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Significant changes in the stress-strain state cause a change in the soil profile of the massif, which is affected by various physical and chemical factors. In particular, groundwater filtration, mass transfer, heat transfer, dissolution and leaching of soil masses. This can lead to various types of accidents. Therefore, the study of the stress-strain state of the soil massif is an important topic. Nonlinear dependences in the form of polynomials of the modulus of deformation and Lame coefficients on the concentration of salt solutions and their temperature have been received in this research based on experimental research and their statistical processing. This allowed improving the mathematical model of the stress-strain state of the soil taking into account the nonlinear deformation processes occurring in the soil masses under the presence and filtration of saline solutions in non-isothermal conditions.
Znaczące zmiany stanu naprężeniowo-odkształceniowego powodują zmianę profilu glebowego masywu, na który wpływają różne czynniki fizyczne i chemiczne. W szczególności filtracja wód gruntowych, przenikanie masy, przenoszenie ciepła, rozpuszczanie i wymywanie mas glebowych. Może to prowadzić do różnego rodzaju wypadków. Dlatego ważnym tematem jest badanie stanu naprężeniowo-odkształceniowego masywu glebowego. W niniejszych badaniach otrzymano nieliniowe zależności w postaci wielomianów modułu odkształcenia i współczynników Lame’a od stężenia roztworów soli i ich temperatury w oparciu o badania eksperymentalne i ich obróbkę statystyczną. Pozwoliło to na udoskonalenie modelu matematycznego stanu naprężeniowo-odkształceniowego gruntu uwzględniającego nieliniowe procesy odkształceń zachodzących w masach gruntu pod wpływem obecności i filtracji roztworów soli w warunkach nieizotermicznych.
The paper presents the results of many years of experience in studying the efficiency of sealing units in the conditions of their operation in the oil and gas production system, as well as the influence of technological parameters that ensure normal operation and protect them from failure due to leakage through the working surface of the seals in the friction zone. In addition, according to the results of practical studies, it has been established that, in order to improve the elastic properties, for example, of cup springs of a direct-flow valve, we calculated heat treatment of the operational values of spring compression for various material thicknesses. The work of the elastic elements of the packer was improved mainly by the design, and the optimal parameters for the development of the elastic element of the packer were determined. The study of the stress-strain state of the sealing element of packers during setting and improving its performance is of both practical and scientific interest. One of the factors that significantly affect operation of pumps is the fluid leakage in valve assemblies in order to identify the effect of the above parameters on tightness based on a preliminary theoretical analysis. Comparison of data during the study showed that the flow rate of work with low viscosities is greater than with high viscosities. The technological processes of hardening the parts of the shut-off assembly of X-mas tree valves, to increase their reliability, are considered. The dependence of the compression force of the spring and its deformation because of geometric parameters of the disk springs has been determined; it has been found that the residual deformation of the disk spring after collapse has a negative effect on tightness. Calculations show that the amount of leakage of the elastic elements in the sealing assembly should not exceed ≤0.309, since the seal at the value of elastic energy deformation provides a self-compacting mode. Thus, the degree of uneven pressing of the seat to the surface of the gate and its regulation to prevent leakage is practically determined.
Artykuł przedstawia wyniki wieloletnich doświadczeń w badaniu skuteczności zespołów uszczelniających, w warunkach ich pracy w systemie wydobywczym ropy i gazu, jak również wpływ parametrów technologicznych zapewniających ich normalną eksploatację i zabezpieczających je przed awarią spowodowaną wyciekiem przez powierzchnię roboczą uszczelnienia w strefie tarcia. Ponadto, zgodnie z wynikami badań o charakterze praktycznym, ustalono, że aby poprawić właściwości sprężyste, np. sprężyn talerzowych zaworu bezpośredniego przepływu, obliczono obróbkę cieplną wartości eksploatacyjnych ściśnięcia sprężyny dla różnych grubości materiału. Praca elementów sprężystych uszczelniacza została poprawiona głównie dzięki projektowi oraz ustalono optymalne parametry dla budowy elementu sprężystego uszczelniacza. Badania stanu naprężenie-odkształcenie elementu uszczelniającego uszczelniacza w czasie posadowienia oraz poprawa jego działania są interesujące zarówno ze względów praktycznych, jak i naukowych. Jednym z czynników znacząco wpływających na pracę pomp jest wyciek płynu w zespołach zaworów, co pozwoliło na określenie wpływu powyższych parametrów na szczelność w oparciu o wstępną analizę teoretyczną. Porównanie danych w czasie badania wykazało, że prędkość przepływu pracy z niskimi lepkościami jest większa niż z wysokimi lepkościami. Rozważane są procesy technologiczne utwardzania części zespołu odcinającego zaworów choinkowych w celu zwiększenia ich niezawodności. Ustalono zależność siły ściskania sprężyny i jej odkształcenia ze względu na parametry geometryczne sprężyn talerzowych; stwierdzono, że odkształcenie resztkowe sprężyny talerzowej po zgnieceniu ma negatywny wpływ na szczelność. Obliczenia wykazują, że wielkość wycieku elementów sprężystych w zespole uszczelniającym nie powinna przekraczać ≤0,309, gdyż uszczelnienie przy wartości odkształcenia energii sprężystej zapewnia tryb samoczynnego zagęszczania. Tak więc stopień nierównomiernego dociśnięcia gniazda do powierzchni zasuwy i jego regulacja w celu przeciwdziałania wyciekowi został praktycznie określony.
This paper describes the study of ventilated car disc brakes stress-strain conditions and friction under the pressure using the ANSYS environment. Such influencing factors are taken into account in the course of research as angular speed value, the pressure of the pads on the disk, the nature of the load application, convection, thermal expansion, etc. Computer modelling of the stress field and the transient thermal field in the area of contact between the pads and the disk is provided by the method of sequential thermostructural communication of the intermediate states of the brake model directly in the ANSYS Coupled Field Transient environment. Besides, the ANSYS calculations were also performed based on the primitive assembly model of two steel blocks (the discrepancy was less than 3%) to determine the identity of the theoretical knowledge about the heating of bodies as a result of the work to overcome frictional forces. Finally, a high level of calculation results convergence by analytical formulas and computer modelling was established. Since this approach justified itself, its principles were taken as a basis in the calculations of ventilated disc brakes of cars, which significantly facilitates their application, knowing the area of the active part of the disc (the rest of the boundary conditions are typical and correspond to the normal operating modes of the vehicle).
The paper presents the study and a functional analysis of requirements of the world metallurgical industry to the quality of underground iron ores at underground mines of Ukraine. There are found dependencies of the impact of the shape and parameters of compensation spaces on their stability and broken ore quality indicators. It is proved that a vertical trapezoidal compensation room possesses the highest stability and is stable within the range of all the considered depths, even in ores with hardness of 3–5 points. Less atabiity is demonstrated by a vertical compensation room of a vaulted shape with minor falls in the abutment of the room vault in ores with hardness of 3–5 points at the depth of 2000 m, and a tent-shaped one where falls of varying intensity occur in the lower part of inclined exposures of the tent in ores with hardness of 3–5 points at the depth of 1750 m or more. The horizontal compensation room is of the lowest stability; falls occur in ores with hardness of 3–5 points at the depth of 1400 m, and at the depths of 1750–2000 m it remains stable only in harder ores. It is established that the use of compensation rooms of high stability makes it possible to achieve their maximum volume, increase the amount of pure ore extracted, reduce its dilution, enhance the quality of the mined ore mass and concequently increase its price and competitiveness of marketable products.
Artykuł przedstawia studium i analizę funkcjonalną wymagań światowego przemysłu metalurgicznego co do jakości rud żelaza w podziemnych kopalniach Ukrainy. Stwierdzono zależności wpływu kształtu i parametrów przestrzeni kompensacyjnych na ich stateczność i wskaźniki jakości rudy. Udowodniono, że komora wyrównawcza w kształcie trapezu pionowego charakteryzuje się największą stabilnością i jest stabilna w zakresie wszystkich rozważanych głębokości, nawet w rudach o twardości 3–5 punktów. Mniejszą stateczność wykazuje komora kompensacji pionowej o kształcie sklepionym z niewielkimi spadkami w przyczółku sklepienia komory w rudach o twardości 3–5 punktów na głębokości 2000 m. Komora z opadami o rożnym natężeniu występuje w dolnej części nachylonych odsłonięć namiotu w rudach o twardości 3–5 punktów na głębokości 1750 m lub większej. Pomieszczenie kompensacji poziomej ma najmniejszą stateczność; spadki występują w rudach o twardości 3–5 punktów na głębokości 1400 m, a na głębokościach 1750–2000 m pozostają stabilne tylko w rudach twardszych. Stwierdzono, że zastosowanie komór kompensacyjnych o dużej stabilności umożliwia osiągnięcie ich maksymalnej objętości, zwiększenie ilości wydobywanej czystej rudy, zmniejszenie jej rozrzedzenia, poprawę jakości wydobywanej masy rudy, a co za tym idzie, wzrost jej ceny i konkurencyjności rynkowej.
Na Ukrainie do transportu ropy i gazu wykorzystuje się tysiące kilometrów rurociągów stalowych. Są one stale narażone na działanie środowiska, zewnętrznych krótko- i długoterminowych obciążeń przesyłanych produktów. Wszystko to powoduje uszkodzenia materiału rurociągów, co skutkuje m.in. ubytkiem metalu na powierzchni, pojawieniem się wgnieceń, rys czy zagłębień. Wady te mogą znacznie skrócić żywotność uszkodzonych odcinków, a w niektórych przypadkach prowadzić do wypadków wiążących się z utratą przesyłanego produktu i szkodami w środowisku. Aby temu zapobiec, w praktyce rozpowszechniły się różne metody naprawy rurociągów w miejscach uszkodzeń, w tym stosowanie specjalnych rękawów naprawczych na rurociągach. Te ostatnie są wykonane zarówno ze stali, jak i z materiałów polimerowych, mają różnorodną konstrukcję i złożoność. Naukowcy i inżynierowie koncentrują się na rozwoju złączy rurowych. Jednocześnie, jak wykazał przegląd osiągnięć naukowych w tej dziedzinie, wymagają one dodatkowej uwagi w zakresie badania stanu naprężenia–odkształcenia uszkodzonych odcinków rurociągów w miejscach montażu rękawów naprawczych. Artykuł poświęcony jest temu problemowi. W szczególności przeprowadzono badania eksperymentalne wytrzymałości rurociągu w dwóch przypadkach: 1) bez istniejących wad; 2) z wadą i rękawem naprawczym. Ponadto, korzystając z podobnych danych początkowych, wykonano obliczenia przy użyciu trójwymiarowego modelowania ciała stałego oraz metody elementów skończonych. W rezultacie ustalono wyraźną korelację między wynikami doświadczeń polowych a modelowaniem matematycznym. Może to wskazywać na możliwość wykorzystania tego ostatniego do celów praktycznych jako prostszej metody realizacji. Ustalono, że montaż rękawa zmniejsza poziom naprężeń normalnych w sąsiedztwie wady o co najmniej 16%, a poziom naprężeń lokalnych przed frontem wady – do 86%. Jednocześnie montaż rękawa naprawczego może zwiększyć naprężenia obok wady nawet o 50%. Należy to uwzględnić podczas wykonywania prac naprawczych.
Thousand kilometers of the steel pipelines are used in the Ukraine for the transportation of oil and gas. The influence of the environment, as well as long-term and short-term loads from piped product, have an effect on the pipelines. All these factors cause the destruction of the pipeline materials. As a result, the pipeline loses steel, becomes dented and scratched, and holes appear. These defects can significantly decrease the time of the exploitation of the damaged sections or can be the reason for emergency situations with the loss of the piped product, causing damage to the environment. There are different methods for the prevention of the above mentioned negative effects, such as using special sleeves for the repairing of the pipelines. These sleeves are made of steel or polymer materials and have different constructions and levels of complexity. The attention of researchers and engineers have been focused on designing the sleeves. But a review of the scientific works in the above mentioned direction shows that the research of the stress-strain state of the damaged sections of the pipelines with sleeves needs to be examined in more detail. This article shows a solution to this problem. Experimental research of the strength of a pipeline was done for two cases: 1) without defects: 2) with a defect and a sleeve. In addition, the calculation using 3D modeling and a finite elements method was done with similar input data. As a result, a clear correlation between the results of an experiment and mathematical modeling is shown. This shows that a method of mathematical modeling can be used for practical needs more simply. The mounting of sleeves decreases the level of the normal stresses around a defect at a 16% minimum; the level of local stresses in front of a defect is decreased by a maximum of 86%. At the same time, the mounting of a sleeve can increase the level of stress near to a 50% minimum. This fact should be considered during the repairing of the pipelines.
Purpose: Develop a method for determining and evaluating the stress-strain state, particularly the distribution of thermomechanical stresses in the materials of individual rotating parts of vehicles. Design/methodology/approach: The proposed method is based on the principle of gradual approximations of the solution when the boundary conditions are satisfied on the curvilinear limiting surfaces of the disk body. Findings: The proposed method of determining and estimating the distribution of thermomechanical stresses in the disk material makes it possible to take into account the variable geometry: thickness and presence of a hole in the central part of the disk, also correctly determine stress-strain state at any point of unevenly heated rotating axial body. Research limitations/implications: The work uses generally accepted assumptions and limitations for thermomechanical calculations. Originality/value: It is proved that in real disks, the stress-strain state is spatial, and the well - known method based on the hypotheses of the plane-stress state does not provide the possibility of calculating the values of stresses in the thickness of the disk. The obtained results can be used to improve the methodology of auto technical examination of road accidents. In addition, they can be taken into account by bus drivers on urban routes when choosing a safe distance in heavy traffic, as well as design engineers of car brake systems.
Purpose: The paper aims to find the magnitude and nature of thermal residual stresses that occur during cooling of a copper sample with a thermally synthesized oxide layer of Cu2O. Design/methodology/approach: Thermo-mechanical analysis was performed by the finite element method using Ansys Software. The results of thermal analysis were used to study the resulting stress-strain state of the thin film/coating system after cooling. Findings: Based on the modeling results, the paper determined the most stress-strain areas of the sample with a coating, which are the free edges of the interfaces between the copper substrate and the Cu2O oxide layer. Research limitations/implications: The main limitations of the study are the use of certain simplifications in the condition setup, for instance, uniform cooling of the thin film/coating system, homogeneity and isotropy of substrate and thin film materials, invariance of their properties with temperature changes, etc. Practical implications: The results obtained can be used to control the stress-strain state of the thin film/coating system and prevent deformations and destruction of thin-film structures during their production and operation of products with them. Originality/value: The study of new promising methods for the formation of oxide nanostructures, for instance in a plasma environment, requires a sufficient theoretical basis in addressing the origin and development of stresses.
Content available remote Modeling and analysis of the stress-strain state of robotic systems
The paper considers the methodology for modeling and analyzing the performance of a robotic system: multi-stage semi-natural simulation stand designed to simulate the flight characteristics of guidance systems in ground conditions. The results of the calculation showed that the use of a composite material gives advantages over the traditionally used materials for the manufacture of such stands: magnesium alloys, due to the high specific strength of the composite material.
W artykule rozważono metodykę modelowania i analizy działania systemu robotycznego: wieloetapowe półnaturalne stanowisko symulacyjne przeznaczone do symulacji charakterystyk lotu systemów naprowadzania w warunkach naziemnych. Wyniki obliczeń wykazały, że zastosowanie materiału kompozytowego daje przewagę nad tradycyjnie stosowanymi materiałami do produkcji takich stojaków: stopami magnezu, ze względu na wysoką wytrzymałość właściwą materiału kompozytowego.
The article describes how different friction coefficients under certain cutting conditions and parameters affect the formation of the stress-strain and thermal states of the product when titanium alloy machining. A new research methodology is used for the study. Firstly, in the initial data for simulation, each time a different declared coefficient of friction is proposed, and every such task of the cutting process modelling is solved for various cutting parameters. The second stage analyzes how these coefficients influence the stress-strain and thermodynamic state of the workpiece and tool during cutting, as well as the tool wear dynamics. In the third stage of the study, ways for ensuring these analytically-grounded tribological cutting conditions are proposed. The analysis of different wear criteria in the simulation models of titanium alloys cutting is carried out. Experimental studies confirm simulation results.
Long evolution of solid timber structures has developed sufficiently reliable engineering solutions and methods of timber structures reinforcement. The experience of mass production and application of new glued timber structures has shown that the simple transfer of traditional methods of calculation and design to modern structures is not always correct. The design and reinforcement of modern are still being developed. Graphical representation of the fields of operating normal stresses and wood resistance fields show that even with simple uniaxial stretching along the fibers the limiting state initially arises not at the direction of the principal axes of symmetry but at an angle to the fibers. The current trends in management, diagnostics, design and reconstruction of buildings show that almost all problems of preserving wooden and other structures in ordinary reconstructed objects, as well as in architectural, historical and cultural monuments are based on the competence level of the personnel not only in the restoration industry, but in construction industry too.
Długotrwała ewolucja konstrukcji z litego drewna rozwinęła znacząco niezawodne rozwiązania inżynieryjne i metody wzmacniania konstrukcji drewnianych. Doświadczenie w masowej produkcji i stosowania konstrukcji z drewna klejonego wykazało, że proste przeniesienie tradycyjnych metod obliczania i projektowania na nowoczesne konstrukcje nie zawsze jest poprawne. Projektowanie i wzmocnienie nowoczesnych konstrukcji są wciąż rozwijane. Graficzne przedstawienie obszarów występowania normalnych naprężeń i obszarów oporu drewna pokazuje, że nawet przy prostym jednoosiowym rozciągnięciu wzdłuż włókien stan graniczny pojawia się początkowo nie w kierunku głównych osi symetrii, ale pod kątem w stosunku do włókien. Obecne trendy w zarządzaniu, diagnostyce, projektowaniu i rekonstrukcji obiektów budowlanych pokazują, że prawie wszystkie problemy związane z konserwacją konstrukcji drewnianych i innych rekonstruowanych w zwykłych obiektach, a także w zabytkach architektonicznych, historycznych i kulturowych opierają się na poziomie kompetencji personelu nie tylko w branży restauratorskiej, ale także w budownictwie.
The technology of renewal of metal corrugated structures allows efficient and economical reconstruction of existing reinforced concrete structures by the method of encapsulation. However, such structures can be exposed to adverse temperature effects that in combination with traffic loadings could influence the operational reliability of the structures. This article deals with the method of evaluation of the stress-strain state of a three-layer cylindrical structure. The technique is based on the thermo-elasticity theory. The study is performed in two steps: determining the temperature field of a structure, and then calculating the temperature stresses and deformations. As a result of calculations, it was established that the level of temperature field and stresses in a three-layer structure caused by the maximum and minimum ambient temperatures can reach a significant level.
Technologia wzmacniania istniejących żelbetowych obiektów inżynierskich elementami z blachy falistej umożliwia ich sprawną i ekonomiczną naprawę. Niemniej jednak, takie konstrukcje mogą być narażone na niekorzystne oddziaływanie temperatury, co w połączeniu z obciążeniem ruchem może wpływać na ich niezawodność. W artykule przedstawiono metodę wyznaczenia stanu naprężeń i odkształceń w trzywarstwowej konstrukcji o przekroju kołowym. Przedstawiona metodologia jest oparta na teorii termosprężystości. Praca została podzielona na dwa etapy: określenie pola temperatury w obrębie konstrukcji, a następnie obliczenie naprężeń termicznych i odkształceń. W wyniku obliczeń ustalono, że wartości pola temperatury oraz naprężeń wywołane w konstrukcji przez wpływ maksymalnych i minimialnych temperatur otoczenia mogą okazać się istotne.
The stress-strain state of reinforced concrete elements is rather complicated issue of scientific research, which integrates different factors, such as the load type, atmospheric conditions, various defects, damages, geometric deviations. It is commonly known that corrosion of reinforced concrete elements affects both the strength and deformation parameters of the structure significantly; thus, internal stresses` parameters are also influenced. Therefore, detailed theoretical investigation of this issue is the main goal of this article. The detailed literature review and thorough analysis was conducted concerning previous experimental and theoretical studies of the corrosion defects` influence on the reinforced concrete elements` stress-strain state. Existing data and results were systematized and analyzed. On the basis of provided research it could be concluded that the reinforced concrete elements` stressstrain state greatly depends on existing damages and impurities. The stress-strain state could be complicated on micro-scale due to material chemical and mechanical peculiarities; simultaneously on macro-scale the bearing capacity is of the structure could be reduced in general. In the articles existing methods for this issue simulation and evaluation are described and perspective fields for further research are identified. The practical significance of the article is due to complex approach to the research and multilateral identification of the main issue key points.
Threaded joints are the most technological for piling up in the fields. However, violations of standard threaded joints account for 70% of all complications in pipe processing and production. These malfunctions result in significant material losses, reduced well productivity, and contamination of the wells and environmental pollution. Particularly acute is the loss of these sealed joints during exploration and development of gas and gas condensate fields. The necessary increase in volumes and intensification of hydrocarbon energy production is envisaged by the increase of drilling depth, construction of slopes and horizontal wells. Horizontal drilling and fracturing are used to produce shale gas. The efficiency and safety of the operation of oil and gas wells in complex mining and technical conditions depend on the quality and reliability of casing and pumping columns, which requires the modernization of machinery and technology for the installation of wells. The most technological for column fitting in the fisheries sector is threaded joints. However, breach of standard threaded connections causes 70% of all complications with pump housings and columns. This leads to significant material losses, reduced production of raw materials, contamination of the interior and the environment. Therefore, the urgent task is to improve the threaded joints by increasing their reliability and efficiency under heavy workloads.
Purpose: To ensure an adequate level of accuracy, it is rational to study the ponderomotor forces of the ring, which drive a hollow disk of variable thickness, hung on the ring. Design/methodology/approach: The solution of the motion problem of a hollow disk of variable thickness suspended on a force ring of rectangular cross section is based on the method of solving the equations of the theory of thermoelasticity. The stress-strain state, as well as the motion of the specified body of rotation, the disk, in studies in a cylindrical coordinate system, under the action of ponderomotor forces. Findings: The motion equation of a hollow disk hung on a force ring-torus is made, exact solutions of the motion equations of a ring in the torus form of rectangular cross section are found. New component expressions of ponderomotor forces, which appear from the action of the ring's own electromagnetic field and cause the motion of a hollow disk, have been found on the basis of Maxwell's equations. It is proved that at high speeds and low natural accelerations the stress - strain state of the disk material does not cause the destruction of the structure. Research limitations/implications: Calculations of ponderomorphic forces are valid for the ring, which drives a hollow disk of variable thickness, hung on the ring. Practical implications: It is proved that at high velocities and small natural accelerations the stress-strain state of the disk medium does not cause structural damage. It is determined that the rotation in the direction of movement at an angle of 90 degrees changes only the direction of the acceleration vector without increasing its value. Originality/value: The dependences between own time and coordinate time are formulated. It is proved that a small change in the natural time for the studied disk can significantly change the coordinate time, and the pulsed electromagnetic field provides the ability to cover infinitely large distances over finite periods of time.
Purpose: Development of a computational model of stress-strain state bearing elements of trailer frames for preliminary assessment and identification of areas with increased risk of failure. Design/methodology/approach: The object of the study is the processes of loading the load-bearing metal structures of trailers - fertilizer spreaders. The stress-strain state of the spreader bearing system is investigated for the established three typical cases of external load. To refine the values obtained as a result of modelling, they were determined in SOLIDWORKS. Findings: Computational models of load have been compiled by improving the method of minimum potential deformation energy for its effective correct use in analytical studies of a similar type of metal structures. It is proved that for a flat closed frame structure made of thin-walled profiles, loaded with forces perpendicular to the plane of the frame, the levelling of compression and shear energies, as well as axial and transverse forces and bending moments in the horizontal plane does not significantly affect the calculation results. Research limitations/implications: Horizontal components of the shear forces as well as the normal forces and as a consequence the corresponding potential deformation energy are neglected, which has some effect on the accuracy of the calculations. Practical implications: An effective tool for strength analysis with preliminary assessment and diagnostics of load-bearing metal structures based on the constructed calculation models of stress strain state load-bearing frames of typical geometry with an arbitrarily given distribution of external load. Originality/value: A universal algorithm for recording additive functions of bending and torques, as well as the potential deformation energy of welded frames of trailers.
The problem of gap estimation for a break of a continuous welded rail is studied. The track is represented as a semi-infinite rod on elastic-based damping. Static and dynamic solutions are obtained. It is shown that during the rail break, the dynamic factor does not exceed 1.5. We derive equations for thermal deformation of the welded rail of jointless track on an elastic foundation in the presence of the insert into the base with another characteristic stiffness. It is shown that the presence of the insertion of up to 20% of the length of the rail, with both large and small stiffness, has a little effect on the stress-strain state (SSS) of the track. The presence of a rigid insert may increase the clearance of an accidental break of the rail, which has a negative effect on traffic safety.
One of the main elements of control over wells in the process of their construction is the blowout equipment, which includes annular preventers. This also applies to wells that provide degassing of coal veins to reduce their gas dynamic activity. Modern technology of work requires expansion of the functionality of the sealing unit of the annular preventers with the simultaneous provision of its operational characteristics. Determining the necessary durability of seals for different operating modes is the study of their stress-strain state. The paper deals with the possibility of using simulation modeling in the annular preventers design situations and within the study of the armature geometry influence of the sealant fittings on its stress-strain state. The method of determining the material constants to realize the Mooney-Rivlin model has been proposed. The behavior of low-density rubber in software product has been described by the finite element method. The aggregation error of experimental and theoretical studies is 5%. Therefore, the preconditions and the possibility of using simulation modeling in the design of annular preventers devices with increased operational characteristics have been created and confirmed.
The article deals with the work under load of a bent reinforced concrete girder element with a fixed formwork made of cement-bonded particleboard reinforced with. The main strength and deformation parameters of a multi component structure are determined, the main pre-purpose of which is to use overlap for monolithic structures with the inclusion of non-removable formwork of cement-bonded wood board in collaboration.
Artykuł dotyczy pracy wygiętego elementu dźwigara żelbetowego z szalunkiem stałym wykonanym z płyty cementowo-drzazgowej zbrojonej pod obciążeniem. W ramach badań określono główne parametry wytrzymałościowe i deformacyjne konstrukcji wieloskładnikowej, której głównym celem wstępnym jest zastosowanie zakładki dla konstrukcji monolitycznych z włączeniem we współpracy nieusuwalnego szalunku z płyt cementowo-drewnianych.
The paper presents the results of experimental and numerical studies of contact interaction of rubbing bodies after technological processing – discrete hardening. Experimental studies were carried out on the example of the contact pair "crankshaft of an internal combustion engine - liners". Numerical simulation was carried out using generalized parametric modeling of complex mechanical systems. To determine the stress-strain state of the elements being studied, the finite element method was chosen. Based on the results of the conducted studies, the efficiency of the proposed method of technological processing of contacting bodies – discrete hardening - was demonstrated.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki eksperymentalnych i numerycznych badań kontaktu ciał trących po obróbce technologicznej - dyskretnym utwardzaniu. Badania eksperymentalne przeprowadzono na przykładzie pary kontaktowej "wał korbowy silnika spalinowego - wkładki". Symulacja numeryczna została przeprowadzona przy użyciu uogólnionego parametrycznego modelowania złożonych układów mechanicznych. Aby określić stan naprężenie-odkształcenie badanych elementów, wybrano metodę elementów skończonych. Na podstawie wyników przeprowadzonych badań wykazano skuteczność proponowanej metody technologicznej obróbki ciał stykowych - dyskretne utwardzanie.
The problem has been studied of reducing the materials consumption of a combined support in extraction mine workings and increasing their stability in a zone of stope works influence when reused mining of flat-lying coal seams at adjacent mining site. The mechanism has been developed of rock pressure manifestation in the vicinity of mine working and the loading of its support elements on the basis of the following key positions: the formation of zones of unloading and increased rock pressure around the mine working; the formation of areas of weakened and broken rocks, their interaction with support and holistic rock massif; development of stratification along the planes of weakening by thickness of a lithological variety and along the planes of bedding the adjacent lithotypes; partitioning of rock layer into blocks by fractures, by perpendicular planes of weakening and bedding planes, and other factors. The specific tasks have been solved by the finite element method according to the four-parameter spatial optimization scheme of the support interaction with a rock massif. The patterns have been determined of connection between the rational operation modes of mine working support elements and basic geomechanical factors, affecting significantly on the loading of these elements, as well as their interaction with different deformation and force characteristics.
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