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Computer processing of geological data is widely used to process geological information. Therefore, an assessment of the structures as potential reservoir traps for oil and gas was carried out on the basis of quantitative parameter analysis. This approach made it possible to reasonably confirm certain regularities. To identify these regularities in the relationships between the numerical parameters of complex structures, computer geological and statistical modeling of the studied objects of the Boryslav-Pokuttya zone was carried out using correlation and cluster analysis. In general, correlation analysis allows analyzing the set of determined values and is aimed at identifying and studying the systems that form some values included in this set. Classification of any objects by meaningful groups is carried out by the method of cluster analysis. To model the processes that formed local structures and to determine the patterns of their spread, a large volume of quantitative indicators was processed. On the basis of quantitative indicators, it was possible to evaluate the results of studies of the tectonic stresses and deformations distribution, which will contribute to more reliable determination of reservoir potential for oil and gas. In turn, this will significantly increase the geological effectiveness of oil and gas exploration in the Boryslav-Pokuttya area. The contemporary form of structures and their spatial arrangement result from the long-termimpact of tectonic forces over geological time. Different manifestations of tectonic activity in successive geological epochs leads to specific changes in the structural plan of geological formations, influencing the potential oil and gas content within them (formation, unforming, and reforming of traps and, accordingly, hydrocarbon reservoirs). The structures of the Boryslav-Pokuttya zone have undergone a complex and lengthy formation process: from the formation of flysch folds to very complex structural forms. This complexity is contributed to the influence of the magnitude and nature of the tectonic forces. The morphological diversity of the structures, can be described by numerical parameters, which can be used as a basis for classifying these structures in the Boryslav-Pokuttya zone.
Komputerowe przetwarzanie danych geologicznych jest szeroko stosowane do przetwarzania informacji geologicznej. W związku z tym przeprowadzona została ocena struktur, jako potencjalnych pułapek złożowych dla ropy i gazu, na podstawie analizy parametrów ilościowych. Takie podejście pozwoliło racjonalnie potwierdzić pewne prawidłowości. W celu identyfikacji tych prawidłowości w relacjach pomiędzy parametrami numerycznymi złożonych struktur, przeprowadzono komputerowe modelowanie geologiczne i statystyczne badanych obiektów strefy borysławsko-pokuckiej, z wykorzystaniem analizy korelacji zmiennych oraz analizy skupień. Zasadniczo analiza korelacji zmiennych pozwala analizować zbiór określonych wartości i ma na celu identyfikację i badanie zespołów, które tworzą pewne wartości zawarte w tym zbiorze. Natomiast klasyfikacja dowolnych obiektów za pomocą istotnych grup jest przeprowadzana metodą analizy skupień. Celem modelowania procesów, które utworzyły lokalne struktury i określenia wzorców ich występowania, przetworzono dużą liczbę wskaźników ilościowych. Na podstawie wskaźników ilościowych możliwa jest ocena wyników badań rozkładu naprężeń i deformacji tektonicznych, co przyczyni się do bardziej wiarygodnego określenia potencjału złożowego dla ropy i gazu. To z kolei powinno pozwolić na znaczne zwiększenie efektywności geologicznej poszukiwań ropy i gazu w obszarze jednostki borysławsko-pokuckiej. Współczesna forma struktur i ich układ przestrzenny wynikają z długotrwałego oddziaływania sił tektonicznych w czasie geologicznym. Różnego typu przejawy aktywności tektonicznej w poszczególnych epokach geologicznych prowadzą do określonych zmian w planie strukturalnym formacji geologicznych, a tym samym wpływają na potencjalną zawartość w ich obrębie ropy i gazu (formowanie, deformacja i ponowne formowanie pułapek, a tym samym złóż). Struktury w strefie borysławsko-pokuckiej przeszły złożony i długotrwały proces formowania: od formowania fałdów fliszowych do bardzo złożonych form strukturalnych, co jest wynikiem oddziaływania sił tektonicznych o zróżnicowanym charakterze i wielkości. Odmiany morfologiczne struktur można opisać za pomocą parametrów liczbowych, które mogą posłużyć jako podstawa do klasyfikacji tych struktur w strefie borysławsko-pokuckiej.
The design of suitable thermophysical properties of reinforced ice as well as employing the novel material in feasible ways represent key aspects towards alternative building sustainability. In this overview research studies dealing with reinforced ice structures have been presented with an emphasis on construction parameters and reinforcement materials of the structures. The main focus of the study is directed to the identification of the main issues related to the construction of reinforced ice structures as well as the environmental and economic impact of such structures. Obtained research data shows that the compressive, tensile, and bending strength of reinforced ice can be increased up to 6 times compared to plain ice. The application of reinforcement materials decreases creep rate, enhances ductility, and reduces brittle behaviour of ice. Assessed reinforced ice structures were mainly found to be environmentally friendly and economically viable. However, in most of the analysed studies construction parameters and physical properties were not defined precisely. The conducted overview indicates the necessity for more comprehensive and more accurate data regarding reinforced ice construction, applied methods, and processes, and preparation of ice composites in general.
W artykule poruszono zagadnienie posadawiania obiektów inżynierskich i realizacji konstrukcji oporowych przy użyciu technologii CDMM Trenchmixing, realizującej metodę wgłębnego mieszania gruntu ze spoiwami na mokro. Technologia ta posiada ogromne możliwości zastosowania w nowoczesnym projektowaniu geotechnicznym i realizacji zarówno standardowych, jak i nietypowych konstrukcji budowlanych.
The article discusses the issue of the foundation of engineering structures and the completion of retaining structures using the CDMM Trenchmixing technology, which implements the method of deep mixing of soil with wet binders. The technology offers enormous possibilities of application in modern geotechnical design and the implementation of both standard and atypical building structures.
Artykuł przedstawia kładki nagrodzone w konkursie Footbridge Awards 2022, który odbył się w trakcie konferencji Footbridge w Madrycie. Przedstawiono zamysł konkursu i krótkie charakterystyki nagrodzonych obiektów.
The article presents the footbridges awarded in the Footbridge Awards 2022 competition during the Footbridge conference in Madrid. The idea of the contest and the characteristics of the awarded structures are briefly presented.
Ways of energy saving in buildings, namely compliance with the regulatory framework of European standards, possibilities to reduce heat losses during energy transportation through pipelines on the example of heating systems and reducing heat losses during the operation of buildings and structures are studied in the article. It was found that, despite the regular updates of the State Construction Norms of Ukraine, the coefficient of thermal conductivity of insulation materials is not brought into line with generally accepted European standards. The second part of the article presents the results of analytical studies of various thermal insulation materials that are widely used in the territory of Ukraine. After comparing the results, we concluded that the most common at this stage of development of insulation materials will not fully satisfy all the requirements, which must meet all the materials for insulation of structures. The use of some materials is impossible of thermal insulation of structures and pipelines with complex configuration. The solution of energy efficiency along with increasing soundproofing properties, reducing the fire hazard, reducing the load on the bearing structures of buildings and structures is possible through the use of aerogel as a thermal insulation material. The material is characterized by low dependence of the thermal conductivity coefficient on changes in ambient temperature, which makes it the best option for use in harsh operating conditions. After analytical studies of various insulating materials, it was found that aerogel in roll in addition to low coefficient of heat transfer is characterized by better operating properties, namely, non-combustibility of the material, environmental safety, light weight, which reduces the burden on the structure, ease of installation, the possibility of using the structures with high rate of sound insulation.
The paper discusses issues related to the static behavior of masonry pillars with geometric imperfections on the basis of numerical analyses, which were carried out. The main types of deformation and damage of historical masonry structures are described along with the impact of such deformations on the load-bearing capacity of a structure, as well as on the failure mode of the main load-bearing members. The authors underline the necessity of including geometric imperfections in the analysis of historical masonry pillars, with a special emphasis on flexural, torsional and flexure-torsional imperfections. The homogenized and isotropic continuum model was used for numerical testing. Physical nonlinearity of masonry members was obtained using the smeared cracking model. Cracking modes linked to particular types of geometric nonlinearity were also described as they could prove useful in selecting appropriate methods for strengthening historical masonry pillars with geometric imperfections.
W artykule, na podstawie przeprowadzonych analiz numerycznych, omówiono zagadnienia związane z pracą statyczną filarów murowych z imperfekcjami geometrycznymi. Opisano uszkodzenia filarów oraz podstawowe typy deformacji, które występują w historycznych konstrukcjach murowych, a następnie zwrócono uwagę na znaczący wpływ tych odkształceń na nośność i mechanizm zniszczenia głównych elementów nośnych. Podkreślono konieczność uwzględniania imperfekcji geometrycznych w analizie historycznych filarów murowych, zwłaszcza deformacji giętnych, skrętnych oraz giętno-skrętnych. Do przeprowadzonych doświadczeń numerycznych wykorzystano zhomogenizowany i izotropowy model ośrodka ciągłego, a nieliniowość fizyczną muru uzyskano przy użyciu modelu rys rozmytych. Przedstawiono także obrazy zarysowań towarzyszące poszczególnym typom nieliniowości geometrycznych, które mogą być przydatne przy doborze metody wzmacniania historycznych filarów murowych z imperfekcjami geometrycznymi.
This article analyzes the planning features of small school spaces in different regions of Ukraine between the XIX - XX centuries. The main constructive decisions of typical residential architecture which manifested itself in school construction are identified. On the example of Ukraine, we trace a large number of stylistic and planning borrowings from typical residential architecture of the folk artists and architects from different regions, which manifested itself in rural school construction.
Zapobieganie powstawaniu ognisk korozji w zbrojeniu konstrukcji żelbetowych jest jednym z głównych czynników, które pozwalają na długą i niezawodną ich eksploatację. W artykule przedstawiono mechanizm działania protektorów cynkowych na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań in situ. Przedstawione badania wskazują, że ochrona katodowa z wykorzystaniem polskich protektorów cynkowych TOP ZINC wykazuje bardzo sprawne działanie.
The prevention of corrosion in the reinforcement of concrete structures is one of the main factors that enable their long and reliable operation. The article presents the mechanism of action of zinc protectors, based on in situ tests. The presented studies demonstrate that cathodic protection with the use of the Polish TOP ZINC zinc protectors is very efficient.
Geometrical structures, relative stabilities and electronic properties of neutral, cationic and anionic pure gold Auλn+1 and Ag-doped bimetallic AgAuλn(λ=0,±1;n=1−12) clusters have been systematically investigated by using density functional theory methodology. The optimized structures show that planar to three-dimensional structural transition occurs at n = 5 for cationic clusters. Due to strong relativistic effect of Au clusters, the ground state configurations of neutral and anionic bimetallic clusters favor planar geometry till n = 12. Silver atoms tend to occupy the most highly coordinated position and form the maximum number of bonds with Au atoms. The computed HOMO-LUMO energy gaps, fragmentation energies and second-order difference of energies show interesting odd-even oscillation behavior. The result indicates that AgAu5, AgAu+2−2 are the most stable clusters in this molecular system. The DFT based descriptors of bimetallic clusters are also discussed and compared with pure gold clusters. The high value of correlation coefficient between HOMO-LUMO energy gaps and DFT based descriptors supports our analysis. A good agreement between experimental and theoretical data has been obtained in this study.
Przebudowa szybu Paderewski jest projektem niecodziennym. Konstrukcja musiała zostać dostosowana do specyficznych warunków otoczenia. Typowe rozwiązania często nie miały zastosowania i konieczne było szukanie nowych rozwiązań oraz łączenie kompetencji branży górniczej i budowlanej.
The reconstruction of the Paderewski shaft is an unusual project. The structure had to be adjusted to the specific conditions of the environment. Typical solutions were often not applicable and therefore it was necessary to seek new solutions and combine the competences of the mining and construction industries.
Content available remote Mosty u zbiegu Wisły i Narwi
W dobie pandemii autor przedstawia kilka reminiscencji, ze spływu kajakowego środkowym odcinkiem rzeki Wisły, dotyczących istniejących mostów u zbiegu Wisły i Narwi. W dużym skrócie autor przypomniał układ konstrukcyjny i historyczne losy tych mostów, a mianowicie: mostu przez Wisłę im. Józefa Piłsudskiego; mostu przez Narew im. Feliksa Pancera; nowego mostu kolejowego przez Narew; mostu przez Wisłę im. Obrońców Modlina 1939 roku oraz nowego mostu przez Wisłę w Wyszogrodzie. Dodatkowym walorem estetycznym omawianych obiektów mostowych jest ich lokalizacja w obszarze Natura 2000.
In the era of a pandemic, the autho r presents several reminiscences, from a canoeing trip along the middle section of the Vistula River, concerning the existing bridges at the confluence of the Vistula and Narew. In a nutshell, the author recalled the structural layout and historical fate of these bridges, namely: bridge over the Vistula River named after Józef Piłsudski, bridge over the Narew River named after Feliks Pancer, a new railway bridge over the Narew River, bridge over the Vistula River named after the Defenders of Modlin 1939 and a new bridge over the Vistula River in Wyszogród. An additional aesthetic value of the discussed bridge objects is their location in the Nature 2000 area.
The attractive characteristics of polyester-glass composites have led to their use in many industries, but using them as structural elements requires knowing their mechanical properties. This paper presents processing methods of polyester and glass scrap and their use in the production of new composites. This scrap, called the recyclate, was pre-crushed, ground, and then passed through sieves to obtain the desired fractions. Composite materials with added recyclate were made by hand lamination. Composites were made and then used to conduct appropriate tests to determine the degree of cure of the resin, and to determine the effect of the polyester-glass recyclate content on the hardness of composites. For this purpose, rectangular panels with a thickness of g = 8 mm were produced by manual lamination. Each plate contained 0% glass mat, 10% resin, and 20% recyclate with granulation ≤ 1.2 mm and ≤ 3 mm. Then, test samples were formed from each plate. Hardness measurements were performed using the ball-pressing method. In addition, structural studies were carried out to determine the correlation between the structural and mechanical properties of the discussed materials. The obtained test results showed that the recyclate content and its granulation clearly affected the mechanical properties of the tested composite materials.
Content available Structure relocation
Civil engineering is constantly changing and introducing new technologies of building, demolishing, restructuring, modernisation, etc. The article presents the innovative subject of relocation of structures, i.e. moving them to a different place. The difficulty of relocation is influenced by the technical condition of the structure, its weight, and intended time duration of the relocation. The article shows how complex discussed issue is. The subject was selected due to its infinitesimal presence in the literature.
The mechanical discrete or continuum structures are actually of great importance in the application field of contemporary modern industry. However, during their life time these structures are often subjected to considerable external stresses or to high amplitudes of vibrations which can cause them large deformations and internal stresses which can cause them internal cracking or even their total destruction. In order to avoid these types of problems, the concept of static and dynamic analysis of these structures is recommended, and due to the complexity of their shape and size, the finite element method is the most used. The latter is currently recognized as a very powerful technique for the static and dynamic analysis of discrete or continuous structures of complicated form applied in the field of mechanics, aeronautics, civil engineering, maritime or robotics. Consequently, the calculation and dimensioning of these mechanical systems by the finite element method plays an important role at the service of the industry for possible sizing and prediction of their lifetime. Our work consists of static and dynamic analysis of two-dimensional discrete and continuous mechanical systems using the finite element method based on the main elements of bars, beams and plates, under the effect of external excitations with different boundary conditions. The discrete structures considered are two-dimensional in metallic framework interconnected to the nodes by welding, riveting or bolted under various boundary conditions. Their elements are modeled comparatively by bar elements and beam elements, while for continuous structures the elements are rectangular thin plates with different boundary conditions. The excitation forces are based on periodic, random or impulsive forces and a numerical solution by development of a program to describe the behavior of these structures is realized. The mass and stiffness matrices of all the structures are determined respectively by assembling the bars, beam and plate elements based on the kinetic and deformation energy for each element. The displacements, the node reactions and the axial forces in all the elements as well as the transverse stresses and the eigenvalues of the structures under different boundary conditions were also calculated and good results were obtained compared to those obtained using other software already existing. In fact, analysis using the finite element method will allow the proper dimensioning and design of complex industrial mechanical structures according to different boundary conditions, their internal loading and their vibratory level.
W referacie przedstawiono rozwój metod nieniszczących na podstawie: • prac naukowo – badawczych w PAN, wyższych uczelniach oraz instytutach naukowo – badawczych; • konferencji naukowo – technicznych; • publikacji w postaci monografii, artykułów i referatów; • kursów i studiów podyplomowych. Przedstawiono także uczelnie, ośrodki naukowo – badawcze i profesorów mających znaczący wpływ na rozwój badań nieniszczących w polskim budownictwie. Podano również przegląd oraz podział metod i technik nieniszczących stosowanych obecnie w budownictwie do ocen konstrukcji żelbetowych, stalowych, drewnianych, murowych i z tworzyw sztucznych.
The paper presents the development of nondestructive methods based on: scientific and research works at • the Polish Academy of Sciences, universities and research institutes; • scientific and technical conferences; • publications in the form of monographs, articles and lectures; • courses and post-graduate studies. Also presented are universities, research centers and professors having a significant influence on the development of nondestructive testing in Polish construction. A review and division of nondestructive methods and techniques currently used in construction to the appraisal of reinforced concrete, steel, wooden, masonry and plastic structures is also provided.
This work indicates that new and innovative materials used in the construction of floating and stationary marine structures can contribute to increased operational safety in addition to reduced service costs and frequency and other reduced operating costs, including the costs of staff and running maintenance. Such materials include metal-ceramic composites whose properties, such as high resistance to abrasive wear, favourable coefficient of friction, good thermal conductivity and low thermal expansion, allow them to be used in tribological pairs in mechanisms, control elements and actuators of various devices operating in marine power plants, thereby increasing their operational reliability. Properties of metal-ceramic composite foams, i.e. vibration and noise damping, good thermal insulation performance, dissipation of electromagnetic waves and absorption of explosive energy, make them ideal for use in shipbuilding and construction of drilling towers, at the same time increasing the levels of comfort during operation. Composite metal-ceramic foams can significantly reduce the effects of fires as they are durable, water-resistant and creep resistant thermal insulators which can limit the destruction (deformation) of steel structures. This paper presents proposals for the application of these materials to selected technical solutions in offshore structures.
The intensive development of studies on the crystalline basement of the Polish part of the East European Platform started only in the mid-1950s. These studies were based on geophysical research that preceded planned deep drilling projects. Twenty-five drill holes were located along four sections called: Białowieża, Kruszyniany, Sokółka and Krasnopol. The aim of this article is to re-evaluate drilling materials in the light of a variety of data, mainly structural data obtained from 20 boreholes from the first three "drilling sections”. All these sections were located on the Belarus-Lithuanian Elevation where the crystalline basement occurs at the shallowest depths. Special attention was paid to the recognition of ductile shear zones, SM foliation, LM mineral lineation and kinematic indicators. The results of the studies made it possible to identify the direction of tectonic transport, mainly with the top-to-SW, S and W, and deformation regimes in the boreholes of the Podlasie Belt. The main deformations have been related to a compressional regime in the amphibolite and granulite facies of regional metamorphism during the Svecofennian orogeny. It is suggested for the future to combine the research efforts of specialists from different fields of geological sciences. However, due to the scarcity of core material from old drillings, the most important are new deep boreholes that will provide a lot of drilling material to explain the geological structure and the evolution of the Proterozoic basement of NE Poland.
An approximate method for determination of dynamic characteristics of structures with viscoelastic dampers is proposed in this paper. A fractional derivative is used to describe the dynamic behaviour of viscoelastic dampers. The method is based on a continuous dependency of the sensitivity of eigenvalue on a certain artificially introduced parameter which scaled up the influence of the damping term in the eigenvalue problem. Some results of a representative calculation are also presented and briefly discussed.
Content available remote Modułowe struktury organizacyjne w SZ RP
W artykule przedstawiono wpływ struktur na możliwości działań SZ w operacjach na terenie Rzeczypospolitej oraz w realizacji działań poza jej granicami. Zamiarem autora jest wskazanie, że modułowe struktury organizacyjne Wojska Polskiego będą miały wpływ na planowanie i realizację wyznaczonych zadań.
The article presents the impact of structures on the possibilities of activities of the Armed Forces in operations on Polish territory and the implementation of activities outside its borders. The intent is to indicate that modular organizational structures of the Polish Army would have an impact on the planning and implementation of assigned tasks.
The paper presents tectonic considerations on the geology of the Orlica-Śnieżnik Dome (OSD), based on the published geotectonic, structural and kinematic data and reports on the OSD geotectonic setting, relating to the evolution of the Variscan collisional belt. Further progress has been done in the recognition of the structure and evolution of the OSD, and for many decades the dominant structural geology has been replaced with multithreading researches. However, the current tectonic interpretations are matched against pre-established schemas of structural evolution of the OSD. The OSD is most likely a fragment of the Moldanubian Terrane with the Variscan collisional sutures. The dextral transpression in a general shear regime and with the participation of strain partitioning has formed a thrust sheet package with the dominant tectonic transport top-to-the NNE, N and NW, with the exception of the NE part of the OSD. The development of regional-scale ductile shear zones in the OSD took place during the progressive tectono-metamorphic evolution from about 360 to 335 Ma. These processes resulted from the highly oblique collision of the Moldanubian Terrane (with the OSD) with the Brunovistulicum on the east and the Tepla-Barrandian Terrane on the W, and with a frontal collision with the Central Sudetic Terrane on the N.
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