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Soil erosion by water is influenced by a major morphogenetic factor – precipitation. Surface runoff, initiated by rainfall, plays a key role in this process. This article addresses the effects of rainfall intensity and soil moisture on soil erosion through a series of rainfall simulations of different intensity and duration. The implementation of measurements at a research station located in the Różany Stream catchment in Poznań made it possible to study the entire water balance within the slope, including precipitation, evaporation, surface runoff and infiltration. The study included various rainfall intensities, with a focus on extreme events reflecting ongoing climate change and increasing anthropopressure. Rainfall simulations were conducted on both dry and wet ground. The results showed that increasing rainfall intensity led to greater surface runoff and soil loss. Moreover, soil moisture was identified as a critical factor affecting soil erosion, with wetter conditions reducing soil loss while increasing surface runoff.
European cities face urban, demographic and climate challenges. According to forecasts, annual extreme phenomena will intensify - including torrential rains. Comprehensive solutions (also those based on nature), climate adaptation strategies, runoff management, incorporation of new design (e.g. sponge cities) are urgently required in order to strengthen urban resilience and to minimise the effects of extreme weather events (droughts, floods or heat islands). The aim of the research was to develop a methodology for activating selected elements of blue-green infrastructure within areas of natural and cultural protection as an adaptive tool of urban planning. Modelling of infiltration possibilities, programmed with SCALGO Live Poland software, was performed as a case study based on a research city - Sandomierz (in Poland). Selected parameters (stormwater surface runoff, chosen runoff areas, land cover) are strongly correlated with urban indicators relating to the vegetation coverage (biologically active area - BAA). Results pointed out urban units, which BAA is lower than 25% (e.g. Old Town Square, courtyards of tenement houses). Modelling was carried out for these units by concentrating on the undeveloped area for which the BAA was increased. The enhancement assumed values in the range of 41-45%. In analysed cases, an improvement (decrease) in runoff volume was obtained, even by 8.69%. Simultaneously, infiltration increased by 19.61%, calculated over entire runoff area. Implementation of solutions based on these results, in the form of appropriate planning provisions, can raise the quality of environment (e.g. improving water infiltration) and life (e.g. more effective air cooling on hot nights).
Woda opadowa jest głównym źródłem zasobów wodnych, które umożliwiają odnawianie się wód powierzchniowych i podziemnych. Ze względu na niezrównoważony rozwój obszarów zurbanizowanych i wiejskich, opady zaczynają być postrzegane jako źródło zagrożenia. Ten stan prowadzi do pojawienia się nowego zjawiska, jakim są powodzie miejskie (ang. urbanflood). Obszary miejskie, które jeszcze kilkadziesiąt lat temu nie miały problemów z odprowadzaniem wód opadowych, obecnie po wystąpieniu intensywnych opadów atmosferycznych, zamieniają się w zalane tereny. Drugim istotnym aspektem są zmiany klimatyczne. W ostatnich latach liczne anomalie pogodowe, takie jak ulewny deszcz, prowadzą do powstawania nagłych powodzi miejskich (ang. flashflood), które powodują nagłe zalanie niższych obszarów, często tworząc fale wezbraniowe. Aby poradzić sobie z tymi problemami, coraz częściej w miastach stosuje się urządzenia do retencji i infiltracji wód opadowych. Działania takie nie wymagają przebudowy istniejących już kanałów burzowych, a realizowane są poprzez tworzenie ogrodów deszczowych, muld chłonnych czy powierzchni przepuszczalnych. Dodatkowo, zwiększa się zasobność wód podziemnych, urozmaicając krajobraz i estetykę miast, co prowadzi do poprawy mikroklimatu i warunków życia mieszkańców.
Rainwater is the main component of water resources, which ensures the replenishment of surface and underground waters. Due to the unsustainable development of urban and rural areas, precipitation is beginning to be perceived as a source of threat. This situation leads to the emergence of a new phenomenon known as urban flooding. Urban areas that had no issues with rainwater drainage several decades ago now transform into floodplains after heavy rainfall. The second important aspect is climate change. The occurrence of numerous weather anomalies, such as torrential rain, in recent years has resulted in the formation of flash floods in cities, causing sudden inundation of lower-lying areas, often creating a surge wave. To address these problems, rainwater retention and infiltration devices are increasingly being employed in cities. Such measures do not require the reconstruction of existing storm drains and can be implemented through the creation of rain gardens, absorbent mounds, or permeable surfaces, for example. Furthermore, these initiatives enhance groundwater resources and enrich the landscape and aesthetics of cities, leading to an improved microclimate and better living conditions for the urban population.
Content available remote Potencjał retencyjny miasta. Część 1, Metody
Rozwój terenów miejskich jest nieodłącznym elementem rozwoju cywilizacyjnego. W Polsce postępujące procesy urbanizacyjne wraz z silnym trendem zmiany struktury funkcjonalnej obszarów wiejskich w ostatnich trzydziestu latach, doprowadziły w konsekwencji do zwiększania powierzchni zabudowy terenu oraz jego uszczelnienia. Znaczącemu ograniczeniu uległ udział terenów zielonych oraz nieużytków, co spowodowało pogorszenie warunków retencyjnych w bilansie wodnym zarówno aglomeracji miejskich jak i mniejszych miejscowości. Jednocześnie skutki zmian klimatycznych przyczyniają się do coraz częstszego występowania ekstremalnych zdarzeń pogodowych, powodując nasilające się zagrożenia związane z takimi zjawiskami jak: miejska wyspa ciepła, powódź błyskawiczna i susza. Przestrzeń miejska jest szczególnie wrażliwa na dynamiczne zmiany warunków meteorologicznych głównie ze względu na powiększającą się liczbę ludności, która ją zamieszkuje. Antropogeniczne przekształcenia środowiska i zagrożenia klimatyczne znacząco przyczyniają się do potęgowania problemu odprowadzania wody opadowej i roztopowej w zlewniach miejskich jak również obniżenia komfortu życia. Niniejsza praca ma na celu przedstawienie metod oceny potencjału retencyjnego, który z jednej strony pozwala zobrazować skalę problemu, z którym mierzymy się adaptując przestrzeń miejską do warunków zmieniającego się środowiska, z drugiej zaś wskazuje możliwe kierunki rozwoju terenów zurbanizowanych aby nadawały się do życia w przewidywanej strukturze funkcjonalno-użytkowej.
The development of urban areas is an inherent element of civilization development. In Poland, the progressive urbanization processes together with the strong trend of changing the functional structure of rural areas over the last thirty years have resulted in an increase in the area of development and its sealing. The share of green areas and wastelands was significantly reduced, which resulted in the deterioration of retention conditions in the water balance of both urban agglomerations and smaller towns. At the same time, the effects of climate change contribute to the increasing occurrence of extreme weather events, causing increasing threats related to phenomena such as urban heat island, flash floods and drought. Urban space is particularly sensitive to dynamic changes in meteorological conditions, mainly due to the growing number of people living there. Anthropogenic environmental changes and climatic threats significantly contribute to the problem of rainwater and meltwater drainage in urban catchments, as well as to a reduction in the quality of life. This work aims to present methods for assessing the retention potential, which, on the one hand, allows us to illustrate the scale of the problem we face when adapting urban space to the conditions of a changing environment, and on the other hand, indicates possible directions of urban areas development to make them suitable for living in the expected functional and utilitarian structure.
Adaptation to climate change often aims to increase the ability of cities to retain water. In recent years, there has been a shift in the approach to managing storm water from traditional methods to nature-based methods, which view storm water as a valuable resource. This study conducted a systematic analysis of eleven contemporary housing estates that are commonly considered sustainable. The study aimed to identify the elements of rainwater management and determine whether these elements form a system. The research found that, in most cases, not all elements of a rainwater management system (RMS) were present. The housing estates in Gdańsk and Gdynia demonstrated some features of an RMS but were still incomplete due to missing elements such as channels and gaps in curbs that guide rainwater. The results suggest that the implementation of some elements of an RMS does not necessarily create a fully functional system. A fully effective RMS requires the integration of all necessary elements to allow water to flow between them.
The present research work has been carried out for the Kollur River Basin, Kundapura Taluk of Udupi District of Karnataka. Kollur River is tributaries of Chakra and Souparnika Rivers. The problem of seawater getting mixed with underground water tables has become acute in many gram panchayats like Maravanthe and Senapura, located near the seashore. Villages like Vandse and Chittur, situated some distance away from the sea, have another problem on hand. The drinking water sources of these villages have dried up due to the depletion of the water table. To understand the hydrology of this complex landscape, the SWAT-CUP model was calibrated and validated using the SUFI-2, considering 14 important hydrologic parameters based on literature sources. The SUFI-2 tool employs stochastic calibration, which recognizes and expresses model errors and uncertainties as ranges account for all underlying variables, conceptual framework, parameters, and observed values. Our watershed model has eight sub-basins and 126 Hydrological Response Units (HRU) to simulate hydrological processes. Climate data from 2007 to 2021 revealed that the most precipitation occurred from June to September, with a maximum of 789 mm in June and a low of 0 mm in January. The hydrographs of 95 PPU plots were obtained from single iterations (500 simulations). The p-factor and r-factor were found to be 0.15 and 1.59, respectively. The accuracy of the simulation findings between observed and model-generated streamflow values was satisfactory. The SWAT-CUP enhanced streamflow models by lowering parameter uncertainty. It can be concluded that less sensitive parameters require more time to reduce the uncertainty than more sensitive values due to wider confidential intervals.
In order to solve the problem of providing the population with high-quality drinking water, preference is given to the use of groundwater deposits, which differ from surface sources in better quality and are more protected from man-made influences and climate change. Thirty-seven existing groundwater deposits are used for drinking and technical water supply in Lviv region. The distribution of groundwater in the region is very uneven, and in the Eastern Carpathians they are almost non-existent. The main factors of groundwater pollution in most of Ukraine are municipal sewage, livestock effluents, unorganized warehouses for storage of industrial waste, fertilizers and pesticides and other local objects that affect the state of groundwater. The gradual reduction of mineral fertilizer and pesticide usage has led to some improvement in the quality of groundwater, but for some agro-industrial areas the presence of residual pesticides and nitrogen compounds in groundwater remains a relevant problem. This year, there was an increase in the use of mineral fertilizers compared to last year. The aim of this work was to study the compliance of the maximum allowable concentrations of hydrochemical parameters of the wells of the Stryi water intake and to determine the potential impact of anthropogenic factors on water quality. The compliance with the sanitary and hygienic requirements of the hydrochemical parameters of water in the wells of the Stryi water intake was analyzed. The regularities of their changes as well as the presence of wells that have a potentially unstable chemical composition and are prone to deterioration of water quality were determined. The results of studies of related to the impact of self-treatment processes in the river Stryi on the quality of water intake in the city of Stryi showed that the drinking water from artesian wells is of high quality and now there are no negative effects of river water in the Stryi basin on groundwater deposits. The quality of river water is satisfactory for its use in domestic and drinking water supply and for recreational purposes.
Postępująca urbanizacja oraz zmiany klimatyczne sprawiły, że w wielu miastach nasila się występowanie poważnych zagrożeń powodziami rzecznymi i opadowymi. Powszechnie stosowane zabiegi w ochronie przed powodzią mają charakter rozwiązań technicznych, dominują postępowania ograniczające zagrożenie w miejscach wylewów w dolnych partiach zlewni. Tymczasem na występowanie zagrożenia powodziowego ma wpływ cała zlewnia położona powyżej. Jednym z istotnych rozwiązań ograniczania zagrożenia powodziowego jest przywracanie i rozwój retencji, w tym retencji naturalnej - bioretencji. Proponowane w niniejszej pracy podejście zlewniowe pozwala na rozwiązywanie problemów „u źródła” ich powstawania. Metoda uwzględnia analizy stanu bioretencji i opracowania koncepcji jej rozwoju, które bazuje na ocenie uszczelnienia, spływu powierzchniowego oraz istniejących terenów zielonych. W ramach niniejszej pracy poddano analizie fragment zlewni rzeki Serafa w Krakowie i Wieliczce w zakresie istniejących zasobów naturalnej retencji, możliwości odtworzenia ciągłości naturalnych dróg spływu i bioretencji w celu minimalizacji zagrożenia od powodzi. Przykładowa aplikacja zaproponowanego narzędzia opartego na ogólnie dostępnych danych i oprogramowaniu pokazuje możliwość uwzględnienia w praktyce przybliżonych zależności procesu opad-retencja-odpływ w obszarze miasta, w efekcie pokazując jak rozwój bioretencji w wyżej położonych obszarach może wpłynąć na redukcję zagrożenia powodziowego na terenie Bieżanowa. Szacunkowe obliczenie wielkości spływu powierzchniowego powstającego w każdym obrębie ewidencyjnym i zagregowanie spływów z obrębów zlokalizowanych powyżej może dostarczyć urbanistom niezbędnych informacji do prac studialnych dla potrzeb planowania przestrzennego, w tym rozwoju zieleni.
Due to the progressive urbanization and climate change, in many cities the occurrence of serious threats of fluvial and pluvial floods is increasing. Commonly used flood protection measures are technical solutions, and the procedures to reduce the risk in flooding places in the lower parts of the catchment area are dominant. Meanwhile, the occurrence of flood risk is influenced by the entire catchment area located upstream. One of the important solutions to reduce the risk of flooding is the restoration and development of retention, including natural retention - bioretention. The catchment approach proposed in this paper allows to solve problems “at the source” of their formation. The method takes into account the analysis of the state of bioretention and the elaboration of a concept for its development, which is based on the assessment of sealing, surface runoff and existing green areas. As part of this study a fragment of the Serafa River catchment in Krakow and Wieliczka was analyzed in terms of the existing natural retention resources, the possibility of restoring the continuity of natural runoff routes and bioretention in order to minimize the risk of flooding. The exemplary application of the proposed tool based on publicly available data and software demonstrates the possibilities to consider in practice the approximate dependencies of the precipitation-retention-runoff process in an urban area, as a result showing how the development of bioretention in upstream areas can reduce the flood risk in Bieżanów. Estimating the amount of surface runoff generated in each cadastral unit and aggregating the runoff from the upstream units may provide urban planners with the necessary information for study work for the purposes of spatial planning, including greenery development.
Kanalizacja deszczowa, to niegdyś idealne rozwiązanie, usuwające niechciany opad z wszelkich powierzchni komunikacyjnych. Dziś, minimalizując skutki zmian klimatu, szczególnie w przestrzeni miejskiej, dążymy do zatrzymania wód opadowych najbliżej miejsca ich powstawania. Dodatkowo jednak, należy zwrócić uwagę na prawidłowość, pod względem ilościowo-jakościowym, odprowadzania wód opadowych do odbiornika, który w myśl cyklu hydrologicznego - na kolejnym etapie stanowi źródło wody, przeznaczonej do spożycia.
Content available Airport Runoff Management: Engineering Solutions
Infrastructure of transport is one of the most serious sources of negative impact on the environment at the international level, which requires the adoption of effective integrated measures to organize its sustainable development in an environmental context. In the light of the world communication processes of globalization and population migration, the development of air transport acquires particular importance, which simultaneously leads to an increase in the level of impact on the environmental components of all its parts. At the same time, the issue of improving the efficiency of wastewater treatment and environmental components from airports Surface runoff pollution formed during the operation of infrastructure objects of air transport, in particular in Ukraine, is poorly studied. That fact actualizes the need to study the effectiveness of wastewater treatment of airports in the context of ensuring their sustainable development and determines the choice of research topics. On the basis of calculations on the volume volumes of surface runoff formation from the territory of International Airport Kharkiv in winter and summer, as well as taking into account international regulations, the scheme of cleaning surface runoff of the airport was proposed in this article. In order to improve the efficiency of Surface runoff treatment from the specific components of airport storm water and bring their qualitative indicators to the normative requirements, regulations on the use and operation of advanced treatment of surface runoff were developed. The recommendations to provide ecological stability of the International Airport Kharkiv functioning in the context of ecologically safe management of the airport storm water runoffs, as the constituent part of the state transport infrastructure were worked out.
Nie ulega wątpliwości, że zieleń miejska może być istotnym elementem strategii zarządzania zasobami wodnymi w miastach. Może bowiem w znaczącym stopniu wpływać na ograniczanie oraz spowolnienie spływu wód opadowych do kanalizacji miejskiej, który nasila się w miarę zastępowania pokrytej roślinnością nawierzchni chłonnej nieprzepuszczalną powierzchnią budynków, dróg, chodników i parkingów.
The current spatial development of the catchment area in the Polish Carpathians shows fea- tures that accelerate the water cycle and its erosive activity. The region is characterized, among others, by: insufficient forest cover, the presence of fallow land and abandoned land, scattering of buildings, disturbance of the course of agro-forest borders, excessive number of dirt roads and various hardened surfaces, degradation of forest ecosystems. This translates into siltation and pollution of Carpathian dam reservoirs important for the water and economic system of the country. The aim of the article is to present selected principles and methods of arranging the catchment area in the Polish Carpathians in terms of improving the catchment retention capacity and, at the same time, the quality of water. The result of proper manage- ment would be a stable supply of good quality water to the reservoirs. Protective activity for water resources should focus on replacing surface runoff with ground runoff in order to increase the retention capacity of the area and protect against erosion. The key is to properly shape the plant cover, which at the same time protects the water quality. The watershed zones and steep slopes should be forested. Permanent grasslands for exten- sive animal breeding should be considered the optimal form of agricultural use of the Carpa- thian areas. Together with forest areas with a good health condition, they not only create fa- vorable water conditions, but also ensure the preservation of biodiversity. The maintenance of arable land is permitted up to an altitude of 700 m a.s.l. and requires good agricultural practice to minimize soil erosion and nitrate migration. It is unacceptable to leave the soil without plant cover. River bed zones and watercourse beds require appropriate technical or biological support to prevent the development of bedside erosion and sediment displace- ment, as well as the ingestion of material from slopes. Plant communities near the river beds should be protected under landscape protection.
In recent years, a growing problem of water deficit has been observed, which is particularly acute for agriculture. To alleviate the effects of drought, hydrogel soil additives – superabsorbent polymers (SAPs) – can be helpful. The primary objective of this article was to present a comparison of the advantages resulting from the application of synthetic or natural hydrogels in agriculture. The analysis of the subject was carried out based on 129 articles published between 1992 and 2020. In the article, the advantages of the application of hydrogel products in order to improve soil quality, and crop growth. Both kinds of soil amendments (synthetic and natural) similarly improve the yield of crops. In the case of natural origin polymers, a lower cost of preparation and a shorter time of biodegradation are indicated as the main advantage in comparison to synthetic polymers, and greater security for the environment.
Content available Soil erosion control in immature oil palm plantation
The objectives of developing oil palm plantations should feasible economically and without causing massive erosion. This research proposes soil and water conservation strategies that are ideal and optimal for oil palm cultivation depending on land capability class. The conservation test for plants was performed according to land capability classes on a plot measuring 22 m × 4 m. Runoff and erosion rates were measured using Multislot Divisor Method. Nutrient leaching was analysed based on the content of C-organic (Ctot) (Walkley–Black method), total nitrogen (Ntot) (Kjeldahl method), P-available (Bray-1 method) and K2O (extraction with 1N NH4OAc at pH 7.0). From the results, land capability class III, cover crops (soybean) + manure (P3) treatment effectively reduced runoff and soil erosion (22.63 m3∙ha–1∙y–1 and 13.04 Mg∙ha–1∙y–1), as well as nutrient leaching, compared to other treatments. Furthermore, sediment trap + cover crop + manure (P3) controlled runoff, erosion and nutrient leaching on land capability class IV, producing the lowest runoff (129.40 m3∙ha–1∙y–1), soil erosion (11.39 Mg∙ha–1∙y–1), C-organic (1.3%), and P (1.95 mg kg–1). Soil conservation treatment significantly reduced erosion and runoff (p < 0.05) on land capability class VI. The bench terrace + cover plants + manure treatment-controlled runoff, erosion, and soil nutrient leaching.
Content available Mauritius, Rodrigues (z wodą w tle)
Artykuł ma charakter wspomnienia omawiające warunki, w jakich realizowano projekt FAO, którego celem była ocena zasobów wodnych i organizacja służby hydrologicznej na wyspie Rodrigues, należącej do Republiki Mauritiusu. Na podstawie danych z Mauritiusu, gdzie funkcjonuje dosyć dobrze służba hydrologiczna, oceniono w przybliżeniu zasoby wodne wyspy Rodrigues. Objętość wody opadowej jest duża, ale cyklonalny, zmienny rozkład opadów, wysokie parowanie, a przede wszystkim szybki odpływ powierzchniowy, spowodowany wylesieniem wyspy, powodują dotkliwy niedobór wody słodkiej. Gromadzenie wody poprzez budowę zbiorników retencyjnych, zalesienie i racjonalne metody agronomiczne jest możliwe tylko w sytuacji prawidłowego rozpoznania dyspozycyjnych zasobów wodnych i ich rozkładu w czasie i przestrzeni. W tym celu przewidziano organizację służby hydrologicznej na wyspie Rodrigues, kontrolującej stany wody, natężenie przepływu i zgromadzoną wodę w zbiornikach retencyjnych. Zaplanowano instalację pięciu stacji hydrologicznych: dwóch na istniejących zbiornikach retencyjnych, jednej na zbiorniku projektowanym i dwóch na potokach w warunkach naturalnych. W sąsiedztwie stacji hydrologicznych zaplanowano stacje opadowe. Wybór sprzętu hydrologicznego i warunki instalacji stacji były trudne ze względu na krótkie czasy koncentracji wezbrań, prędkości wody, które mogą przekraczać 6 m/s oraz transport grubego rumowiska rzecznego. Przewidziano limnigrafy i pluwiografy Stevens na karty magnetyczne. Zainstalowano prowizorycznie dwie stacje na zbiornikach w celu oceny zgromadzonych zasobów wodnych oraz szkolenia personelu. Dalsze prace przewidziano w kolejnych etapach projektu, ale ich losy nie są znane.
This article traces work in the FAO project on Rodrigues Island belonging to the Republic of Mauritius. The objective of the project was to assess the water resources of Rodrigues Island, which suffers from freshwater scarcity, and to organize the hydrological service that does not exist on the island. On the basis of hydrological data from Mauritius, it was possible to estimate the water resources on the island. Water inflows on this island are relatively high, but the cyclonic nature of the precipitation, high evaporation, and especially the very rapid surface runoff due to deforestation, are the cause of the freshwater shortage. In order to retain water, it is necessary to know its availability and distribution in space and time. The creation of a hydrological service was therefore planned in order to control precipitation, water level, flow rates and the volume of water stored. Five stations were planned. hydrological equipped with limnigraphs and pluviographs: of which three stations on water reserves and two on natural torrents. The choice of measurement equipment was problematic for the courses of water with very short concentration time, high flow rates exceeding 6 m/s and solid flow consisting of large rocks. Stevens Materials with Magnetic Cards have been proposed. Two temporary stations on the water reservoirs were set up to monitor the volumes of water stored and to form young hyroloquia, has this method. Continuing work was scheduled by the next phase of the project.
A detailed hydrologic analysis was performed using geographic information systems and field investigations for thirty residential quarters in the Franko district of the Lviv city, Ukraine. All investigated quarters are located at the territory of the Baltic Sea catchment of the Lviv city, and the surface runoff from this area flows to the Lviv wastewater treatment plant. The total area of the investigated sub-catchment is 348.5 ha, including 58.46 % of impervious covers, 41.17 % of green spaces and 0.37 % of water bodies. The share of total impervious surfaces for each of the 30 analyzed quarters varies from 0.329 to 0.929, and the effective imperviousness – from 0.222 to 0.917. The correlation between the total and effective imperviousness was described by the power law dependency pef=(ptot) n. Two approaches were used to describe the relationship between the total and the effective imperviousness: 1) using all 30 empirical results for each quarter; 2) using the average values of the imperviousness of the total subcatchment. The obtained values of the power law exponent for these two empirical approaches are n1=1.308 and n2=1.275, respectively or 7.2 % and 9.6 % less, respectively, comparing to the corresponding value n=1.41 in the Livingston’s & Veenhuis’ approximation, obtained for 14 different highly urbanized quarters of Denver city. On the other hand, the power law exponents are 3.9% and 1.3% higher, respectively, comparing to the corresponding value n=1.259 in the approximation for the 900 km2 semi-urban watershed in Marion County, Georgia, USA.
Ministerstwo Gospodarki Morskiej i Żeglugi Śródlądowej objęło całościowo zarządzanie gospodarką morską, gospodarką wodną, rybołówstwem i żeglugą śródlądową obszaru Polski od 5 grudnia 2015 roku. Ten układ jest bardzo korzystny dla rozwoju polskich obszarów morskich, a dla obszaru Dolnej Wisły jest to początek nowego spojrzenia na badania naukowe, które powinny nadążać za zachodzącymi zmianami. Na Politechnice Gdańskiej i Uniwersytecie Gdańskim powstały ostatnio monografie i publikacje podejmujące zagadnienia rozwoju gospodarczego w aspekcie jego oddziaływania na jakość wrażliwego środowiska nadmorskiego ujścia Wisły [Maciak, Niemirycz 2016; Szymkiewicz 2017; Wojewódzka-Król, Rolbiecki 2017; Niemirycz, Gromiec 2018]. Aktualnie planowane zmiany zagospodarowania Wisły, powrót do koncepcji kaskadowej zabudowy rzeki w dolnym jej biegu, wymagają rzetelnej wiedzy o strukturze odpływu (udziale odpływu powierzchniowego i podziemnego) i odpowiadającej jej jakości wód największej polskiej rzeki. Doniesienia literatury polskiej i światowej wskazują, że od struktury odpływu rzeki i jej sezonowych zmian zależy czasowa i przestrzenna zmienność odpływu zanieczyszczeń do morza [Niemirycz 2006; Bogdanowicz 2004; Best i in. 1997]. Artykuł przedstawia analizę dominujących form odpływu rzeki Wisły w przekroju przyujściowym, ich wielkość i zmienność w różnych pod względem wodności latach hydrologicznych wielolecia 1974–2015.
The Ministry of Maritime Economy and Inland Navigation covered the entire maritime governance, water, fisheries and inland navigation management in Poland since 5th of December 2015. This arrangement is very beneficial for the development of Polish sea areas, and for the Lower Vistula region it is the beginning of a new approach to scientific research that should keep up with the ongoing changes. At the Gdansk University of Technology and the University of Gdańsk, monographs and papers focused on economic development have been published in the aspect of its impact on the quality of the sensitive coastal environment of the Vistula estuary (Maciak and Niemirycz 2016, Szymkiewicz 2017, Wojewódzka-Król and Rolbiecki 2017, Niemirycz and Gromiec 2018). The currently planned changes in the development of the Vistula River, namely the return to the concept of developing locks in the downstream stretch of the river, require a reliable knowledge of the structure of discharge (relative contribution of surface and underground runoff) and water quality in Poland’s largest river. Reports published in Polish and global literature suggest that the structure of river discharge and its seasonal changes determine the temporal and spatial variability in the discharge of pollutants into the sea (Niemirycz 2006, Bogdanowicz 2004, Best i in. 1997). This paper discusses the dominant sources of discharge in the Vistula River near its mouth, providing the historical quantitative data and describing discharge variability in specific hydrological years and seasons of the multi-year period from 1974 to 2014 that differed in terms of the total amount of water resources.
The paper considers mountain rivers, which usually feature high dynamics of hydrological phenomena. The variability of the Sola river flows in the Polish Carpathians is presented based on water-gauge measurements from the hydrological long-period of 1956-2015. The flows for the upper section of the river, where no storage reservoirs are found, were analysed. A broad range of flows was shown – from 0.59 to 1250 m3/s at a mean flow of 15.5 m3/s. It was also shown that within a year, the flows grow in the spring (thaw freshets) and summer periods (rainwater freshets). Mainly the summer freshets are dangerous, consisting in a sudden rise of the flow due to rains. This is shown by the high values of maximum flows in June and July. In the case of mountain rivers, such as the Sola river, it is necessary to undertake the actions stabilising the flows, which on the one hand have flood-prevention importance, and on the other hand protect the water resources in long dry periods. The actions should be concentrated on the proper arrangement of the catchment area, slowing down the rainwater outflow. Appropriate land use is especially important (distribution of forests, of arable and developed areas) depending on the land elevation above the sea level and inclination, as well as creation of small storage facilities.
Surface runoff is a major problem in urban catchments; its generation is always related to the amount of effective rainfall dropped over the surface, however in urban catchments the process is considerably altered by the emergence of impervious areas. In this study the Soil Consevation Service – curve number (SCS-CN) and the Green–Ampt loss methods were used in rainfall-runoff modelling in the Zaafrania urban catchment which is located in Annaba city in the north east of Algeria. The two loss methods were carried out within Hydrologic Engineering Center – Hydrologic Modelling System (HEC-HMS), the choice of the appropriate method for simulating runoff hydrographs in the study area was made by comparing the simulated hydrographs versus observed data using visual inspection and statistical analysis. The results indicate that SCS-CN loss method fit better in the case of 100 years return period NSE (0.462) than in 10 years NSE (0.346) and the results of calibration of Green– Ampt loss method for the 100 years return period NSE (0.417) provide best fit than the case of 10 years NSE (0.381). Furthermore, the results of both return periods (10 and 100 years) of SCS-CN loss method provide best fit than the results of return periods (10 and 100 years) of Green–Ampt loss method. It could be concluded that SCS-CN method is preferred to the Green–Ampt method for event based rainfall-runoff modelling.
Spływ powierzchniowy jest głównym problemem w miejskich zlewniach. Spływ jest zawsze uzależniony od opadu, jednak w miejskich zlewniach proces ulega znaczącej modyfikacji z powodu obecności powierzchni nieprzepuszczalnych. W badaniach prezentowanych w niniejszej pracy zastosowano dwie metody – SCS-CN (ang. Soil Coservation Service – curve number) i Green–Ampt do modelowania relacji opad–odpływ w miejskiej zlewni Zaafrania na terenie miasta Annaba na północnym wschodzie Algierii. Obie metody realizowano w ramach modelu HEC-HMS. Odpowiednią metodę symulowania hydrogramu odpływu dobrano na podstawie wizualnej oceny i analizy statystycznej. Wyniki dowodzą, że metoda SCS-CN dawała lepsze dopasowanie w przypadku stuletniego okresu powtarzalności (NSE = 0,462) niż w przypadku okresu dziesięcioletniego (NSE = 0,346). Wyniki kalibracji metodą Green–Ampt zapewniały lepsze dopasowanie dla stuletniego niż dla dziesięcioletniego okresu powtarzalności (NSE odpowiednio 0,417 i 0,381). Ponadto wyniki metody SCS-CN dla obu okresów (10 i 100 lat) wykazywały lepsze dopasowanie niż wyniki uzyskane za pomocą metody Green– Ampt dla tych okresów. Można wnioskować, że metoda SCS-CN ma przewagę nad metodą Green–Ampt w modelowaniu relacji opad–odpływ w odniesieniu do poszczególnych zdarzeń.
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