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w słowach kluczowych:  technical exploitation system
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One of the problems becoming increasingly important in the exploitation process of each technical object is effectiveness expressed as a ratio of the value of obtained results to the related expenditure. There are several criteria to evaluate the effectiveness of the exploitation process. However, in their selection, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics not only connected with a concrete object or system, but also with a model of its use. In civil aviation, especially in case of airlines and various kinds of service companies, the effectiveness of exploitation system of the aircraft fleet is assessed primarily in economic terms. However, in military aviation, due to its characteristics, slightly different criteria must be applied. In practice, the effectiveness of such systems is usually assessed based on the index of technical exploitation readiness, which specifies the system readiness to execute the agreed tasks within predetermined time. This paper presents selected aspects of technical readiness related to the exploitation system of trainer aircraft in military aviation. The issues connected with determining the total flying time, conducted within the framework of the training cycle, are discussed. The factors affecting the state of technical readiness related to the exploitation system of the aviation technology as well as methods for determining the required number of aircraft to perform the tasks planned for a given period and the index of available service life resources.
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