This study aims to discuss the impacts of intellectual capital and corporate character on sustainable competitive advantage. The structural equation model is used to analyze the relationships between intellectual capital, corporate character and sustainable competitive advantage, which are mediated by technological innovation and business model innovation, based on a survey of 377 observations in China. The empirical results indicate that the intellectual capital and corporate character are as the doors that enterprises can open to acquire technological innovation and business model innovation, which are beneficial to achieving and maintaining sustainable competitive advantage. The findings provide some implications for entrepreneurs that their enterprises should focus on the coordination and balance of intellectual capital and corporate character for better achieving the perfect integration of cost leading strategy and differentiation strategy on the basis of mixing technological innovation and business model innovation together. Such strategy helps enterprises to realize sustained growth. This study provides scholars a new binary perspective to explore the source of sustainable competitive advantage.
Niniejszy artykuł ma na celu omówienie wpływu kapitału intelektualnego i podejścia korporacyjnego na trwałą przewagę konkurencyjną. Przyjęty model równania strukturalnego posłużył do analizy związków między kapitałem intelektualnym, podejściem korporacyjnym i trwałą przewagą konkurencyjną, w czym pośredniczą innowacje technologiczne i innowacje modelu biznesowego. Badania oparto na 377 przykładach z Chinach. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują, że kapitał intelektualny i podejście korporacyjne są ‘drzwiami’, które przedsiębiorstwa mogą otworzyć, aby uzyskać innowacje technologiczne i innowacje w modelu biznesowym, korzystne dla osiągnięcia i utrzymania trwałej przewagi konkurencyjnej. Artykuł dostarcza przedsiębiorcom pewnych wskazówek, aby ich przedsiębiorstwa koncentrowały się na koordynacji i równowadze kapitału intelektualnego oraz podejścia korporacyjnego, aby lepiej osiągnąć pełną integrację strategii wiodącej pod względem kosztów i strategii różnicowania na podstawie wprowadzanych innowacji technologicznych i innowacji modelu biznesowego. Taka strategia pomaga przedsiębiorstwom osiągnąć zrównoważony wzrost. Przeprowadzone badania pokazują uczonym nową perspektywę binarną, pozwalającą odkryć źródło zrównoważonej przewagi konkurencyjnej.
The focus of this paper is to propose a method for prioritizing knowledge and technology factor in companies’ business strategy. The data has been gathered and analyzed from Malaysian-owned company of medium size type industry, employing around 250 employees and listed in the Malaysian Bourse Stock of Exchange, since 2000. Sense and respond model is used to determine competitive priorities of the firms. Then knowledge and technology part of sense and respond questionnaire is used to calculate the variability coefficient i.e. the uncertainty caused by technology and knowledge factor. The results show that the company is not leading in term of technology (spear head technology share is around 33%). Therefore, the enhancement of technology and knowledge to SCA values is not significantly seen in this study. The usage of the core technologies is around 41% and it might seem relatively enough. In terms of basic technology, while its share is the lowest (around 25%), it has the highest source of uncertainties among technology types. In this case, the proposed model helped to have a clear and precise improvement plan towards prioritizing technology and knowledge focus.
The main focus of this paper is to propose a method for prioritizing knowledge and technology factor of firms towards sustainable competitive advantage. The data has been gathered and analyzed from two high tech start-ups in which technology and knowledge play major role in company’s success. The analytical hierarchy model (AHP) is used to determine competitive priorities of the firms. Then knowledge and technology part of sense and respond questionnaire is used to calculate the variability coefficient i.e. the uncertainty caused by technology and knowledge factor. The proposed model is tested in terms of two start-ups. Based on the initial calculation of uncertainties, some improvement plan is proposed and the method is applied again to see if the uncertainty of knowledge and technology decreases. In both cases, the proposed model helped to have a clear and precise improvement plan and led in reduction of uncertainty.
This paper examines the relationship between business environment, competitiveness and firm performance considering a survey data from three consecutive years: 2013-2015. The comparative analysis showed that over these years business environment, competitiveness and firm performance of Finnish SMEs are slowly deteriorating. Results from correlation analysis revealed that business environment, competitiveness and firm performance are positively correlated. However, the relationships between these variables are not consistent in respect to competitive priorities indicating a dynamic nature of cost, quality, time, and flexibility dimensions. Besides these findings our analysis acknowledged that to improve firm performance, irrespective to the choice of competitive priority, SMEs should pay more attention to their competitiveness rather than blaming the business environment. The paper concludes that simultaneous use of competitive priority dimensions might be more favorable as a source of competitiveness and competitive advantage to improve firm performance. However, the managers are encouraged to compare the results, findings and concepts presented in this paper among themselves and comprehend the specific answer to the question posed in the title.
The purpose of this paper is to investigate Malaysian furniture industry via Sustainable competitive advantages (SCA) approach. In this case study, sense and respond method and Normalized Scaled Critical Factor Index (NSCFI) are used to specify the distribution of companies’ resources for different criteria and detect the attributes which are critical based on expectation and experience of companies’ employs. Moreover, this study evaluates Malaysian furniture business strategy according to manufacturing strategy in terms of analyzer, prospector and defender. Finally, SCA risk levels are presented to show how much company’s resource allocations support their business strategy. This case study involved four furniture manufacturing companies, in the southern part of Peninsular Malaysia to provide the overall view of their strategies in the perspective of knowledge & technology management, processes & work flows, organizational, and information systems. Hence, the findings of this study presented the preliminary results from these furniture companies in Malaysia, which are involved in sustainable competitive advantage (SCA) studies in terms of expectation and experience, NSCFI, operational strategy triangle of prospector (P), defender (D), and analyzer (A). The result shows that almost all furniture companies are categorized into the Analyzer type strategy and planning to remain being Analyzer in future to come.
In today’s dynamic business environment, a key challenge for all companies is to make adaptive adjustments to their manufacturing strategy. This study demonstrates the competitive priorities of manufacturing strategy in hydro-power case company to evaluate the level of sustainable competitive advantage and also to further analyze how business strategies are aligned with manufacturing strategies. This research is based on new holistic analytical evaluation of manufacturing strategy index, sense and respond, and sustainable competitive advantage models. These models help to describe, evaluate, and optimize resource allocation to meet the performance requirements in dynamic decision making. Furthermore, these models evaluate operational competitiveness for manufacturing strategies according to the multi-criteria priority. The results show that the adjustments of competitive priorities in manufacturing strategies by implementing the proposed holistic analytical models are helpful in strategically managing business operations. The discussion derives the most critical attributes in business operations while alignment of resource allocation with competitive priorities help to strategically focus those attributes. In conclusion, we argue that resource allocation and manufacturing strategies have become the most important capabilities in a business environment where companies focus to get a sustainable competitive advantage.
The objective of this study is to analyze a Finnish manufacturing case company’s operational competitiveness. A proposed analytical model based on analyses the corresponding angles of the strategic triangles (Prospector, Analyzer, and Defender). The model compares the angle differences between the strategy and resource triangles with opinions from different management groups of informants. It was found out that Normalized Scaled Critical Factor Index (NSCFI) model is more scientific comparing to formal ones through validation. Calculations based on the MSI questionnaire resulted in medium high values for the Prospector strategy both for past- and future orientation. S&R calculations regarding the past orientation resulted in low values for all strategy types, except P-NSCFI for Analyzer. Moreover this study covers a case, in where Balanced Critical Factor Index (BCFI) was used defining company annual strategy plan.
Nowadays companies concern more about how to survive and extend their own business in future in their current marketplace. However, developing and prospering a region of the country is becoming more crucial question. Successful cooperation and partnership between different sectors of economy (for instance, between companies, public and academic sectors) leads to the flourishing and prosperity of the region and consequently of a country. European Commission established smart specialization platform, which is a strategic approach to economic development of a region. By defining and developing of vision, competitive advantages and strategic preferences, region will determine knowledge-based potential. The purpose of this paper is to assign and define the collaboration/relations existed, how strong these relations are and what the expectations are between 3 sectors of economy: public, academic and business. Area of carrying out this research is Ostrobothnia region, however, connections in other regions of Finland and internationally is also presented. There have been chosen 3 industrial peaks from Ostrobothnia region: Energy, Fur and Boat industrial peaks. Analysis is conducted by implementing two core methods: Sense & Respond (S&R) and Sustainable Competitive Advantage (SCA). The goal of this research is also to use S&R method so as to allocate efficiently resources, and to define competitive priorities in cooperation. The main results show that the most tight collaboration and partnership is observed between companies and companies in all around Finland and internationally. While concerning other relationships, companies expect to have tighter cooperation especially in Ostrobothnia and other regions of Finland.
Purpose: This paper aims to present a fresh idea on how to model and examine the level of sustainable competitive advantage (SCA) with and without knowledge and /technology (K/T) effects in a case company’s operation by taking the manufacturing strategy’s development directions and the efficiency of resource allocation among its attributes into consideration. Design/Methodology/approach: In this paper, questionnaires are filled by two different managerial groups, company’s management team (G1) and company’s global directors (G2). The analyses based on G1, G2 and G1-G2 (mixed results) are performed and examined as well as the effect of knowledge and /technology rankings to observe the differences on how they effect on company’s operations strategy and what kind of strategy type that decision makers might follow. Besides, the effects of knowledge/technology rankings on SCA risk levels are examined on different case companies to perceive the similarities and differences with our case company. In this case study, the objectives are achieved based on several methodologies: manufacturing strategy index (MSI) [1] and sense and respond (S&R) methodology [2]. Findings: The achieved results through the model are found to be promising corresponding to the feedback from the respondents. Research limitations/implications: The model is applied only in a big sized B2B global company that produces power electronics products. Therefore, further tests need to be applied to the model in case of multiple companies from different sizes and areas to figure out the best formula in case of validation of strategic direction (MAPE, RSME or MAD). Practical implications: As a result of its wide applicability and its ease in arrangement the model has an enormous potential for strategic decision-making process and strategic analysis. Originality/Value:The model can provide a more dependable possibility of sustainable improvement to the corporate operational excellence and strategy.
The goal of this paper is to help small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) to find operative competitive advantage. This paper introduces a new method which applies critical factor analysis, risk and opportunities analysis to measure and propose resource allocation for companies in couple of next years. this research shows Knowledge/Technology (K/T) Calculation effect on (Balanced) Critical Factor Index (CFIs) depending on the proportions allocated among the different technological levels (Basic, Core or Spearhead) for each attribute separately. Moreover it helps firms to take balance in resource allocation for each attribute in changing environments on the basis of different level of technology. This paper presents the ’first in the world’ case study on operative sustainable competitive advantage and corresponding risk levels by taking into account technology and knowledge effects for 7 SME companies.
Today’s concern and problem for most of the companies is the way of surviving and prospering in current and future periods of time in the marketplace. Sustainable competitive ability can be one of the ways of adaptation to the global business and rapid environment requirements. Operational competitiveness is not easy to be sustainably improved because of unpredictable environment situations, such as continuous increasing customer needs, global competitive environment, rapid and unpredictable changes in government policy, company crisis during significant changes etc. However, it is possible to make adaptive adjustments on operations strategy level in dynamic business environment and to become competitive enough compared to the competitors. The purpose of this paper is to define and assess sustainable competitive advantage and the direction of development in housing business. It can be analysed by two core factors, i.e. Sense and Respond (S&R) methodology, Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP) as well as Sustainable competitive advantage (SCA) method. This study also focuses on applying S&R method in order to optimize operational competitiveness as well as defining the competitive priorities of the case company. The analysis results show the critical areas in different departments of the case company, which can help the managers to make quick decisions. In addition, they reveal that during the crisis the resource allocation is continuously changing and therefore the operation strategy of the case company is not well defined as well as competitive advantages are not enough sustainable.
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Strategic resources which fulfill conditions of VRIN generate extraordinary profits for organizations. The possibility of these long-term profits (rents) to achieve can be protected by isolating mechanisms. These mechanisms can be different but the most important are causal ambiguity, lead time, path dependency, the role of history, socially complex links and the time compression diseconomies. These mechanism can be WIM and AIM type (based on willingness or ability). They can be also analyzed on individual, organizational or social levels. The article presents the case study which supports available systems of mechanism categorization.
Zasoby strategiczne, czyli takie, które spełniają warunki VRIN, generują dla przedsiębiorcy zyski wyższe niż u konkurencji. Możliwość długotrwałego osiągania tych wysokich zysków może być zabezpieczona przez mechanizmy izolacji. Do mechanizmów tych należą: niejednoznaczność przyczynowa, czas trwania, ścieżka zależności, uwarunkowania historyczne, powiązania społecznie złożone i dysekonomia kompresji czasu. Mechanizmy te mogą być oparte na woli lub na możliwościach. Mogą także być rozpatrywane na poziomie indywidualnym, organizacyjnym i społecznym. Artykuł przedstawia analizę przypadku ilustrującą systemy kategoryzacji tych mechanizmów.
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