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The development of civilisation and the changing needs of users have meant that most historic buildings have lost their original function and have begun to deteriorate as a result of lack of use. For this reason, structures preserved in the form of ruins require a comprehensive approach to solving their conservation, technical and architectural problems. The article presents the author’s method of analysing a ruined building, which takes into account a number of decisionmaking factors that form the basis for evaluating the structure and determining its further treatment. The proposed analysis is presented from the perspective of a conservationist and is intended to be a comprehensive compilation of knowledge about the monument. The author emphasises the significance of castle ruins as an important group of monuments that can provide a wealth of information about the history and culture of a site. However, there is currently no standard for analysing and collecting data that is crucial for the preservation of the site. The creation of such a document is therefore an extremely important issue.
Rozwój cywilizacji i zmieniające się potrzeby użytkowników sprawiły, że większość zabytkowych obiektów utraciła swoją pierwotną funkcję, a w konsekwencji zaczęła niszczeć. Z tego powodu obiekty zachowane w formie ruin wymagają kompleksowego podejścia do rozwiązywania ich problemów konserwatorskich, technicznych i architektonicznych. W artykule przedstawiona została autorska metoda analizy zrujnowanego obiektu, która uwzględnia wiele czynników, będących podstawą do oceny obiektu i określenia dalszego postępowania. Zaproponowana analiza jest przedstawiona z pozycji konserwatora zabytków i ma stanowić kompleksowe zestawienie wiedzy dotyczącej zabytku. Autorka podkreśla znaczenie ruin zamków jako ważnej grupy zabytków, które mogą dostarczyć wielu informacji na temat historii i kultury danego miejsca. Obecnie brakuje jednak standardu analizowania i zbierania danych, które są kluczowe dla ochrony obiektu. Dlatego stworzenie takiego dokumentu jest niezwykle istotną kwestią.
Due to the increase in gas emissions and the growth of environmental problems globally, companies are striving to reduce their emissions and waste products in order to become more sustainable and preserve the environment. In order to solve this problem, an initiative called Science Based Targets has been created with the aim of defining targets and paths for companies to follow in order to reduce their carbon footprints. This article will analyse the impact that adherence to this initiative has had on companies' sustainability. To obtain the data, a survey was sent to Portuguese companies. It was concluded that in general Science Based Targets contribute to the sustainable development of organisations, however it is still a very recent initiative which has had low uptake by Portuguese companies.
The paper raises the issue of how important the educational process of students in the field of power electronics is. It presents the advantages and disadvantages of laboratory classes performed with the utilization of training modules, which have schematic symbols of the particular elements drawn on the front housing. In addition, the paper includes the students’ impressions of such laboratory stands. The presented opinions have been gathered based on conducted surveys.
W artykule podjęto kwestię, jak ważny jest proces kształcenia studentów w zakresie energoelektroniki. Przedstawiono wady i zalety zajęć laboratoryjnych realizowanych z wykorzystaniem modułów szkoleniowych, które posiadają schematyczne symbole poszczególnych elementów narysowane na przedniej części obudowy. Ponadto w pracy zamieszczono wrażenia studentów dotyczące pracy na takich stanowisk laboratoryjnych. Prezentowane opinie zostały zebrane na podstawie przeprowadzonych ankiet.
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie postrzegania ekspozycji flag przez młode pokolenie. Wykorzystano zarówno dotychczasowe badania autorki na temat współczesnych form, funkcji i zmienności eksponowania flag na przykładzie Gdyni, jak i dotąd nie upublicznione badania percepcji flag. Te ostatnie przeprowadzono przy pomocy ankiety audytoryjnej wśród studentów Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego w 2015 i 2023 r. Zapytano o rodzaj i miejsce spotykania flag w codziennym życiu, jak i ocenę ilości flag czasowo wywieszanych podczas różnego rodzaju świąt oraz stale obecnych w przestrzeni. W opinii studentów więcej flag jest podczas świąt a mniej na stałe wiszących. Najbardziej powszechną jest flaga państwa polskiego a ulica i instytucja – to miejsca, gdzie flagi są najczęściej obserwowane.
The purpose of the article is to present the younger generation’s perception of flag display. Both the author’s previous research on the contemporary forms, functions and variability of flag display based on the example of Gdynia and hitherto unpublished work on the perception of flags were used. The latter was conducted with the help of an auditorium survey of students at the University of Gdansk in 2015 and 2023. They were asked about the type and location of flags they encountered in everyday life, and they were asked to make an assessment of the number of flags temporarily displayed during various holidays and permanently present. In the students’ opinion, more flags are displayed during holidays and fewer hang permanently. The flag of the Polish state is the most common, and streets and institutions are the places where flags are observed most often.
Content available remote Szacowanie potencjału bioodpadów w przykładowej gminie
Krajowy Plan Gospodarki Odpadami 2028 stawia cele i zadania również w zakresie zapewnienia selektywnego zbierania bioodpadów od mieszkańców i zwiększenia recyklingu organicznego przez upowszechnianie kompostowania przez mieszkańców bioodpadów „u źródła”. Wytyczne Unii Europejskiej zobowiązują do sprawozdawczości i wskazują na dwie metody pozyskania danych: metodę pośrednią i bezpośrednią (w tym ankietę). Faktyczny pomiar wkładu do procesu recyklingu lub jego materiału wyjściowego nie zawsze jest możliwy, dlatego zwraca się uwagę na otrzymanie wysokiego poziomu wiarygodności danych. W roku 2023 podjęto próbę oszacowania masy bioodpadów i czynników mających na nią wpływ, w oparciu o próbę ankiet w gminie Słomniki. W gminie Słomniki było zarejestrowanych 3689 gospodarstw, z czego 2709 zadeklarowało prowadzenie kompostowania. Uzyskano 30 odpowiedzi grupy osób deklarującej kompostowanie oraz 15 odpowiedzi osób niedeklarujących kompostowania. Przeprowadzone badania ankietowe wskazują na duże zróżnicowanie szacowanej masy wytwarzanych bioodpadów zarówno w grupie w obu grupach. Istnieje duże prawdopodobieństwo niedoszacowania masy bioodpadów na poziomie gminy, obliczone z uwzględnieniem składu morfologicznego i masy wytworzonych odpadów. Niedoszacowanie masy bioodpadów może wynikać z praktyki mulczowania trawy, który to proces deklarowało co najmniej 20% ankietowanych.
National Waste Management Plan 2028 comprises goals and tasks also in the field of selective collection of bio-waste from residents as well as increased organic recycling by promoting composting of bio-waste by residents "at the source". European Union guidelines require reporting and present two methods of obtaining data: indirect and direct (including surveys). Actual measurement of the input or output from the recycling process is not always possible and therefore attention is paid to the high level of confidence in the data. In 2023, an attempt was made to determine the mass of bio-waste and factors which influence it, based on surveys in the Słomniki commune. In the Słomniki commune 3689 farms were established, of which 2709 declared composting activities. There were 30 responses of groups of people declaring composting and 15 responses of people who did not declare composting. Conducted survey researches showed high diversity of estimated mass of bio-waste generated in both groups. There is high probability of underestimating the mass of bio-waste at the municipal level, calculated taking into account the morphological composition and mass of waste generated. The underestimation of the mass of bio-waste may result from grass mulching practices, which were declared by at least 20% of respondents.
Content available remote Perceptions of an endangered Baltic Sea
In a series of ad-hoc surveys at different academic institutions in the Baltic Sea region, students and young scholars were asked about their views about the environmental issues of the Baltic Sea, and who would be responsible for the management of the Baltic Sea. Overfishing, climate change and waste were considered the most significant issues, while tourism and constructions (of bridges, etc.) were less often recognized as severe. The responsibility for the management of the Baltic Sea was mostly attributed to the European Union or to the respective national governments. Since climate is one of these issues, one question has dealt with the main task of climate science. It turns out that the most frequent assertion was not the genuine scientific task of generating knowledge about the dynamics of the system. Instead, the task of solving the problem and, equally often, supporting climate activism was favored. The results are not representative – neither for the separate surveys, nor for the selection of the sites of surveying. However, when taken all surveys together, the emergence of consistent perceptions may be considered evidence for a general attitude among students and young scholars in the Baltic regions. However, differences between groups – in terms of nationality, seniority and discipline - may be related to sampling randomness.
Product Lifecycle Management remains a strategy that aims to strengthen the capabilities and competitive advantages of the company. Its implementation and its adoption depend on the problems that are brought back to be solved by this tool as well as its acceptance by the companies that will implement it. Hence, we like to introduce this approach within the cottage industry to improve its competitiveness. For this, we are going to present this article as being the first step towards the introduction of this strategy within the craft sector. So, we aim to investigate the problems faced by the craft sector, the levers favoring the establishment of this kind of approach and to analyse the independence between the problems investigated, the nature of the companies interviewed and their sector of activity. Data was gathered from surveys of 132 craft industries the primary data analysis was performed using excel and SPSS techniques and chi square test. The results affirm that the management and communication problems, as well as problems related to the raw material waste, are the most dominant in the sector. Moreover, our study shows that the problems faced by the sector are independent towards the nature of the company and the sector of activity.
The objective of this paper is to propose effective methods to implement sustainable development principles among young people, both in schools and universities. The authors of this article recognize the significant potential among young individuals whose actions and choices have a substantial impact on the environment. By analyzing the knowledge and behaviors of young people towards sustainable development and environmental protection, based on surveys conducted among pupils and students from the south-eastern region of Poland, this paper identifies gaps that require improvement and proposes actions aimed at raising pro-ecological awareness among the youth. The analysis revealed that only 25% of the respondents have heard about the "Agenda for Sustainable Development – 2030", 20% were familiar with the goals of sustainable development, and few have participated in initiatives for sustainable development. However, 58% of respondents claimed to engage in activities for environmental protection in their daily lives. The article also presents the degree of compliance with the assumptions of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development on both global and local scales. Furthermore, the paper analyzes two aspects of students' awareness of sustainable development: their knowledge of goals and documents, and their pro-ecological behavior in daily life. Based on the findings, this paper proposes ways to introduce sustainable development principles in selected areas of school and university functioning to enhance ecological awareness and shape pro-ecological attitudes among young people. Concrete actions to facilitate implementation are also suggested.
Many potential suppliers state that they are ready to produce components according to specified requirements as they are familiar with the ISO GPS system tools for dimensional and geometrical tolerancing. Regrettably, in many instances, this is not true. This paper discusses a survey developed to assess the geometrical dimensioning and tolerancing skills and results derived from this survey executed among 15 potential suppliers. The investigation aims to preselect potential suppliers and evaluate how much support the suppliers will require while also assessing the risks associated with placing an order with a particular supplier. The survey is based on the online test comprised of 27 closed-end questions used to identify strengths, weaknesses, and knowledge of a candidate supplier’s personnel. Five different answers are given for each question. The respondent shall indicate one correct answer. The inquiry is practically oriented. Most of the questions include drawings with indicated selected tolerance as well as drawings of the possible actual parts with exaggerated geometrical deviations. The associated question is whether an actual part is made according to the specification. The main conclusion is that most responders disclose a low level of understanding of the ISO GPS system. Urgent education is needed.
Software requirements specification is an important foundation of the software development process. It documents the requirements, expectations, and restrictions for a system to be developed. It should describe what the produced system will offer in detail and unambiguously. It should also provide a realistic basis for estimating product costs, risks, and schedules. Still, it is difficult to prepare a useful specification effectively. We want to propose an approach to creating a good specification. We started the work from scratch by determining what the scope of the specification should be. We asked people who work on IT projects what information is and should be included in the specifications with which they work. This paper presents results from a survey conducted with 163 participants who have experience working on commercial software development projects. The main observation is that the content of requirements specification differs with respect to project characteristics, such as industry or financing method. We also noticed that the information about integration with external systems and functionalities most often appears in the SRS.
Content available remote Content-Based Recommender Systems Taxonomy
In the era of internet access, recommender systems try to alleviate the difficulty consumers face while trying to find items (e.g. services, products, or information) that better match their needs. To do so, a recommender system selects and proposes (possibly unknown) items that may be of interest to some candidate consumer, by predicting her/his preference for this item. Given the diversity of needs between consumers and the enormous variety of items to be recommended, a large set of approaches have been proposed by the research community. This paper provides a review of the approaches proposed in the entire research area of content-based recommender systems, and not only in one part of it. To facilitate understanding, we provide a categorization of each approach based on the tools and techniques employed, which results to the main contribution of this paper, a content-based recommender systems taxonomy. This way, the reader acquires a quick and complete understanding of this research area. Finally, we provide a comparison of content-based recommender systems according to their ability to efficiently handle well-known drawbacks.
The objective of the paper is the identification of priority directions of activities for multi-functional rural development, followed by their social assessment in the context of the paradigm of the multifunctionality of such areas. Consequently, the current assumptions of the idea were confronted with reality, and expectations were confronted with need. The analysis also covers the activity of respondents in the scope of activities for multifunctional development. According to the obtained results, progress and activities in the scope of the economic (development and modernisation of technical infrastructure, technological progress, innovativeness) and social function (development and modernisation of social infrastructure) are of key importance. The paper is based on the results of a survey conducted in 2021. The survey covered residents of rural areas in the Mazowieckie Voivodeship.
Celem pracy jest identyfikacja priorytetowych kierunków działań na rzecz wielofunkcyjnego rozwoju obszarów wiejskich, a kolejno ich ocena społeczna w kontekście paradygmatu wielofunkcyjności tych obszarów. W konsekwencji dokonano konfrontacji obecnych założeń idei względem realiów oraz konfrontacji oczekiwań względem potrzeb. Badaniu poddano również aktywność ankietowanych w ramach działań podejmowanych na rzecz wielofunkcyjnego rozwoju. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują, że kluczowy jest postęp i działania w ramach funkcji ekonomicznej (rozbudowa i modernizacja infrastruktury technicznej, postęp technologiczny, innowacyjność) i społecznej (rozbudowa i modernizacja infrastruktury społecznej). Praca powstała na podstawie wyników badań ankietowych zrealizowanych w 2021 roku. Badaniem objęto mieszkańców obszarów wiejskich województwa mazowieckiego.
Content available Mieszkania w Polsce - wymagania użytkowników
Ostatnie lata na polskim rynku nieruchomości były czasem wyjątkowo szybkich przemian. Niespodziewane sytuacje, takie jak pandemia COVID-19, wybuch wojny za wschodnią granicą Polski czy bardzo szybki wzrost inflacji, a w efekcie wzrost cen materiałów budowlanych oraz spadek zdolności kredytowej skutkują niższym zainteresowaniem kupnem nieruchomości wśród Polaków. Ze względu na wszystkie te czynniki jeszcze większą wagę przywiązuje się do decyzji o zakupie mieszkania, która staje się coraz trudniejsza. W celu znalezienia odpowiedzi na pytanie, co jest dla ludzi najważniejsze podczas poszukiwania nieruchomości oraz jakie czynniki wpływają na ostateczny zakup, przeprowadzono badania ankietowe wiosną tego roku. Rezultaty badań przedstawiono w formie wykresów i są one wynikiem postawionych pytań badawczych, których prezentacja jest celem niniejszego artykułu.
Last years have been a time of exceptionally rapid changes when it comes to the Polish real estate market. Unexpected situations, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, the outbreak of the war across the eastern border of Poland or a very fast increase in inflation resulting in an increase in the prices of building materials and a decrease in the creditworthiness of Poles, resulted in lower interest in buying flats. Due to all these factors, even more importance is attached to the decision to buy an apartment, which is becoming more and more difficult. In order to find an answer to the question of what is most important to people when looking for a property and what factors affect the final purchase, a survey was conducted this spring. After analyzing the results, charts were drawn containing data answering the research questions posed, the presentation of which is the aim of this article.
Purpose: Recent years have brought a very dynamic increase in the importance of the environmental aspects of the activities conducted by enterprises in the mining industry. This is mainly due to the currently binding legal requirements in the field of environmental protection, which impose a number of obligations on business entities, aimed at limiting the impact of activities on the natural environment, removing effects, as well as rehabilitating areas affected by this activity. In order to be able to fully manage the environmental costs incurred by companies in connection with pro-ecological activities, it is necessary to provide appropriate tools and enable people dealing with the above-mentioned issues to raise their qualifications. In the article, in addition to the literature review, an attempt was made to present the issues related to the reporting of environmental costs in the mining sector, both in terms of creating reports, classification of costs and the knowledge of employees dealing with the above mentioned issue and identification of areas requiring improvement. For this purpose, a specially created questionnaire was used, the results of which were also presented in the article. Design/methodology/approach: The article presents the results of a survey on the awareness of environmental costs in people who deal with the above-mentioned costs. The test results are presented by means of graphs. Findings: The most important problems related to environmental cost reporting by mining companies include: reporting only those costs that are required by law, insufficient knowledge of environmental costs among employees preparing reports, lack of a detailed classification of environmental costs dedicated to the mining sector. As part of the survey, problems related to reporting of environmental costs by mining plants were identified. They were mainly related to the knowledge of the concept of environmental costs by those responsible for reporting them and adequate training in the field of these costs. Additionally, the level of employee interest in participation in conferences and courses related to environmental costs was examined. Originality/value: This article is dedicated to employees of the mining sector and students of mining faculties. The article presents a change in the perception of environmental costs incurred by hard coal mines as only negative, and the extension of environmental reports to include costs incurred, inter alia, for preventive measures and the use of questionnaire surveys as a method of measuring employees' awareness of environmental costs was proposed.
Content available Survey of hyperspectral imaging and applications
The article deals with the survey of hyperspectral imaging and its applications. The article is devoted to a survey of the key areas in which hyperspatial imaging finds application. These areas include geological survey and mineralogy, plastic separation, food quality inspection, precision agriculture, landmine detection, medical imaging, and manufacturing processes. It can be stated that the possibilities where hyperspectral imaging can be used are numerous. Also, the application of such technology and its deployment needs a deep understanding of the problem to which we want to apply hyperspectral imaging. In general, it can be used where it is possible to compare images of the normal state against the current state with a comparison sample.
Annoyance due to wind turbine noise is usually assessed on the basis of surveys conducted among people living in the vicinity of turbines or in the laboratory conditions. Due to the fact that the latter are very different from natural conditions, we propose a solution to reduce this difference. Prior to the surveys, 50 participants were asked to familiarize themselves with 5 environmental signals. They were informed about the annoyance rating assigned to each signal (obtained earlier in laboratory conditions), expressed as a number between 0 (not annoying signal) and 10 (extremely annoying signal). Participants were then presented with new environmental sounds and asked to rate the annoyance caused by each sound, in accordance with the previously learned method. The analysis of our results shows that the variability of answers given by respondents at their homes is similar to those obtained earlier in laboratory conditions.
With the continuous urban expansion of cities around the world, cities have become more crowded as the numbers of all kinds of vehicles have increased, especially due to the inclination of individuals to use personal cars. In this study, we want to identify the different reasons that motivate the populations of the state of Skikda, Algeria, to prefer using cars through a questionnaire. In order to be clearer, we processed and analyzed the survey data using the SPSS analytical program. This article aims to identify the main reasons that motivate individuals to prefer using a personal car when traveling and propose possible solutions, or even identify actions to be taken now and in the future in order to establish a more sustainable exclusive transport. By analyzing the results, it became clear to us that road users prefer cars only for psychological and technical reasons and do not consider the preservation of the environment or the security of people. Although they are aware of the problems arising from their extensive use, they continue to do so because they have no other alternative. Improvements in public transportation means would change the situation.
The article presents aspects connected with the identification of the main problems of the deaf and the hard of hearing when they use public transport and the related infrastructure in Poland. For the purpose of the analysis, a survey was conducted among 71 deaf and hard of hearing persons who live in large conurbations and use public transport daily. The survey included questions concerning to what extent the public transport and infrastructure are adapted to the needs of the hard of hearing. The participants evaluated the system of passenger information and indicated problems they come across most frequently in public transport vehicles and at stops. The problems were related to two primary issues: difficulties communicating directly with the drivers or when paying the fare in the ticket window and problems hearing and understanding voice messages played in vehicles and at train/bus stations.
Odnawialne źródła energii stanowią alternatywę dla tradycyjnych nośników energii, tj. paliw kopalnych. Pozyskanie tej formy energii w Polsce wykazuje w ostatnich latach tendencję zwyżkową. Udział energii ze źródeł odnawialnych w pozyskaniu energii pierwotnej ogółem wzrósł w latach 2019–2020 z 19,74 % do 21,60 %. Energia pozyskiwana ze źródeł odnawialnych w Polsce w 2020 r. pochodziła w przeważającym stopniu z biopaliw stałych, energii wiatru i z biopaliw ciekłych. W przypadku energii wiatru, stosowanie turbin wiatrowych, pomimo licznych zalet, wywołuje od wielu lat szereg pytań i wątpliwości z zakresu oddziaływania turbin na człowieka. Oddziaływanie to obejmuje wiele czynników, w szczególności hałas turbin wiatrowych. Hałas turbin wiatrowych postrzegany jest jako źródło uciążliwości dla osób zamieszkałych i pracujących w pobliżu farm wiatrowych. W celu dokonania oceny uciążliwości hałasu turbin wiatrowych wśród pracowników zatrudnionych w pobliżu farm wiatrowych zostało przeprowadzone badanie ankietowe.
Renewable energy sources are an alternative to traditional energy carriers, i.e. fossil fuels. Obtaining this form of energy in Poland shows an upward trend in recent years. The share of energy from renewable sources in the total primary energy production increased in the years 2019-2020 from 19.74 % to 21.60 %. Energy obtained from renewable sources in Poland in 2020 mainly came from solid biofuels, wind energy and liquid biofuels. In the case of wind energy the use of wind turbines, despite its numerous advantages, has been causing a number of questions and doubts about the human impact for many years. This impact involves many factors, in particular wind turbine noise. Wind turbine noise is seen as a source of annoyance for people living and working near wind farms. In order to assess the wind turbine noise annoyance for people employed in the vicinity of wind farms, a survey was carried out. The paper presents the results of this study and their analysis. The obtained results show that the surveyed employees perceive wind turbines noise as noise with a slight annoyance – the average annoyance rating was 2.33 on a scale from 0 to 10.
The study presents the “EREJ” project tested with students at the University of Rzeszów. The project is important for the development of the ability to search for materials for work. It improves the ability to prepare a PPT presentation and write an essay, skills in oral and written communication, the ability to work individually and in a group, the ability to discuss, transmit feedback, and present work publically. The project is also important for increasing the knowledge in the field of environmental issues.
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