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W artykule omówiono przekształcenia architektoniczne rozproszonych telekomunikacyjnych systemów usługowych oraz sposoby optymalizacji ich niezawodności i wydajności. Przedstawiono nowoczesne rozproszone sieci zorientowane na usługi jako złożone systemy heterogeniczne, których większość opiera się obecnie na tzw. technologiach chmurowych. Przeanalizowano systemy usług w chmurze jako alternatywę dla nabywania przez klientów biznesowych własnych potężnych systemów obliczeniowych, oprogramowania i technologii pamięci masowej. Zaproponowano zasadę współdzielenia tych zasobów na podstawie ich wirtualizacji. Wskazano na główne problemy i podano sposoby zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa informacji w tych systemach.
The article discusses the architectural transformations of distributed tele-communications service systems and methods of optimizing their reliability and efficiency. Modern distributed service-oriented networks are presented as complex heterogeneous systems, most of which are currently based on so-called cloud technologies. Cloud service systems were analyzed as an alternative to business customers purchasing their own powerful computing systems, software, and storage technologies. The principle of sharing these resources based on their virtualization was proposed. The main problems and ways of ensuring safety of information in these systems are provided.
Information technologies are now a vital element of social life. Their task is to introduce people to a better tomorrow, catch up with the most developed countries, broaden horizons, and increase the standard of living. However, the rapid development of technology, access to data, and the possibility of managing it are still dependent on the human being, who determines whose data, when, and for what purpose it will be obtained and utilized. Nonetheless, indeed, all the data once found on the Internet remains there forever. Huge data banks are built based on personal data and account profiling. Besides, these banks are strongly guarded and secured with the most modern alarm systems, and only a small group of trained IT specialists has access to them. By information provided on own preferences, purchases made, applications downloaded, shared information, photos, and likes on social networks, one can specify the sexual preferences, education, political and religious views, evaluate assets, or determine the marital status of the user. Even small amounts of information shared reveal the deeply hidden interests of online account users, and the benefits of information technology are designed to share personal information while forgetting about the risks automatically.
Technologie informatyczne stanowią obecnie bardzo istotny element życia społecznego. Mają one za zadanie wprowadzać ludzi w lepsze jutro, dorównywać krajom najbardziej rozwiniętym, poszerzać horyzonty i zwiększać standard życia. Szybki rozwój technologii, dostęp do danych i możliwość zarządzania nimi są jednak ciągle zależne od człowieka, to od niego zależy czyje dane, kiedy i w jakim celu będą pozyskane i wykorzystane. Pewne jest jednak, że wszystkie dane, które raz trafią do Internetu pozostają tam na zawsze. Ogromne banki danych są tworzone na podstawie danych osobowych oraz na podstawie profilowania kont. Dodatkowo banki te są silnie strzeżone i zabezpieczone najnowocześniejszymi systemami alarmowymi, a dostęp do nich ma jedynie mała grupa przeszkolonych informatyków. Poprzez określenie własnych preferencji, dokonywanych zakupów, pobieranych aplikacji, udostępnianych informacji, zdjęć, polubień na portalach społecznościowych można określić, preferencje seksualne, wykształcenie, poglądy polityczne i religijne, wycenić majątek użytkownika, czy też określić stan cywilny. Nawet małe ilości udostępnianych informacji ukazują głęboko ukryte zainteresowania użytkowników kont internetowych, a korzyści oferowane przez technologie informatyczne mają na celu automatyczne udostępnianie danych osobowych przy równoczesnym zapominaniu o zagrożeniach.
Złożoność, wieloetapowość oraz niejednorodność przedsięwzięć inżynieryjnych wiąże się z trudnościami w doborze narzędzi informatycznych, umożliwiających ich racjonalne wspomaganie. Brak zgodności informacyjnej i funkcjonalnej poszczególnych aplikacji, wykorzystywanych do wspomagania kolejnych etapów złożonego przedsięwzięcia sprawia, że spójna realizacja takiego procesu jest albo znacznie utrudniona, albo wręcz niemożliwa. Istotna zatem wydaje się próba dokonania oceny możliwości wykorzystania do tego celu zintegrowanych aplikacji o charakterze hybrydowym. Wykorzystywane są one z powodzeniem do wspomagania złożonych, niejednorodnych przedsięwzięć o charakterze biznesowym, a ich specyfika i znaczny zakres potencjalnych zastosowań umożliwia ich wykorzystanie również w zakresie problemów inżynieryjnych, oferując przy tym spójność informacyjną i funkcjonalną całego przedsięwzięcia.
Engineering tasks, such as the ones presented in the article related to civil engineering, examined in the informational and decision-making context, are frequently complex, multi-stage and heterogeneous in nature. This leads to difficulties when selecting IT tools that enable their support. No informational or functional conformity of particular applications used to support the subsequent stages of a complex task makes the coherent realisation of such a process considerably harder or even impossible. Support of numerous homogenous engineering tasks is provided with the use of technologies that have been adopted from other management areas, mainly dedicated to business operations. This is what one should also do with complex and heterogeneous engineering problems. It seems rational that integrated applications that allow one to both solve algorithmic problems and heuristic ones should be employed. Integrated hybrid systems ensure continuity of support for complex, multi-stage engineering problems, at the same time offering informational and functional coherence of the whole task.
W artykule poruszono kwestię zmian technologicznych, rozwoju i dostosowania się do warunków panujących na rynku, które są niezbędne do uzyskania przewagi konkurencyjnej i sprostania wymaganiom klientów Rosnące zapotrzebowanie na usługi transportowe oraz rozwój sieci dystrybucji wywierają nacisk na przedsiębiorcach zmuszonych do optymalizacji procesów. Na początku artykułu przybliżone zostało pojęcie transportu i rozwój branży na przestrzeni lat. W dalszej części omówiono koncepcję Internetu Rzeczy, która ma na celu połączenie obiektów w celu ich monitorowania i kontrolowania w czasie rzeczywistym. Dzięki uzyskanym danym możliwa jest analiza wyników a także optymalizacja procesów. Kolejno przytoczono przykłady wykorzystania Internetu Rzeczy w praktyce. Na rynku jest szereg przedsiębiorstw, które już wdrożyły, bądź chcą wdrożyć, rozwiązania z zakresu Internetu Rzeczy. Przedstawione efekty powdrożeniowe pokazują, że inwestycja jest opłacalna. Pod koniec artykułu nakreślono przyszłość i rozwój Internetu Rzeczy na świecie. Przyczynia się on do wzrostu innowacyjności i jakości oferowanych usług. Jest kierunkiem rozwoju branży transportowej.
This article discusses the issue of technological changes required to adapt to the conditions prevailing on the market. Such operations are necessary to obtain a competitive advantage and meet the requirements of customers. The growing demand for transport services and the development of distribution networks exert pressure on entrepreneurs seeking to optimize processes. At the beginning of the article, the concept of transport and the development of the industry over the years are approximated. The next section discusses the concept of the Internet of Things, which helps monitor transport objects in real time. The data obtained allows for an analysis and optimization of the entire process. Next, the use of the Internet of Things in practice is presented. There are many companies on the market that have already implemented Internet of Things solutions or intend to do so. The post implementation effects presented show that the investment is profitable. At the end of the article the future and development of the Internet of Things in the world is outlined. It increases both innovation and quality of offered services and is a perspective direction of development of the transport industry.
The current mining operation of mineral resources in Quang Ninh province-Vietnam is increasingly complicated. Correspondingly, the management of the mine sites becomes more difficult. Records and documents of minerals and mine sites are archived in different forms. Database systems are stored dispersedly and insufficiently; in many cases lack accuracy, topicality and have not been linked to each other systematically. These lead to many difficulties in accessing and extracting information for the implementation of management as well as for investors and people with related interest. In this paper an advanced software has been developed for the management of mineral resources and has been applied for Quang Ninh province. The software has improved the supervision and administration of the mining operation in the province.
Depending on the course of the processes of heat treatment and thermo-chemical treatment, the technological equipment of heat treatment furnaces is exposed to different operating conditions, as the said processes differ among themselves in the temperature of annealing and atmosphere prevailing in the furnace chamber, in the duration of a single work cycle and in the type and temperature of the coolant. These differences affect the magnitude of stresses occurring in each cycle of the operation of furnace accessories, and thus play an important role in fatigue processes leading to the destruction of these accessories. The kinetics of temperature changes during each cooling process plays an important role in the formation of thermal stresses on the cross-section of the cooled parts. It depends on many factors, including the initial cooling temperature, the type and temperature of the cooling medium, or the dimensions and shape of the object. This article presents a numerical analysis of the effect of the initial temperature on the distribution of stresses on the cross-section of the grate ribs, generated in the first few seconds of the cooling process carried out in two cooling media, i.e. hardening oil and water. The analysis was carried out by the finite element method, based on the results of experimental testes of temperature changes in the rib during its cooling.
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Zakłady wytwarzające jakiekolwiek dobra konsumpcyjne, opierające swoją produkcję na standardach przemysłu procesowego, zderzają się z zagadnieniami wymiany informacji na masową skalę, wymiany danych pomiędzy światem biznesu oraz połączeniami pomiędzy OT (Operation Technology/Technologia Operacyjna), ICT (Information and Communication Technolog /Technologia Informacyjna i Komunikacyjna) i IT (Information Technology/Technologia Informacyjna). Jak optymalnie podejść do budowy skutecznej strategii komunikacji w przemyśle? Jak wybrać właściwą technologię i ją wdrożyć? W końcu jak eksploatować i utrzymywać wypracowany poziom jakości i skuteczności wymiany danych w środowisku OT?
A measuring system was developed for the measurement of ejector forces in the die casting process. When selecting the sensor technology, particular care was taken to ensure that measurements can be taken with a high sampling rate so that the fast-running ejection process can be recorded. For this reason, the system uses piezoelectric force sensors which measure the forces directly at the individual ejector pins. In this way, depending on the number of sensors, it is possible to determine both the individual ejector forces and the total ejector force. The system is expandable and adaptable with regard to the number and position of the sensors and can also be applied to real HPDC components. Automatic triggering of the measurements is also possible. In addition to the measuring system, a device and a method for in-situ calibration of the sensors have also been developed. To test the measuring system, casting experiments were carried out with a real aluminium HPDC aluminium component. The experiments showed that it is possible to measure the ejector forces with sufficient sampling rate and also to observe the process steps of filling, intensification and die opening by means of ejector forces. Experimental setup serves as a basis for future investigations regarding the influencing parameters on the ejection process.
By the very nature of their work, castings used in furnaces for heat treatment and thermo-chemical treatment are exposed to the effect of many unfavorable factors causing their deformation and cracking, significantly shortening the lifetime. The main source of damage are the micro-and macro-thermal stresses appearing in each cycle. As the cost of furnace instrumentation forms a significant part of the total furnace cost, in designing this type of tooling it is important to develop solutions that delay the damage formation process and thus extend the casting operation time. In this article, two structural modifications introduced to pallets castings to reduce thermal stresses arising at various stages of the cooling process are proposed. The essence of the first modification consists in making technological recesses in the wall connections, while the aim of the second one is to reduce the stiffness of the pallet by placing expanders in the external walls. Using the results of simulation analyses carried out by the finite element method, the impact of both proposed solutions on the level of thermal stresses was evaluated.
W obecnych czasach, dążąc do maksymalizacji zysków, szuka się rozwiązań, mających na celu redukcję wysokich kosztów. Rynek wymusza, w tym względzie zastosowanie nowoczesnych technologii. Zdobycie przewagi konkurencyjnej, dyktowane jest koniecznością wdrażania innowacyjnych rozwiązań nie tylko w firmach logistycznych. Jest to wyzwanie ale i szansa, których nie sposób osiągnąć bez inteligentnych systemów, które ze sobą współpracują. Systemy IT stają się fundamentem efektywnego zarządzania przedsiębiorstwem. Celem pracy jest przedstawienie roli informatyki i informatyzacji w każdym przedsiębiorstwie, niezależnie na jakim poziomie zaawansowania technologii się ono obecnie znajduje. Artykuł ma za zadanie udowodnić, że wyłącznie zastosowanie nowoczesnych systemów IT pozwoli na dynamiczny rozwój i osiągnięcie zrównoważonego rozwoju. Ponadto autorki artykułu mają na celu pokazać trendy występujące w tej branży.
Nowadays seeking to maximize profits, everybody seeks solutions to reduce as many costs as they can. The market forces to use modern technologies. To achieve competitive advantage it is necessary to implement innovative solutions not only in logistics companies but in all companies in all branches. This is not only a challenge but also an opportunity which cannot be achieved without intelligent systems. IT systems are the foundation of effective managing of the business. The main aim of the article is to present the role of information technology and computerization in every enterprise, irrespective of the level of technological advancement it is currently. The objective of this paper is to prove that only the usage of modern IT systems will enable dynamic and sustainable development. In addition, the authors have a purpose to emphasize trends in the TSL industry related with IT.
The paper presents a novel Iterated Local Search (ILS) algorithm to solve multi-item multi-family capacitated lot-sizing problem with setup costs independent of the family sequence. The model has a direct application to real production planning in foundry industry, where the goal is to create the batches of manufactured castings and the sequence of the melted metal loads to prevent delays in delivery of goods to clients. We extended existing models by introducing minimal utilization of furnace capacity during preparing melted alloy. We developed simple and fast ILS algorithm with problem-specific operators that are responsible for the local search procedure. The computational experiments on ten instances of the problem showed that the presence of minimum furnace utilization constraint has great impact on economic and technological conditions of castings production. For all test instances the proposed heuristic is able to provide the results that are comparable to state-of-the art commercial solver.
In the paper the topic of Building Information Technology BIM is investigated. It is new in Polish circumstances technology for construction and for building product industry, which contribute to change and develop level of industrialization. Especially challenge raising from the information and introducing IT technology into daily practice is considered to provide changes in construction branch of economy. In Poland there is the hot need of start to introduce BIM as the common technology for owners of assets, facility management, construction entities, design offices, administration officers and many other players relative to construction data and processes. BIM technology introduction, basing on foreign case studies, results in cost savings, control and time reduction of investment processes and some more advantages. The perspective of digital buildings, digital infrastructure, digital roads, digital railways and digital cities is outlined at the perspective of technology challenge, but simply transfiguration of many fields of personal everyday life, where digitalization is already present and with the question when it will be common in professional activity, particularly in civil engineering.
Wystarczy spojrzeć na różne branże, poczynając od tak bardzo konserwacyjnej jak muzyka po finanse, poprzez turystykę, fotografię po wydawnictwa, aby zrozumieć tę prawdę i zobaczyć, jakie mają możliwości główne gałęzie przemysłu i jakie zmiany przechodzą. Dzięki postępowi w technologii cyfrowej, wiele innych sektorów zostało przekształconych w ostatniej dekadzie. Do tej pory budownictwo zostało odporne na dokonania cyfrowe widziane w innych sektorach. Jednak takie połączone składniki jak BIM – modelowanie danych budowlanych [1], globalne standardy przetwarzania danych [2], druk 3D, jak równieź produkcja i montaż poza budową, oddziaływują na wielką bezwładność tego działu gospodarki. Zdolności przystosowania będą miały kluczowe znaczenie dla zapewnienia poprawy uprzemysłowienia, stanowiącego warunek przetrwania, w zarządzaniu opartym na wiedzy i informacji, co w połączeniu z umiejętnym dostarczaniem usług, będzie kluczem do przyszłej przewagi konkurencyjnej. Przystosuj się, nie przegap, budownictwo cyfrowe nadchodzi. Zadziwiająca jest również statystyka dotycząca elementów cyfrowych na świecie, na poszczególnych kontynentach i w krajach. Dane z 2014 roku i 2015 roku wykazują, że w Polsce zaistniały zmiany. Aktywność użytkowania internetu sięga w Polsce prawie 26 milionów, z wszystkich prawie 39 milionów obywateli. Połowa z użytkowników internetu, 14 milionów Polaków to aktywni członkowie sieci społecznościowych, a liczba urządzeń mobilnych, liczba połączeń mobilnych i liczba 10 milionów użytkowników mobilnych, stawia Polskę wśród pierwszej piątki krajów Europy, to potencjał cyfrowy i podstawowy wymóg komunikacji znajdujący się zapewne w rękach młodych Polaków (Rys. 1).
Relacje między dowodzeniem a zarządzaniem są skomplikowane i niejednoznaczne. Analiza tych zależności prowadzi jednak do wniosku, że w ostatnich dziesięcioleciach zaszły w tym zakresie daleko idące zmiany. Współczesne, nowoczesne armie NATO w dużym zakresie implementują w swoim działaniu rozwiązania stosowane w sektorze biznesowym. W konsekwencji czego od dowódców oczekuje się nie tylko wiedzy i umiejętności czysto wojskowych, ale także kompetencji z zakresu zarządzania. Zjawisko to jest widoczne szczególnie w obszarze zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi. Ten aspekt zarządzania jest obecnie wspierany różnego rodzaju rozwiązaniami informatycznymi. W wojsku, podobnie jak w organizacjach cywilnych, istnieje możliwość i potrzeba ich stosowania, po to by usprawnić procesy w tym zakresie i zapewnić jak najlepsze wykorzystanie kapitału ludzkiego. Przy czym w wojsku zarówno można stosować wiele rozwiązań technologicznych wykorzystywanych w organizacjach cywilnych, jak i konstruować rozwiązania specyficzne, które uwzględniają np. specyfikę działań bojowych.
Relationship between commandment and management is very complicated and ambiguous. The analysis of this relationship leads to conclusion that in last decade in that area there have appeared sweeping changes. To a large extent, present-day, modern NATO armies implement solutions which are already used in business sector. As a consequence from commanding officers it is expected not only to have knowledge and military skills but also to have competences in management. This phenomenon is visible especially in area of human capital management. This aspect of management is widely supported by different IT solutions. In the army, similarly to civil organizations there exist possibility and need to use them to improve processes in these areas and to assure taking advantage of human capital as best as it is possible. In the army it is not only possible to apply many technological solutions that are used in civil organizations but also create specific solutions, which take into consideration military operations.
Artykuł dotyczy nowoczesnego laboratorium dydaktycznego, funkcjonującego na Wydziale Elektrycznym Politechniki Warszawskiej. Laboratorium powstałe w latach 2005–2008 jest ciągle rozbudowywane i modernizowane. Wyposażone jest w kilkanaście stanowisk laboratoryjnych umożliwiających studentom zapoznanie się z najpopularniejszymi na rynku światowym systemami inteligentnego budynku, takimi jak: KNX, LCN, LonWorks, BACnet, XComfort, DALI. Prezentowane są również możliwości wykorzystywania sterowników PLC do realizacji funkcji inteligentnego budynku oraz dedykowane stanowiska systemów bezpieczeństwa.
The article is devoted to the modern high-tech didactic laboratory at the Electrical Engineering Faculty at Warsaw University of Technology, Poland. The lab was created in 2005–2008 and it is still being modernized and updated. The lab is equipped with numerous laboratory stands, which students use to learn more about the most popular intelligent building systems in the world, such as: KNX, LCN, LonWorks, BACnet, XComfort, DALI. There are also presentations of PLC controllers which can be used for intelligent building systems and SMS (Seciurity Management Systems) stands.
The purpose of this study was to establish a relationship between the type of wall connection used in the cast grates, which are part of the equipment operating in furnaces for heat treatment and thermal-chemical treatment, and stresses generated in these grates during the process of rapid cooling. The places where the grate walls are connected to each other are usually characterized by the thickness larger than the remaining parts of walls. Temperature variations in those places are responsible for the formation of hot spots, and in the hot spots temperature changes much more slowly. The type of wall connection shapes the temperature gradient in the joint cross-section, and hence also the value of thermal stresses generated during cooling. In this study, five different designs of the grates were compared; the difference in them was the type of the designed wall connection. The following design variants were adopted in the studies: X connections with and without holes, T connections with and without technological recesses, and R (ring) connection. Numerical analysis was performed to examine how the distribution of temperature changes in the initial phases of the cooling process. The obtained results served next as a tool in studies of the stress distribution in individual structures. The analysis were carried out by FEM in Midas NFX 2014 software. Based on the results obtained, the conclusions were drawn about the impact of different types of wall connections on the formation of thermal stresses in cast grates.
Statistical Process Control (SPC) based on the Shewhart’s type control charts, is widely used in contemporary manufacturing industry, including many foundries. The main steps include process monitoring, detection the out-of-control signals, identification and removal of their causes. Finding the root causes of the process faults is often a difficult task and can be supported by various tools, including data-driven mathematical models. In the present paper a novel approach to statistical control of ductile iron melting process is proposed. It is aimed at development of methodologies suitable for effective finding the causes of the out-of-control signals in the process outputs, defined as ultimate tensile strength (Rm) and elongation (A5), based mainly on chemical composition of the alloy. The methodologies are tested and presented using several real foundry data sets. First, correlations between standard abnormal output patterns (i.e. out-of-control signals) and corresponding inputs patterns are found, basing on the detection of similar patterns and similar shapes of the run charts of the chemical elements contents. It was found that in a significant number of cases there was no clear indication of the correlation, which can be attributed either to the complex, simultaneous action of several chemical elements or to the causes related to other process variables, including melting, inoculation, spheroidization and pouring parameters as well as the human errors. A conception of the methodology based on simulation of the process using advanced input - output regression modelling is presented. The preliminary tests have showed that it can be a useful tool in the process control and is worth further development. The results obtained in the present study may not only be applied to the ductile iron process but they can be also utilized in statistical quality control of a wide range of different discrete processes.
The purpose of this paper was testing suitability of the time-series analysis for quality control of the continuous steel casting process in production conditions. The analysis was carried out on industrial data collected in one of Polish steel plants. The production data concerned defective fractions of billets obtained in the process. The procedure of the industrial data preparation is presented. The computations for the time-series analysis were carried out in two ways, both using the authors’ own software. The first one, applied to the real numbers type of the data has a wide range of capabilities, including not only prediction of the future values but also detection of important periodicity in data. In the second approach the data were assumed in a binary (categorical) form, i.e. the every heat(melt) was labeled as ‘Good’ or ‘Defective’. The naïve Bayesian classifier was used for predicting the successive values. The most interesting results of the analysis include good prediction accuracies obtained by both methodologies, the crucial influence of the last preceding point on the predicted result for the real data time-series analysis as well as obtaining an information about the type of misclassification for binary data. The possibility of prediction of the future values can be used by engineering or operational staff with an expert knowledge to decrease fraction of defective products by taking appropriate action when the forthcoming period is identified as critical.
For the die casting conditions of aluminium bronzes assumed based on the literature data, a thick-walled bush was cast, made of complex aluminium bronze (Cu-Al-Fe-Ni-Cr). After the cast was removed from the mould, cracks were observed inside it. In order to identify the stage in the technological production process at which, potentially, the formation of stresses damaging the continuity of the microstructure created in the cast was possible (hot cracking and/or cold cracking), a computer simulation was performed. The article presents the results of the computer simulation of the process of casting the material into the gravity die as well as solidifying and cooling of the cast in the shape of a thick-walled bush. The simulation was performed with the use of the MAGMA5 program and by application of the CuAl10Ni5,5Fe4,5 alloy from the MAGMA5 program database. The results were compared with the location of the defects identified in the actual cast. As a result of the simulation of the die-casting process of this bush, potential regions were identified where significant principal stresses accumulate, which can cause local hot and cold cracking. Until now, no research has been made of die-cast aluminium bronzes with a Cr addition. Correlating the results of the computer simulation validated by the analysis of the actual cast made it possible to clearly determine the critical regions in the cast exposed to cracking and point to the causes of its occurrence. Proposals of changes in the bush die casting process were elaborated, in order to avoid hot tearing and cold cracking. The article discusses the results of preliminary tests being a prologue to the optimization of the die-casting process parameters of complex aluminium bronze thick-walled bushs.
The problem of materials selection in terms of their mechanical properties during the design of new products is a key issue of design. The complexity of this process is mainly due to a multitude of variants in the previously produced materials and the possibility of their further processing improving the properties. In everyday practice, the problem is solved basing on expert or designer knowledge. The paper is the proposition of a solution using computer-aided analysis of material experimental data, which may be acquired from external data sources. In both cases, taking into account the rapid growth of data, additional tools become increasingly important, mainly those which offer support for adding, viewing, and simple comparison of different experiments. In this paper, the use of formal knowledge representation in the form of an ontology is proposed as a bridge between physical repositories of data in the form of files and user queries, which are usually formulated in natural language. The number and the sophisticated internal structure of attributes or parameters that could be the criteria of the search for the user are an important issue in the traditional data search tools. Ontology, as a formal representation of knowledge, enables taking into account the known relationships between concepts in the field of cast iron, materials used and processing techniques. This allows the user to receive support by searching the results of experiments that relate to a specific material or processing treatment. Automatic presentation of the results which relate to similar materials or similar processing treatments is also possible, which should make the conducted analysis of the selection of materials or processing treatments more comprehensive by including a wider range of possible solutions.
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