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The functionality of removable dentures is ensured by proper diagnostics and clinical modeling. No less important are the structural conditions and the biotribological and biomechanical context, which determine the wear resistance in the contact of opposing teeth and the contact of the denture plate with the stomatognathic system. The aim of the study is to evaluate acrylic teeth used in prosthetic reconstructions based on microstructural, micromechanical and tribological tests. Samples for testing were taken from teeth for removable dentures made by various manufacturers. Microstructural analyses were performed using an optical microscope and a scanning microscope. Microhardness and elasticity coefficient measurements were performed on the NHT device. Tribological tests were performed on a Roxana Machine Works tester using a friction node: ball – 3 discs made of the tested material. The conducted research allowed for the evaluation of the structural quality of acrylic teeth and the determination of the tribological interaction resulting from the contact of synthetic and natural teeth in the presence of artificial saliva.
Funkcjonalność protez ruchomych zapewnia prawidłowa diagnostyka i modelowanie kliniczne. Nie mniej ważne są uwarunkowania strukturalne oraz kontekst biotribologiczny i biomechaniczny, które decydują o odporności na zużycie w kontakcie zębów przeciwstawnych oraz o kontakcie płyty protezy z układem stomatognatycznym. Celem opracowania jest ocena zębów akrylowych stosowanych w rekonstrukcjach protetycznych na podstawie badań mikrostrukturalnych, mikromechanicznych i tribologicznych. Próbki do badań pobierano z zębów do protez ruchomych wykonanych przez różnych producentów. Analizy mikrostrukturalne wykonano na mikroskopie optycznym i mikroskopie skaningowym. Pomiary mikrotwardości i współczynnika elastyczności przeprowadzono na urządzeniu NHT. Badania tribologiczne wykonano na maszynie Roksana Machine Works z zastosowaniem węzła tarcia: kula – 3 krążki z materiału badanego. Przeprowadzone badania pozwoliły na ocenę jakości strukturalnej zębów akrylowych oraz na wyznaczenie interakcji tribologicznej wynikającej z kontaktu zębów syntetycznych i naturalnych w obecności sztucznej śliny.
Purpose: Drill less dentistry is painless, riskless, soundless and heatless and is very suitable for dental-related concerns where children are the most affected fraternity. Removing enamel from the teeth at the affected region by conventional drilling mechanism is challenging. The processed region is filled using amalgam or other sources for the occupation. The proceedings are a painful experience for the patients due to heat generation while drilling, which also induces vibrations and related noises. There are higher possibilities for tissue damage and disturbances in the unaffected regions. Air-abrasion-based drill-less dentistry handles such problems in a novel way and provides a comparatively pleasant treatment experience to patients. Design/methodology/approach: The enamel removal rate influences the drill-less dentistry as it empowers to predict the quantum of material that can be abraded while executing the process. The mathematical expression of the enamel removal rate has been estimated based on the basic laws of physics and assumptions. Findings: The current work exhibits mathematical modelling to predict the enamel removal. The expression also reveals that the velocity, density and mass flow rate of abrasive particles has a crucial role in deciding the rate of enamel removal from the tooth. The present mathematical expression provides beneficial inputs to the research fraternity in the dental field. Research limitations/implications: The current mathematical expression has arrived through basic laws of physics and assumptions. The enamel removal rate is estimated using an analytical model, and the current mathematical expression can be improvised through fine-tuning fine. The present preliminary studies could be helpful in developing an accurate predictive model in future. Practical implications: The present research supports drill-less dentistry and provides a mathematical solution in terms of derived formulations in predicting the enamel removal rate, as enamel removal rate plays an essential role in drill-less dentistry. Originality/value: The mathematical expression facilitates the problem handling more practically and efficiently. The mathematical expression is helpful in studying and deciding the processing conditions such as stream velocity, particle density and mass flow rate on effective enamel removal rate from the tooth structure.
Purpose: The current paper aims to present a new casting approach in dentistry by eliminating some conventional preliminary procedures and digitalising the process as much as possible. Design/methodology/approach: The experiment uses six digital crown patterns. They are aligned with each other and to the wall of a virtual casting ring. Then a digital sprue system is created. The object alignment and sizes are revised, and the optimal correlation is set. Finally, a single virtual object is created and is 3D printed of light curing acrylic resin suitable for casting, invested, and cast. Findings: The castings that are achieved have good quality and no defects. At the same time, the virtual designing and aligning of the patterns and all the components of the sprue system and casting ring save much time and allows better precision to be achieved. All these facts allow better control of the casting process results, making the process faster, more predictable, and more accurate. Research limitations/implications: The limitations of this study concerns pattern selection. It is well-known that the acrylic resin sublimates and expands massively during a temperature rise, which may cause mould fracture. This obstacle is very representative as solid objects with higher volumes are examined. This may enforce alignment revision or even temperature rate modification. Practical implications: Suggested approach will be very useful for daily dental laboratory practice by optimizing the working time of the dental technician, making the denture production process faster, more predictable, and more accurate. As a result, the process optimizes the working process in dental offices, by allowing shortening the time of each visit and treatment plan terms. Originality/value: Presented approach reveals some new opportunities for dental technicians to substitute the conventional raw stages of sprue system fabrication with digital planning and designing. This allows dental technicians to take advantage of the full potential of digital technologies.
W ostatnich latach nanotechnologia znacząco rozwinęła się jako dziedzina nauki badająca obiekty o rozmiarach nanometrycznych. Każdego roku pojawia się coraz więcej doniesień i kolejnych koncepcji wykorzystujących różne rodzaje nanomateriałów, głównie w dziedzinie biomedycyny. W tym kontekście szczególnie interesujące są nanocząstki złota cieszące się rosnącym zainteresowaniem naukowców przede wszystkim ze względu na swoje unikalne właściwości optyczne i chemiczne. W przeglądzie skupiono się na ostatnich doniesieniach dotyczących wykorzystania nanocząstek złota, na omówieniu metod ich syntezy oraz właściwościach.
In recent years, nanotechnology has significantly developed as a scientific field that studies nanometer-sized objects. Every year an increasing number of reports and new concepts using different types of nanomaterials appear, mainly in the biomedical field. In this context, gold nanoparticles are of particular interest; they are of growing interest to researchers mostly due to their unique optical as well as chemical properties. The following review focuses on recent reports on the use of gold nanoparticles, furthermore discussing the synthesis methods and their properties.
The paper analyzes the main areas of application of mathematical methods inmedical diagnostics, formulates principles of diagnostics basedon fuzzy logic; developed mathematical models and algorithms that formalize the process of making diagnostic decisions based on fuzzy logic with quantitative and qualitative parameters of thepatient's condition; developed mathematicalmodels of membership function. Mathematical modelsand algorithms have been developed that formalize the process of making diagnostic decisions based on fuzzy logic with quantitative and qualitative parameters of the patient's condition; developed mathematical models of membership functions, formalizing the representation of quantitative and qualitative parameters of the patient's condition in the form of fuzzy sets, used in models and algorithms for diagnosis and finding a diagnosis of assessing the intensity of reactive postoperative edema in patients of all study groups. An expert system was implemented for solving the problems of medical diagnosis based on fuzzy logic when assessing the intensity of reactive swelling of soft tissues, which develops in the postoperative period in patientsof all study groups against the background of diabetes.The paper analyzes the main areas of application of mathematical methods in medical diagnostics, formulates the principles of diagnostics based on fuzzy logic.
W pracy analizowane są główne kierunki zastosowania metod matematycznych w diagnostyce medycznej, formułowane są zasady diagnostyki opartej na logice rozmytej; opracowywane są modele matematyczne i algorytmy formalizujące proces podejmowania decyzji diagnostycznych w oparciuo logikę rozmytą z ilościowymi i jakościowymi parametrami stanu pacjenta; opracowywane są modele matematyczne funkcji przynależności. Opracowano modele matematyczne i algorytmy formalizujące proces podejmowania decyzji diagnostycznych w oparciu o logikę rozmytą z ilościowymi i jakościowymi parametrami stanu pacjenta; opracowano modele matematyczne funkcji przynależności formalizujące reprezentację ilościowych i jakościowych parametrów stanu pacjenta w postaci zbiorów rozmytych wykorzystywanych w modelach i algorytmach diagnozowania i znajdowania rozpoznania nasilenia reaktywnego obrzęku pooperacyjnego u pacjentów wszystkich grup badawczych. Wdrożono system ekspercki do rozwiązywania problemów diagnostyki medycznej oparty na logice rozmytej w ocenie nasilenia reaktywnego obrzęku tkanek miękkich, który rozwija się w okresie pooperacyjnymu pacjentów wszystkich grup badawczych z cukrzycą. W artykule przeanalizowano cechy zastosowania metod matematycznych w diagnostyce medycznej, sformułowano zasady diagnostyki opartej na logice rozmytej.
Governments of different countries and healthcare organisations working in various areas face enormous challenges when trying to combat the COVID-19 pandemic and protect employees, their families and communities. Workplaces can be high-risk environments in terms of the virus outbreak and transmission. This paper aims to disclose the ways for workplace safety improvement in dentistry in the context of COVID-19. The authors present the theoretical model of workplace safety improvement with regard to COVID-19 infection prevention and control measures. The expectations, fears and tasks of dental employees at their workplace in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic were investigated based on the systematic literature review and the qualitative empirical study conducted in Lithuania. The study disclosed that unmet employee expectations could lead to different kinds of fear; the most common sources of anxiety are linked to a higher risk of getting infected, a lack or misuse of protection measures and inadequately performed work. Occupational risks are closely related to the components of a workplace system. Therefore, it is important to apply a holistic approach to improve workplace safety, enhance work performance and minimise the negative effects on an employee, an organisation, a patient and a society.
Obliczenia inżynierskie mają zastosowanie już nie tylko w przemyśle ciężkim, lecz także w medycynie czy stomatologii. W pracy przedstawiono analizę numeryczną z zastosowaniem metody elementów skończonych na przykładzie zęba trzonowego poddanego obciążeniom siłami osiowymi, odpowiadającym siłom występującym w środowisku naturalnym. Omówiono anatomię zęba ze szczegółowym uwzględnieniem problemów zęba trzonowego oraz biomechanikę układu szczękowego. Przedstawiono również metodologię pozyskiwania modeli numerycznych na podstawie zdjęć z tomografii komputerowej.
Engineering calculations are used not only in heavy industry but also in medicine and dentistry. The article presents a numerical analysis using the finite element method of a molar tooth subjected to loads with axial forces corresponding to the forces occurring in the natural environment. The tooth anatomy is presented with a detailed consideration of the problems of the molar and the biomechanics of the maxillary system. The methodology of obtaining numerical models based on images from computed tomography is also presented.
Content available remote ceramitec conference
Stomatolodzy należą do grupy szczególnie narażonej na obciążenia układu mięśniowo-szkieletowego. Wpływają na to m.in. zły system pracy oraz niepełne wykorzystywanie narzędzi specjalistycznych. Jak zatem poprawić ich sytuację zdrowotną w tym zakresie?
Caries is a common disease of hard tissues of teeth which results in dental cavities, which are usually replaced by dental filling. Matching the color of a dental filling is usually a subjective assessment. In this study we conducted a color analysis of GC Gradia Direct shade guide in the lighting conditions of the dental office. Color measurement was performed using Color Grab mobile app and the results were acquired as values of RGB and HSV values. The results indicate the possibility of identifying each shade of tooth by the most prominent changes in RGB, and/or HSV components.
Lekarze stomatolodzy są wystawieni na szereg zagrożeń zawodowych, które powodują, że ich praca niesie za sobą znaczące ryzyko utraty zdrowia. Są oni narażeni przede wszystkim na czynniki biologiczne, chemiczne oraz psychofizyczne. Nierzadko gabinetem stomatologicznym zarządza właściciel, który również jest lekarzem stomatologiem. Jak wynika z badań, w gabinetach stomatologicznych temat bezpieczeństwa pracy i ochrony zdrowia jest dość często bagatelizowany. Wiele z nich nie posiada w swej dokumentacji oceny ryzyka zawodowego, czy nawet szkoleń wstępnych pracowników w nich zatrudnianych. Rodzi się zatem pytanie, jaki poziom bezpieczeństwa pracy istnieje w gabinetach stomatologicznych, które po 1989 roku zostały w Polsce w pełni sprywatyzowane? Można założyć, że w każdej organizacji, w każdym przedsiębiorstwie – nawet najmniejszym – bezpieczeństwo pracy istnieje, chociażby przez wzgląd na wymogi prawne, przepisy, normy. Aby pracownicy wykonywali swoją pracę bezpiecznie, zarówno przez wzgląd na zdrowie własne jak i pacjentów, potrzeba motywatora do osiągnięcia jakiegoś minimum w tym zakresie. Literatura przedmiotu wskazuje wiele przykładów metod i narzędzi motywujących pracowników do bezpiecznej i bezwypadkowej pracy. W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań ankietowych, przeprowadzonych w częstochowskich gabinetach stomatologicznych, dotyczących bezpieczeństwa i ochrony zdrowia w pracy lekarza stomatologa oraz metod i narzędzi motywujących do bezpiecznej i bezwypadkowej pracy, stosowanych przez właścicieli gabinetów.
Dentists are exposed to a number of occupational hazards that cause their work to be associated with significant health risks. They are primarily exposed to biological, chemical and psychophysical factors. Often, the dental office is managed by the owner, who is also a dentist. According to research, the topic of occupational safety and health care is often downplayed in dental offices. Many of them do not have a risk assessment in their documentation or even initial training of employees. Therefore, the question arises, what level of occupational safety exists in dental offices, which in 100% after 1989 have been privatized in Poland? It can be assumed that in every organization, in every company – even the smallest one – there is work safety, even due to legal requirements, regulations and standards. In order for employees to be able to do their work in a safe manner, motivating factors are needed to achieve the minimum in this respect. In the literature on the subject there are many examples of methods and tools that motivate employees to work safely and without accidents. The article presents the results of a questionnaire survey carried out in the dental offices in Częstochowa in the scope of health and safety of the dentist as well as methods and tools that motivate to safety and accident- free work, used by cabinet owners.
Content available remote Biomateriały organizm od nowa
Purpose: The paper presents the issues of designing the maintenance of materials and products in accordance with the idea of Industry 4.0. The author's views on the need for augmentation of the Industry 4.0 model were also presented, as well as the author's original concept that hybrid activities in predictive maintenance and condition-based maintenance should be preceded by designing material, maintenance & manufacturing 3MD at the stage of the product's material designing and technological designing. The 3MD approach significantly reduces the frequency of assumed actions, procedures and resources necessary to remain the condition of this product for the longest possible time, enabling it to perform the designed working functions. Examples of own advanced research on several selected, newly developed materials, used in very different areas of application, confirmed the validity of the scientific hypothesis and the relationship between the studied phenomena and structural effects and the working functions of products and their maintenance and indicated that material design is one of the most important elements guaranteeing progress production at the stage of Industry 4.0 of the industrial revolution. Design/methodology/approach: The author's considerations are based on an extensive literature study and the results of the author's previous study and empirical work. Each of the examples given required the use of a full set of research methods available to modern material engineering, including HRTEM high-resolution transmission electron microscopy. Findings: The most interesting intellectual achievements contained in the paper include presentations of the author's original concepts regarding the augmentation of the Industry 4.0 model, which has been distributed so far, which not only requires augmentation but is actually only one of the 4 elements of the technology platform of the extended holistic model of current industrial development, concerning cyber-IT production aided system. The author also presents his own concept for designing material, maintenance and manufacturing 3MD already at the stage of material and technological design of the product, eliminating many problems related to product maintenance, even before they are manufactured and put into exploitation. Detailed results of detailed structural researches of several selected avant-garde engineering materials and discussion of structural changes that accompanying their manufacturing and/or processing are also included. Originality/value: The originality of the paper is associated with the novelty of the approach to analysing maintenance problems of materials and products, taking into account the requirements of the contemporary stage of Industry 4.0 development. The value of the paper is mainly associated with the presentation of original issues referred to as findings, including the concept of augmentation of the Industry 4.0 model and the introduction and experimental confirmation of the idea by designing material, maintenance and manufacturing 3MD.
Purpose: In the paper, the own original achievements and a mature view of the current development of advanced nanotechnology materials are presented. Design/methodology/approach: The paper should be treated as an auto-review of the own research in the area. The paper is preceded by a short historical sketch and the development of the concept and meaning of nanotechnology and nanostructured materials. Respectively, the following issues are described: the nanocomposites containing carbon or halloysite nanotubes, graphene and metallic nanowires, nanostructured coatings and surface zones of engineering materials, a creation of the nanometric components of the structure of massive materials, nanocomposite materials designed mainly for use in regenerative medicine and regenerative dentistry. Practical implications: In final remarks, the attention is paid to applications of nanotechnology in many products sought on the market and improve their properties and applicability.
Zdjęcie cefalometryczne (cephalometric radiograph) jest zewnątrzustnym zdjęciem diagnostycznym obrazującym część twarzową czaszki (tkanki kostne i miękkie), służącym do pomiarów tych struktur. Zdjęcia cefalometryczne są wykonywane w dwóch projekcjach: 1. projekcja boczna (cefalometr boczny profilowy, LL z ang. latero-lateral projection, – wykonywana częściej; 2. projekcja tylno-przednia (cefalometr tylno-przedni, PA, z ang. postero-anterior projection, – wskazana do wykonania w przypadku asymetrii twarzy. Jest to podstawowe standardowe badanie w ortodoncji służące do oceny struktur kostnych, zębowych oraz ich relacji względem tkanek miękkich. Zdjęcia cefalometryczne są wykonywane ze wskazań ortodontycznych w celu zaplanowania leczenia oraz jego długofalowego monitorowania. Analiza cefalometryczna służy do oceny wzrostu i rozwoju kości i uzębienia u dzieci wymagających leczenia ortodontycznego.
Stomatolodzy w trakcie pracy narażeni są na wiele czynników wpływających negatywnie na stan układu ruchu. Głównym z nich jest statyczny charakter pracy spowodowany przyjmowaniem wymuszonej pozycji ciała. Celem artykułu było wykazanie zależności pomiędzy stosowaniem zasad ergonomii w pracy zawodowej lekarzy stomatologów, a występowaniem schorzeń narządu ruchu. Ponadto ocenie poddano znajomość zasad ergonomii stomatologicznej w tej grupie. Na podstawie badań ankietowych przeprowadzonych wśród 79 stomatologów dokonano oceny znajomości i stosowania zasad ergonomii pracy oraz występowania dolegliwości w obrębie narządu ruchu. Jedynie 4% stomatologów robiło przerwę w pracy po każdym pacjencie, natomiast aż 18% pracowało bez przerw. Zdecydowana większość (84%) stomatologów podczas wykonywania zabiegu stomatologicznego przyjmowała pozycje siedzącą. Z asystą pracowała ponad połowa (54%) lekarzy stomatologów. Wśród osób, które odczuwają ból kręgosłupa w odcinku szyjnym ponad połowa, bo 54% osób pracowało w pozycji z szyją pochyloną w prawo. Większość zasad ergonomii stosowana jest nieprawidłowo, dlatego powinny być one dopasowywane indywidualnie do konkretnego stomatologa, z uwzględnieniem jego możliwości fizycznych, geometrii środowiska pracy, zakresu wykonywanych czynności, a także osobistych upodobań.
Dentists in the workplace are exposed to a number of factors that affect the condition of the movement system. The main problem seams to be the static nature of work due to the adoption of forced body position. The aim of the study was to demonstrate the relationship between the use of ergonomics principles in the professional work of dentists and the occurrence of motor disorders. In addition, knowledge of the principles of dental ergonomics in this group was assessed. The study was conducted among 79 dentists. The knowledge and application of the principles of ergonomics and the occurrence of ailments within the motor system were evaluated. Only 4% of dentists were taking a break from work after each patient, while 18% were working without interruption. The vast majority (84%) of dentists, while performing dental surgery took a sitting position. More than half (54%) of dentists who participated in the study worked with assistants. Among people who experience pain in the cervical spine 54% of people work in the position with neck inclined to the right. Most principles of ergonomics are not correct, so they should be adjusted individually to a particular dentist taking in to account its physical capabilities, the geometry of the work environment, the range of activities performed, and personal preferences as well.
Purpose: The article concerns the development of completely new groups of composite materials that can be used to produce functional replacements for damaged bones or teeth. Design/methodology/approach: A selective laser sintering was used to produce the reinforcement of those materials from titanium and its Ti6Al4V alloy in the form of skeletons with pores with adjustable geometric features. The matrix of those materials is either air or crystallised from the liquid AlSi12 or AlSi7Mg0.3 alloys condition after prior vacuum infiltration or human osteoblast cells from the hFOB 1.19 (Human ATCC - CRL - 11372) culture line. Findings: The porous material may be used for the non-biodegradable scaffold. After implantation into the body in the form of an implant-scaffold one, it allows the natural cells of the patient to grow into the pores of the implant, and it fuses with the bone or the appropriate tissue over time. The essential part of the implant-scaffold is the porous part inseparably connected with the core of solid materials. Into pores can grow living cells. Research limitations/implications: Biological-engineering composite materials in which natural cells were cultured in the pores in the laboratory next are combined as an artificial material with the natural cells of the patient in his/her body. Practical implications: The hybrid technologies of the all group of those materials were obtained and optimised. Numerous structure research was carried out using the most modern research methods of contemporary materials engineering, and mechanical tests and biological research involving the cultivation of natural cells were realised. Originality/value: The results of the research indicate the accuracy of the idea of implementing a new group of biological-engineering materials and the wide possibilities of their application in regenerative medicine.
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