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Seasonal variability is the complex non-linear response of the physical climate system. There are two types of natural variability: those external and internal to the climate system. In any given season, natural variability may cause the climate to be different than its long-term average. This study examines with the seasonal variation of the maximum temperatures during the summer season. In addition, the maximum temperatures in May become close to the characteristics of the summer season. The monthly data for maximum temperature of May, June and July were used from Iraqi Meteorological Organization and Seismology (IMOS) for 47 years from 1970 to 2017 for Baghdad city. This period was long enough to estimate the range of approaching maximum temperature (Tmax) May to summer. Results revealed a significant Tmax for Baghdad during the second period (1992–2017) and ?shown similar behavior of Tmax in May to June and July; on the contrary that first period (1970–1991). In second period, two phases have been found out, positive phase and negative phase. The positive phase were happened in 1995, 1999, and 2006, and the negative phase was four cases (1992, 2004, 2013, and 2016), while a few cases recorded in first period. The amplitudes of monthly variability had same distance of leaner correlation especially in 1999 and 2013 that represent coherent wave with summer seasons. The variance difference for Tmax between May and June approximately was 2°C for second study’s period, while exceed this range in first period. This variance change to 7.5°C when found difference between July and May.
Potentialities of ultrafast gas chromatography applied to periodical monitoring of odor nuisance originating from a municipal landfill have been examined. The results of investigation on classification of the atmospheric air samples collected in a vicinity of the landfill during winter and summer season have been presented. The investigation was performed using ultrafast gas chromatography of Fast/Flash GC type - HERACLES II by Alpha MOS. Data analysis employed principal component analysis (PCA) and linear discriminant function (LDA) supported with the cross-validation method. About 77% of the atmospheric air samples collected during winter season and ca. 87% of the samples collected during summer season were classified correctly. Based on a classification of the atmospheric air samples around the landfill, it can be observed that the biggest number of correctly classified samples originated from the directions characterized by odor nuisance. It was the NW direction during winter season and NE direction during summer season.
Bezpieczeństwo na drogach publicznych w Polsce stanowi bardzo poważny problem, szczególnie w aspekcie podjętych zobowiązań na forum unijnym, dlatego autorzy podjęli próbę analizy zjawiska w aspekcie kosztów wypadków w poszczególnych porach roku przedstawiając dane za poszczególne miesiące na przestrzeni ostatnich 10 lat wraz z określeniem tendencji na najbliższe trzy lata. Analizy dokonano w oparciu o dane statystyczne z wypadków drogowych zawartych w rocznikach statystycznych GUS, a także danych Komendy Głównej Policji (KGP) oraz ich kosztów. Analiza uwzględnia koszty wypadków w rozbiciu na: wypadki śmiertelne, wypadki z udziałem rannych oraz koszty wypadków i strat materialnych.
Safety on public roads in Poland is a very serious problem, therefore Poland made a commitment to European Union to decrease the problem in our country. This is the reason why the authors decided to analyze the costs of transport accidents in different seasons of the year on the basis of the data from the last ten years and to forecast the tendency for the future three years. The analysis is based on statistical data of transport accidents according to GUS (Central Statistical Office of Poland) and KGP (Polish Police Headquarters) and the costs of the accidents. The analysis takes into account fatal accidents, accidents with injures, costs of the accidents and material loss.
W artykule przedstawiono podsumowanie wyników badań dotyczących zmian temperatury gruntu w otoczeniu Stacji Polarnej UMK na Kaffioyrze (NW Spitsbergen) w sezonie letnim. Do analizy wzięto dane pomiarowe z 5 głębokości (1, 5, 10, 20 i 50 cm) z 3 różnych ekotopów (plaża, morena i tundra) wykonane w trakcie 17 dotychczasowych wypraw polarnych zorganizowanych przez Instytut Geografii UMK w różnych latach okresu 1975-2009. W celu uzyskania pełnej porównywalności wyników wybrano okres 21.07-31.08, dla którego dostępne są kompletne dane dla niemal wszystkich sezonów letnich analizowanych w artykule. Serie temperatury gruntu na wszystkich stanowiskach i poziomach są ze sobą bardzo silnie skorelowane. Wyraźnie największy wpływ na zmierzone wartości temperatury gruntu w całej badanej warstwie wywiera tempe-ratura powietrza (współczynniki korelacji wahają się od 0,6 do 0,86). Inne elementy meteorologiczne takie jak prędkość wiatru, zachmurzenie i usłonecznienie również w sposób istotny wpływają na temperaturę gruntu, ale głównie w warstwie 0-20 cm (współczynniki korelacji wahają się od 0,15 do 0,28). Istotny statystycznie, chociaż ilościowo bardzo niewielki, wpływ na temperaturę gruntu w warstwie do 20 cm ma także opad atmosferyczny.
In the present paper a comprehensive synthesis of ground temperature changes on the Kaffiřyra Plain (NW Spitsbergen) in the summer season (21st July to 31st August) from 1975 to 2009 is described. This has been done with two main aims in mind: i) to examine the influence of different ecotypes on ground temperature values in the layer 1-50 cm, and ii) to examine long-term changes of ground temperature. The highest values of long-term average ground temperature in the summer season have been observed between 20th and 25th July. After this period a gradual decrease in ground temperature is observed (Table 2, Fig. 3). One clear cold singularity can be distinguished here occurring at the end of July and start of August which is connected with a significant decrease in air temperature observed very often during this time. In the period 1978-2009 the warmest ground in the entire analysed layer was observed at the ‘Moraine’ site (6.2°C), and the coldest was at the ‘Tundra’ site (5.1°C) – Table 3, Fig. 4. However, in the shallowest layer (up to 1 cm) markedly the warmest site was the beach, while the coldest was at a depth of 50 cm (Fig. 4). The reason for the large decrease of temperature in this layer was that this was where the permafrost roof was at its shallowest. As a consequence of this temperature behaviour in the layer, the ‘Beach’ site shows the greatest lapse rate of ground temperature (-0.78°C/10 cm) (Table 4). In the warmest summer seasons a greater range of ground temperature in the daily cycle is observed than in the coldest ones, which is very clearly seen, in particular in the layer from surface up to 20 cm (Fig. 5). In the study period a significant increase in ground temperature in the layer 1-20 cm was observed starting in 1998, while at a depth of 50 cm this rise can be seen from 2005 onward (Fig. 6). Very high and statistically significant correlation have been found between series of daily ground temperature taken from all sites and all measurement depths (Table 5). Air temperature is a meteorological variable, which has the greatest influence on the values of ground temperature. Correlation coefficients between series of its daily values and series of average daily ground temperature in all analysed depths at the ‘Beach’ site oscillate from 0.6 to 0.86 (Table 6, Fig. 7). Important factors controlling values of ground temperature in the layer 0-20 cm are also wind velocity, cloudiness and sunshine duration (correlation coefficients oscillate between 0.15 and 0.28).
W opracowaniu przedstawiono zróżnicowanie warunków opadowych w rejonie Kaffioyry (NW Spitsbergen) w sezonie letnim na podstawie danych z lat 1980-2008. Zbadano wpływ cyrkulacji atmosferycznej i warunków lokalnych na opady atmosferyczne. Uzyskane wyniki porównano ze stacją Ny-Alesund.
Precipitation in the Arctic, including Spitsbergen, is very important for both the biosphere and for the mass balance of glaciers. Our knowledge about its values inside Arctic islands is limited because almost all meteorological stations are located on tundra below 200 m a.s.l. Therefore any information about precipitation conditions occurring on glaciated and non-glaciated areas lying in the inner parts of Spitsbergen is very valuable. In this paper we present results of precipitation measurements carried out in north-western Spitsbergen (the Kaffioyra region and the Ny Alesund station) in selected summer seasons during the period 1980-2008. Precipitation measurements in the Kaffioyra region have been done during Toruń Polar Expeditions in three stations (base station – Kaffioyra-Heggodden (KH) and two glacier stations located in the lower part (LW1) and upper part (LW2) (see Figure 1 and Table 1). Data for the Ny Alesund (NA) station were obtained from the Norwegian Meteorological Institute. In the KH and NA stations measurements were recorded every day, while in LW1 and LW2 they were generally taken every 1-2 days. Results of precipitation conditions are presented for a common period of observations, i. e. for 21st July-31st August. The influence of atmospheric circulation on precipitation was investigated using the catalogue of circulation types constructed by Niedźwiedź (2009). In the summer season precipitation is greater at the end of the study period, than at the beginning. Year-to-year variability of summer precipitation totals is very large. For example, in KH, the highest precipitation (122.5 mm) occurred in 1997, while the lowest (12.3 mm) was in 2007 (Table 2). Also, the frequency of daily precipitation (.0.1 mm) is significantly greater in most wet summer (61.9%) than in most dry summer (28.6%) (see Table 3). Daily precipitation of .10 mm is rare in the KH station and occurred in only 4 out of the 12 summer seasons. It is well known that precipitation is greater in the inner parts of Spitsbergen than in tundra areas. Less is known, however, about the magnitudes of these differences. For the Kaffioyra region precipi-tation observations are available for 9 summer seasons (Tables 5 and 6). From these Tables and Figure 2 it is clear that precipitation on glaciers is almost always greater than in tundra. On average, summer precipitation totals are greater in LW1 and LW2 than in KH by 21.5 and 35.1 mm, respectively. The greatest differences occurred in 1980, while the lowest were in 2007, when even in LW1 precipitation was lower than in KH (Table 5, Figure 3). Lapse rates of precipitation in the Kaffioyra region are greatest between tundra and glaciated areas (oscillating between 13.2mm/100m and 18.5mm/100m between KH and LW2 and KH and LW1, respectively (Table 7)). On the other hand, this lapse rate between stations LW1 and LW2 is the lowest (only 10.7 mm/100 m). Correlation coefficients of 10-day precipitation totals between the meteorological stations in the Kaffioyra region are very high and exceed 0.9. The greatest precipitation in the Kaffioyra region occurred during the inflow of air masses from the southern sector (Table 8, Fig. 7).
Przedstawiono dwa sposoby analitycznej oceny ryzyka przegrzewania nasłonecznionych pomieszczeń w porze letniej przydatne przy racjonalizacji kompleksowej charakterystyki energetycznej budynku. Skonfrontowano prostą metodę postępowania, opartą na postanowieniach nowelizowanych warunków technicznych, jakim powinny odpowiadać budynki i ich usytuowanie, z własną propozycją algorytmu, który posłużył do napisania programu komputerowego wspomagającego w omawianym zakresie projektowanie architektoniczno-budowlane.
Two analytical methods to assess the risk of overheating are presented. The overheating concerns the premises exposed to solar radiation during summer season. The methods are useful for rationalization of the energy characteristics of a building. The simple method, based on the revised technical specifications for buildings and their location, has been confronted with the authors own algorithm proposal. The algorithm was a basis for a computer program useful in designing process of the building architecture.
The PM2.5/PM 10 ratio expresses the anthropogenic share in atmospheric dust. Very high values of this ratio, i.e. high contribution of PM2.5 to PM 10, have occurred recently in atmospheric air within Europcan industrialized areas. The paper compiles results of three year pair wise measuring of concentrations of PM2.5 and PM2.5-10 and compares shares of PM2.5 in P'M 10 al three urban background sites in Upper Silesia Poland downs of Zabrze, Katowice and Częstochowa). At all the three locations, the PM2.5/PMI0 ratio of daily concentrations of dust only occasionally differed considerably from the PM2.5/PM10 ratios for the seasonal and yearly concentrations that, in turn, did not differ from the PM2.5/PMI0 ratios at urban sites in Europe.
Stosunek PM2.5/PMI0 jest wskaźnikiem udziału pyłu pochodzenia antropogenicznego w zanieczyszczonym pyłem powietrzu na danym obszarze. Przeprowadzone w ostatnich lalach badania w terenach silnie zurbanizowanych pokazują bardzo wysoki udział PM2,5 w I'M 10. Celem pracy jest zestawienie otrzymanych na przestrzeni trzech lat wyników jednoczesnych pomiarów PM2.5 i PM2.5-10 i porównanie udziałów PM2.5 w PM10 w trzech różnych punktach charakterystycznych dla tła miejskiego na Górnym Śląsku (Zabrze, Katowice, Częstochowa). Wyniki pomiarów prowadzonych w Częstochowie, Zabrzu i Katowicach są reprezentatywne dla obszarów tła miejskiego aglomeracji. W okresie badań stosunek PM2.5/PM1O w badanych miejscach niekiedy przyjmował pojedyncze wartości znacznie odbiegające od średnich, generalnie jednak wartości średnie nie odbiegają od średniego notowanego stosunku tych frakcji w aglomeracjach miejskich Europy.
From January 2006 on, a continuous experiment consisting in determinations of granulomctric composition of the airborne dust has been performed in the Institute of Environmental Engineering of PAS, Zabrze. The investigations include measurements of concentrations of PM1 - the suspended in ambient air particles of the aerodynamic diameter not grater than 1 um -by using the PM10 Dckati impactor. The results of twelve month measurements (January - December 2006) arc presented in the paper: the granulomctric composition of total suspended dust (PM10, PM2.5, PM1) in winter and summer at an urban background site in the Silcsian Agglomeration. Monthly and seasonal average concentrations of PM10, PM2.5 and PM1 were computed.
W Instytucie Podstaw Inżynierii Środowiska PAN od stycznia 2006 r. prowadzone są pomiary rozkładu ziarnowego pyłu zawieszonego, w tym mierzone są stężenia frakcji < 1 um(PMl) zużyciem impaktora PM10 firmy Dekati. W pracy przedstawiono otrzymane w 2006 r. wyniki - skład frakcyjny całkowitego pyłu zawieszonego z uwzględnieniem częstości występowania poszczególnych przedziałów stężeń PM1 w sezonie letnim i zimowym w punkcie "tła miejskiego" w Aglomeracji Górnośląskiej w Zabrzu. Przedstawiono obliczone średnic miesięczne i sezonowe TSP oraz stężeń frakcji PM10, PM2,5 i PM1. Określono udział frakcji grubej, drobnej i PM1 w pyle zawieszonym.
W artykule przedstawiono porównanie warunków meteorologicznych w sezonie letnim 2005 r. na podstawie danych zebranych w trakcie trwania polskich wypraw polarnych do Hornsundu, Calypsobyen, doliny Ebby i Kaffiöyry. Dodatkowo, aby szczegółowiej poznać ich zróżnicowanie na zachodnim wybrzeżu Spitsbergenu skorzystano z dostępnych danych dla 2 norweskich stacji: Ny Alesund i Svalbard Lufthavn. Ze względu na różny czas pracy polskich ekspedycji polarnych do porównania warunków meteorologicznych wybrano wspólny okres 21.07-31.08. Stwierdzono, iż zróżnicowanie przestrzenne większości badanych elementów meteorologicznych na zachodnim wybrzeżu Spitsbergenu latem 2005 r. było znaczące. Na kształtowanie warunków meteorologicznych na badanym obszarze, a więc i na ich zróżnicowanie przestrzenne, w pełni sezonu letniego większy wpływ wywiera stopień kontynentalizmu klimatu niż szerokość geograficzna. Jednak wraz ze zbliżaniem się końca lata polarnego rola wspomnianych czynników się odwraca.
The paper presents the data concerning the spatial diversification of meteorological conditions occurring on the western coast of Spitsbergen during the summer season of 2005. For the analysis daily data have been used from four Polish stations (Kaffiöyra - KH, Ebby valley - EBB, Calypsobyen - CAL and Hornsund - HOR) and two Norwegian stations (Ny Ĺlesund - NYA, Svalbard Lufthavn - SVA), mainly for the common period of observation (from 21st July to 31st August) (Fig. 1). The Hornsund station was used as a reference station. Differences have been computer for all the analysed meteo-rological variables between stations for every 24-hour period, ten- / eleven-day period, and for the common period of observations as a whole (the meterological variables analysed include air pressure (AP), wind speed (v), cloudiness (C), sunshine duration (SS), maximum daily temperature (Tmax), mean daily temperature (Ti), minimum daily temperature (Tmin), relative humidity (f), and atmospheric precipitation (P)) (Table 1, Fig. 2, Fig. 5). All results proved that the spatial diversification of almost all analysed variables is significant. It is very evident that in the summer the degree of climate continentality has a greater influence on this diversification than the geographical latitude. Local topography plays also important role in the diversification of meteorological variables on the western coast of Spitsbergen. A good example of this influence is presented in Figure 4, showing different kinds of wind roses. It can be seen that winds from different directions dominate in each station. Mean daily courses of some selected meteorological variables (Fig. 3) also show that spatial diversification is varied throughout the day. For example, greater differences are noted during "night" hours for atmospheric pressure and wind speed, while an opposite relation exists for air temperature and relative humidity. Extreme values of analysed meteorological variables during the common period of observation (from 21st July to 31st August 2005) are shown in Table 2. The highest temperature (13.1°C) occurred in Svalbard Lufthavn located in the most continental part of Spitsbergen, while the lowest (0.5°C) was in the Hornsund region, where cyclones bringing thick clouds are very common. Day-to-day variabilities of the majority of the analysed meteorological variables on the west coast of Spitsbergen are quite large (Table 3).
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