Currently used, computer railway traffic control systems , communicate via standard digital interfaces: CAN, Ethernet or RS485. In order to carry out the proof of security, it is necessary to test the functioning of the interfaces under different conditions. The IBIS model (I/O Buffer Information Specification) was used to simulate the transmission of signals through interfaces. The article discusses the applied interface models and simulation results in various conditions. The presented results can be used to prove the safety of transmission in computer railway traffic control systems.
Currently traffic control systems in place relay systems used microprocessor systems. A better solution may be the use of reversible logic in the synthesis of digital control systems. The main problem in the design of reversible logic is the transformation of the description of the system from the form of Boolean equations to the reversible form. The article presents error-proof reversible gates and software supporting the automatic synthesis process. The presented programs were developed and launched by the author of the article. The article presents the algorithms used to describe the description of circuits. The results of the programs’ operation and results of simulation of systems with reversible logic are presented.
The paper presents the principles of the Automated System for Management Depot. ASMD system includes: - Identification System designed to recognize individuals who enters into depot (marker RFID), - Radio Data transmission system, dedicated fibre optic network, - The place for dispatcher with terminal equipped with interface for dispatcher, - Integration with: subsystem monitoring (CCTV), the position of replenishment of sand, under- track turning machine, position of the laser measuring of flat area on wheels and stickers on the wheels. System constantly analyzes the situation of track and signals from sensors available. The system is equipped with a number of reports to the dispatcher. The elements of detection and device drivers track ensure safety in the class SIL3.