bardzo pożądanym na współczesnym polu walki i wiele podmiotów rozpoczęło ich produkcję, powstała silna potrzeba opracowania szybkiej metody oceny przydatności takich materiałów w aspekcie kamuflażu termicznego. W pracy zaproponowano zastosowanie prostego wskaźnika oceny kamuflażu wyznaczanego na podstawie transparentności w dwóch zakresach spektralnych.
This article presents the results of aerial observations conducted using infrared airborne surveillance platforms. The observation conditions closely resembled real battlefield conditions. The observation results were compared with laboratory studies that utilized a black body reference to measure the radiative transmission of 11 different masking nets materials. The research referred to the measured transparency coefficient of the tested materials. The conducted research indicates that there is no consistent correlation between transparency in visible light and infrared radiation passing through the masking material for the tested materials. Considering that camouflage meshes and the materials from which they are made have become highly sought-after equipment on the modern battlefield, with many entities initiating their production, there is a strong need to develop a rapid method for assessing the suitability of such materials in terms of thermal camouflage. The study proposes the utilization of a simple camouflage evaluation index based on transparency in two spectral ranges.
The land is one of the most treasures to support life, like food, fibre, medicine, and minerals, etc. Stone quarrying is one of the key elements which supports socio-economic development and industrial expansion. RS and GIS play an important role in environmental assessment to monitor the stone quarries and related activities for time to time. The present study was carried out to evaluate the impact of stone quarrying and crushing activities (SQCA) on land resources. Therefore, matrix change analysis of 2021, 2015, 2008 and 2003 were used for change detection. High-resolution Google Earth Pro images were used for the assessment of spatial as well as temporal changes caused by stone quarries and associated activities, which result in land use/land cover changes. The results show that the temporal changes in and around the quarrying sites over 18 years have contributed to dynamic changes in land use/land cover. According to the study, damaging mining operations have grown in the area. SQCA are mostly carried out on agricultural land as well as wasteland, which decreases about 18.44% and 59.89% during the study period. Abandoned pits left without reclamation converted to derelict ponds degrading the landscape and becoming dangerous for humans and the ecosystem.
Conducting a diachronic study of vegetation cover helps to assess its transformations over a period of time, allowing for a comprehensive assessment of the factors influencing these transformations. The purpose of this research is to analyze the vegetation cover spatio-temporal changes within Beni Haroun watershed, located in the northeast region of Algeria. Based on remote sensing data, two satellite images for the years 2009 and 2020 from Landsat 7 ETM+ and Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS were downloaded. The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index was employed to remotely detect and monitor the changes of the vegetation cover. It was calculated for both chosen dates, and the results were classified into four classes (no vegetation, sparse vegetation, moderate vegetation, dense vegetation), each representing a different vegetation density. The obtained maps showed a regression of the vegetation cover. The NDVI values have decreased from 0.77 in 2009 to 0.58 in 2020. Spatial patterns in the classified NDVI maps illustrated reduced vegetation cover demonstrated by an expansion of the no vegetation class: 35,3479 ha in 2009 and 56,7916 ha in 2020. The final map of the change detection depicted a predominance of the negative change throughout Beni Haroun watershed, in consequence of various controlling factors, including climate and human interventions.
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This article provides a systematic review of innovations in smart fruit-growing. The research aims to highlight the technological gap and define the optimal studies in the near future moving toward smart fruit-growing based on a systematic review of literature for the period 2021–2022. The research object is the technological gap until the smart fruit-growing. The research question of the systematic review was related to understanding the current application of vehicles, IoT, satellites, artificial intelligence, and digital twins, as well as active studies in these directions. The authors used the PRISMA 2020 approach to select and synthesise the relevant literature. The Scopus database was applied as an information source for the systematic review, completed from 10 May to 14 August 2022. Forty-three scientific articles were included in the study. As a result, the technology gap analysis was completed to highlight the current studies and the research trends in the near future moving toward smart fruit-growing. The proposed material will be useful background information for leaders and researchers working in smart agriculture and horticulture to make their strategic decisions considering future challenges and to optimise orchard management or study directions. Considering the current challenges, authors advise paying attention to decision-making, expert, and recommendation systems through the digital twin paradigm. This study will help the scientific community plan future studies optimising research to accelerate the transfer to new smart fruit-growing technologies as it is not sufficient to develop an innovation, but it must be done at the appropriate time.
The carbon emissions are essential for climate change and 26% of the world's carbon emissions are related to transport. But focusing only on fewer carbon emissions might be biased at times. In order to keep a balance between economic growth and carbon emissions reduction, this paper evaluated the performance of carbon control by considering the input factors and output factors together, which is more comprehensive and reliable. Firstly, this paper has calculated the transport carbon emissions reduction efficiency (TCERE) based on the model of super SBM with undesirable outputs. The input factors include capital stock, labor force and fossil energy consumption. And the output factors include gross domestic product and carbon dioxide emissions. Then the influencing factors of TCERE were analyzed using econometric models. The economic growth, transport structure, technology level and population density were posited as influencing factors. This paper creatively proposed the per capita nighttime lights brightness as a new indicator for economic growth. An empirical study was conducted in East China from 2013 to 2017, and this study has found that the relationship between TCERE and economic growth shows an U-shape. Besides, transport structure and technology level both show a positive impact on TCERE. The implications of our findings are that: (a) The TCERE declines slower in East China, giving us reason to believe that the improvement of TCERE is predictable; (b) When economic growth exceeds the turning point, economic growth is conducive to the improvement of TCERE. We could develop the economy boldly and confidently; (c) Increased investment in railway and waterway transportation infrastructure projects is needed to strengthen the structure of the railway and waterway transportation systems. Furthermore, the general public and businesses should be encouraged to prefer rail or river transportation; (d) Investment in scientific and technological innovation should be enhanced in order to produce more efficient energy-use methods.
This study focuses on the problem of mapping impervious surfaces in urban areas and aims to use remote sensing data and orthophotos to accurately classify and map these surfaces. Impervious surface indices and green space assessments are widely used in land use and urban planning to evaluate the urban environment. Local governments also rely on impervious surface mapping to calculate stormwater fees and effectively manage stormwater runoff. However, accurately determining the size of impervious surfaces is a significant challenge. This study proposes the use of the Support Vector Machines (SVM) method, a pattern recognition approach that is increasingly used in solving engineering problems, to classify impervious surfaces. The research results demonstrate the effectiveness of the SVM method in accurately estimating impervious surfaces, as evidenced by a high overall accuracy of over 90% (indicated by the Cohen’s Kappa coefficient). A case study of the “Parkowo-Leśne” housing estate in Warsaw, which covers an area of 200,000 m², shows the successful application of the method. In practice, the remote sensing imagery and SVM method allowed accurate calculation of the area of the surface classes studied. The permeable surface represented about 67.4% of the total complex and the impervious surface corresponded to the remaining 32.6%. These results have implications for stormwater management, pollutant control, flood control, emergency management, and the establishment of stormwater fees for individual properties. The use of remote sensing data and the SVM method provides a valuable approach for mapping impervious surfaces and improving urban land use management.
Niniejsze badanie koncentruje się na problemie wyznaczania powierzchni nieprzepuszczalnych na obszarach miejskich i ma na celu wykorzystanie danych teledetekcyjnych i ortofotomap do dokładnej klasyfikacji i wizualizacji tych powierzchni. Wskaźniki powierzchni nieprzepuszczalnych i oceny terenów zielonych są szeroko stosowane w planowaniu przestrzennym i urbanistycznym do oceny środowiska miejskiego. Władze lokalne polegają również na oszacowaniu wielkości powierzchni nieprzepuszczalnych w celu obliczania opłat za wodę deszczową i skutecznego zarządzania odpływem wody deszczowej. Jednak dokładne określenie wielkości nieprzepuszczalnych powierzchni jest poważnym wyzwaniem. W niniejszym badaniu zaproponowano wykorzystanie metody Support Vector Machines (SVM), podejścia opartego na rozpoznawaniu wzorców, które jest coraz częściej stosowane w rozwiązywaniu problemów inżynieryjnych, do klasyfikacji powierzchni nieprzepuszczalnych. Wyniki badań pokazują skuteczność metody SVM w dokładnym szacowaniu powierzchni nieprzepuszczalnych, o czym świadczy wysoka ogólna precyzja wynosząca ponad 90% (na co wskazuje współczynnik Kappa Cohena). Studium przypadku osiedla „Parkowo-Leśne” w Warszawie o powierzchni 200 000 m² pokazuje skuteczne zastosowanie metody. Wyniki wskazują, że powierzchnie przepuszczalne stanowiły około 67,4% całego kompleksu, podczas gdy powierzchnie nieprzepuszczalne stanowiły pozostałe 32,6%. Wyniki te mogą mieć wpływ na zarządzanie wodami opadowymi, kontrolę zanieczyszczeń, zapobieganie powodziom, zarządzanie kryzysowe i ustalanie opłat za wodę opadową dla poszczególnych nieruchomości. Wykorzystanie danych teledetekcyjnych i metody SVM zapewnia cenne podejście do wizualizacji powierzchni nieprzepuszczalnych i poprawy zarządzania użytkowaniem gruntów miejskich.
The assessment of dynamic performance of large-scale bridges typically relies on the deployment of wired instrumentation systems requiring direct contact with the tested structures. This can obstruct their operation and create unnecessary risks to the involved personnel and equipment. These problems can be readily avoided by using non-contact instrumentation systems. However, the cost of of-the-shelf commercial products often prevents their wide adoption in engineering practice. To this end, the dynamic performance of the biggest one-pylon cable-stayed bridge in Poland is investigated based on data from a consumer-grade digital camera and open access image-processing algorithms. The quality of these data is benchmarked against data obtained from conventional wired accelerometers and a high-end commercial optical motion capture system. Operational modal analysis is conducted to extract modal damping, which has a potential to serve as an indicator of structural health. The dynamic properties of the bridge are evaluated against the results obtained during a proof loading exercise undertaken prior to the bridge opening. It is shown that a vibration monitoring system based on consumer-grade digital camera can indeed provide an economically viable alternative to monitoring the complex time-evolving dynamic behaviour patterns of large-scale bridges.
Urban municipalities throughout the world are facing grave challenge on the environmental front due to generation and mismanagement of massive amounts of municipal solid waste. This study focuses on the ecological damage caused by Municipal Solid Waste Open Dumps (MSWOD) in their vicinity. To study the adverse ecological impacts, satellite-based vegetation health indices and thermal measurements have been used as bio-thermal indicators to assess the deterioration of vegetation health and thermal heterogeneity around Mehmood Booti Municipal Solid Waste Open Dump in Lahore, Pakistan. Freely available satellite data and appropriate GIS techniques have been utilized to form basis of geospatial proximity analysis, making the approach efficient and economical. Zonal statistics and curve smoothing functions have been combined to prepare distance-dependent profiles that were subject to curve flattening technique for determination of impact range and severity in different seasonal conditions. Varying trends of high and low ranges for both indicators provide insight into factors other than main source of hazardous emissions, controlling bio-thermal conditions in the area as minor influencers. Similarly, role of meteorological variables in influencing waste decomposition and supporting vegetation health has also been distinguished. It has been discovered that the hazardous bio- and thermal influence zones around the study site have undergone expansion up to 761 m and 694 m, respectively, as compared to 650 m reported previously. Overall, the study supports the use of geospatial indicators to monitor and study environmental variables with a particular focus on emissions from MSWOD resulting from waste decomposition.
With the emergence of dynamic passenger transport systems, such as demand-responsive transport (DRT) and ride-sharing without predetermined stop locations as used for static bus routes, accurate routing for these flexible door-to-door transport services is needed. Routing between two addresses requires the assignment of addresses to suitable, so-called snapping points as reference points on the road network. Therefore, many conventional routing machines use perpendicular distance to identify the nearest point on the road network. However, this technique tends to produce inaccurate results if the access to a building is not reachable from the road segment with the shortest perpendicular distance. We provide a novel approach to identify the access to buildings (paths) based on remote sensing data to obtain more reasonable stop locations for passenger transport. Multispectral images, OpenStreetMap data, and light detection and ranging (LiDAR) data were used to perform a cost distance analysis based on vegetation cover, building footprints, and the slope of the terrain to identify such optimised stop locations. We assumed that the access to buildings on the shortest route to the building’s entrance consists of little vegetation cover and minimal slope of the terrain; furthermore, the calculated path should not cross building footprints. Thus, snapping points on the road network can be determined based on the most likely path between a building and the road network. We validated our results based on a predetermined ideal snapping area considering different weightings for the parameters slope, vegetation, and building footprints. The results were compared with a conventional routing machine that uses perpendicular distance. This routing machine shows a validation rate of 81.4%, whereas the validation rate of our presented approach is as high as 90.3%. This new approach provides increased accuracy and better comfort for flexible passenger transport systems.
Referat porusza kwestię wyznaczania wartości natężenia pola elektrycznego wewnątrz dojrzałej chmury typu Nimbostratus (ciepły front burzowy) przy pomocy danych doświadczalnych zebranych w trakcie balonowego lotu testowego napowietrznej długiej anteny liniowej. Na podstawie zarejestrowanych sygnałów i założonego modelu teoretycznego różnicowania ładunków elektrycznych na antenie wewnątrz chmury wyznaczono wartości pola elektrycznego zewnętrznego, generującego proces ładowania i powstawania wyładowań koronowych na przewodzie antenowym. Uzyskane dane porównano z danymi doświadczalnymi z lat poprzednich dla chmur burzowych typu Nimbostratus, ukazując nowe zastosowanie długich napowietrznych anten liniowych w bezpośrednim badaniu niebezpiecznych procesów zachodzących w atmosferze Ziemi.
The paper describes an attempt to define the electric fields strength inside a mature Nimbostratus cloud (warm storm front) using experimental data collected during the flight of a long linear airborne antenna. Basing on the registered signals and a theoretical model of electrical interactions between the antenna and the cloud’s interior the values of the external electric field strength have been calculated – the field that allows the build-up of the electric charge of the antenna and the excitation of corona. The calculations have been compared with experimental data on the electric field strength in Nimbostratus clouds, showing a new use of long airborne antennas in direct research on dangerous processes in the Earth’s atmosphere.
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