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Content available Talent management in sport
Purpose: The main objective of the research presented in this article was to diagnose talent management in the Wrocław Taekwon-do Sports Club In order to achieve this goal, the first part of the article explains the meaning of the term „talent management" in the scientific literature on management, and then, on the basis of the research carried out, an attempt was made to answer the question: which factors are the key determinants of the talent management process. Design/methodology/approach: For the research presented in this paper, a literature analysis in the area of talent management. The studies in literature also included secondary sources, which were communications from research of similar scope. The combination of different research methods allowed to obtain a broader context of the studied phenomenon and ensured a higher quality of the conducted research. The diversity of methods was aimed at achieving a consistency of the empirical basis for the inference. A diagnostic survey was adopted as the leading method. The remaining methods applied in the paper were auxiliary (complementary). Findings: „Talent management" and having talented employees in a global economy is a strategically important resource affecting the market value of the organisation itself and providing a competitive advantage. Building a significant intellectual capital of the organisation requires the use of appropriate methods and tools to support the management, systematic measurement, constant comparison with competitors, elimination of barriers and use of opportunities for development (and such becomes the current crisis). Research limitations/implications: In the future, research will be continued on a larger research sample. Practical implications: The article presents the results of research carried out in one of Wrocław's sports clubs. The research results are very interesting and encourage more research. They are a valuable source of information for managers and coaches responsible for schools and the development of sports players. In turn, for those responsible for recruiting athletes, the results may be useful in terms of designing individual career paths of players. Originality/value Based on empirical research, the article proposes an original set of systemic solutions for talent management to improve organisational performance.
Purpose: The main objective of the research presented in this article was to identify factors supporting sustainable talent management in times of COVID - 19 crisis in small and medium-sized companies in Lower Silesia province, as well as to conceptualise the notion of talent. In order to achieve this goal, the first part of the article explains the meaning of the term "talent management" in the scientific literature on management, and then, on the basis of the conducted research, an attempt was made to answer the question: which of the determinants of the "talent management" process are important in the ongoing COVID crisis-19 and guarantee their sustainable development. Design/methodology/approach: For the research presented in this paper, a literature analysis in the area of resource sustainability, talent management and crisis was used. The studies in literature also included secondary sources, which were communications from research of similar scope. The combination of different research methods allowed to obtain a broader context of the studied phenomenon and ensured a higher quality of the conducted research. The diversity of methods was aimed at achieving a consistency of the empirical basis for the inference. A diagnostic survey was adopted as the leading method. The remaining methods applied in the paper were auxiliary (complementary). Findings: „Talent management" and having talented employees in a global economy is a strategically important resource affecting the market value of the organisation itself and providing a competitive advantage. Building a significant intellectual capital of the organisation requires the use of appropriate methods and tools to support the management, systematic measurement, constant comparison with competitors, elimination of barriers and use of opportunities for development (and such becomes the current crisis). Research limitations/implications: In the future, research will be continued on a larger research sample. Practical implications: The article presents results of research conducted among several dozen companies in Poland. The findings are very interesting and encourage research on a larger scale. They are a valuable source of information for managers responsible for creating the intellectual capital of the organisation in terms of acquiring and developing talented employees. On the other hand, for people responsible for recruiting employees, the results may be useful in terms of developing a candidate's profile, in particular when identifying the key competences of talented employees. The results also indicate the demand of the Polish market (especially medium-sized companies) for infrastructure that enables talent acquisition, improvement and development. Originality/value Based on empirical research, the article proposes an original set of systemic solutions for talent management to improve organisational performance.
This research aims to examine the effect of talent management practices on employees' relationship between variables in order to clarify the concept of talent management practices and employee commitment and satisfaction. In this study, the methodology is based on quantitative techniques since this study aims to measure the effect of talent management on employees' commitment and satisfaction from employees' perspectives. Given that the study was conducted using cross-sectional data, thus the correlations and regressions tests were used to analyse the data. To achieve the research objectives, the hypotheses were examined using a survey data set comprising 244 questionnaires gathered from employees working in 176 ICT enterprises in Jordan. The findings indicate that talent management practices considerably impact employee commitment and satisfaction. Employees' satisfaction would mediate the relationship between talent management practices and employees' commitment. Thus, employees' satisfaction and commitment increase whenever companies adopt talent management practices. The results further revealed that talent management increases positive employee behaviours and decreases counterproductive behaviours via the partly mediation function of employee satisfaction; that is why the ICT firms' managers must develop talent management practices in the organizations. The novelty of this study is the empirical support for the links identified in the proposed deductive theoretical model, as no previous study has empirically tested the effect of talent management practices on employees' commitment and satisfaction in the Jordanians’ ICT sector. Thus, the organisation could use talent management as a tool to increase the positive work attitudes, such as employees’ commitment.
Niniejsze badanie ma na celu zbadanie wpływu praktyk zarządzania talentami na relacje pracowników w celu wyjaśnienia pojęcia praktyk zarządzania talentami oraz zaangażowania i satysfakcji pracowników. W niniejszym badaniu metodologia opiera się na technikach ilościowych, ponieważ badanie to ma na celu zmierzenie wpływu zarządzania talentami na zaangażowanie i satysfakcję pracowników z perspektywy pracowników. Biorąc pod uwagę, że badanie zostało przeprowadzone na danych przekrojowych, do analizy danych wykorzystano testy korelacji i regresji. Aby osiągnąć cele badawcze, hipotezy zostały zweryfikowane przy użyciu zestawu danych ankietowych obejmującego 244 kwestionariusze zebrane od pracowników pracujących w 176 przedsiębiorstwach ICT w Jordanii. Wyniki wskazują, że praktyki zarządzania talentami znacząco wpływają na zaangażowanie i satysfakcję pracowników. Zadowolenie pracowników pośredniczyłoby w związku między praktykami zarządzania talentami a zaangażowaniem pracowników. W ten sposób satysfakcja i zaangażowanie pracowników wzrasta, gdy firmy przyjmują praktyki zarządzania talentami. Wyniki ujawniły ponadto, że zarządzanie talentami zwiększa pozytywne zachowania pracowników i zmniejsza zachowania szkodliwe dzięki częściowo pośredniczącej funkcji satysfakcji pracowników; dlatego menedżerowie firm ICT muszą rozwijać praktyki zarządzania talentami w organizacjach. Nowością tego badania jest empiryczne wsparcie powiązań zidentyfikowanych w proponowanym dedukcyjnym modelu teoretycznym, ponieważ żadne wcześniejsze badanie nie przetestowało empirycznie wpływu praktyk zarządzania talentami na zaangażowanie i satysfakcję pracowników w jordańskim sektorze ICT. W ten sposób organizacja mogłaby wykorzystać zarządzanie talentami jako narzędzie do zwiększania pozytywnych postaw w pracy, takich jak zaangażowanie pracowników.
Content available remote Exploring the path from idea generation till knowledge creation
In the present era of Modernization and technology advancement, almost everything has evolved. But what we have witnessed is that something remains the same. One such thing is idea we are surrounded by ideas we may not realize but this modernization globalization is all due to some extra ordinary can be a sword if we work hard for it or it can make you feeble . This is to strengthen over knowing about idea. How to use them, how to focus on them etc.
The primary purpose of the article is an in-depth literature analysis on issues related to employee talents. The paper presents the evolution of the concept of "talent" over the centuries and its contemporary definitions in the literature on management sciences. The talent management in the process approach, including the idea by T. Listwan and M. Armstrong, has been described. The main strategies of talent management have been discussed. The article ends with a summary and presentation of conclusions.
The main purpose of the research presented in the article was the diagnosis of the talent management process in small and medium-sized companies in the Lower Silesia Voivodship. To achieve the goal, the first part of the article explains the meaning of the term "talent" in the literature of science about management. Next, on the basis of the conducted research (in two Universities), an attempt was made to answer the questions: how do companies develop the talents of their employees and how do they acquire talented staff. Based on the research, conclusions have been presented and can be used to improve the discussed talent management system.
Acquisition and retention of talented employees is still a challenge for many organisations. Therefore, the processes improving management of best individuals are of particular importance during the difficult times on the labour market. The paper presents research findings concerning the internal conditioning of talent management (TM) in large enterprises. The following conditions are taken into consideration: defining TM, placement of TM in an organizational structure, interconnections with the corporate strategy, and the significance of TM for the organizations under examination.
Efektywne zarządzanie ludźmi, ich kompetencjami , talentami i zaangażowaniem ma fundamentalne znaczenie dla sukcesu każdej organizacji. Wynika to z faktu, iż każda efektywność działań zależy od ich zdolności, wykształcenia, doświadczenia, wartości, postaw czy talentów. Dlatego też menadżerowie zabiegają, aby pozyskać i utrzymać utalentowane osoby, nazywane „talentami”. W opracowaniu zaprezentowano istotę zarządzania talentami w świetle dorobku naukowego. Uzupełnieniem rozważań teoretycznych jest przedstawienie wyników badań odnosząca się do roli zarządzania talentami w przedsiębiorstwie z punktu widzenia studentów Wydziału Zarządzania Politechniki Częstochowskiej.
The effective management of people, their skills and involvement is fundamental to the success of any organization. This follows from the fact that the effectiveness of each depends on their abilities, education, experience, values, attitude sor talents. Therefore managers look for acquiring and keeping talented people called “talents”. The study presents the essence of talent management in the light of scientific achievements. The theoretical considerations are supplemented with the presentation of research results regarding the role of talent management in an enterprise from the point of view of students of the Faculty of Management at the Czestochowa University of Technology.
W dzisiejszym, złożonym i dynamicznym środowisku biznesowym, w którym firmy starają się przetrwać i budować przewagę nad konkurentami, zarządzanie talentami ma ogromny wpływ na rozwijanie i utrzymywanie najcenniejszych aktywów, wybitnych, szczególnie uzdolnionych pracowników w celu budowania długofalowego rozwoju. Celem artykułu jest określenie roli i znaczenia zarządzania talentami w rozwijaniu potencjału współczesnych organizacji. W oparciu o różne źródła, autorki wskazują, że realizacja koncepcji zarządzania talentami wpływa na bardziej efektywne wykorzystanie zasobów ludzkich. W pierwszej części artykułu autorki wyjaśniają pojęcia talent i zarządzanie talentami, w kolejnej części opisują pozytywne efekty zarządzania talentami.
In today's complex and dynamic business environment, where companies try to survive and build an advantage over competitors, talent management has a huge impact on the development and maintenance of the most valuable assets, outstanding, particularly talented employees. The aim of the article is to define the role and importance of talent management in developing the potential of contemporary organizations. Based on various sources, the authors point out that the implementation of the talent management concept influences the more effective use of human resources. In the first part of the article, the authors explain the concepts of talent and talent management, in the next part they describe the positive effects of talent management.
Celem artykułu jest identyfikacja roli i znaczenia zarządzania talentami, które jest zdaniem autorek bardzo ważnym elementem rozwoju i doskonalenia zasobów ludzkich we współczesnych organizacjach. W oparciu o liczne źródła autorki wyrażają przekonanie, że zastosowanie zarządzania talentami w organizacji wpływa na lepsze wykorzystanie potencjału i możliwości pracowników, po uprzednim przeanalizowaniu potrzeb i oczekiwań tak organizacji, jak i zatrudnionych. W pierwszej części artykułu autorki zwrócą uwagę na pojęcia talent i zarządzanie talentami oraz ich znaczenie dla sprawnego funkcjonowania organizacji. W kolejnej części artykułu wykazane zostanie, że zarządzanie talentami jest ważnym elementem współczesnego zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi. Następnie autorki opiszą uwarunkowania mające wpływ na zarządzanie talentami oraz pozytywne i negatywne skutki takiego zarządzania.
The purpose of this article is to identify the role and importance of talent management, which, according to the authors, is a very important element in the development and improvement of human resources in contemporary organizations. Based on a number of sources, the authors express their conviction that the use of talent management in an organization influences the betterment of the potential and capabilities of employees - after analyzing the needs and expectations of both organizations and employees. In the first part of the article the author will focus on the concepts of talent and talent management and their importance for the smooth functioning of the organization. The next part of the article will show that talent management is an important part of modern human resource management. The authors then describe the factors that influence talent management and the positive and negative effects of talent management.
Content available remote Stereotypy w zarządzaniu talentami
Artykuł omawia kwestię stereotypów w zarządzaniu talentami. W ramach opracowania autor identyfikuje wybrane stereotypy w zarządzaniu talentami, a następnie dokonuje ich interpretacji w perspektywie decyzji menedżerskich podejmowanych we współczesnej organizacji. Na podstawie interpretacji stereotypowych poglądów sformułowano wskazówki dla menedżerów i specjalistów ds. personalnych dotyczące zarządzania talentami. Podstawę prowadzonych rozważań stanowi przegląd piśmiennictwa naukowego, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem wyników międzynarodowych badań empirycznych z zakresu zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi.
The article treats about stereotypes in talent management. In this paper, author identifies selected stereotypes in talent management, and interprets them in managers decisions perspective. Based on interpretation of stereotypical views, talent management guidelines for managers and HR specialists have also been formulated. The bases of the analyses, which were conducted within this article, are literary studies with particular emphasis on the results of international empirical research in the field of human resource management.
Content available Is math a gift?
“I am just not a math person” is a sentence we can hear very often these days. Students use it as an excuse any-time they do not know or understand anything. But is Maths really some gift a person gets or is not? Or is it more like ability which can be improved if practised enough? This is a brief preview of what do the Czech, Slovak and also foreign authors think of this issue.
The paper examines selected areas of talent management. Based on the present literature, the aim was to identify individual processes and practices of talent management. Subsequently, questionnaire survey was conducted to obtain primary data - to determine the prevalence and implementation of talent management in Slovak organizations. The article is focused on presentation of partial results of the survey - how Slovak organizations define talents, declare talent management strategy and implement talent management as an approach.
Artykuł analizuje wybrane obszary zarządzania talentami. Oparte na obecnej literaturze, celem artykułu było zidentyfikowanie poszczególnych procesów i praktyk zarządzania talentami. Następnie przeprowadzono badanie ankietowe w celu uzyskania danych pierwotnych - określenie częstości występowania i wdrażanie zarządzania talentami w organizacjach słowackich. Artykuł koncentruje się na prezentacji częściowych wyników badania, w jaki sposób organizacje słowackich definiują talenty, określają strategię zarządzania talentami i wdrażają zarządzanie talentami jako ogólne podejście.
W artykule autor zabiera czytelnika w wędrówkę po świecie antyku przedstawiając wybrane jednostki miar używane przez największe cywilizacje świata starożytnego: Sumer, Egipt, Grecję i Rzym. W pierwszej części artykułu [1] opisano prawdopodobnie pierwszy przykład wykorzystania do pomiarów skali naturalnej, którym były tokeny. W drugiej części artykułu autor przedstawił jednostki miar masy, objętości oraz związane z nimi aspekty prawne i religijne.
This part of the paper describes weight and volume units of measure. The Sumerian weight system was the most important for our civilization. It was taken by other civilizations like: Acadians, Babylonians, Assyrians and Greeks. Sumerian weight units were called (from the smallest to the biggest): še (grain), gin, mana, gun. This system was adopted by Greeks with small changes. Greeks units of weight were called: obolus, drachme, mina, talanton. The relationship between these units was constant. The value of units was changed through the time. Most important and popular were two systems: Aegean and Attica. Egyptians had his own independent units of weight: kite and deben. Deben was the basic Egyptian units of weight from the New Kingdom times (the Ramesses dynasty). Romans basic units of weight were called: libra or pondus (for that reason British pound short is lb). Sumerian volume units were: ka (or sila) and were the kinds of measured wares independent. In Egypt, Greece and Rome another units were for dry and another for liquid measure. The Egyptian units of volume were: hekat (the barrel) and henu (the jug), des (for beer), hebenet (for wine), meni (for oil). Greek basic unit for dry measure was medimnos. The biggest unit for liquid measure was metretes. Romans were taking volume units from Greeks. The basic volume unit measure in Rome was sextarius. There were many attempts of the measure unit standardization in the past. The Urnammu legal code was probably the first known us. In the Bible we have also some example of that.
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